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There have been 165 items by BigGrim (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1010510 Spine Chomper Assault! Wave 1.

Posted by BigGrim on 07 March 2024 - 15:29 in General Discussion

Hi all!
A wretched rattling of teeth on Spines heralds the return of the voracious Spine Chompers! 
Blue Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Blue Spine Chomper lives underground in remote locations, awaiting its prey. As it senses the tremors above the ground, it bursts its head above ground, stripping the victim of its flesh, keeping the spine as a trophy.
Level: 5+
Dark Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Dark Spine Chomper is a biological mystery. In legend, it is told that it developed additional heads to satisfy its need for more spines, so it could process its victims faster.
Level: 75+
Astral Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Astral Spine Chomper is a bit of a nightmare, even by other Chomper standards. It is believed that it has eaten all the beings in its reality and is tearing into this one in search of more prey which it feeds into its other-worldly maw!
Level: 253+
Clockwork Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Clockwork Spine Chomper is a creature from an inventors fevered nightmares! Some strange fellow was enraptured with the Spine Chompers as a species and sought to replicate them artificially. This Clockwork Spine Chomper is the result. What the Inventor did not expect was the level of success he would achieve! The Clockwork Spine Chomper powered up and immediately ate its creator! It has created more Clockwork Spines as it has eaten its way through anything it catches, meaning there is a small horde of these mechanical monsters on the loose!
Level: 525+
Fire Fur Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Fire Fur Spine Chomper is yet another peculiar off-shoot of this very strange creature. This particular specimen appears to be an elemental of sorts or possibly magical in origin. The creature fur is as normal as most usually, however, when it closes with its prey its fur turns into pure flame, giving off some pretty intense heat. The Chomper itself does not notice any heat, having discovered the effect its personal conflagration can have on others resulting in a Chomper that actually likes to cook its prey before consuming them!
Level: 800+
Celestial Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Celestial Spine Chomper is simply a mystery. No-one knows where it comes from, only that it tends to hurl to the earth with extreme speed, landing on its prey and messily devouring them. Some believe it is sent by a God that is displeased but what God would use such a cute ball of mayhem for a weapon?
Level: 1100+
Dark Depths Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Dark Depths Spine Chomper is a peculiar new strain of these beasts. It does not have the shaggy pelt of other Chompers, instead having a rough shark-like hide. This allows these aquatic creatures zero drag in water, making these dangerous predators even more fearsome.
Level: 1880+
Canid Spine Chomper (Legendary)
The Canid Spine Chomper is believed to be the first Chomper species that is a quadruped! It appears to resemble a dog of some (horrible, horrible) type. As with most Chompers, this breed sports the usual shaggy hair and vast mouth filled with fangs. This mouth shape is altered on the Canid however as, like a dog, it has a muzzle! This fast, bounding nightmare has also changed it's hunting methods due to the muzzle. The Chompers sense of smell is second to none!
Level: 2700+
Donki Spine Chomper (Legendary)
A cabal of Wizards have been peering behind the veil, trying to determine if there are more plains beyond this one and the Shroud. What they saw has unhinged them and somehow manifested as new breeds of Spine Chomper! 
The Donki Spine Chomper was manifested by the genius Wizard, Shigemoto. This particular type of Chomper takes offense when it sees towers, smashing them and throwing great barrels and anyone who tries to climb the tower to get them!
This new breed is unassailable unless their attacker has a Shiny Silver Coin. Luckily, before all the Mages were devoured, the Cabal made sure these mysterious self replicating coins appear at Brother Giles stall at the Cathedral of Ways!
Level: 3300+
Air Chomper (Legendary)
One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Air Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! A flighty, nervous individual, this creature is now of pure air. It uses this power to draw the breath out of it's victims, incapacitating them and making them easy prey. Unfortunately, the new blustery nature of the beast tends to sling the remains all over the place.
Level: 3675+
Fire Chomper (Legendary)
One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Fire Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting it's former personality! An individual of truly volcanic anger, it's little surprise that this apprentice was engulfed in flame, becoming a fire elemental. Lapping tongues of fire replace fur and the creature moves swiftly, the roaring, spitting sound of it warning everyone of it's approach...
Level: 4050+
Light Chomper (Legendary)
One of Vile Whites apprentices, the Light Chomper is now an elemental monster, transformed into a beast reflecting its former personality! For an evil individual to be as bubbly and bright as disposition is curious. This meant their elemental binding to Light is of now surprise. However, this joyous outlook translates into the enjoyment of its evil actions. It moves and attacks in the blink of an eye, blinding its prey and searing them with the power of its light.
Level: 4550+
Spine Chomper of War (Legendary)
The latest, curious variant of the accursed Spine Chompers have raised their horrifying heads! The uniquely rapid morphogenic abilities of the Chomper species have somehow locked onto the four characters associated with the Apocalypse! rnrnThe War Chomper is a huge beast, covered in armour-like fur that turns away or traps an attacker's weapons, leaving them unable to fight back against a beast with teeth like shortswords! The creature fights everyone and everything that crosses its path.
Level: 5050+
This event will be available until 15:00 hours on Monday the 11th of March.
Finally, there are handful of new recipes found at the Cathedral of Ways.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010514 Spine Chomper Assault! Wave 1.

Posted by BigGrim on 08 March 2024 - 09:54 in General Discussion

There are three new sets in the new shop in the Cathedral. Dark, Celestial and Donki.


~ Grim

#1010591 Shadow Bunny Showdown XI!

Posted by BigGrim on 05 April 2024 - 09:23 in General Discussion

The new  EPIC Cuirass of the Grove recipe does not show Stam gain, max stam or XP gained. Will those stats be on the actual Armor? 

Missed that! Thanks for the heads up. I have added that. :)


~ GRim

#1010588 Shadow Bunny Showdown XI!

Posted by BigGrim on 04 April 2024 - 14:01 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.
It's a time of rebirth. Of Spring! A holiday embraced by the Monks and Sisters of the Cathedral of Ways. Eggs have been scattered in all but the smallest realms with baskets handed out to everyone to collect them. Yay! Fun!
An unpleasant Mage has see all this "fun" and decided he hates it. And if he hates it, he has to ruin it for everyone! He's conjured up Shadow Bunnies to steal the eggs and generally get in the way!
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to collect all the eggs and duff up any of the Shadow Bunnies who get in between you and the eggs!
A Springtime Druid awaits you in the Springtime Forest with the quest : Shadow Bunny Assault! (STF)
Easter Egg (Level 25)
All over the Realms, a holiday is being celebrated. The citizens are tasked with finding the colourful eggs that have been strewn around the country. All participants have to have a magic basket which they put the eggs into and they return to the Cathedral of Ways for counting. Good, clean fun!
Shadow Bunny (Level 25)
Good fun until someone has to spoil it! An unpleasant Mage has decided that these "Fun" activities must be stopped. To that end, he has conjured up twisted, evil Shadow Bunnies that are immune to normal weapons! They are running around the Realms trying to steal the colourful eggs! They must be stopped!
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to gather the Eggs scattering the realms while beating up the Shadow Bunnies.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Easter Baskets (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Event shall be live until 15:00 hours on Tuesday the 9th of 2024.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze:1 x Simple Easter Basket
Silver:1 x Average Easter Basket
Gold:2 x Modest Easter Basket
Crystal:2 x Fantastic Easter Basket
Ruby: 3 x Extravagant Easter Basket
If you qualify, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive 2 additional Extravagant Easter Baskets.
The Springtime Forest (Shoppers Grove) has appeared for those of you who finished the Shadow Bunny Assault! quest and discarded their Magical Egg Collecting Basket.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
Finally, a new Seasonal Titan has emerged”
The Lord of Groves (STF Titan)
A titan that carries a sacred forest on its colossal back. It spends most of it’s time asleep beneath the earth, dreaming of the land and feeding on the magic that enriches the soil. The disused temple on its back hearkens back to days where monks once prayed at its altar, but has long since fallen into disrepair.
Recommended Level: 3850+
He shall be active until 15:00 on Wednesday the 17th of April, 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010397 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by BigGrim on 09 February 2024 - 16:27 in General Discussion

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Caves! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Bahmou (Legendary)
Bahmou is a creature from the ancient past. Stories tell of how a great warrior defeated the beast and left it for dead. Over the ages a forest grew over his resting place and somehow begun to change and regenerate the monster. Now Bahmou has awoken from his death, a creature more plant than animal. It is said he guards the forests of the world like dog guards its master.
Recommended Level : 300+
Recommended Gold : 45,000+
The Gilded King (Legendary)
After your traitorous guide abandons you in the caves, you finally emerge in moonlight and shadows in the fabled hidden Valley of the Golden King. The rumors of vast treasure are true, but the wonderful golden idols and hammered images are not the magical animals you expect but the lamia and jabberwock; the king is a follower of the Shadow Lord! Beset by the gilded one's horde of goons, you fight your way free to boldly face the Golden King himself. Now if only you can survive the king and remember the way back...
Designed by: kinghomer
Recommended Level : 525+
Recommended Gold : 21,000+
Xind Imperial Demon (Legendary)
The mad Sorcerer Xinderoth discovered the Magic of Xind, a potent form of magic that has many properties, including being able to imprint your will to create anything from Xind. The existence of the Xind Imperial Demon and its great power of destruction proves that once again a powerful force has risen up that can control this magic with great skill but who remains hidden behind their demon for now...
Recommended Level : 820+
Recommended Gold : 23,000+
Vorik Hydra (Legendary)
The Vorik Hydra is one of the greatest of its kind and the devourer of many heroes that were sent to kill it. Now few dare enter its dwellings deep in the Vorik swamps as none return from the quest to kill this immensely evil monster. The consequence is that the Hydra has grown hungry for the meat of man and has been forced from the confines of its stinking realm though hunger and set out on its own quest to devour all humans it finds...
Recommended Level : 900+
Recommended Gold : 29,000+
Gargantuan Phoenix (Legendary)
The Gargantuan Phoenix is usually a rarely seen Beast, preferring to stay away from Mortals. Recently, unknown, though presumably dark, forces have been forcing the great birds out of their lairs. At this injustice, the Phoenix have decided to lay waste to all mortals for their arrogance.
Recommended Level : 1230+
Recommended Gold : 29,000+
Psellio the Helleater (Legendary)
Once a reputable demon-slayer of world renown, Psellio is now a monster driven mad by his own bloodlust. His frenzied consumption of demon flesh morphed him into a hideous, multi-limbed abomination whose very name instils fear into demon-kind.
Recommended Level : 2050+
Recommended Gold : 37,000+
Ooze Dragon Uoltrex (Legendary)
Few oozes survive consuming powerful beings such as dragons, as the latent magic in their bones is enough to reduce them to a puddle, or they end up unable to move at all. However, one such ooze was successful - Uoltrex. A volatile mass of fire and slime, the remnants of the old dragon's hoard still occasionally slips out, attracting unwanted attention when unsuspecting adventurers follow the glittering path ...
Recommended Level : 2700+
Recommended Gold : 45,000+
Hustlersattva (Legendary)
Once a rich and powerful Merchant Lord, Hustlersattva negotiated trade deals at an epic scale. Trade deals that could mean the life and death of entire cities or even Kingdoms! Such power inevitably breeds a belief that you can do no wrong, so when a betrothed Princess, called Mercy, caught his eye, he pursued her. The feelings were reciprocated but the betrothal was set! Nothing could be done. The Princess's Father, the King, forbade further contact. Needless to say, neither Hustlersattva nor Mercy obeyed this edict and when found out, Mercy was taken away and Hustlersattva banished, with all assets seized. He can now be seen dressed in a monk robe and holding an empty bowl in one hand. He searches the realms for Mercy and, in her name, helps those who are suffering.
Designed by : 1hustler
Recommended Level : 4550+
Recommended Gold : 45,000+
These creatures shall be available until 15:00 on Monday the 12th of February 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010956 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by BigGrim on 19 July 2024 - 15:20 in General Discussion

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Caves! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Spidragon (Legendary)
No one is sure how this beast came to be. But this dragon has given up the gift of flight in favor of more legs and poisonous fangs. This foul beast has the brains of a Dragon mixed with the cruel weapons of a Spider. With twisted glee, it torments its victims for days, even weeks before finally devouring them. 
Recommended Level: 475+
Recommended Gold: 23000+
Baelsae the Forest Guardian (Legendary)
Baelsae the Forest Guardian is an Elvish Warrior without peer and, unfortunately, she will kill any and all trespassers to her forest. This mindset has been nurtured by her since everyone she cares to remember passing through has caused damage or outright devastation to her home. She listens to and trusts no one.
Recommended Level: 850+
Recommended Gold: 29000+
Ira Heketoro (Legendary)
Various stories have been passed down through the ages , though none create more excitement and fear than the story of Ira Heketoro. Legend speaks of an ancient forest where the mythical Taniwha Ira Heketoro lives and protects a mysterious stone of uncanny strength. Only the strongest and bravest of warriors would seek out the ancient forest. Few have ever returned. Those who return, while battle scarred and weary, possess treasures imbued with strength and spirit, enough to make many a brave man run in fear.
Designed by : Evilbry
Recommended Level: 1600+
Recommended Gold: 45000+
Deaths Hood the Defiant (Legendary)
Deaths Hood the Defiant was a notorious Highwayman of prodigious skills. He was a bane to all cruel Highborn Nobles or unscrupulous Merchants and Traders. He always wore a black hood with a stylised skull face beneath it. Eventually, his luck ran out and he was caught in an ambush and murdered most foully.<br><br>This did not stop him however. His vengeful spirit has returned in defiance of his murderers and he preys on all traffic on the Highways. He has made only one change to his recognisable appearance. The skull face beneath his hood is no longer a mask!
Designed by : robinhood2
Recommended Level: 2400+
Recommended Gold: 45000+
Mirky the Malevolent (Legendary)
Mirky the Malevolent is a vile little backstabber. He hides in water or bogs, his fur looking like floating weeds and scum. He waits for even powerful foes that are well versed in combat, as he knows how to strike at weak or exposed joints in armor!
Designed by : EpicPiety
Recommended Level: 3700+
Recommended Gold: 45000+
Felis the Slime Hydra (Legendary) (NEW!)
Just like the great ooze Uoltrex, the abomination Felis was able to puppeteer the draconic corpse of a hydra and now terrorizes the darkest pits of the world. With a thick biolumiescent goo for armor, Felis is a death trap difficult to harm.
Recommended Level: 4950+
Recommended Gold: 45000+
The potions Watch Your Back Brew, Potion of the Canny Gather, Flask of Death, Potion of Unbridled Aggression, Titan Hunters Lesser Brew & Fast Track Draft are also available for a short time.
These creatures and potions shall be available until 15:00 (Server Time) on Monday the 22nd of July 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010126 Santork Claws is comin' to town!

Posted by BigGrim on 23 December 2023 - 17:06 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.
Santork and his vile minions have fled for another year! We hope you enjoyed the event!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010118 Santork Claws is comin' to town!

Posted by BigGrim on 21 December 2023 - 14:59 in General Discussion

Hi all,

Santork Claws and his Flamedeer have returned!

Santork Claws (Legendary)

Tis the season to be jolly! However the razor handed maniac known as Santork Claws does not agree. He has built an army of Steam powered reindeer capable of great fiery destruction and with them he intends on ruining this happy season for all!

Flamedeer (Legendary)

The maniac Santork Claws has created a mechanical Steam Powered Reindeer army. These constructs are heavily armored and are armed with powerful flame throwers with which to burn all they come across. They are joined by...

The Great Pudding (Legendary)

Unlike the usual Legendary creatures, Santork and the Flamedeer come in five power levels :

Level : 50
Lesser Santork Claws (Legendary)
Lesser Flamedeer (Legendary)

Level : 150
Santork Claws (Legendary)
Flamedeer (Legendary)

Level : 250
Greater Santork Claws (Legendary)
Greater Flamedeer (Legendary)

Level : 500
Superior Santork Claws (Legendary)
Superior Flamedeer (Legendary)

Level : 750
Supreme Santork Claws (Legendary)
Supreme Flamedeer (Legendary)

Level : 1000
Sovereign Santork Claws (Legendary)
Sovereign Flamedeer (Legendary)

They drop various types of Crackers that are extracted into Baubles, with are then used to create items. The recipes for these items can be bought from Santork's Grotto in the Realm of Santork Claws, the stairway to which can be found in the Forest of Yule (Clearing).

Please be aware, the "Convert" recipes (i.e. Convert Lesser Santork Hat) to change original items to Upgraded items are only to be used if you still have original Santork set items. If you don't have those and need to start from Upgraded items, use the "Upgraded" recipes (i.e. Upgraded Lesser Santork Hat) as those only require Baubles from the Cracker drops!

New recipes are available from Yuletide Puddings!, found in the Realm of Santork Claws, which is now open! Items used in these recipes have been stripped from the Auction House.


These LEs will be active in the Realms until 15:00 hours on the 23rd of December 2023.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010257 Rise of the Wraiths XXVIII

Posted by BigGrim on 18 January 2024 - 15:45 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.
The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!
Elemental Wraith (Level 25)
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 16:00 on the 23rd of January 2024.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional 2 Global Ruby Frag Stash II chests.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1009814 Rise of the Wraiths XXVII

Posted by BigGrim on 28 September 2023 - 15:03 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.
The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!
Elemental Wraith (Level 25)
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 on the 3rd of October 2023.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional 2 Global Ruby Frag Stash II chests.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010820 Rise of the Wraiths XXIX

Posted by BigGrim on 27 June 2024 - 19:49 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.


The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.


The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!


Elemental Wraith (Level 25)



The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.


Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.


The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 (Server Time) on the 3rd of July 2024.


For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:


Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II

Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II

Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II

Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II

Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II


If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.


Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional Global Ruby Frag Stash II chest.


There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.


Good luck everyone!


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010353 Reign of Rosmeriat V

Posted by BigGrim on 01 February 2024 - 15:25 in General Discussion

Hi there Everyone.
Tired of her life in the Web of Chaos, the gargantuan cosmic spider - Rosmeriat - left the void to lay claim to the lands of Erildath. Her children follow her like soldiers to a queen, laying waste to all that is living, and paving the foundations for her new world-shattering empire.
Brother Richard requires your presence at the Cathedral of Ways! The Quest, "Reign of Rosmeriat" awaits you! For those who have completed the quest, remember you can buy a replacement Void Ring from "Sister Gillians Miscellany" in the Cathedral of Ways (Storage).

Cosmic Spider (Level 25)



Counts as 1 kill.

Dark Cosmic Spider (Level 25)



Counts as 5 kills.

Iklilian of the First Brood (Titan) (Level 2200)



Counts as 5 kills.
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Cosmic Spiders infesting the Realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly powerful potion rewards (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
Additionally, if you end the event in the Top 100 Contributors, you will receive 1 extra Nebulous Ruby Chest on top of what the Community unlocks!
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 on the 6th of February 2024.
Iklilian of the First Brood (Titan) shall be live until 15:00 on the 13th of February 2024.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010932 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 12:59 in General Discussion

I agree and typically encourage varying ways of play. I only said what I did above because of the compounding bonuses.

I'm not saying it can't be a buff available, obviously - I'm just unsure how high a level Trendy would need to be to overcome losing all the other bonuses.

But that's the thing Duder. Does it NEED to? Couldn't this simply facilitate a totally different way to play? I believe that was the original thinking behind the buff, along with giving a playstyle that uses Commons.


~ Grim

#1009881 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 25 October 2023 - 15:29 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.


We're considering taking some time to create new content for the Realm Chests. The question is, what would we like to see? 


Specific types of Gear? Sets? Sets spread across multiple chests?


Not sure potions work. There'd be demands for them to be more powerful, which is impractical. They really do not need to be more powerful.


Random "Quest Items", specifically for use in future invention recipes? Possibly future Hunted Cow Titan Epics? Could be used for invention of new gear across the game. Arena, PvP, GvG etc.


Frag Stashes in cheaper Chests with large quantities of specific Frags? Like, LARGE quantities.


Your thoughts and suggestions on this matter are most welcome!


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010919 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 16 July 2024 - 14:56 in General Discussion

Hey there.


Right, first swing at new Crate content, I reckon I'll spread the various frag stashes across all existing crates. I think maybe one new potion per existing one. Potions, I'm tempted to put into two new chests? Opinions?


Potions I reckon we'll add:


Conserve 800. 60m.
Adept Learner 800. 60m.
Light Foot 1500. 60m.
Overkill 1100. 60m.
Titan Doubler 300. 60m.
Counter Attack 300. 60m.
Invigorate 1000. 720m.
Reckoning 300. 60m.
Savagery 300. 60m.
Arterial Strike 600 (1000?) 60m.
Shield strike 400. 60m.
Immobilise Titan 400. 120m.
Trendy ?
Arterial Strike I'm no sure whether to go for 600 or 1000. Maybe both? Dunno.
Not sure what to do with Trendy. I tested it at 10,000 for ease. I'm no going that high obviously, but I do understand it likely needs to be high-ish to be useful? Again, opinions please.
~ Grim

#1010936 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 14:14 in General Discussion

Players aren't playing that way anymore. They want to minimize effort to accomplish the same goal.

And you speak for the entire Community?

Not an exaggeration at all - see attached:attachicon.gifimage.png

Bloody hell. I stand corrected!

Uniques already see some form of use depending on what stats are needed on filler items - rares are overlooked. You could likely get away with doing both, however, if you made rares 0.02% per point and Uniques 0.01% or something along those lines.

Hmm. Could look into that, sure. Again, it does mean that potion (potions?) would be bumped from this release until the Loyalty Stash coding.

~ Grim

#1010711 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 30 May 2024 - 08:57 in General Discussion

Hey there.


There's requests for Frag Stashes in this very thread, so there is interest. I mentioned potions in my post above, so yeah.


Loyalty Stashes I've asked for. We'll see if it can be coded. If so, I'm happy to introduce a Loyalty Stash that functions like the Mystic (Shard) Stash. :)


~ Grim

#1010913 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 15 July 2024 - 16:29 in General Discussion

All the potion ideas are driven toward PvE only. How about some PvP potion content as well?

Such as? Any particular requests?

This is the opportunity to add new potions of Immobilise Titan, Trendy.

Good call. I'll have to test em. Make sure the coding was actually completed.

Light Foot 1500. 60m. Yes, but maybe last longer, similar to global, or 120/180 so it's now as powerful. Most players that hunt chests/SE are on/off throughout the day, so be good to get real value.

Hmm. Don't really wanna step on the toes of the Global Potion.

Titan Doubler 300. 60m. I still think Teleport 200 would be more beneficial, or Titan Immobiliser. 

Not a fan of too high a teleport myself. Immobiliser however...

Also think a higher Distil would be good, somewhere between 200-300, and/or a higher level Stalker.

Not sure we really want a higher Distil in the game. Will have a look. Will look into Stalker.

Added to existing Crates? Or brand new ones? Maybe a bit of both, depends on how much you plan on adding to the game?

I want to add a lot of new stuff, whether Frag Stashes, potions or Quest items. May do a mix of the two options.

Quest Items. Used for inventing upgraded Epics? If so, likely one of due to rarity/scarcity? One per new Epic?

Probably one of the new item, at least one of the Epic and misc other odds and sods.



Will post more thoughts later. Gonna test Titan Immobiliser and Trendy. Make sure they work and will report back.

*Edit* Yup, those work correctly! Will have a think about levels. Any suggestions? Trendy probably needs to be pretty high, right?

Loyalty Stashes seem like a definite go, though they'll arrive a bit later. I'm pushing for sooner.

~ Grim

#1010784 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 20 June 2024 - 14:31 in General Discussion

OK1100 drops from Murkwood Guardian SE

Thank you!

Regarding TD300
No one will use a rare potion to clear regular titans, they will use it to secure titan and it will be left uncleared  for days

If so, why was it suggested then?

Regarding CA300
why would we need it anyway? it's already easy to kill any SE without it
and whoever uses this buff for leveling plays inefficiently as they lose more stamina than they gain XP

Same thing, why was it suggested? Remember, not everyone plays the same way.

I'd suggest Reckoning 400 potion

Maybe 300? 400 is double the highest version at the moment. Plus that one is an inventable.

also some pvp oriented buffs
Shield strike 400 & Savagery 300

In individual potions or a combined potion? I don't have a problem with either buff.

~ Grim

#1010930 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 11:43 in General Discussion

The question what kind of chest and keys are required to open those?

What do you feel is reasonable? I was thinking no higher than gold?

]As far as new chests go, that's fine, I guess. The opportunity to rotate loot into the chests is also an idea as well if you decide to stick them in the old chests, however.
I understand the idea behind trendy, but the use of something like that is in FS's past at this point. As mentioned above, I can likely find a "break-even" point where it could find potential use, but that number would be ridiculously high to compete with the readily available buffs we already have.

Not sure if I wanna rotate the gear in chests as I keep putting it in invented stuff.

Trendy is a player idea buff and one we have been asked for in this very thread. Remember, not everyone plays like you do. wink.png


Arterial Strike 600/1000: Already have a loyalty pot Arterial Strike 1000. It is also very niche and most people don't use it.
Trendy ???: No one will use this. Would have to be a stupidly high level to even try and get comparable stats to sets being paired with coordinated buffs and smashing hammer.
That being said I do have some possible potion recommendations if you are looking to replace some of these with something.
Sacrifice 550: Kind of the same as Sidd's potion allowing a higher level sacrifice be available outside of global chests.
Brewing Master 400: Will be a more expensive and rarer alternative of Brewers Art from arena to be used with those high epic pots.
Pride 300: Same as brewing master but for composed pots.

AS - the entire point is to have one available for free trade; that's good for the game's otherwise stagnantly dead economy. 600 won't do it, but 1k will. With the only other option being from Loyalty Tokens, those that DO want to use it will likely pay a reasonable amount for it as well.

Sacrifice already caps gold loss to 100% at level 500 - that's 575 post-distil which means 633 post-distil on 550? For what purpose? To have EVEN MORE XP gain when it's already super easy to level up?

BrewM would kill the only reasonable potion from the Arena. That does no good.

BG's on record as saying Pride is and will remain composing only.


Pretty much this, sorry.

~ Grim

#1010819 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 27 June 2024 - 19:46 in General Discussion

Cheers for the feedback everyone. I'll look into it when I return from holiday.


- Grim

#1010934 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 13:35 in General Discussion

Well, I'd say it SHOULD in order to have value and not be a potion that's DoA. I'd like these things to help the game economy some.

As would I. Bear in mind, people leveled and played the game just fine without some of these buffs for a great many years.

I do think you need to drop the whole DOA thing though. It might be to you, but not everyone.

When it was initially proposed ~12 Years ago, it was likely a pretty solid idea to inject something into the game. Now, commons, outside minor arena use for those with HP, are frag items.

What on earth makes you think the buff idea is 12 years old? Exaggeration, thy name is "Toreth"! ;)

If I might offer a suggestion? What if Trendy were changed to "Rare" instead of "Common?" They don't have the same level of crafting bonuses, so less bonuses I mentioned before, too - changing to "Rare," though might would get some to farm some champs for their items some as they could have new-found viability across all level ranges. It's an instant boost to nearly every aspect of the game, and it allows the potion to remain a more modest level while seeing use.

I suppose we could change it to Rare or Unique but that pushes its release back to whenever I can get some code time. Probably when I get the Loyalty Stashes implemented.

~ Grim

#1010703 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 28 May 2024 - 16:39 in General Discussion

Hey everyone. 


Been through this again. This is still something I wanna look at. Any further ideas? Bear in mind, any ideas that require extensive code is unlikely to be entertained.


~ Grim

#1010940 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 14:37 in General Discussion

Hey Grim,
Chiming in to say, thank you for giving us new stuff.

You're welcome!

People did play the game just fine with Commons before. Those were the times without CoA/CoD, your Epic Forges/Crafts, and your Smashing Hammers and your other high level buffs. That was well over a decade ago. I still remember how big of a change it was when SH175 became a thing - the way we leveled and the gear completely changed, and has remembered somewhat the same since.
We live in times where the game is much further advanced, the way we play has evolved to a much finer degree, and resources are much more vast and readily available. Resources meaning Legendary/Crystal/Epic gear, and the variety of buffs + the (high) degree and ease of access.

Blimey, sometimes I forget how long we've been at this! :D

Love you Grimmy ~ SS

Love you too. :P

I think pushing the idea to the Loyalty update is fine if you're okay moving the idea to rares/uniques. It will be much better received and be sought after more that way.

I think so, yeah. If it results in a better buff, then yeah. I'll see if we can get the change made and push live at the same time as the Loyalty Stash update (which will be the only time we announce the Loyalty Stashes going live, in the same manner as the Mythic Stash events.

~ Grim

#1010707 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 29 May 2024 - 16:13 in General Discussion

Hey there.


So, thus far I'm gonna defo add new potions and Frag Stashes to Crates (Realm Chests). Thinking both mixed Frags and specific Frag crates.


Gonna think on Quest Items that I'll add which will be used in new and future sets.


~ Grim

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