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#1007501 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 20 April 2022 - 14:44 in General Discussion

Hi everyone!


This isn't something that Hunted Cow endorse, I'm afraid. We do think it's a cool project but it isn't something we want for our game and we definitely do not want players charging for something like this or creating extra accounts to try it out (both of those things would breach our Terms of Service).


Thanks for your understanding. :)

No worries, assets deleted. 

#1007489 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 20 April 2022 - 09:45 in General Discussion

i have read most of this thread, i see for and against posted, i don't see this as something i would use though i will wait to see how this pans out, so change my mind if u can, mostly though, what i mostly wanted to say is, i commend you on your passion and well done on trying to bring something new to the table!

Cheers Juvi :) i have purchased better hardware to work on the project from aswell as a tablet to help with texture designs.

Currently learning texturing so the models dont look so ugly. The creation of the rooms is the easy part, its the texturing that is the headache. However i have learnt enough so i can make metal items look metal, bone items look like bones and glass windows that you can see through.

This is the last part of learning i need to do to be able to launch from the current platform. If HCS allow me to use the UNITY version then i would need to go back to youtube and forums to learn how i can fix the game to the HCS website so it can interact. 

If you could see yourself in 3D with your favourite items im sure you would want to be there. The changes you can make to your setting are as far as your imagination can stretch. A setting that you can then share with guildmates and friends. A room depicting you as a person aswell as your beliefs, passions and achievements. I can make Garfield walk around your room or better yet, create you a character skin as garfield.

Due to the rooms and textures being low poly, changes to your room can be implemented quickly, almost twice to 3x the amount of time to create an avi. Meaning in a day i can fit multiple orders and if avi makers want to learn how to make 3D images etc they can and sell their art for FSP. This also teaches avi makers a new skill with its end result makes you the greatest avis of all time. Example, If you like DBZ, you could get a 3D model of goku and make him do an emote or interact in some way in the scene then record the scene before converting to apng format. 

This also benefits the cows as ALL ASSETS contributed would be owned by HCS (excluding copyright models like garfield etc). So they could then use that 3D model to create a game in the future. Gives them drafts to work from rather then scratch. 

P.S with the age of VR and AR around the corner, its better to be ahead of the game rather then be the last on the scene.

#1007486 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 20 April 2022 - 05:55 in General Discussion

Seems to have worked for you on the forums, right? Your prior forum account is Removed51002.

If you dont have any questions or enquiries related to the thread can you either private message or create another thread. Thankyou

#1007481 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 19 April 2022 - 11:32 in General Discussion

That is against the Terms of Use and will result in the termination of the clone and possible termination of the original account. 


So no. Don't do that.


~ Grim

Fair call, Its the only solution i have found. 

#1007478 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 19 April 2022 - 00:18 in General Discussion

Again: I don't think they're so understanding when you intentionally make a "new" account, whatever the reasoning behind it... Making a new account still won't fix the login problem that they are having with iOS... It will just exacerbate it with a new account they can't log into, PLUS they'll get in trouble for making a new account on purpose...  BAD ADVICE!


Again: I have seen others in global solve the issue by doing what i stated above. Last resort effort imo, My partner cant log into her app version either. 

I wont get diplomatic here because i dont really care the topic is irrelevant to the thread.

I will not argue with you badpenny. That is a solution i have seen and it worked so i shared the information. I dont care whether it was good advice or bad advice it was a solution that i have seen. Your solution was to just drop the content and move on. 

Me - *Sees starving family*, *steals loaf of bread*, *Gives to starving family*
Others- *Sees starving family*, *Quotes: Drink water*, *walks on*


#1007476 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 18 April 2022 - 23:11 in General Discussion

This is BAD advice: I don't think they're so understanding when you intentionally make a "new" account, whatever the reasoning behind it...  the iOS problem will remain regardless, if I understand correctly... just use your browser till they fix it moneypants...

I have seen others in global solve the issue by doing what i stated above. Last resort effort imo, My partner cant log into her app version either. 

#1007471 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 18 April 2022 - 16:15 in General Discussion

There app would have to work first. did a ticket 14 days ago saying trying to log in with my iphone 13. they reply fast and said yes we are aware of this and closet the ticket. 14 days later i still cant log in. what i can tell you over all the years of playing fs i spent 3 times the price of a iphone 13 max pro. on this game. and i try to log in with my new phone and it wont log in. im so dumb finder all the money they invested into the app seems a waste?

Your best bet to solve this issue would be to create a new account on the FS app then link the account to your main account via ticket. This seems to be easier for HCS to do.

#1007462 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 17 April 2022 - 05:34 in General Discussion

oh no  :ph34r:  XD

hahahaha thought i was way off xD

#1007460 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 17 April 2022 - 04:53 in General Discussion

Excuse me, i was wondering if you answered the "3 D's" question, I'm curious myself what your answer will be

referring to this btw  :wub:

'The three Ds' to my understanding, is divert, distract and deploy. Is that correct?

#1007454 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 16 April 2022 - 10:13 in General Discussion

Update on the map :)

(Will be creating a discord for the project to prevent spam on this thread or i will create a new thread alltogether.)

P.S the green line represents half the map.

FS pathways.png

#1007453 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 16 April 2022 - 08:51 in General Discussion

As entertainingly useless as this thread is for various reasons outlined. Ever heard of the phrase, learn to walk before you run?


It's like sitting in a meeting with a flip chart with the host scribbling down ideas before explaining how the last point actually feasibly works, then flipping it over to the next page on a different tangent.


Personally I can't wait for the impaled cat missing an ear on a stick.

That phase is outdated. We can fly now, i Levitate.

Your kinda right, everything i have mentioned is possible to do with HCS approval though. 

The artworks being created are of LE creatures and armours only with some hunting and PvP set acceptions. (otherwise i will be doing this for life with 500mil items to do). There are some interesting ones which i would have no idea how to fit on a character but there is a will and there is a way. im personally excited for the jugs of beer ;p


#1007451 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 16 April 2022 - 06:06 in General Discussion

This reminds me of the cheap PC games I use to buy...back in the day LOL. Myst (series) first game back in 1993.

Video game series by Rand and Robyn Miller. The games worked by mouse click, refresh,  and had puzzles to solve. Pretty neat for that time. Wish I still had the disks and a PC with windows 98 - 2000 :P

Haha, The game is made this way so i can fit everything in it ;p if i made it high detail high poly count 99% of players couldnt run it including myself. Currently working on the 1st map and its coming out nicely :) just finished the outline for the temple of the gods. Next up is theatre area then another set of buildings before doing up the path to link it all then add trees. After that roughly 35% of the first maps coverage is complete :) 

'Erildath' Collection including maps markers and creatures will be added. (mountain path, dreg marshes etc) aswell as their relevant relics and landmarks. By creating this aswell as all assets as wearable items it will allows HCS to copy paste the model in the future to put on their own servers and connect it completely if they choose to do so.

How many people do you know that have quit the game that would come back to atleast view the 3D adaptation on their account? I can garauntee people will jump on to look at their gear in 3D and when they see it they will start buying some cool items or items that suit their tastes then saving the outfit and being able to wear it aslong as you have the item. 

The best part is when your out of stam after your hunt on the world map your 1 personal portal away from being in your personal home with your bp and all the stuff you favourited in folders that are books on a shelf. Next portal your in your guild hall looking at noticeboards. Then your at the community hub looking at the latest updates while walking down to the temple to pray to your god. 

The Arena, easy to do just implement a 1v1 between your designated target and you dont actually do the fight but instead you get a notification and you can view the fight.

The Auctionhouse, Simple trade type venue with relevant items apparel as their primary search with an everything function in the middle. Items can be veiwed what they look like worn IF they are high enough level to wear them.

The Composing section, Laboratory type area. You will also be able to make artisan potions here. (Can be placed in personal room for quick options for aditional FSP otherwise 2 portals would be needed.)

The PvP ladder, the same arena you are in except you control your character and can attack others that opted in your ladder. Their character will also appear there and only move if they are being controlled. 

Invention screen, Folders in book form on the bookshelves for LE, SE, UQ, Cr and scrolls for epics that are located in the vault area.

These are just examples of what i envision. The best part about this project is aslong as its approved by HCS and im pushing the project it an be done within 2 years. That is the entire game every portal, world area, item, Quest, Room, Events so much more done. 16 years of 2D content brought into 3D within 2 years. Reason its so quick is because all the tools, stats, templates are already there to work from.

This games core structure and value modifiers based on x are the perfect features to work from. In fights its tic for tac, when a buff is active you hardly notice in combat with a few lines of text. With this adaptation i can add effects to attacks, Example 'hypnotise' will put a yellow swirl over their head (or top of your screen if it happens to you) or blue if its a stun, Drops of green can drop from the successful attack if poison procs aswell as red drops if its blood thirst. Critical hits and piercing strikes will have different hit animations and so will reinforced armour etc.

I  Hope this gives you a more clear view of what i am planning for the future if HCS decide to go with the unity version.

#1007448 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 15 April 2022 - 20:39 in General Discussion

Feel free to point out where I've done this. "may be" has followed every statement.

Feel free to go about your day.

#1007446 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 15 April 2022 - 20:33 in General Discussion

I may have misunderstood your intent with this project initially due to blobs of text. So security concerns may not be an issue so long as it is "streamed" as you have explained (just as you would on YouTube/Twitch). However this sentiment is rather conceited of you, guess you've brought it to ruler talk. If you cannot take criticism that is rather insecure and concerning as far as scaling goes of this project. 


Hardly slanderous to quote someone, this is ironic though. There is a lot of hesitancy and you are unaware. You know what they say though "What they don't know won't hurt them" I wish you good luck and hope this turns out beneficial. 

Okay, criticism is accepted. Blatantly telling me this is against ToS isnt criticism. its making statements against the project.

the only information being withheld still needs to undergo the same post as this one is. An overview of what it is, what it does, how it will benefit the community etc aswell as the cows approval. So you will have another post to try and rip on dont you worry. I have no doubt you will be first on the scene to attack so i will spend more time breaking it down so i am ready to reply to your intricate questions.
This project will hold transparency into the models its making, the updates, features etc. There is 0 to gain for me to with-hold the information from the community. If i was to be transparent with the entire roadmap however it would change multiple times depending on HCS response. So there is no point saying the 3D assets data will be protected by blockchain technology (aswell as hardware) because there is a high chance it wont happen. However it is on there as a pathway for the roadmap. Same with VR hunts, same with alot of the functions i have planned to implement with HCS approval. The overall finished product of this game with the roadmap i have written is extreme. However 1 piece at a time to see what HCS wants done and what would suite everyone the best :)

It is slanderous to quote a failed project irrelevant to the current project as a statement of my credibility.
Im unsure what you mean by 'ruler talk'.

#1007444 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 15 April 2022 - 19:18 in General Discussion

Here is a snippet of the map i am creating (the rectangle boxs are 3D chair models for size reference) building also need a 10-20% size upscale. However it will be the public area that will direct you to places to learn :)

(the circle thing is a well and the 2 buildings havent been allocated to a portal yet.)



#1007443 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 15 April 2022 - 16:05 in General Discussion


In just a few hours of my spare time i have drafts of the entire emissaries set :) the only steps left is sculpting, texturing then sizing when i am ready to upload to the platform. There are thousands of sets i have to make. However when completed and all assets handed over to the cows they will be able to make the greatest VR experience to date. With 90% of the VR experience done for them they can easily use the assets i created on their platform and include their own features.

Another great addition is the amount you can store in your VR room. Any info you need on hand can be added to an easily accessible portal from your room.

POTENTIAL - I was thinking on how you could emulate the hunting experience (With unity engine) so that the 'portals' link to maps on the game and the portals take you to the maps. 
Example - When in 3D you can see creatures within your tile. If the tile says 6 creatures there will be 6 creatures walking within the tile or doing a various emote. Each one you could go up and attack and it will do a turn for turn based combat that uses your stamina. Each time you cross a tile it consumes a stamina and each combat move you have consmes a stamina. cave entrances, titans would also be visible outside of your tile aswell as the boundary walls. If a player is within your tile you can see them (max 8) and if the player can be attacke they will have priority in the 8 seen aswell as be marked. This is just one simple easy to implement tool that could be used for FS and seen as a giant leap forward. Consumers will feel immersed in the environment, People will still use the website however you will find 100x more players will join in the game if it had a 3D aspect.

I could also make the VR rooms freaking huge because its low poly. So it could take you 10 seconds to run across 1 tile lol but i will adjust on size and movement speed. Maybe make movement speed on toggle. ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES

#1007442 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 15 April 2022 - 15:15 in General Discussion

Respectfully declined on many grounds, appreciate the hustle but no thanks. If anything I'd contribute to FSH which would be a much better use of my time in this regard. How many people do you think are even VR enabled in the community anyway?



You are not giving responses in correlation to anything i am saying. If there was a strawman emoji i would use it. You are missing my points entirely prefaced on the fact that you keep bringing up that you are very trusted. Which who knows, you very well might be, but why would we think that? What have you done to make anyone think this? 


I myself am still waiting for the patent that should be forthcoming for "moving boats with no electricity, fuel or wind". Very well may beable to just buy the company at this point.


Source = https://discord.com/...484995194290258

Dont flatter yourself. It was a gesture for you to be more helpful to the community.

I am not going to remind you for the 4th time that the VR mode is accessible on PC.

Unless you have valuable feedback or reasonable questions i will discontinue our conversation. Your input so far has been only on the termination of this project.

P.S it was made, when tested in a pool or tub it worked perfectly. However against the current and small waves it did not. I hope that gives you some closure on that topic. Also trying to slander my name on my thread relating to the project will not be forgotten. Goodluck on your journey adventurer.

#1007439 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 15 April 2022 - 12:11 in General Discussion

So how do you define streaming movies and series online?

if they are accepting payment then yes they can be liable, if not then the people that own the copyrights would need to prove in some way that their content was used to promote a business or individual OR it was used to tarnish the brands view or interests. 
In this instance i would need permission for it to be public to everyone both in the game and outside of it. It does have assets from HCS but so does alot of avatars and a few guild websites also use assets from the game. If i was using the VR website to insult HCS or accept any $ from the community from the website then it would violate copyright and they could have me charged and i would lose the case. But in this instance when the only currency is FSP or other currencies the game sells should be okay.
I understand concerns but if you were to look at a complete overview of what im trying to accomplish it is just using the VR platform to create guild websites and guides. The only difference between a website and VR is the way everything is displayed. From a 2D format to a 3D format. Rather then having a webpage with information regarding buffs etc you have a hall that you navigate with VR or with the 'wasd' keys and a mouse. 
The creation of these models and assets are similiar to creating avis just 10 more steps and in 3D, remember i can even use your character model to create an avatar which ultimately is the greatest and most lengthy avatar creation process possible. This is the future and will allow avi makers to develop new skills that they will be able to use when developing their own 3D website. This will also get you used to using 3D websites so if 'web3.0' takes over and the 'metaverse' comes into play you will already know the controls, know how the layout could be and you wont struggle on its release.

Be optimistic, Its not every day you get someone willing and able to re-create your favourite game in 3D and VR. the opportunities and ideas i have are almost endless. The methods and expansion aswell as content ideas are by the buckets. I wish i could tell you all without giving it away, even the cows dont know the biggest part of the expansion if they choose to go full VR and with the UNITY engine. Would be huge and bring vasts amount of content and leave a massive road for future content. 

#1007436 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 15 April 2022 - 07:34 in General Discussion

"Our sites must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our sites other than the home page."

Not necessarily another "site", however I think you could interpret this relevant in this case. Don't know, just heed caution is all i'm saying. 

There are security concerns if a 3rd party had access to edit other peoples hrefs through "playing" in "VR". If this is not possible then hooray one issue crossed off the list. 

If i'm "steaming"  and interacting with my FS account through a "TV" on VR does this mean someone else can come play my account?

If it is against the rules to stream content then any account on youtube would be terminated.

No, you cannot interact with someone elses stream, When have you ever been able to take control of a streamers screen? Never in history.

Im not sure what your refering to as for 'hrefs' but no. The only thing me as the third party has access to  is the room itself, a list of players that are in the room. I dont have access to anything outside of the app.

Look up 'VR meeting rooms'. That is what the platform i am using was designed for. Yes i can display HCS but it would be streamed services. Yes i can add HCS art but that doesnt mean the art is owned by me. It is the equivalent of me posting it on any social media. 

If your streaming to a TV in your house, can someone come up and take control of your account or would they need to be sitting at the device that is streaming it.

If i believed this was against ToS and could be used maliciously i wouldnt make it. The only reason i am seeking HCS to respond with an answer is because i and maybe 5 other people in this game can actually do this. Its not like making an avatar where anyone can jump in and make one. Its 3D modeling, scripting, designing, sculpting, Texture creating and implementing. List continues. So before i open up a full 3D world of Erildath Its best i get permission.

Even with the 'UNITY' version of this game the third party would be 'steam'. I know what the tools are for the platform i am using so yes, if you, your mates, shady guy from the pub, scammer telephone company decided to host using this platform i would know for a fact its safe. Just as safe as any facebook group or fallensword guild chat.

You are asking the wrong questions EpicPiety, The correct question is 'Can i join the Fallensword VR team please'.


#1007426 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 14 April 2022 - 05:17 in General Discussion

Simply put no, the guild website shows the URL. Preforming in-game functions via emulation of the game is far different.

If you have plans to do this, you will need to understand this concept. Take my advice or don't take my advice but i'm pretty sure if you are going to create an emulation of the game and have people come test it that may be TOS. Outside of that, there is basic copyright concerns.

Without this, why can't I just create an app to access the game emulating the foundation that is already established off the browser? Simply put Copyright, security concerns and TOS.

but what your saying is that URL hyperlink i use to do these functions could be done off the fallensword website via guild URL or the URL itself. 
As for copyright problems all assets that i create are for HCS and HCS can do what they like. For example say they dont like the xiphos blade for any reason. They could remove it completely. Say they never want it to be seen again then i would delete it completely. If they want the controls to do this themselves they can have them. As far as im concerned this is the same as a guild website just on another format that you are not use to and immediately associate with games. This is just a platform primarily used by businesses to communicate. Much like a forum used by many guilds but farm more interactive and visually appealing. This is what websites will look like in the future.



All of this conversing is nonsense without any HCS input. I feel as thought their priorities should lie elsewhere (DQ re-roll, buff balance, new content, arena update, PvP update, shall I continue?). Congrats on “creating” something, but your energies should be directed to something that can evolve and grow with you.

They should work on the game, this is just a project to help players and give the community something :) similiar to a guide website only 3D and in a format where you access everything with VR controls or wasd keys and mouse. The same controls you would use in traversing the internet. 

Here is a model for reference that i have been working on to give you an idea of what the items would look like if they were 3D. The models are 'low poly' so all devices will be able to use them and enjoy the content.
P.S i bet you cant guess what item it is ;) (not completed)



#1007422 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 14 April 2022 - 02:07 in General Discussion

I'm telling you as a matter of fact if you can setup buttons to direct to URLs this is a security concern. I'd be hard pressed if they will approve genuine emulation of the game to be ran by anyone other than them. I'd be very careful with this as it may be in violation of TOS.

Epic, Yes it is a security concern however the URL to the guild website is equal to what your claiming. Example if there was security concerns you wouldnt be able to create that hyperlink under your guild avi on a very accessible guild page.
The 'Terms of Service' were designed to keep fairness in the game aswell as set rules for both the safety of the user and the safety of the company. If my VR/3D follows the rules of HCS Then it is no different to a guild website. (literally no different to a guild website).
Your feedback until now has been helpful. I think if you understood the direct capabilities of the platform a little more aswell as know the company that owns the platform you would feel alot more comfortable. Also when explaining to someone that they may be breaking ToS you should include which part or the terms is being broken or bent. This helps both the person and you reach an outcome that would better the community as that is the primary goal of the ToS. 

SilentS0ul, Thank you :) people that own 'VR' Equiptment will be offered to test the servers or rooms before they are uploaded. You could potentially be a beta tester. Do you have any suggestions for the rooms or ideas for activities ?

#1007419 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 13 April 2022 - 08:57 in General Discussion

Here is a model i made in under 20 minutes. It doesnt look like much but it is half the work in making an 'emissaries split visor' in 3D.

Attached Thumbnails

  • emissaries.png

#1007418 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 13 April 2022 - 06:29 in General Discussion

EpicPiety, I have taken your feedback into account. Any features added to the rooms will be thoroughly tested. As far as im aware it can only go to links but not actually fill it out. So although i might be able to hyperlink the send item screen i cant hyperlink names or amounts or any data.
As mentioned the only way i would have those features is if HCS agree to move it from the current platform to a private one where the servers would be privately owned. This is not for years and after years i would be trusted to host or provide assets for the project. 

yghorbeviahn, It is very similar to making a 3D game. The only real difference is the controls, hardware limitations and accessibility. I have already made 3D models in the past and created FPS style games (they were bad but i learnt the basics). I already know how to make something like this. The only difference would be the player controls which i would just copy paste anyway.
You will know whether it is successful outside of the community as there will be a referral link to the game via the VR room. Therefore i can advert a VR/3D guide to a game rather then a screen with cool pictures :). I could also use rewards like character 3D modelling for the VR, Statues for completing  3 legendary creatures displayed in the galleries. These kind of rewards where you can leave a piece of you on a game permanently is what people want that dont know they want in any game. This makes it easier to recruit people into the game also. Achievements you show your friends will appear in a 3d room on pc or in VR with the room made in your image.

This adds years of content as models made for placement of global events and Highscores champs would be given out for free as medals or trophies of success. The content wouldnt be exactly 'new' it would just be recreating gear and content from the game so its 3D instead of 2D and on display in a private room, guild hall or public FS area. Whether you believe its needed or necessary is up to you. I believe having a guild hall in this setting where you can build on and upgrade is a brilliant idea and a good step towards future adaptation.


#1007414 Top Ten ways Sigmastorm2 is better than fallensword

Posted by BMachine on 12 April 2022 - 05:13 in General Discussion

pretty good game tbh. Looking forward to pvp :) GL have fun <3

#1007413 Fallensword VR!

Posted by BMachine on 12 April 2022 - 02:55 in General Discussion


Okay, to create the function your talking about the steps required CANNOT be done on the platform i am using. There is no tool or possible way of it being done without compromising the server that is hosted by a trusted 3rd party.

furthermore if the server was created by me, owned by me through UNITY no one would have any way of changing anything. By the time you have learnt the skills to compromise and hack my server it would be no different to compromise HCS directly. You wouldnt be able to hide anything i would know almost immediately or the person encountering the issue would and a ticket to cows and a temporary suspension of the room until i test the functions will be done.

The UNITY version of the simulation will not be for atleast another few years. However when it does switch it will be like going from fallensword classic to what we know today. There is no convincing you via a forum message so the only way you will appreciate it is when others around you are learning from it. I wouldnt rob random people FSP that is just dumb. Why would i spend months of my time making something for a currency i can just buy. That is the equivalent of going and doing a mechanics apprenticeship just so you could steal your neighbours honda civic. 

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