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Member Since 16 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 18 2013 02:00

Topics I've Started

Tarran Waste (Plains) is broken.

15 June 2013 - 04:43

I was hunting today and got to Tarran Waste (Plains).  According to the Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide the primary creature there should have been the level 2111 creature the Taaran Stump.  However the map was completely empty except for a Titan.  I walked the entire map twice then ended up having to sub-level against the Shade Risen.  

How do I change my e-mail?

06 June 2013 - 03:32

I've been looking around for a long time now trying to figure out how to change my e-mail.  So far nothing.  I guess I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find it.  Can someone help me please?



Problem with Gmail. Need the notification e-mail address

18 May 2013 - 01:35

For quite some time now I have not been getting notification e-mails from topics that I have subscribed to.  I have recently discovered that I was having the same problem with another site.  I've recently figured out how to resolve the problem with the other site, and I would like to try the same thing here.  What I had to do was put the e-mail address that the notification e-mail was coming from (i.e. notification@forum.fallensword.com) in my contacts list and the e-mails started coming through.  What I need to know is the e-mail address that sends the notifications of new posts in subscribed forums.




Quango Island and Grimmnor Forest

30 October 2012 - 04:27

Any chance we could get these two areas open in the near future. It has been over a year for Grimmnor Forest and over two years since Quango Island was last opened.

Video Rewards that aren't videos

08 July 2012 - 21:37

It used to be that the "Video Rewards" were, well, videos. Now most of them are "Sign up for x", or click "y", etc. Can we please get rid of the video rewards that aren't videos.

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