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Member Since 04 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2014 22:40

Topics I've Started

Using normal equips in vanity slots!

09 January 2014 - 23:53

What if someone wanted the look of one helm but the stats from another???

They could put the helm they want the look of to be equpped in vanity and the the helm they want the stats from in armor. Obviously when an item is placed in the vanity slot it wouldnt give extra stats?


I hope this makes sense lol?

Player shops, feels more roleplay?

09 January 2014 - 16:03

 If not an auction house, then an easier way to sell goods to other players rather than just shouting in chat all day for trade. I've always loved player shops and the fact you have to leave your character afk while people come look in your shop. Feels more like roleplay. I love to see a crowded area full of shops and people purchasing things. It's fun


What do you think?

Easier way to whisper

09 January 2014 - 00:04

There might already be a simplier way to whisper which I haven't noticed but i'd like to be able to right click on players names in chat and have the option to whisper them like that instead of having to type their name in.

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