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#954251 GUild invite bug

Posted by cowboy on 02 December 2015 - 16:14 in Bug Reports

Yep think we figures this one out should be fixed next patch, thanks!

#933220 Friendslist: can't add friend

Posted by cowboy on 21 May 2015 - 14:53 in Bug Reports

Also, the reason the OP couldn't invite appears to be you or the recipient (or both) exceeded an invite sent or received limit. I guess with the refactor of existing friends its initialised you with an exceeded amount, as I think one of you has 60+ invites pending. So you may need to delete some. The current limit it 50 invites sent, 50 invites received and 200 friends. The invites of 50 each way should be more than enough, its just from the refactor you've got a bulk at the moment.


For the next update we've improved how this is reported so you should get told why the invite failed much better as I kinda skirted on it as it wasn't so diverse for the mail failing. and tracking a 'reason' why things failed can be used nicely in the guilds stuff coming too.


There should also be friends gui fixes like the scrolling annoyance mentioned above.

#923867 Adding alts to friend list

Posted by cowboy on 16 March 2015 - 17:57 in Suggestions

Yes its more likely now we'll send 'character wide' invites of your current friends list. We really don't want peoples friends lists being completely wiped, so the side effect is that if you have 'stalker friends' they'll get sent as invites also. So you'll need to remove those soon if you don't want them sent out as invites. There's no perfect solution here, but we're thinking we'd rather not wipe all friends, especially for people coming back after a while to no friends any more, ones they can't even remember the names of lexically. If people have each other added as friends they may well be auto-accepted as each others friends right away. Also, you'll need to re-invite friends as 'account wide' if you want them that way after this revamp.


Its not ideal but we're thinking this is the best solution, and most important is that the friends list is sorted to a nicer thing.


Those complaining about not being able to 'stalk' people any more in this fashion, well its not really what the friends list should be for, and what you're then really asking is for something different, more of a 'locate' / notify online character finder. The /who command allows that a little.

#923168 Adding alts to friend list

Posted by cowboy on 11 March 2015 - 13:45 in Suggestions

I expect the mail and friends updates will have to roll out at the same time, I should think there'll be an official update post about them in a couple of weeks, maybe sooner, they're close but need finalizing.

#923160 Adding alts to friend list

Posted by cowboy on 11 March 2015 - 13:19 in Suggestions

I'm doing this at the moment, about 70% done. You'll be able to invite a character to be a friend but also specify it to be an account wide invite or just a single character, to which the recipient will agree to the request along with the account/character locality of the invite. An account wide invite will therefore show all alts that come online, so in the friends list it will show the friend alt online say Bongo and then the name you actually added if different with it "aka Mongo" underneath of so. If just a specific character friend is added then you'll only see them, and it wont betray any other alts (to which we hope to sort the website top lists to also not betray peoples alts if we can). If you have friends account wide, that grants you access to see all of their alts essentially, for trusted friends.


Most importantly, the friends list will be invite and accept, instead of the current 'stalker list', so a proper mutual friends list. This is to go with the new cross server stuff we did to show friends on different server.


Along with this is coming the mail system very soon, so in terms of system wise content, we're still going forward with all the cross server things as promised, but it is rather complex, but all this is now in place to add Guilds and AH, etc.


One idiom is that the current 'stalker' list will be redundant as we cant assume you have each other as friends, nor can we assume to make those invites for you (cos a % of them are probably added for stalking :) ), so at the moment, we may well use the mail system to send you a list of your friends names, which you can then choose to invite manually, a bit of a pain but not too bad... at least its a better system :)

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