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#757031 pvp protection

Posted by Xakano on 03 October 2012 - 08:48 in General Discussion

We do not discuss the details of players suspensions with other players.

Players are not in full possession of the facts, and therefore can provide a bias view of the situation.

This thread is locked.

#755466 Tip: Did you know about MOD Summon thread?

Posted by Xakano on 17 September 2012 - 10:31 in General Discussion

The Mod Summon thread is there to alert us of issues in the Forum, but players are more than welcome to PM or send us in a ticket if they feel their report is of a more sensitive nature.

I am afraid that we shall not be implementing the ability for player to see who has reported them, or change the reporting system currently in place to be public in any manner.

Players who report bio's, avatar's, log messages or FSbox posts for no apparent reason or report in an abusive manner are issued with a suspension to prevent this happening. With this in place, we feel that this keeps this to a minimum as these kinds of reports are few and far between.

Reporting issues to us directly shall be kept fully confidential where possible (in the case of messages being reported to us, we do have to tell the player which message was reported, therefore they know who reported them) to prevent any backlash to the reporter.

Thank you for your suggestions and feedback, but we are happy with the systems in place.

I see that many calls for deletion and bans in MOD Summon have not been acted upon, some even chastised by other players. Have suspensions been issued to those reporting players? Seems this reporting system is exempt from abuse (tongue firmly in cheek).

Amen Scrogger, we (the non-vanilla crowd) are not happy with this everywhere-you-turn reporting system. It's playing to the lowest age denomination. I suppose most of us are in the wrong place (as I'm sure most have already left). I assume Eldevin will be the same..no sense in checking it out I reckon.

Zukira, sorry your post is FAR too long too read on a Monday morning.

Sorry that you are unhappy, but bio's, avatars etc are used in an abusive manner everyday in the game. Players need a way to report them, and an easy way to do so.

Thank you again for the feedback guys, but this is not something we shall be changing. We do not see the problem with providing an ability for players to report abuse to us.

This thread shall now be locked.

#755459 Tip: Did you know about MOD Summon thread?

Posted by Xakano on 17 September 2012 - 09:49 in General Discussion

The Mod Summon thread is there to alert us of issues in the Forum, but players are more than welcome to PM or send us in a ticket if they feel their report is of a more sensitive nature.

I am afraid that we shall not be implementing the ability for player to see who has reported them, or change the reporting system currently in place to be public in any manner.

Players who report bio's, avatar's, log messages or FSbox posts for no apparent reason or report in an abusive manner are issued with a suspension to prevent this happening. With this in place, we feel that this keeps this to a minimum as these kinds of reports are few and far between.

Reporting issues to us directly shall be kept fully confidential where possible (in the case of messages being reported to us, we do have to tell the player which message was reported, therefore they know who reported them) to prevent any backlash to the reporter.

Thank you for your suggestions and feedback, but we are happy with the systems in place.

#48 New Website

Posted by Xakano on 13 September 2012 - 16:22 in Announcements

Yaay, we likey :D

#753825 Shards

Posted by Xakano on 05 September 2012 - 14:20 in General Discussion

We have stated on several occasions that this shall not be changing. We cannot offer FSP any longer as it is not financially viable for us to do so.

#752873 Auction House Overhaul

Posted by Xakano on 29 August 2012 - 11:28 in General Discussion

Hi all,

Over the next wee while I'm going to be working on the Auction House to bring you guys a slicker experience when you want to buy or sell on the AH.

Things I will be working will include:

[*:2ugxo8gh]A more intuitive interface layout
[*:2ugxo8gh]Streamlining the creation of auctions
[*:2ugxo8gh]Saving the creation of auctions as templates
[*:2ugxo8gh]Reduced page loading (Less refreshing)
[*:2ugxo8gh]Improved search features (including the ability to save searches)
For those who want to know about the FS Lite App for mobile. It is still being developed and an update on that project will be given in another post later on.

As usual a post will go up once this update is pushed live onto FS. Happy Hunting guys 'n' gals!

Shouldn't that say week? Just saying.

Otherwise thanks for the updates to the game, the auction house really could use the revamp.

Nopes..wee while not week while :)

#751636 Suggestion: PvP Protection Change

Posted by Xakano on 24 August 2012 - 13:00 in General Discussion

The current PvP Protection system as it is has been affecting FS revenue in many ways.

1. Our Market Place has been soaring over 200k per dot the past two years, some may have not have noticed but Hooftest has been buying the gold for some time now to help margin the prices, and in fact Hooftest is holding over a half Billion gold on hand right now and can NOT be attacked or targeted for PvP at all under any reasoning.

I am afraid that you are incorrect there, Hooftest does NOT buy gold from the Market Place, gold is on the character from testing bits and pieces.

#751634 Achievements!

Posted by Xakano on 24 August 2012 - 12:52 in General Discussion

Hoof, will this new achievement will be a fresh start for everyone or something we already done and just have to meet then condition to auto-gain the achievement ?

Everyone will have to earn them from when they are added to the game :)

Let me rephrase my question :

Are the condition to get those achievement already in the game or is it gonna be something new ?

Will it be with retrospective effect?

I hope not (for both guild and personal ... )

They won't be no, with the exception of "Guild Founded for 'x' years", which would be a Guild Achievement.

#749978 New team member!

Posted by Xakano on 16 August 2012 - 09:10 in General Discussion

Maybe if this was done under a caption this type post i would find it funny but the person is quite clearly kneeling on a pair of sand shoes (as the shadows of their lower legs is clearly evident)

So my question is why would Forn pose for such a photo ? what is the purpose of this...

It's called having a laugh because one of the team brought in a funny hat and we thought we'd share the picture with you. Lighten up! :wink:

No problem Grim just saying its not funny to me at all.

Dafule wanted me to tell you they are squash shoes :D

#749802 New team member!

Posted by Xakano on 15 August 2012 - 10:15 in General Discussion

Posted Image

Our newest member of the team, Dafule the Dwarf!!

He is our new office enforcer! Ensuring that content is released on time!

Dafule welcomes any tips or suggestions for tactics he can use!


#747349 Avatar Auction

Posted by Xakano on 30 July 2012 - 11:13 in Market Place

I have moved this to the correct section for you. :)

#745872 Any word on why FS is down?

Posted by Xakano on 18 July 2012 - 14:47 in General Discussion

Thanks for letting us know guys, we are looking into this now :)

#745865 Any word on why FS is down?

Posted by Xakano on 18 July 2012 - 14:20 in General Discussion

no news on FB about it

The game doesn't appear to be down. Can you tell us what issues are occurring for you?

#745854 Chodrman Ring

Posted by Xakano on 18 July 2012 - 09:24 in General Discussion

We are fixing this now :)

#744794 Animated Avatars

Posted by Xakano on 12 July 2012 - 07:25 in General Discussion

Just to confirm, so I WON'T be slapped with a massive suspension for reporting flashy/dangerous avatars in the future? lol

As long as you enter your reason for reporting in a clear manner, we can see why it is being reported and look into the avatar report.

#744244 New Content. Levels 1441 -1450.

Posted by Xakano on 09 July 2012 - 07:45 in General Discussion

1444 Razor Pod set is not craft able

Also 1447 Champ does not drop anything (which I am guessing was the 3rd set)

I have fixed the dropping issue now, and shall ask Grim to place the Crafting stats on the items as soon as he gets in! :)

#742352 when is wolver woods comming back

Posted by Xakano on 25 June 2012 - 13:04 in General Discussion

You would need to ask one of the Developers. Players arne't given this information until notified by them.

...that's what he is doing :shock:

#738019 Guild founder gold donations

Posted by Xakano on 01 June 2012 - 09:50 in General Discussion

Hey there, the reason we do not allow unlimited amounts is due to players using the Guild bank to keep their gold safe from PvP attacks. If we did not include Guild bank deposits in the daily allowance, they would be able to store their Gold for free, therein potentially making personal bank deposits redundant.

#737686 karma & points paradox

Posted by Xakano on 31 May 2012 - 09:31 in General Discussion

As evilbry stated, it was not my intention just to be negative. Just stating concerns.

Once HCS decides to hand out gifts to those with (an amount of) Karma, then players will speculate on that. Many new players get messages to ask Karma to be given, and I can already see players will want to pay gold/fsp for it. And since 1000-10000 gold already looks like a big value to new players they are getting away with it aswell. (and cheap).

Only way to prevent this is to either give a reward that will won't have a lot of value in any way. And do not make a medal for it.
But then again, we may not implement Karma at all as there won't be any use for it. :P

That was all I was trying to say. The idea is nice, but my worry is that it will just be exploited.

This is the nature of the beast, we will do all we can to prevent abuse, we promise. We cannot stop adding things to the game because of some players trying to abuse it.

There will always be players who try and do this, both here, in other games and also in real life...sadly. This does not mean that we will not keep trying, we are trying to make the game more appealing to new players, and we believe that if we offer an incentive to players to help them here and there then it will all be for the greater good!

Rules will be set very clear for this. Anyone attempting to abuse it can expect a lovely hammer coming their way :D

#737439 Am I seeing things or there's a KARMA count on our profile

Posted by Xakano on 30 May 2012 - 16:37 in General Discussion

Try reading the actual update release notes first.

"Finally, we have added a new stat called Karma. This isn't fully implemented yet..."

By the way, while I'm here...your sig exceeds the size limit requirements. :lol:


#737391 karma & points paradox

Posted by Xakano on 30 May 2012 - 10:00 in General Discussion

BG rather than looking at this as players trying to find a negative in a well intentioned idea, look at it as the community being concerned about the potential ways it can be abused. HCS has a great opportunity to nip the exploitive actions by the few ahead of the release of karma with a value.

I actually feel sorry for the newbies who are going to get hammered by requests for help when karma is introduced and they may feel intimidated by the onslaught of messages and 'advice'.

We understand totally, I have already had to nip a few bits in the bud with players initial attempts to abuse it! We will all be having a good old chat about this prior to release :D

#736471 Max stam price change? Just to see if anyone is interested

Posted by Xakano on 25 May 2012 - 10:30 in General Discussion

Guys, we are not reducing the amount that is currently charged for this, there is no need to argue about hypothetical decisions that we would make.

#735983 Automatic Log-in to Forums

Posted by Xakano on 22 May 2012 - 12:05 in General Discussion

You can click the box that says 'Log me on automatically each visit' when you log into the Forum so you do not have to.

#734873 What if we got rid of guild tagging?

Posted by Xakano on 16 May 2012 - 13:50 in General Discussion

Hey, we do appreciate your suggestion, but it simply shall not be implemented in the foreseeable future anyway.

Players join guild to gain help from other, more powerful players. Guilds are a large part of the game, and sharing items are a huge part of that. We will not be taking away one of the biggest benefits of being a part of a Guild.

#734847 Top 250 players list

Posted by Xakano on 16 May 2012 - 08:58 in General Discussion

I have let the coders know about this, it shall hopefully be fixed soon :)

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