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#898150 A Cry for Steam Package to be Bound

Posted by Mongo on 05 November 2014 - 16:09

I get your point, but that leaves me with no chance to get these items as I refuse to use steam so Im really against this. At least make it avaiable for anyone to buy then, just not steam users


Agree here too, it will be $$$ for HCS if they allowed people to buy "steam launch" packs in the cash shop in game without need for steam, limited to one per account still.... if possible.

#895839 Make farming less painful.

Posted by dat sylveon on 22 October 2014 - 16:44

EDIT: you can also add a potion in the eldevin shop "Farmer's choice manure". that would apply on your for say an hour, and while that buff is on, none of YOUR planted farms would get disease.


#895257 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by Neon on 18 October 2014 - 15:35

I'd be unhappy to see Eldevin on steam if at least half of these weren't already in the game, I'm all for trying Eldevin once it's "released".

#895298 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by chase010 on 18 October 2014 - 21:15

I agree with xpwaste. I haven't played the game since the first 2 months it was out. I feel like it needs improvement in the areas that xpwaste mentioned, then I would come back and check it out.

#895195 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by ZooksterGaming on 18 October 2014 - 10:21

I agree with everything for once lol

#895203 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by Mongo on 18 October 2014 - 10:36


3. Re-model your mounts. This is not a child based MMO and the story quest has no reference to anyone with a flying cape, or a helicopter cycle.



Yay! I thought I was the only one that hated em, that was actually a big turn off for me seeing people flying around on magic carpets and stuff and I do still feel like I am playing a game for toddler's when I see em.  :D


I think many players have the same concerns as you xp, I do myself. I doubt the Steam launch will be delayed though, because the powers that be have already made their mind up.


I genuinely hope steam release will go well and best of luck to the dev's....


Watch this space I guess.

#895181 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by ernzor on 18 October 2014 - 09:00

More vanities if you want me to put clothes on again. I will grind to get a unique one again (like I did for arcane) but then when I see someone else in it, I will have to go back to my pirate suit :P

#884091 [Declined] building from the ground up.

Posted by Anakiro on 07 August 2014 - 08:35

Also,yes fable they have been tweaked and nerfed a bit. slower respawns and insta spawns removed...only Ta has them now and double resources. so yes Ta is really the only correct viable way for excelling forward at a decent rate.


If you feel you've found some nodes where this is the case, please let us know so we can look into it. We haven't nerfed any nodes. What I suspect might be the issue is that TA now feels incredibly quick compared to the rest of the nodes in the world, which may make everything else seem slower.


Instant respawns have been removed in some places because, let's face it, there's no way that was a good thing for the game. Being able to stand at a node with complete impunity just encouraged bots. The fix, however, was to place other nodes nearby. As a result you should always be close to a node, you just have to go looking for it.


We've always said that TA is a risk/reward system. From our point of view it's working well. TA is populated and world PvP is taking place. If you don't want to engage in the PvP then you don't go there. The gathering situation outside TA is the same as it has always been.

#872411 Giant concerns and suggestions

Posted by HuMoR on 09 June 2014 - 14:48

This thread is not for attacking HCS so do not band wagon with individuals and attack them,this is about suggestions for possible directions the game could head in.

Ok so I would like to start off by saying I am not attacking HCS in anyway and that it is their game so they can choose what they do to do with it. 

But I have concerns for the current state of the game and its limitations regarding templars,mages,even prophets yes and fabled weapon sets and world bosses/pvp.

TL:DR classes need to be rebalanced fixed,fabled weapon sets need buffs to be desirable,world bosses,pvp and toc need to be redone,reworked and better rewards.

Templars-regardless of the lvl aggro/threat is a very big problem for most from what I can see,statements have been made on things that can be done adding threat to implale(by  a dev) fixing inciting cry(player base) or even adding extra threat productions onto already existent skills. Why not just do them all? it can't cause any harm unless over done to make it op and not a challenge,do all in moderation to create a larger variety in build possibilities. change or difference isn't wrong I advise it as no one wants everyone to be exactly the same, we need variety.

Mages- what once use to be a great class is now a dead class,has been shadowed for a while but this class is in all honesty dead,the least populated class in the entire game and for a good reason,it stinks now not good at single target dps and not even comparable to other AOe classes,and even has dungeons that decrease its damage making them even more so less effective then other classes. (decent at pvp but as pvp isn't a truly populated area you can see where the problem exists not being good enough for pve and pvp not being fun for it to be used.). slight buffs to its dps or even a decrease to its cd's could be a easy fix just try to balance it out so people actually play it again.

Prophets-great class truly dominant in pvp,but also very limited on what you can actually use. you are forced between 2 choices in all honesty for this class and they are basically identical builds a haste build speced for  healing,or a pure heal build with slow rotations based off pure healing,due to moves not being able to crit for this class(some moves) a crit build isn't a viable option for most. need more variety throughout the classes. 

Sapphires- this again a big problem for the current state of the game is the healing class is detoured to specing into a different styled class as mage stinks so they are forced to spec a different style and regain armor from scratch some leave the game in the process it needs a fix. Sapphires need a nice buff to become even considerably effective,as its current ratio to haste in beneficial scenarios is what, 99-1%? it needs a buff.

new possible gem- as discussed in world chat for a hour today and in private with individuals, this gem should be a haste gem and should be postponed till classes are moderately balanced and fixed nicely. a new haste gem can only help all classes as it gives more variety and possibilities.

Fabled sets- This is a big end game killer at the moment. The set bonuses aren't beneficial enough if at all for classes to go for them at this point in time. few reasons for this are rolls vs gems. I'm not saying to nerf the rolls at all so don't do that lol would kill a economy of its own. But for all the classes there are current builds where fabled set are a downgrade and that's a problem. These sets should be focused on benefiting the class style they represent by what it is not a individual build. These sets are all based off the current offensive status of every class except for templars.

Prophet= 2% extra healing,3 sockets that with perfect gems can be 8% total extra healing and that is at perfect. so losing 18% haste cap for this is very...bad and makes it undesirable.
Mages- this focuses off its only real damage sorcery dmg,and doesn't help on low dmg high haste built classes as they need higher haste or even pure crit builds that focus on crit speeds.
Templars- 2% extra def is kind of backwards as you will lose out on a high block rolled shield and be forced to now buy gems and such for a upgrade to stats that are less then the upgrade to a gem.
List could be continued surely with rangers,warriors and sins but I'm stopping here.

The fabled sets need to be more desirable without making them madly op,if this doesn't happen ascended dungeons will continue to not be ran by more then like 10 people. Most players at end game just say the set bonus isn't worth the time spent in doing dungeons and refuse to run them making less runs possible for those who would like to run them. 

This is not a rant,it is just based points off the current game that need to be looked at.
This last part is obviously just a suggestion for world bosses and pvp.

PVP-some rebalancing is very much needed for this to become populated,I won't name off classes or nerfing but there are basically 2 classes that are tanks in this game atm and when it takes a entire team just to attempt a kill and still not succeed it becomes irritating. when it was 5v5 you could actually kill this class i"m speaking of with 4v4 it is almost impossible, not enough dmg being dealt to make up for the regains. 

World bosses-Needs a giant revamp,its dying more so now then ever. a lot wont even bother with this event anymore and refuse to until its changed. The problem is right now there are no world bosses in the game yet(until plasma lord comes in) right now there are only raid bosses and they lack mechanics,incentives,and pleasure. There are tons of things to be done with these current raid bosses to make them fun for all who group up to go against. World bosses we need them,this is the enjoyment that entire servers come together for to slay a giant world boss for all to be rewarded for their efforts.

Make new armor sets for world bosses! make them = to or even better then dungeon sets and make them far more rarer and unique and tiered to the players lvl. so if a lvl 5 gets the rare drop its a wb set lvl 5 heroic set piece or a lvl 20 kills it gets a lvl 20 set piece or such. This gives more variety,more incentive,enjoyment and sense of accomplishment. 

ToC- again a large part of the game,but very inactive due to the same reasons for the 2 above,no incentives,rewards or enjoyment coming from it. this too needs its own sets tiered by lvls. and to be somewhat more rewarding for the time consumed by it,instead of a giant repair bill and lower gems. with that being said i enjoy toC but...it shouldnt be a op gem dropper like it used to be.

people aren't realizing there are tons of end content in the game already they can do,the problem is there is no reason to do them right now other then raid bosses once a week,which is a giant issue.

#868508 Anti-Bot/Gathering suggestion

Posted by TakeTwo on 14 May 2014 - 00:56

When i first started playing Eldevin, I gathered a lot (still do actually) but would leave all my pots, food etc in the bank in order to have inventory space. With my fishing rod equipped and no potions I'd be a little hesitant to combat a miniboss even if it was 3 levels below me. 


What if instead of combat, the task was related to the gathering activity. Ie. a Rock NPC named "Miner Inconvenience" appears and instead of fighting him, you have to prove your worth as a miner and he gives you his blessing after your perform some short tasks. Quest nodes appear and he would ask:


him "bring me some rainbow ore"

you "i can do that easily!" and you mine the rainbow node and get 1 ore and it disappears

"good, now bring me some salmon ore"

you "err.. salmon ore?"

him "what kind of miner are you if you've never heard of salmon ore"

you "on my way!" and you mine the quest node that says salmon ore and get 1 ore and it disappears

him "alright lastly i'll need an oar ore or ore oar"

you ".... /facepalm" go mine that node that gives a 1 slot quest oar, made out of ore

him "hmm it seems you are certainly worthy of harvesting here"


End Quest. rewards (whatever was stated in original post)



Edit: Fishing could be catching the letters F, I, S, H in correct order from 4 quest nodes

Foraging: bring me something red and blue. Give him a "old book "this book has been read and blew all the way here from somewhere.

Forestry: make campfires in certain locations

Crystal cutting: Some girl named crystal appears who's lost her scissors inside a crystal node?


Farming.. skinning.. something equally quick, easy, comical

#867662 Why Do you not pvp?- suggestion post

Posted by angelinexile on 09 May 2014 - 15:10

Not my intention to spam, but XPWaste asked me to repost this over here...




Here are a whole bunch of ideas that intertwine and would probably make PvP MUCH more exciting. Some of it is HIGHLY dependent on instituted formalization of a guild system.

Attainable Rewards, Affiliated Group Buffs, Weight-Classes and Guild Competitions, How it would work out

I feel like PvP needs rewards that are slightly more attainable for Supporters and Non-Supporters alike. Those who actually succeed in PvP must spend inordinate amounts of time in order to earn enough points to actually spend them. Kinda a bummer when these points don't really even do anything for you in terms of continued Gameplay.

I noticed that someone mentioned the concept of Guild-controlled lands or the like...

I like this concept, though I think it should be more in terms of controlling one of the many groups in-game. Say, a Guild who succeeds in the Arena would get a long term buff depending on which Group their group decides to retain added influence with.

For instance: If your Guild champions choose to affiliate with the Plagued, maybe there would be a bonus resistance to Plagued attacks, or maybe Bonus DPS for Guild members if they are affiliating with the Crimson Macabre, etc. 

???Maybe even get a special rested experience zone in the affiliated group's base???

As for Solo PvP matchups to be made more fair... I think this would be best accomplished by establishing "weight classes" in the PvP arenas, this would probably function similar to the way that there are level restrictions on the Instances. Putting this into 5 level increments would be ideal.

I see these ideas combining into a system which compels Guilds to maintain diversity in the levels and builds of players who they affiliate, so that there are champions for PvP for each level-group/weight-class. 

With Group PvP being changed to Guild PvP, there would be an added benefit for progression in levels and having some heavy hitters and healers. This would also be the ultimate show of teamwork in a guild.

As players level up, there will be more variety between their progression in status from the top of a given weight-class to the bottom of next weight-class. This would minimize issues with specific characters winning consistently and holding a Solo-PvP weight-class for an unreasonable amount of time. By changing Group PvP to Guild PvP the effectiveness of the teamwork in the guild would become tantamount in order to vie for the Ultimate PvP buff. Points earned through participation in PvP would be increased, which would proliferate the spread of PvP oriented vanity pieces. 

#861791 Persistent Suggestions of Mine

Posted by Mojawk on 10 April 2014 - 17:57

I think this is a good idea, I'll see if we can add it in a future update.

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