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#1010932 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 12:59 in General Discussion

I agree and typically encourage varying ways of play. I only said what I did above because of the compounding bonuses.

I'm not saying it can't be a buff available, obviously - I'm just unsure how high a level Trendy would need to be to overcome losing all the other bonuses.

But that's the thing Duder. Does it NEED to? Couldn't this simply facilitate a totally different way to play? I believe that was the original thinking behind the buff, along with giving a playstyle that uses Commons.


~ Grim

#1010934 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 13:35 in General Discussion

Well, I'd say it SHOULD in order to have value and not be a potion that's DoA. I'd like these things to help the game economy some.

As would I. Bear in mind, people leveled and played the game just fine without some of these buffs for a great many years.

I do think you need to drop the whole DOA thing though. It might be to you, but not everyone.

When it was initially proposed ~12 Years ago, it was likely a pretty solid idea to inject something into the game. Now, commons, outside minor arena use for those with HP, are frag items.

What on earth makes you think the buff idea is 12 years old? Exaggeration, thy name is "Toreth"! ;)

If I might offer a suggestion? What if Trendy were changed to "Rare" instead of "Common?" They don't have the same level of crafting bonuses, so less bonuses I mentioned before, too - changing to "Rare," though might would get some to farm some champs for their items some as they could have new-found viability across all level ranges. It's an instant boost to nearly every aspect of the game, and it allows the potion to remain a more modest level while seeing use.

I suppose we could change it to Rare or Unique but that pushes its release back to whenever I can get some code time. Probably when I get the Loyalty Stashes implemented.

~ Grim

#1010930 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 11:43 in General Discussion

The question what kind of chest and keys are required to open those?

What do you feel is reasonable? I was thinking no higher than gold?

]As far as new chests go, that's fine, I guess. The opportunity to rotate loot into the chests is also an idea as well if you decide to stick them in the old chests, however.
I understand the idea behind trendy, but the use of something like that is in FS's past at this point. As mentioned above, I can likely find a "break-even" point where it could find potential use, but that number would be ridiculously high to compete with the readily available buffs we already have.

Not sure if I wanna rotate the gear in chests as I keep putting it in invented stuff.

Trendy is a player idea buff and one we have been asked for in this very thread. Remember, not everyone plays like you do. wink.png


Arterial Strike 600/1000: Already have a loyalty pot Arterial Strike 1000. It is also very niche and most people don't use it.
Trendy ???: No one will use this. Would have to be a stupidly high level to even try and get comparable stats to sets being paired with coordinated buffs and smashing hammer.
That being said I do have some possible potion recommendations if you are looking to replace some of these with something.
Sacrifice 550: Kind of the same as Sidd's potion allowing a higher level sacrifice be available outside of global chests.
Brewing Master 400: Will be a more expensive and rarer alternative of Brewers Art from arena to be used with those high epic pots.
Pride 300: Same as brewing master but for composed pots.

AS - the entire point is to have one available for free trade; that's good for the game's otherwise stagnantly dead economy. 600 won't do it, but 1k will. With the only other option being from Loyalty Tokens, those that DO want to use it will likely pay a reasonable amount for it as well.

Sacrifice already caps gold loss to 100% at level 500 - that's 575 post-distil which means 633 post-distil on 550? For what purpose? To have EVEN MORE XP gain when it's already super easy to level up?

BrewM would kill the only reasonable potion from the Arena. That does no good.

BG's on record as saying Pride is and will remain composing only.


Pretty much this, sorry.

~ Grim

#1010919 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 16 July 2024 - 14:56 in General Discussion

Hey there.


Right, first swing at new Crate content, I reckon I'll spread the various frag stashes across all existing crates. I think maybe one new potion per existing one. Potions, I'm tempted to put into two new chests? Opinions?


Potions I reckon we'll add:


Conserve 800. 60m.
Adept Learner 800. 60m.
Light Foot 1500. 60m.
Overkill 1100. 60m.
Titan Doubler 300. 60m.
Counter Attack 300. 60m.
Invigorate 1000. 720m.
Reckoning 300. 60m.
Savagery 300. 60m.
Arterial Strike 600 (1000?) 60m.
Shield strike 400. 60m.
Immobilise Titan 400. 120m.
Trendy ?
Arterial Strike I'm no sure whether to go for 600 or 1000. Maybe both? Dunno.
Not sure what to do with Trendy. I tested it at 10,000 for ease. I'm no going that high obviously, but I do understand it likely needs to be high-ish to be useful? Again, opinions please.
~ Grim

#1010913 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 15 July 2024 - 16:29 in General Discussion

All the potion ideas are driven toward PvE only. How about some PvP potion content as well?

Such as? Any particular requests?

This is the opportunity to add new potions of Immobilise Titan, Trendy.

Good call. I'll have to test em. Make sure the coding was actually completed.

Light Foot 1500. 60m. Yes, but maybe last longer, similar to global, or 120/180 so it's now as powerful. Most players that hunt chests/SE are on/off throughout the day, so be good to get real value.

Hmm. Don't really wanna step on the toes of the Global Potion.

Titan Doubler 300. 60m. I still think Teleport 200 would be more beneficial, or Titan Immobiliser. 

Not a fan of too high a teleport myself. Immobiliser however...

Also think a higher Distil would be good, somewhere between 200-300, and/or a higher level Stalker.

Not sure we really want a higher Distil in the game. Will have a look. Will look into Stalker.

Added to existing Crates? Or brand new ones? Maybe a bit of both, depends on how much you plan on adding to the game?

I want to add a lot of new stuff, whether Frag Stashes, potions or Quest items. May do a mix of the two options.

Quest Items. Used for inventing upgraded Epics? If so, likely one of due to rarity/scarcity? One per new Epic?

Probably one of the new item, at least one of the Epic and misc other odds and sods.



Will post more thoughts later. Gonna test Titan Immobiliser and Trendy. Make sure they work and will report back.

*Edit* Yup, those work correctly! Will have a think about levels. Any suggestions? Trendy probably needs to be pretty high, right?

Loyalty Stashes seem like a definite go, though they'll arrive a bit later. I'm pushing for sooner.

~ Grim

#1010936 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 14:14 in General Discussion

Players aren't playing that way anymore. They want to minimize effort to accomplish the same goal.

And you speak for the entire Community?

Not an exaggeration at all - see attached:attachicon.gifimage.png

Bloody hell. I stand corrected!

Uniques already see some form of use depending on what stats are needed on filler items - rares are overlooked. You could likely get away with doing both, however, if you made rares 0.02% per point and Uniques 0.01% or something along those lines.

Hmm. Could look into that, sure. Again, it does mean that potion (potions?) would be bumped from this release until the Loyalty Stash coding.

~ Grim

#1010940 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 14:37 in General Discussion

Hey Grim,
Chiming in to say, thank you for giving us new stuff.

You're welcome!

People did play the game just fine with Commons before. Those were the times without CoA/CoD, your Epic Forges/Crafts, and your Smashing Hammers and your other high level buffs. That was well over a decade ago. I still remember how big of a change it was when SH175 became a thing - the way we leveled and the gear completely changed, and has remembered somewhat the same since.
We live in times where the game is much further advanced, the way we play has evolved to a much finer degree, and resources are much more vast and readily available. Resources meaning Legendary/Crystal/Epic gear, and the variety of buffs + the (high) degree and ease of access.

Blimey, sometimes I forget how long we've been at this! :D

Love you Grimmy ~ SS

Love you too. :P

I think pushing the idea to the Loyalty update is fine if you're okay moving the idea to rares/uniques. It will be much better received and be sought after more that way.

I think so, yeah. If it results in a better buff, then yeah. I'll see if we can get the change made and push live at the same time as the Loyalty Stash update (which will be the only time we announce the Loyalty Stashes going live, in the same manner as the Mythic Stash events.

~ Grim

#1010955 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 19 July 2024 - 14:48 in General Discussion



The market would be influenced with these flowing in from here as well. If that's the intention, then so be it, but I'd still like to make note of it already being available.

Hardly "flowing". Dripping at best. The SE will be the way to try to consistently get the potion.


~ Grim

#1010953 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 19 July 2024 - 13:15 in General Discussion

Like it. Thank you. :)


~ Grim

#1010950 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 19 July 2024 - 10:45 in General Discussion

Hey everyone.


Alrighty, this is what I'm looking at. 


Probably all spread over two or three new crates?
Preservation Draft: Conserve 800. 60m.
Draft of the Intellectual: Adept Learner 800. 60m.
Buoyant Brew: Light Foot 1500. 60m.
Draft of Prodigious Blow: Overkill 1100. 60m.
Potion of the Titan Slayer: Titan Doubler 300. 60m.
Swift Parry Potion: Counter Attack 300. 60m.
Energizing Brew: Invigorate 1000. 720m.
Bad News Brew: Reckoning 300. 60m.
Brew of Brutality: Savagery 300. 60m.
Sanguine Draft: Arterial Strike 600 (1000?) 60m.
Buckler Bashing Brew: Shield Strike 400. 60m.
Titan Hamstring Potion: Immobilise Titan 400. 120m.
Frag Stashes:
Spread over existing crates
Mixed Frag Type Frag Stashes:
Worldly Ruby Frag Stash
Worldly Crystal Frag Stash
Worldly Gold Frag Stash
Worldly Silver Frag Stash
Worldly Bronze Frag Stash
Single FragType Frag Stashes:
Worldly SE Frag Stash
Worldly Crystalline Frag Stash
Worldly Legendary Frag Stash
Worldly Unique Frag Stash
Worldly Rare Frag Stash
Worldly Common Frag Stash
What level of chest/key do you feel is right? I don't think any of them need be higher than gold but feedback on placement is appreciated.
~ Grim

#1010941 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 17 July 2024 - 16:03 in General Discussion

That's fine or release them in a new chest?

Or a mix of the two. 


~ Grim

#1010819 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 27 June 2024 - 19:46 in General Discussion

Cheers for the feedback everyone. I'll look into it when I return from holiday.


- Grim

#1010784 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 20 June 2024 - 14:31 in General Discussion

OK1100 drops from Murkwood Guardian SE

Thank you!

Regarding TD300
No one will use a rare potion to clear regular titans, they will use it to secure titan and it will be left uncleared  for days

If so, why was it suggested then?

Regarding CA300
why would we need it anyway? it's already easy to kill any SE without it
and whoever uses this buff for leveling plays inefficiently as they lose more stamina than they gain XP

Same thing, why was it suggested? Remember, not everyone plays the same way.

I'd suggest Reckoning 400 potion

Maybe 300? 400 is double the highest version at the moment. Plus that one is an inventable.

also some pvp oriented buffs
Shield strike 400 & Savagery 300

In individual potions or a combined potion? I don't have a problem with either buff.

~ Grim

#1009914 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 31 October 2023 - 15:07 in General Discussion

How about like… a sorta Cow themed piñata as the chest? Maybe even give reference to HCG staff?

Arioche’s Cloche, Stash of Hoof’s Hooves, Grim’s Grimmer Glimmers? Maybe even run a player contest to have them design and come up with good chest ideas/contents? The Titan Design was a fairly solid hit, so why not?


Could be fun. We'll see. :)


~ Grim

#1009907 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 30 October 2023 - 13:45 in General Discussion

New Chest event like Mystic Chests but rewards Loyalty Allegiance tokens

Interesting idea. I dig it.

Is the realm chest the treasure hunter chests? if so I would like to see a new skill potion for artisan like chance to make 2 potions. haven't seen a new artisanship buff for awhile. its usually always a new combat buff. ofc it could only be found in realm chests.

Will note this idea down too.

~ Grim

#1009896 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 27 October 2023 - 14:08 in General Discussion

How about also adding a x2 of  the content of a treasure chest for the Crystal and Gold key chests.
For example, a random roll may give x1 potion or the roll may give x2 of same potion.
Also, maybe have a few "stacked" potions in a container.
Not sure if stacked container is possible though since 1 potion might be used and then 
have it placed in AH for sale short a potion or 2...hmm

Multiple chances in a chest could be interesting. Something to consider.
Crates having Containers? Dunno. Maybe?

It takes a ton of stamina and time to find chests. I think finding chests is possibly the hardest thing to do consistently in FS.
1 Unique pot to encourage someone to go around and find more would be:
Lightfoot Pot (2000) or something pretty close to that.
Another could be a higher Titan Doubler (300-400) range
High level Counter Attack (500+)
Invigorate (1000+) 720 min duration (good for offline defense in epics)

I'll have to double check those numbers versus what exists and what those levels would be but thanks for the suggestions. smile.png

The quest item idea is intriguing - but how would that work tho ? - would it be a specific item for a specific quest item ? - or would it be a "voucher" that allows you to get a specific quest item from a shop ? - more details on the thoughts behind this please ?

It would be what it sounds like. A specific Quest Item that would used in multiple invention recipes. 

~ Grim

#1009890 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 26 October 2023 - 14:51 in General Discussion

Hey Peeps!


Okay, Frag Stashes are a big yes. Rather, substantial Frag Stashes are requested. That's definately something we can add.


I reckon you've changed my mind on Potions. Ideas for potions are welcome, though remember some buffs are specific to Potions, Composing etc.


Not gonna see FSP, when Mystic Chests give Shards.


Quest Items specifically for Invention is definately something that I hope would be interesting.

Upgrades? Unlikely. But who knows?


~ Grim

#1009881 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 25 October 2023 - 15:29 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.


We're considering taking some time to create new content for the Realm Chests. The question is, what would we like to see? 


Specific types of Gear? Sets? Sets spread across multiple chests?


Not sure potions work. There'd be demands for them to be more powerful, which is impractical. They really do not need to be more powerful.


Random "Quest Items", specifically for use in future invention recipes? Possibly future Hunted Cow Titan Epics? Could be used for invention of new gear across the game. Arena, PvP, GvG etc.


Frag Stashes in cheaper Chests with large quantities of specific Frags? Like, LARGE quantities.


Your thoughts and suggestions on this matter are most welcome!


~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010703 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 28 May 2024 - 16:39 in General Discussion

Hey everyone. 


Been through this again. This is still something I wanna look at. Any further ideas? Bear in mind, any ideas that require extensive code is unlikely to be entertained.


~ Grim

#1010777 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 20 June 2024 - 11:12 in General Discussion

Hey there.


So, what we're looking at for the Crates is as follows. 


Possible Potions: 


Conserve 800. 60m.
Adept Learner 800. 60m.
Light Foot 1500. 60m.
Overkill 1100. 60m.
Titan Doubler 300. 60m.
Counter Attack 300. 60m.
Invigorate 1000. 720m.
Frag stashes:
Worldly Frag Stashes, Bronze to Ruby. These are the mixed frags, similar to those in the Globals, just with more Frags and unbound.
Then we have : 
Worldly SE Frag Stash
Worldly Crystal Frag Stash
Worldly Legendary Frag Stash
Worldly Unique Frag Stash
Worldly Rare Frag Stash
Worldly Common Frag Stash
Frag Stashes with a single type of Frag. Higher quantity and unbound.
Loyalty Point Crates
Probably going to be able to do Loyalty Point crates, similar to the Mystic Shard Crates. Would be released without any fanfare, same as the Mystics. (Though we'd announce them if/when implemented.)




Would we want these added to existing Crates? Or brand new ones?


Quest Items. Used for inventing upgraded Epics? If so, likely one of due to rarity/scarcity?


~ Grim

#1010782 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 20 June 2024 - 12:35 in General Discussion

Overkill 1100. 60m. Already available as drop from SE, keep it as SE drop only.

Huh. Must be missing from my document. What is it called again?

Titan Doubler 300. 60m. Titan hunting already going fast with TD 200, I dont see the need of this

Generally, feedback has been it'd be helpful for those clearing the Titans.

Counter Attack 300. 60m. Pretty useless 

Then what would MAKE it useful?

~ Grim

#1010711 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 30 May 2024 - 08:57 in General Discussion

Hey there.


There's requests for Frag Stashes in this very thread, so there is interest. I mentioned potions in my post above, so yeah.


Loyalty Stashes I've asked for. We'll see if it can be coded. If so, I'm happy to introduce a Loyalty Stash that functions like the Mystic (Shard) Stash. :)


~ Grim

#1010707 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by BigGrim on 29 May 2024 - 16:13 in General Discussion

Hey there.


So, thus far I'm gonna defo add new potions and Frag Stashes to Crates (Realm Chests). Thinking both mixed Frags and specific Frag crates.


Gonna think on Quest Items that I'll add which will be used in new and future sets.


~ Grim

#1010203 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by BigGrim on 09 January 2024 - 09:39 in General Discussion

Hi there.


1. For those saying 12 hours is to long, all existing packs are 12 hours. These are supposed to be long duration.


2. The costs have already been reduced due to previous feedback. We want to add value to RP, not allow those who have banked up loads to cast these for forever after launch! :D


3. Seems some people need reminded that these are cast on the entire guild. Comparing them to individual potion use is inaccurate.


~ Grim

#1010328 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by BigGrim on 29 January 2024 - 13:35 in General Discussion

These were priced with player feedback, same as the Loyalty Potions. 


~ Grim

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