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There have been 12 items by Vulcan (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#768193 Hunting Setup List

Posted by Vulcan on 14 December 2012 - 20:57 in Game Content

No I will not give it but it does not need ew 1 k and it does use sets.

Comes from who say we should help the noobs/new players :)

But yea you can figure setups if you really work for it.. im not fan of guides..made everything by myself but i still give hints of leveling/arena/pvp setups for friends :)

I would take your point but then Once I dress a new player in it, it will no longer be a secret. and then arena players like you will profit from it....that is your one and only hint.

I haven't played the Arena for some time but i'm pretty sure its still safe to say that a max. damage setup wouldn't be a big earner in there ;)

#768113 New content and Polls

Posted by Vulcan on 14 December 2012 - 16:31 in General Discussion

It would be nice as well as helpful if these poll's and threads were kept open for at least 24hrs so everyone has a chance to respond :(

#153572 HV6T Gauss Battery

Posted by Vulcan on 30 November 2012 - 20:01 in Other Games

Vulcan, try these shipyards
Tau Ceti(595,905)
Rhydi Border (1397, 844)

You have to have a colony with a large factory and storage space enough to store the item.
1. Open the star view
2. Choose "Manage Colony"
3. Choose the icon of a factory (near the safe icon) Hint = "Manage Factory Production"
4. Choose the item class
5. Choose the item and click the button "Build"
6. After the build end, use the icon that is a cube Hint="Manage Store" to access your item.

If you have the shipyard in another colony, you have to build a Transit Bay to move items.

Thanks Secreto, looks like I can build them myself :) Been a year or three since I was last active on here and without the lists and locations I used to have on our forum its tough going. Even worse the only way to comunicate is on here :(

#153556 HV6T Gauss Battery

Posted by Vulcan on 29 November 2012 - 21:18 in Other Games

Eh did you try your empire's shipyard(s)?

The research path is not that long but it is costly so i can't make it any time soon otherwise i would have offered to custom build it for you.

I have all the research but can only see HVT1 and HVT2 Gauss Battery. Unless its the same thing? I'll build one and see :) I just seem to remember in the past getting them from a shipyard somewhere, or maybe it was something else! Wish I could access all the old forum :(

#153551 HV6T Gauss Battery

Posted by Vulcan on 29 November 2012 - 17:15 in Other Games

Can anyone remind me of the location of the shipyard that sells the HV6T Gauss Battery or a link to shipyard locations and items for sale. Used to have the info in the old forum but seems I cant access that anymore :( Any info will help thanks.

#153069 Trying to PM: something wrong?

Posted by Vulcan on 23 October 2012 - 18:35 in Other Games

I found the same problem :(

#758438 Game Update v2.061

Posted by Vulcan on 11 October 2012 - 18:38 in General Discussion


I'm glad your not coding it :D

#758436 Game Update v2.061

Posted by Vulcan on 11 October 2012 - 18:31 in General Discussion

Mouse-over doesn't show on the Set Selling Options screen, be handy to check craft forge when setting prices?

Also any chance of a reset running time on your own auctions? Save having to wait for them to finish or cancel them and go through the time consuming task of re-listing them?

#756532 Composing

Posted by Vulcan on 28 September 2012 - 20:24 in General Discussion

Nice idea. I wonder if the unique items won for quests can in some way be included as with Co-ord att, SH, KE etc. any item I pick up along the way seems to be immediately dumped, seems pointless having so many items of no or little use?
Perhaps a cauldron voucher for each mix be required and award those for quests/champion drops instead?

#719457 Old UI

Posted by Vulcan on 13 February 2012 - 22:15 in General Discussion

Well I looked at the new UI some time back, switched back to old one within minutes!

Now I'm being forced to switch to a UI that looks just as disgusting as the first time I saw it.

Its ugly, cluttered and not intuitive to use at all.

In future I will have to play FS with a sick bag nearby!

Can you tell us which part you don't like? Have you tried the classic theme?

Yes the classic theme is the one i.m using.

The font looks completely different (how many different fonts are there on the one page) its hard on the eyes!

Important Buttons too small and too close (I will never be able to use my mobile on some pages)

Side bars look cluttered and repeat information found in dropdowns!

Map page takes up only top 1/3 as side bar info stretches it down another 2/3

I know I can turn some more of it off but some I use at other times.
Does the Map/hunt page need all that info? I can read all that on another tab!

#719410 Old UI

Posted by Vulcan on 13 February 2012 - 21:37 in General Discussion

Well I looked at the new UI some time back, switched back to old one within minutes!

Now I'm being forced to switch to a UI that looks just as disgusting as the first time I saw it.

Its ugly, cluttered and not intuitive to use at all.

In future I will have to play FS with a sick bag nearby!

#715475 Guild Conflicts Revamp

Posted by Vulcan on 19 January 2012 - 17:55 in General Discussion

The 25 player requirement for guilds is just a number we thought of for now, we don't want our realms to be filled up with very small guilds building fortresses. However, we will be reviewing the average guild sizes and adapting it before release.

The new structure idea is sounding good (also a bit of a gold sink in there too?) It will certainly put an end to these pointless GvG guilds set up purly to milk RP. I hope those guilds will be excluded when you work out the Ave. sizes?

I am guessing that if attacked by a 25 member guild then the defenders will only be able to nominate 25 defenders, (or it will be a bit silly if a 25 man Guild goes into a fortress with odds of 5/1 against) In which case the very minimum player requirement should not be below 20.

Any Guild with less than 20 will just have to try a little harder if they want to play with the bigger boys ;) (Shouldnt be too hard to find members from all those redundant "GvG Guilds") it will also weed out all those Guilds carrying 50% inactive players because they dont want to lose the XP.

It should end up with a lot less useless Guilds, but with some active recuitment, then a lot of excitement and rewards for those Guilds putting in the effort!

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