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Member Since 21 Sep 2020
Offline Last Active May 17 2024 13:56

Topics I've Started

Quango Adventures!

17 May 2024 - 13:56

Hi there everyone!
The route to Quango Island has reopened! Along with the returning classics, we have one new Quango and their Quest.
The Quest is: Quango Adventures - Hunters Hunted!
The path to Quango Island can be found in Celestial Forest (North).
Quango Island shall be open until 14:00 hours (Server Time) on Friday the 24th of May, 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword Team

Legendary Event

10 May 2024 - 13:54

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Burzzthak the Exalted (Legendary)
Burzzthak has returned, more powerful than ever before! Following his near success, he had to work hard to regain the Shadow Lords favor. This he has done and he is now mounting a new assualt upon the realms at the head of a huge army. He wished to raze the Cathedral of Ways to the ground but did not expect the Zogrom Legion to stand in his way. He will crush these savages and level the Cathedral!
Recommended Level: 15+
Thonomoth (Legendary)
The mighty Thonomoths wanderings have once again brought it in contact with the innocent peoples of the world and the titanic beast is venting all its suppressed anger and hatred on them, laying waste to towns and villages as it tramples on towards more populated areas in search of more to destroy. Such a beast must be stopped quickly!
Recommended Level: 60+
Gogmor Mancrusha (Legendary)
The marauding giant Gogmor Mancrusha has awoken from his 100-year slumber in the mountains and gone on the rampage once more. Never yet defeated, Gogmore has been known to batter cities to dust his huge club and devour whole populations of people with his never-ending hunger.
Recommended Level: 120+
Tarbida (Legendary)
The evil being Tarbida has dwelt beneath the world for an age having been trapped in tunnels by the Elves. Now Tarbida has found a way out and now the creature has decided that it is time to come back to the surface and teach the peoples of the world the true meaning of suffering and pain once again.
Recommended Level: 200+
Chariot of Fire (Legendary)
The mythical Chariot of Fire is the vehicle of destruction, that a once mighty sun deity rides. Legend has it that the deity that rides the Chariot of Fire was once one of the most powerful of gods, but was overthrown, cursed and cast down from the pantheon of gods. Now once every 1000 years he sallies forth to wreak fiery death on the lands he once watched over.
Recommended Level: 350+
Otaktay the Inviolate (Legendary)
Otakay the Inviolate comes from the west river area. He roams the open plains ravaging all that make claim to his land. He is vengeance incarnate for all the wrongs that have ever been inflicted upon his people!
Designed by : JKlundt
Recommended Level: 850+
Adi the Mad Dentist (Legendary)
A gut churning buzzing sound is the herald of Adi the Mad Dentist. So tired was he of the citizens of the Realm lack of oral hygiene, he finally snapped (with the not so gentle encouragement of Burzzthak the Corrupter) and is rampaging through the Realms with his frighteningly oversized drill, checking the teeth of citizens. Woe betide anyone who does not measure up to his unreasonable standards!
Designed by : adienamar
Recommended Level: 1150+
Frackenstein (Legendary)
Frackenstein. No one knows where this beast came from. Some speculate that this was created by an infamous Guild of warriors, though whether this lumbering, undead monstrosity was created from this Guild's enemies or their own honored dead is up for debate.
Designed by : skidoodle
Recommended Level: 1780+
Abominus Rex (Legendary)
The gargantuan horror known as Abominus Rex appeared without warning, tearing through any who appeared before it. Who created this undead monstrosity is not known (and given the unpredictable nature of Abominus Rex itself, likely never will be), all that is known is the beast's unnatural vitality means it shrugs off many wounds and is all but immune to certain attacks. It's thick hide protects it and any attacks that get through are as likely to glance off hardened bone as they are to do damage. 
Abominus Rex must be stopped!
Recommended Level: 2400+
The Cerulean Queen (Legendary)
The Cerulean Queen is a demonic creature, always lurking behind every choice made by the souls wandering the lands of Erildath. She is always trying to influence the bravest of heroes to succumb to their deepest desires. She has been known to walk the lands, tempting warriors to give into their blood lust with the promise of great rewards. Little do they realize, her rewards are best used for their guilty pleasures.
Designed by: KitiaraLi
Recommended Level: 3025+
Calagroo the Unchecked (Legendary)
Calagroo the Unchecked is a vast draconic beast, horrendously powerful and wreathed in green fire. Once locked away in a magical void due to his destructive ways, he has broken out through sheer bloody minded determination! Now he has renewed his quest for supremacy over all of creation!
Designed by : Groosalugg
Recommended Level: 3275+
Druugkiel The Annihilator (Legendary)
Far from Erildath, there is a dead land that goes by the name of Scorn.  This land was ravaged by war and famine and is uninhabitable.  But, there is one creature that lives there, the dreaded Druugkiel.  Massive in stature, and brutal in nature, Druugkiel is profoundly savage.  This monstrosity moves from realm to realm devouring all Chompers as it survives off their life force.
Chompers are an unsustainable food source for Druugkiel, so it always searches far away realms for more life energy.  Recently, there have been whispers that Druugkiel is on the hunt for a more, accessible, food source. As Druugkiel approaches Erildath, we must prepare for the coming onslaught of destruction, malice and pain. To Arms! To victory!
Designed by : iceman66
Recommended Level: 3550+
Bhakti the Royal Warrior (Legendary)
Bhakti belongs to an elite group of warriors called the Royal Warriors. They are known to be fearless, bloodthirsty, and loyal to their King. While on their latest conquest, Bhakti's squad was ambushed, and he awoke to find himself as the only survivor. Filled with vengeance, he now roams Erildath to find his King and will eliminate anyone who gets in his way!
Designed by: Tehmelons 
Recommended Level: 3700+
The Toad King (Legendary)
The Toad King is a vast, corpulent toad who rules over all others of his kind. At least, he does in his own mind. Most toads are happy just being toads and have no time for this "Rule the swamps!" nonsense. As a result, the Toad King has been known to go on petulant rampages, squashing all in his path under his warty, slimy bulk. Most avoid the creature, but those who have looked for him and survived, end up with the same question. "Where did he get the crown, sceptre and ermine-trimmed cloak?"
Recommended Level: 4300+
B Machine (Legendary)
In ages past, the B-Machine was constructed and pressed into the service of a Sect of Gurgriss worshipers. During a particularly fierce battle against the undead hordes of a necromancer, B-Machine fell in battle and his sect was destroyed. His story may have ended there but for a travelling merchant caravan stumbling upon its battered form under ages worth of dirt and detritus. Crowing over such a bounteous discovery, the merchant tried repairing the machine, soon realising his error when B-Machine rampaged through his camp, killing everyone. B-Machine is out there still, attacking all in its confusion.
Designed by: Terrordog
Recommended Level: 4900+
These creatures shall be available until 14:00 (Server Time) on Tuesday the 14th of May 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team

Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2024)

29 February 2024 - 10:42

Hello everyone!
Here is the event roadmap for March - June 2024!
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As always, roadmaps are a guide and subject to change. 


We at HCG are entering a pretty busy period as we run up to the release of our new game: Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers. There is also some other developments that I cannot wait to share with the FS Community. Something we have been working on for some time and we're growing ever closer to the day we can finally talk about it.
~ Fallen Sword Team

Guild vs Guild Update

08 January 2024 - 11:21

Hello everyone!
Earlier in 2023, we discussed making some changes to Guild Conflicts. Players put forth their suggestions and we've implemented the results of those discussions.
Notification System for Upcoming Conflicts: Guilds will be notified that a conflict will begin in 1 hour, allowing them to prepare. This will be separate from the 24-hour Conflict Window.
Guilds must meet the Level Requirement and be over 7 days old to initiate a Guild Conflict.
Expanded Level Ranges: +25 Levels Every 1000 Levels Gained
50-300 (+/- 25)
301-699 (+/- 50)
700-1000 (+/- 100)
1001-2000 (+/- 125)
2001-3000 (+/- 150)
3001-4000 (+/- 175)
4001-5000 (+/- 200)
Only conflicts created after the update will use the new ranges and the 1-hour warning. Conflicts created before the update will use the old ranges.
If you find any issues with Guild Conflicts, please send a support ticket.
~ Happy Hunting!

Flight of Dragons, Wave 3!

03 January 2024 - 09:15

Hi all,

With the second wave of Dragons defeated and driven off, you'd think you could lower your guard. Not so! A third flight of vindictive, vicious Dragon has taken wing!

Lakota (Dragon LE)

The Dragon Lakota is much sought after by monster and treasure hunters alike, not just in an attempt to kill this legendary drake but to steal the even more legendary gold eggs it lays deep in its lair. Few have ever retrieved one of these eggs from Lakotas nest as survived the dragon's wrath.
Those who have have lived rich lives indeed.

Recommended Level : 225+

Volim the Cuelebre (Dragon LE)

Volim the Cuelebre harks form a magical species of Dragon able to blow out gusts of magic. Volims breath causes those who inhale it to fall in love. She is often sought by the brave(and the lonely) so that they may attempt to capture some of her breath for their own needs. However Volims uses her breath also as a weapon, causing he prey to fall for her and thus it makes them more than an easy meal...

Recommended Level : 535+

Ni Hong (Dragon LE)

Ni Hong is a master of the skies, a magical dragon that flies through the air in a blur of colour and silver scales. Ni Hong is not an evil being and his knowledge in magic is legendary and many seek out his council. However he is very aloof and sees most humans as nothing but stupid ground dwelling animals or snacks so approaching him is always a risk. Best hope he's in the mood for visitors...

Recommended Level : 845+

Old Puntalis (Dragon LE)

Old Puntalis is an ancient Dragon, and possibly one of the first. He became gradually more and more disillusioned with the world around him and retreated into the depths of a dark and forgotten swamp where he remains to this day. Old Puntalis has become one with the swamp over time and it is said that he controls the whole swamp around him. It is dangerous to seek him out, for if his jaws don't get you the trees will...

Recommended Level : 1120+

Pontius the Magic Dragon (Dragon LE)

Pontius was once all powerful wizard and respected for his potions. However an accident occurred with his newest potion. The concoction should have given him the power of a Dragon but was transformed him into one! He retained his magical abilities and personality but also gained the strength, appearance and taste for flesh of a Dragon. Now he searches the world for a cure, and a meal...

Recommended Level : 1500+

The ScissorNose Serpent (Dragon LE)

The ScissorNose Serpent is a large, fire breathing beast with the most peculiar name. The creature's nose flows out from the top of the mouth and bottom of the chin and have been found to be preternaturally sharp! This cruel Dragon is known for capturing knights alive and using his odd nose to snip the unfortunate victim apart!

Recommended Level : 1950+

Ying Rainmaker (Dragon LE)

Ying Rainmaker is a vast serpentine dragon. He claims to have celestial origins though not everyone believes this. He is known to be capricious which is a dangerous quality to have in a being who controls rain! He has been known to fly into the sky and turn sunny days into torrential rainfall but also to stop storms that are causing massive flooding, saving lives. It can be quite a challenge to know how he'll react on any given day!

Recommended Level : 2430+

Antarius the Vital (Dragon LE)

Antarius the Vital is a dragon of nature. Fast, full of life and utterly, utterly lethal. With a hide that looks somewhat like bark and patches of scales that look like leaves, he blends in with the forests he prefers to live in.

Recommended Level : 3175+

Tantibus Immortuos (Dragon LE)

Tantibus Immortuos is a dragon of darkest nightmare. This shadowy monster is swathed in darkness and exudes madness, infecting all right thinking creatures, driving them into the utter depths of insanity! It takes heroes of the sternest mettle to take on this horror. Will you step up to the challenge?

Recommended Level : 3625+

Apephis Chaos Serpent (Dragon LE)

The great Chaos Serpent, Apephis, is a water dragon which is more serpentine than classically draconic. Sinuous and snake-like, he lurks under the surface of water, waiting for prey. When a suitable victim presents itself, the creature surges out of the water, it's flint like head protecting it from attack!

Recommended Level : 4075+

Silicathus (Dragon LE)

Silicathus is a nomadic dragon. It travels across the vast deserts of the realms, burrowing through the sand. Due to the inherent magical nature of dragons, Silicathus' serpentine hide has taken on the hard, course nature of the sand through which it travels as well as it's hue. This makes it extremely difficult for the caravans and nomadic tribes upon which it preys to guard against. A distant rumble can be followed with the explosive eruption of this beast bursting from the previously safe sands, resulting in death, destruction and despair for any lucky enough to survive.

Recommended Level : 4525+

Parf the Snowy (Dragon LE)

Parf the Snowy is a devious creature. Dragons rarely feel the need to be ambush predators but that's exactly what Parf is. She loves nothing more than to bury herself in snow, near travel routes. Then, as unsuspecting prey travels past, she explodes from the snow, wreaking bloody havoc.

Recommended Level : 4975+

Lune of the White Moon (Dragon LE) (NEW!)
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A lunar dragon that was once sealed within the White Moon. They are both the sibling and sworn enemy of Nox of the Dark Moon.

Recommended Level : 5425+

This third and final flight of dragons will be causing trouble until 16:00 hours on the 6th of January, 2024.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

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