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#1010817 Art of Eldevin PDF

Posted by Prophetic23 on 27 June 2024 - 18:25 in General Discussions

Does anyone have access to the Art of Eldevin book that was included in some version of the Founders Pack? I have seen images that I believe come from this book posted by the Hunted Cow team (see attached images). I found many of these posted alongside development updates or on the Eldevin Facebook page.


These images have provided small glimpses into the lore of Eldevin. My goal is to get access to the "Art of Eldevin" PDF/book for review to see if there are additional details about areas of the game that were not developed or storylines that had not yet finished.


I would love to chat with anyone who did receive a copy of this file. Alternatively, I am happy to discuss with anyone/admin at Hunted Cow about this item.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Crannoch Castle.jpg
  • Drateol's Laboratory_1.jpg
  • Othalo Guardhouse.jpg
  • Othalo.jpg
  • The Lost City of Garai.jpg

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