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#955998 [Suggestion] Live Chat With BigGrim/Staff

Posted by bloody18 on 27 December 2015 - 12:49

What  I would like is a "clickable" live action camera option so I can see exactly what Hoof and Grim are up to at my discretion! =) This however may create more questions than answers lolol


Dont mind me ...keep doing what you are doin guys O_o


#954191 Free Zombie Brews for the 2XP event!

Posted by Hoofmaster on 01 December 2015 - 22:16

What 2x XP event? ;)

#953032 Guild Upgrade Flash Sales

Posted by EpicPiety on 11 November 2015 - 00:00

Big Guild Vs small guild has no correlation to rich guild vs poor guild... It's all about loyalty and whose willing to donate fsps to their guild....You can have a huge guild full of rich players and the guild itself could be very poor...and vise versa.

#949831 Titan Idea

Posted by kalish on 27 September 2015 - 03:02

There is still the "problem" with Titan Doubler speeding up the drops of this new component. We'd have a bunch of those flying around and added to Epics and I do not foresee prices for the old Epics going up much with this added component onto them.


The only way I see Epics getting back some of their older values is to reduce the supply of them in the game.


Increasing demand is even better, and the best (only?) way to do that would be to increase the player base. This is almost universally accepted as a good idea, it's just convincing all of those would-be new players to get into the game!

#949756 Alittle all-around thinking

Posted by WhoToldYouSo on 26 September 2015 - 07:40

I've been reading through the forums for the last past weeks and gathered some ideas from other players POV on the game for diffrent aspects of the game which I would like to publish in this tread.


PvP / Bounty Board / Ladder:


- Bounty tick for every hit on the Bounty board to reward everyone who takes part in this aspect of the game. Lately there's been discussed what the solution to the Bounty board could be and as I see it I think it would engage more players to try out as even if they could only get 7 hits in they atleast got something out of it (besides the experience doing it)


- Legendary set reward from the Ladder (LOW durabilty / HIGH stats / bonus) These would be "unrepairable" by the original blacksmith but would take PvP points to repair which would require you take part in some kind of PvP to have this kind of gear available for your use - should probably be bound?


- PvP skill tree which would stand out from the level-up skill trees by require the same PvP points as from the idea above - not much new rethinking have to be done as it states we already have plenty of skills (PvP only) and you could simply choose to add skills used in Leveling and PvP at both kind of skill trees to make them available for both aspects.


Titan Hunting:


- Team work required to hunt down Titans maybe even between guilds? It's getting well-known that it takes too little to even solo a Titan (I know it's a game but come on how many times does David defeat Goliat?) this result in alot of epics flowing the game (sure you can try to handle it with recipes and all but what would prevent it from creating same problem when the epics from recipes will get less desireable again?) I don't think much can be done to the current titan base but atleast for the future generation would be great to see some strategy / teamwork being needed. As we as players gathers us together why wouldn't these giants do so too? Enhancing eachother with mightiness and devilish spirits.



I will try to update the tread over time as new ideas may appear.

Please leave feedback whatever your POV may be as we're all a part of the development.

#935094 possible IMPROVEMENTS

Posted by BigGrim on 09 June 2015 - 16:03


bring back item & gold tournaments

We've said no to this repeatedly.


Introduce NEW ARENA recipes that use the old arena items + Elite items + LE items + in some cases SE items

Already intended in time.

Titan Hunting

introduce NEW EPIC recipes

Already intended in time.

Introduce a 2nd cool down (personal cool down) for everyone who did more than >25% kills of the secured Titan.

Increase the spawn rate of ALL titans

No. We said no 2 years ago when we added cooldown.

No. Random is random. We shall not increase it's chance.

Super Elites

introduce NEW SE recipes to combine the old SE items to get a NEW SE item

May happen in time.

NEW SE should spawn in random maps UP to the SE level (can be done to the old SE too)

No. Chests work like this and SEs work fine as they have for 8 odd years.

Composing Skills should NOT work except for Pride, Anti Deflect, Gloat, Brute Strength, (Buff Enhancer) BUT EPIC chests & global chests should work

There is no difference in code between Buffs, Composing potions and Promotional Chests so I really don't see this happening.

Furthermore, why the heck should players who have worked hard at composing suddenly find some of their hard earned stuff does not work?


Spawn LOW Level Legendary Creatures More Often

Already happening but they do not need to appear every week. That's excessive.

I am very impressed with the recent LE sets, they fit perfectly into the PvP / offline setups and even improve them, excellent work.

Thank you.

You'll note I didn't mention PvP. There's little point discussing it since we're in the process of changing it already. And I ain't gonna accidentally give any clues either. :P

#935226 possible IMPROVEMENTS

Posted by Leos3000 on 11 June 2015 - 05:50


That does not answer the question. And please do NOT copy and past the same response. It didn't answer it before. It still does not.Why do YOU think think that it should be removed from a place it is OBVIOUSLY supposed to work?
(fully buffed skills lvl 187 & potted up (EW1725, ..) at my level I can get about 100k armor (+armor boost 345, coord defense403) with all the high lvl composing pots, adding sanctuary460 (= +46%armor) and entrench230 (=+57,5% of damage is transferred to armor) => this gives me about 150k armor !!! the highest damage my opponent can muster with the highest composing pots & buffs & potion is about 150k damage using suicide setup BUT terrorize403 takes away -40,3% of his damage leaving him with about 90k damage in the end !!! so in the end my 150k armor against his 90k damage !!! sad.png )
in this EXAMPLE there is NO WAY he can beat my 150k armor stats with my 123HP against his 90k damage !!!
best case for him if he uses the same setup + skills + pots + composing potions we can inflict 1 damage every turn to each other and I will be left with 23 HP after 100 turns !!!
if he uses a DEFENSE setup then he will never be able to defeat me but I will have a 2% win chance !!!
as you can see these are the combat results (unresolved / 2%)



In this example you can beat your set up, just have to know how to properly pvp ;)

#934534 Double XP Weekend Announced!

Posted by BigGrim on 03 June 2015 - 15:53

Why not start it now, and continue it threw the end of the month, and skip the one in December.....


So instead of 2x 72 hour events, you want one 648 hour event? Yeah, I'm afraid not! :D

#930766 Suggestion Thread(s) Cooldown

Posted by duktayp on 04 May 2015 - 05:59

Are the cow coders sounding a little stressed to anyone else?




Maybe wait for them to fix what's broken first, and look forward to the newest development update https://forums.hunte...ate-april-2015/

#930610 Champions' pack

Posted by Windbattle on 02 May 2015 - 14:37

would like to point out that they could have done nothing ... aka no new pack to buy upgrades at a discount. When we quickly go to criticize the cows / offer suggestions .. think about that. 


Would I have liked to get more in the pack? Sure. Am I going to debate the pack endlessly? No. The pack isn't going to change / neither is the price. 

Can I buy the extra composing slot separately please?


Sure for 10000 FSP. Send me the payment

#930588 Distinction between guild leaders and members

Posted by EpicPiety on 02 May 2015 - 05:57

Where someone stands in the ranking doesn't always mean if they are a leader or not. I disagree with #2 but agree with #1 

#929256 Game improvement suggestion.

Posted by Rsrdaman on 19 April 2015 - 19:30

Well, after reading through the news on the home screen of FS a few times, I thought of something that would be quite useful: Having the ability to click on the image of whatever special event/legendary creatures (or even the event rewards, for that matter) that had been posted there, and be immediately linked to their page on the FS Guide. Would make searching for info about these creatures much faster.

#928915 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by Pardoux on 16 April 2015 - 16:02

Quiet you! tongue.png

Quite you ? LOL *passes over a dictionary ... *

#928551 Update v2.70

Posted by Leos3000 on 14 April 2015 - 14:03

Can I borrow hoof test for the day and go try all the different buff combinations asked for and report back my findings on how they interact? :)

#928408 Update v2.70

Posted by rowbeth on 13 April 2015 - 21:34

If it is a buff used for defending then why in the heck is it listed as an Offensive buff instead of a defensive buff?

And in the buff description, it would probably be helpful to switch the word "enemies" to "attackers" in order to clarify a bit what the buff actually does and how it activates.


To change "enemies" to "attackers" would imply that it has no effect when used by an attacker on a defender. Sticking with "enemies" implies that it does actually work both ways.


Whether you would want to use it both ways is a completely different question, but the buff descriptions needs to say what the buff does, rather than how you might like to use it.

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