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#734846 What if we got rid of guild tagging?

Posted by Xakano on 16 May 2012 - 08:54 in General Discussion

Players have placed expensive items into their Guild store for players in the Guild to use, and have secured them by the Guild tagging system to ensure that new members cannot nip and and out taking expensive or hard to gain items with them when they leave (as long as they do not have the permissions to do so).

If we removed this, then we would see anyone in your Guild being able to take as many items as they can and sell them on for their own benefit. This would be exceptionally unfair for players, and will not be considered.

#731903 delevel for GVG

Posted by Xakano on 27 April 2012 - 12:08 in Guild Discussion

can anyone tell me if this is accurate? i've spent the last couple of days losing levels to be in the PvP and GvG hotspot of the 115ish area, as I have just found out this won't work because of my VL. can i really reduce my VL?


You do not lose XP with GvG attacks, only PvP.

You cannot manually reduce your VL unless your Level Up Points (Attributes) are not assigned. Please also note that if you have purchased the XP lock upgrade at any time it will not allow you to drop below the locked amount unless you are hit via a Bounty.

#731621 Update v2.035

Posted by Xakano on 25 April 2012 - 17:00 in General Discussion

I have never had any issue or problem with rating transfer either, and i play every reset.
Do we really have to have this new delay? I dont like it at all

I understand that it is a pain. The system has to go through all the players to make sure that everyone who is opted in/out is where they are meant to be and also reallocate players to any new bands. It was not happening with every combat, it depends if you had been processed and refreshed as necessary, this was an issue reported to us via tickets for the most part.

#731613 Update v2.035

Posted by Xakano on 25 April 2012 - 16:50 in General Discussion

How long does that take? Used to be able to make an attack immediatly after re-set prior to the update.

It should be ready within approx one hour after the reset. This was what was causing the issue before, when one player would attack and it would use the players previous ladders status to transfer the rating, then the rating looking wrong or unallocated.

#731604 Update v2.035

Posted by Xakano on 25 April 2012 - 16:38 in General Discussion

Hey, have reported this to the coders, they are looking into it now :)

#731291 Combat lists

Posted by Xakano on 24 April 2012 - 09:22 in General Discussion

*submitted a ticket myself now*

Let's hope that has more success :)

Replied to you now :D

#730376 buy FSP

Posted by Xakano on 17 April 2012 - 09:31 in Game Help

Hi, I have replied to your Support ticket with the information you require now :)

#730374 Shin Yarin sword question

Posted by Xakano on 17 April 2012 - 09:28 in General Discussion

If you don't collect invented items from your mailbox within 24 hrs, you lose them - could this be what happened ??

Well, I'm not ruling that one out, but it's unlikely, I distinctively remember seeing the sword in my backpack. But if there's no other explanation, I guess this is what might have happened.

You let the item expire by not collecting it, as the players indicated there. I have replaced the item for you now, but please be sure to collect your item in time in future :)

#729655 Increasing unhappines in the game? Let us fix it together.

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 14:07 in General Discussion

You cannot complain about multies in the game if you are in full knowledge of them and do not tell us.

They are reported to the cows, quite frequently. Yet it seems that having a few family members with accounts or having husband/ wife accounts = instant get out of jail card. Bascally meaning risk free account sharing.

What would you suggest that we do in that case?

#729653 Increasing unhappines in the game? Let us fix it together.

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 13:59 in General Discussion

Perhaps i'm in error somewhere. I was glad they did a follow up on the ticket, and it is still active. It was the cows that did the work tracking it down, and i'm happy about that.

We could use a way to add a ticket to private messages, since I have had people tell me they run multi's, which I do follow with the report message button.

At any rate, thank you for giving us a place to vent abit, and a way to report it.

We have investigated the issue, and the investigation is still ongoing at this time. Do you mean the PM's in the Forum? You can click on the (!) symbol in a PM in the forum, or click the REPORT link on any log message you receive in-game to report a message to us.

Thank you :D

#729652 Increasing unhappines in the game? Let us fix it together.

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 13:57 in General Discussion

I asked earlier and will ask again, why should we as a player base be tasked with doing your job and finding multies. I SE hunt and see them all the time. My guildie recieved a message saying to let a farmer switch accounts as he was out of stam on his main one. HCS is supposed to provide us with a game free of these and you say you have a system, it clearly is not working.=

I have not asked anyone to find multi accounts, but if they are aware of any they should report them to us. You cannot complain about multies in the game if you are in full knowledge of them and do not tell us.

=Your player base is fed up with seeing accounts returned from those who are using multies and you continue to do nothing and sweep our anger under the rug. A lot of people don't submit tickets for fear of getting on your bad side. I myself was temp banned for using my blackberry and "accessing a banned IP" that I had no control over. Thats one strike against me so I will not submit any reports of a multie cause if im wrong you would prob view it as unwanted attention or false reporting. If im wrong than you being HCS need to change our, the customers, opinions.

I, nor any other member of staff will discuss what has happened between other players accounts. This is not sweeping anger under the rug, this is a privacy issue. You hit a banned IP, and were released back into the game. This happens occasionally and is not a slight against you, nor is it a strike. You are entirely incorrect with your assumption that we would punish players for reporting suspensions about others, we have never done so nor ever will.

#729646 Increasing unhappines in the game? Let us fix it together.

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 13:39 in General Discussion

The game is Good, but there are issues that make it unfair, which generates anger toward players that follow the rules and play fair...

We need to look after our new players and eliminate multis who profit from the new whilst simultaneously killing the game. Other games online either kill multies, or allow multiple accounts and make folk PAY to swap items between accounts - is this impossible in FS?

This is making a LOT of Super elite hunter mad now. I reported 1 multi in hollows cave,(used to scout for destroyers) and I even knew who it belonged too, but I did not report the name of the person I knew was using it. The Cows did a GOOD job tracking down the IP, and got the account of the person I knew was running it, even though I did not tell them who it was. That system worked...


While the multi's are gone, the main player is back, after a 24 hour ban. He made a good profit from running those multi's, found a lot of se's with them, plus reward videos no doubt. And you don't even have to waste much stam. Odd's of doing it again? very high i'd guess...

Why do I have to play by the rules if others do not, or are not even punished for breaking them?

I think it is probably a good idea not to make uninformed statements...

#729640 Changes that should be made to FallenSword

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 13:26 in General Discussion

As for my post? I saw an idea with merit and replied. It's what I have always done.


#729631 Changes that should be made to FallenSword

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 13:04 in General Discussion

Really Grim? Really? Of all the players posting here about how you removed the thumbs down button (since you locked the original post) and what you pick out from this was that hunting mode idea? Then HCS wonder why the game population is falling. As it has been said several times on this topic and several others there is no point in having a thumbs up if there is no thumbs down. What if some people don't agree with the update. Sure they can come on to the forums and complain or submit a ticket but how many people do you think are actually going to spend their time doing that? Bring back the thumbs down button, make it obligatory to explain why you thumbed it down. But at least give the community a way to give feedback directly through the game. What you did by removing the thumbs down was take away our voice to speak out against your decisions.

The thumbs up is just what we thought was a nice little feature (somewhat like a certain social networking site)...it is a nice feature we thought would be good to include.

The thumbs down button will not be returning as we felt that it was not being used as well as it should of been after looking into the use while it was available.

There are several other aspects of the game that deserve far more attention, hence Biggrim commenting on the post.

#729628 Return of the Chompers!

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 13:01 in General Discussion

Hey, have had a look into this, if there are still none found in the next few minutes please let us know!

Just as i edit my post :lol: Thanks

Great stuff!! Happy hunting :)

#729623 Return of the Chompers!

Posted by Xakano on 12 April 2012 - 12:53 in General Discussion

Hey, have had a look into this, if there are still none found in the next few minutes please let us know!

#729308 Increasing unhappines in the game? Let us fix it together.

Posted by Xakano on 10 April 2012 - 16:12 in General Discussion

Over and over again it has been pointed out that this game is stagnating and/or dying. I am bored of sticking my head in the sand. If this game was vital I would still be donating to catch EOC - as it is I can sleep my way there. Once the game loses donators trying to climb the mountain, there is zero left, in my estimation.

Would you have any suggestion with regards to how to make it better, more exciting for you? Perhaps not new implementation to be made, but any tips that can be passed along to the team who create the content.

We need to look after our new players and eliminate multis who profit from the new whilst simultaneously killing the game. Other games online either kill multies, or allow multiple accounts and make folk PAY to swap items between accounts - is this impossible in FS?

We are not able to talk about how we detect or methods used for catching multies, but if you are aware of any that we have not caught then please do report them to me via support.

What does this mean? Talk to your guildies. Find out what is actually making game play irritating - find out the buff and enhancement activations that make a joke of faith in mathematics in this game. Ask for RJEM to be made a staff member - christ knows they need a committed play tester.

As awesome as his threads are, we cannot employ players ;)

The forum is limited - you guys who read this, and if you agree that we need to work together to save this game - go back to your guildies and talk. Put ideas and polls in the forum as representations of the silent majority, and when we get ideas that all of us, whatever play style we inhabit, agree on - a) talk about it on the forum - B) get those silent guildies to send in tickets to HCS. Tickets are the way of the future. They may be ignored - but you cannot refute that they were sent. Threads on this forum can be ignored. Read, but ignored. Sent tickets have a history that support cannot refute. I am NOT advocating spam. I am advocating consistent, reasoned requests for action on issues that would make existing players happy, and new players an enhanced experience. My goal is always the game's health here. I want to play it into retirement.

As good an idea as this is, it is really hard to collate opinions via tickets, we need and want players to use the Forums, I understand that players are reluctant to though. With regards to the reasons players do not wish to comment on the forum, PLEASE send us in a ticket with any abuse you have witnessed, or use the forum report function (the ! on Forum posts) and we can deal with this.

Will be interesting just how many players attend the HCS hosted DEV chat upcoming soon. ;)

Will also be interesting just how many of those attending can converse like adults with one another and help come to a concensus on improving fallensword for everyone.

We really hope that players want to get involved here, we understand the issues that players had with accessing the IRC, so that is why we are moving it out of there. We have high hopes :)

Beforehand, let me say that I'm not trying to turn this into a flaming topic, or a topic where the original subject is forgotten and the discussion turns into something completely different.

Yes, HCS has made mistakes. Yes, they sometimes forget to think things through before updating the game. Their ticket responses is often nonexistent, their activity is lacking and there have been more then a few bad choices in the past.

We do always try and ensure that any mistakes are fixed as soon as possible, things slip through the net or are not properly checked on occasion, we are humans (contrary to popular belief). Tickets are replied to mostly within a 48 hour window (99% of the time less than that), and the ones that have to be passed onto the dev support section do take a while for a response due to the developers schedules.

But in the three months that I'm back playing this game, I have seen nothing but criticism, raging and downright insults from the community. I sometimes have to look through several pages before finally finding a reply containing constructive criticism. Everything HCS does to update this game, whether it's abysmal, average or good, is always met with heavy resistance from the public, and yes, often unfairly. I don't know for how long that's been going on, but if I were a developer I would've given up long ago.

It is par for the course sometimes, but most of the negative comments that bear absolutley no constructive content are either ignored or removed.

Cant remember to who said it, but maybe give new players infinite stamina to get to level 400 or so, by that time they are somewhat hooked. to often I think that stamina gained per hour is 2 little, and what has drove so many people away.

Issuing unlimited stamina will almost never happen. It would cause complete mayhem for a start, it would be entirely unfair to the current player base.

as far as submitting tickets go, they seem to get answered mostly by one person. at least in my experience. and most of those answers have been sorry I cant or wont help, only 2 people that answer them seem to actually care.

That would be me there, as I am the only full time member of staff on Support. I have looked through your ticket history and can only see 1 ticket that was not dealt with to the resolution you were hoping for. We try and help all players when we can, occasionally we cannot. I take comments of this kind seriously, and your comment there is certainly not based on your support history.

Giving out a huge amount of stamina to new players will be met with the inevitable whining of players who did not receive that when they started, and how unfair it is to let someone level (pvp, etc) so fast. We hear it all the time about the "unfair" high powered potions given out with donations of $60 or more.


As many have said, I have the feeling that FS is being squeezed for all the money HCS can get out of it, to fund other projects. The Tank Battle mobile game was a decent game that I played for several days, but I'm not sure a lot of effort should be put into "disposable" games that bring in $1.99, when you have a devoted base of players who spend hundreds, and even thousands of dollars in a current game. Let's make sure FS doesn't wither on the vine and die, while we devote too much time and resources to other games.

Well, with all due respect, we are expanding another part of our company and we do not intend to do so at the expense of Fallen Sword. This is not really something that we ask for player feedback on, we hope you understand :).

I hope that I have answered for the team here as best as I can on some of the issues. If there are any concerns that you would like to put forward to us in a private way, you are always welcome to PM or send in a ticket.

There are so many of you here that have mentioned the issue with Multi accounts, if you are aware of them REPORT THEM to us and we shall deal with them accordingly. Thank you :)

#729295 Ability to bank stam

Posted by Xakano on 10 April 2012 - 14:25 in General Discussion

Can HCS consider adding a feature for us to bank our stam?

Hey, this has been suggested before, and stated that we shall not be adding this ability in the near future. Sorry to cause any disappointment.

#723090 Update v2.025

Posted by Xakano on 05 March 2012 - 16:46 in General Discussion

I bought the upgrade and it is still 25/25

thank you xanno: I see that now.

However, I want this upgrade now if it takes me to 27/25 stamina gain. This is not the case

Please refer to your ticket. As stated, this is a separate upgrade and does not reflect on your current upgrade totals.

#723082 Update v2.025

Posted by Xakano on 05 March 2012 - 16:43 in General Discussion

I was forced into buying the Pack? no idea how this happened. Please check help desk ticket

I have replied to your ticket already.

#722532 Need help fixing a problem

Posted by Xakano on 01 March 2012 - 13:53 in Game Help

Hey, the email was sent to active players in error, you can see more here:


I have removed your new account for you now though.

#721217 Upcoming Event!

Posted by Xakano on 24 February 2012 - 13:40 in General Discussion

The one cursing out loud, drunk, slouched over the bar :P

....the one that's asleep!!

#720894 Upcoming Event!

Posted by Xakano on 22 February 2012 - 17:01 in General Discussion

They have 5 days to collect it, I am sure they will find the time to collect it and use it in that time.

Newbies have 4 BP slots.

#720889 Upcoming Event!

Posted by Xakano on 22 February 2012 - 16:58 in General Discussion

Ehh the Courageous Draft though i hope thats a bug or something x.x

It's not a bug, i mean it was free, so i cant nag on what skill levels it has, but why make it bound? Unbound it and i can sell it for 1 gold so noobs can benefit from it.

The potion will not be made un-bound, it is a freebie for players so drop it if you do not want to use it. We have to make this potion bound, so players cannot collect them via clones.

#720887 You received a Courageous Draft for logging in before March

Posted by Xakano on 22 February 2012 - 16:56 in General Discussion

I am afraid that it shall not be made un-bound, it is bound so you cannot create clones and collect them.

If you do not wish to use it, you do not have to, it is a freebie!

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