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Member Since 04 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2014 04:16

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mounts

21 January 2014 - 19:35

Eldevin world is not like crazy huge. but a mount would alays be nice.. maybe + 25% speed?  that can help one do quest a lot more faster. think about the homestone 1h cooldown. i would love to get a mount while my homestone is on cooldown and would love to run pass monsters and finish my quest in the fastest time possible. and + they need to do something about the pets. make the pet do something. at least collect loots or something or give off a tiny 1 min buff every 5 mins. or something.

In Topic: Offline/invisible mode

21 January 2014 - 19:25

Exactly! most of us made a lot of great suggestion and HC always does the opposite of what we suggested or went completely ignored. who suggest the inspect in the first place? Inspect was completely useless and they put that thing on the game. I really hope HCS are working on all the great suggestion players made on the forum to the downloadable client. if they failed at the downloadable client too, this game is as good as dead to me.

OT: for me. Invisible mode is a friendship destroyer. what happen if your friend happen to find you while you r on invisible mode? what will he/she think? i believe invisible mode will only generate hate and destroy friendship in this game. so I dont support.

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