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#1003409 Player Suggestions

Posted by XerXesX on 31 March 2021 - 23:10 in General Discussion

Play imbalance is still destroying the game, 

when one side CANT win, even a minor engagement, why play?


-------------------------Please consider 2 trial modes-----------------------


KINGDOM - one Paid player(who creates the alliance)

49 assigned free players, Servers divided by KIng's pay level 

this will scratch the Power-Spending itch.

while keeping the kingdoms competitively balanced 



Pay tiers everywhere

Pay vs pay, free vs free


if I won a free "Tournament" vs other free players

and WON and entry prize into a pay tier...


I'd PAY to keep that going, !!!

KNOWING that with my strategic skill

wont be tr*mped by UNEQUAL RESOURCES.


However I'm on day SEVENTEEN of Superclans who stalk me (See attached)

they just now Bought THREE outposts and INSTANTLY

poured out 100k tanks 2 sectors away, within THREE minutes,

taking out my HQ and my outpost

(on the other side of the map so I can

farm between daily annihilations/relocations)

and NOTHING I can EVER do.


I could play every day til 2030 ( I did the math) ]

and never compete with that

DONT MAKE ME LEAVE, (I'm at 84 days straight) 

give me a TOOL to fight back, 

Id pay to stay under a tier structure. 

but any money I spend now,


this is why everyone leaves DESPITE LOVING the game.


This game (and your work)  is better than to have to depend on

smoke and mirrors financing . Monopoly is a classic board game

because ALL the players GET money. 

Imagine playing where some players start with money and some 

have to collect cans. In 2 turns One team owns all the property

VOILA, look at ANY map in your server. That's the problem. 


The rest of the suggestions here are good but useless

if  the WILD WILD WEST setup remains,

You are costing yourself money. 

I've seen studies on the other finance tactic.


P2W  vs Competitive


Just do ONE trial and watch what happens, 

the research is FREE for you, but its worth 

a fortune. 

attached is a downside of the wild west

wherein Superclan members plan to



and its working, and you KEEP that possible.


or just post a disclaimer telling free players that

they have ZERO chance of even winning a fight. 

Correction- I Can beat all the cities of the people who QUIT

thats it. Your pay structure turns this great game into farmville :(

whether is Lions vs Christians or Cowboys vs Steelers

Competition is the draw, people BORE watching slaughter.

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