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#1009854 The Ultimate GvG Guide

Posted by BigGrim on 11 October 2023 - 14:20 in Game Content

And it is now in the correct section. I have also pinned the topic.


~ Grim

#1010394 Daily quest

Posted by BigGrim on 08 February 2024 - 09:10 in General Discussion

Hi there.


Have you input a Support ticket? If not, please do so. They'll make sure this gets to the correct person to check out.




If you are having issues creating a ticket from the game or using the above links, you can send an email to support@huntedcow.com where a ticket will be automatically created for you. If you do so please ensure you include the name of your account/character and the game you your are experiencing the issues with.


Thank you!


~ Grim

#1010397 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by BigGrim on 09 February 2024 - 16:27 in General Discussion

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Caves! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Bahmou (Legendary)
Bahmou is a creature from the ancient past. Stories tell of how a great warrior defeated the beast and left it for dead. Over the ages a forest grew over his resting place and somehow begun to change and regenerate the monster. Now Bahmou has awoken from his death, a creature more plant than animal. It is said he guards the forests of the world like dog guards its master.
Recommended Level : 300+
Recommended Gold : 45,000+
The Gilded King (Legendary)
After your traitorous guide abandons you in the caves, you finally emerge in moonlight and shadows in the fabled hidden Valley of the Golden King. The rumors of vast treasure are true, but the wonderful golden idols and hammered images are not the magical animals you expect but the lamia and jabberwock; the king is a follower of the Shadow Lord! Beset by the gilded one's horde of goons, you fight your way free to boldly face the Golden King himself. Now if only you can survive the king and remember the way back...
Designed by: kinghomer
Recommended Level : 525+
Recommended Gold : 21,000+
Xind Imperial Demon (Legendary)
The mad Sorcerer Xinderoth discovered the Magic of Xind, a potent form of magic that has many properties, including being able to imprint your will to create anything from Xind. The existence of the Xind Imperial Demon and its great power of destruction proves that once again a powerful force has risen up that can control this magic with great skill but who remains hidden behind their demon for now...
Recommended Level : 820+
Recommended Gold : 23,000+
Vorik Hydra (Legendary)
The Vorik Hydra is one of the greatest of its kind and the devourer of many heroes that were sent to kill it. Now few dare enter its dwellings deep in the Vorik swamps as none return from the quest to kill this immensely evil monster. The consequence is that the Hydra has grown hungry for the meat of man and has been forced from the confines of its stinking realm though hunger and set out on its own quest to devour all humans it finds...
Recommended Level : 900+
Recommended Gold : 29,000+
Gargantuan Phoenix (Legendary)
The Gargantuan Phoenix is usually a rarely seen Beast, preferring to stay away from Mortals. Recently, unknown, though presumably dark, forces have been forcing the great birds out of their lairs. At this injustice, the Phoenix have decided to lay waste to all mortals for their arrogance.
Recommended Level : 1230+
Recommended Gold : 29,000+
Psellio the Helleater (Legendary)
Once a reputable demon-slayer of world renown, Psellio is now a monster driven mad by his own bloodlust. His frenzied consumption of demon flesh morphed him into a hideous, multi-limbed abomination whose very name instils fear into demon-kind.
Recommended Level : 2050+
Recommended Gold : 37,000+
Ooze Dragon Uoltrex (Legendary)
Few oozes survive consuming powerful beings such as dragons, as the latent magic in their bones is enough to reduce them to a puddle, or they end up unable to move at all. However, one such ooze was successful - Uoltrex. A volatile mass of fire and slime, the remnants of the old dragon's hoard still occasionally slips out, attracting unwanted attention when unsuspecting adventurers follow the glittering path ...
Recommended Level : 2700+
Recommended Gold : 45,000+
Hustlersattva (Legendary)
Once a rich and powerful Merchant Lord, Hustlersattva negotiated trade deals at an epic scale. Trade deals that could mean the life and death of entire cities or even Kingdoms! Such power inevitably breeds a belief that you can do no wrong, so when a betrothed Princess, called Mercy, caught his eye, he pursued her. The feelings were reciprocated but the betrothal was set! Nothing could be done. The Princess's Father, the King, forbade further contact. Needless to say, neither Hustlersattva nor Mercy obeyed this edict and when found out, Mercy was taken away and Hustlersattva banished, with all assets seized. He can now be seen dressed in a monk robe and holding an empty bowl in one hand. He searches the realms for Mercy and, in her name, helps those who are suffering.
Designed by : 1hustler
Recommended Level : 4550+
Recommended Gold : 45,000+
These creatures shall be available until 15:00 on Monday the 12th of February 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010483 Fallen Sword Roadmap (March - June 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 29 February 2024 - 16:16 in General Discussion

As always, roadmaps are a guide and subject to change. 

We try our best but we're extremely busy, thus roadmaps only being a guide.


~ Grim

#1010202 Fallensword guide

Posted by BigGrim on 09 January 2024 - 09:22 in General Discussion

As I've explained before, there is a code issue at the moment. I am keeping it up to date my side but it's not displaying. I am asking that it be repaired frequently but we'll see when it occurs.


~ Grim

#1010452 New Content! 5,501 to 5,525.

Posted by BigGrim on 22 February 2024 - 15:52 in General Discussion

Hi all,
This is a major content update, we have just added the following to the game...
-New Master Realm 'The Lackter Region'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Copse)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Roost)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Haunt)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Grove)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Den)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Thicket)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Forest (Glade)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Gate)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Courtyard)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Sanctum)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Ritual Rooms)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Pit)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Fortress (Graves)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Scream)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Tombs)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Tunnels)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Darkness)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Vines)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Creep)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Plague)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Nether)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Tomb)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Cairns)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Slither)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Glacier)'.
- New Area 'Lackter Caves (Lair)'.
- 25 New Creatures.
- 2 New 'Champion' Creatures.
- 1 New 'Elite' Creature. 
- 1 New 'Common' Item.
- 2 New 'Rare' Items.
- 2 New 'Unique' Items.
- 2 New Item Sets.
- 3 New Portals.
- 2 New Relics.
- New Quest 'Forest Farmers'.
It is rumored that a new portal to the Lackter Forest (Copse) has been discovered in the Kendarar Wilds (Ritual).
A new Feedback thread is open for all who wish to comment!
~The Fallen Sword Team

#1010894 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 11 July 2024 - 11:11 in General Discussion

I don't remember all SEs are player's design...

You mean all those by players? I THINK I still have a forum thread detailing that though its probably not very up to date. I should have a document with all player LE/SE/Titan designs somewhere or other.

We can also suggest making a quest-related SE like The Shadow Chancellor

Don't see why not. We have the Rosmeriat event and it's connected SEs too. That could well see an update.

I would like to see a new SE every 250 level content and pretty sure many EOC or high-level players are interested in seeing more SEs

Not sure about every 250 levels as such but more high levels, sure.

~ Grim

#1010892 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 11 July 2024 - 09:39 in General Discussion

We see there's a new SE supposedly coming designed by a player, and we know that the player designed SE was given a specific level range; is there a way to shift that level to something that ISN'T below level 2500? More SE's at higher level are needed, and anything below ~2500 is going to be Dead on Arrival as it won't have a use. If it's already completed, just scale it up - a 5500 SE would be nice to see.

No. We are constantly told we need new stuff at all levels. The Level ranges of prizes are based on where in 1 to 10 the player placed. Thus the design is by the player for that level. That player decided they wanted an SE at that range. You want a specific SE in the high ranges, earn a top spot! ;)


~ Grim

#1010858 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 05 July 2024 - 16:47 in General Discussion

Eldevin does but fallensword is becoming just like eldevin now.

Eldevin gets love bites, summer passing etc copy and paste content which is happening to fallensword currently

Again, nope. Those are pre existing events. Sword gets plenty of new content and updates.


- Grim

#1010838 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 03 July 2024 - 23:50 in General Discussion

In the same manner that Legacy, Sigmastorm, and Eldevin haven't and "won't go anywhere?"

Nope. Those games don't get updates or content. Sword gets both. I mean, this is a ROADMAP thread showing future updates and content both.


- Grim

#1010818 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 27 June 2024 - 19:45 in General Discussion

Sword is not going anywhere, don't worry. :)


- Grim

#1010257 Rise of the Wraiths XXVIII

Posted by BigGrim on 18 January 2024 - 15:45 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.
The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where. All that is known is that these creatures are roaming the Realms, raining destruction on all who oppose them.
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying creatures!
Elemental Wraith (Level 25)
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Elemental Wraiths plaguing the realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly bountiful Frag Stashes (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 16:00 on the 23rd of January 2024.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze:1 x Global Bronze Frag Stash II
Silver:1 x Global Silver Frag Stash II
Gold:2 x Global Gold Frag Stash II
Crystal:2 x Global Crystal Frag Stash II
Ruby: 3 x Global Ruby Frag Stash II
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Global Silver Frag Stash. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
Also if you are placed within the top 100 event contributors you will receive an additional 2 Global Ruby Frag Stash II chests.
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010480 Fallen Sword Roadmap (November 2023 - February 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 29 February 2024 - 10:52 in General Discussion

The new roadmap can be found HERE!

#1009927 Fallen Sword Roadmap (November 2023 - February 2024)

Posted by BigGrim on 02 November 2023 - 12:50 in General Discussion

There is plenty going on in the final months of this year and the beginning of next. :D

The reason there've been no new seasonal Titans is because there's no space for them. And when the mid to high level Titans are all Seasonal, we need to break that pattern a bit.


~ Grim

#1010062 Composing

Posted by BigGrim on 11 December 2023 - 10:06 in General Discussion

But I think a better way would be to simply have the money taken from the bank (as is done for buff market). Same should apply to auction house too. Auction house gives the message of "you need X more gold to make this purchase" but that amount is always incorrect, because it doesn't factor in the gold at hand.

Nope. PvP Players need the window for gold theft.


~ Grim

#1010353 Reign of Rosmeriat V

Posted by BigGrim on 01 February 2024 - 15:25 in General Discussion

Hi there Everyone.
Tired of her life in the Web of Chaos, the gargantuan cosmic spider - Rosmeriat - left the void to lay claim to the lands of Erildath. Her children follow her like soldiers to a queen, laying waste to all that is living, and paving the foundations for her new world-shattering empire.
Brother Richard requires your presence at the Cathedral of Ways! The Quest, "Reign of Rosmeriat" awaits you! For those who have completed the quest, remember you can buy a replacement Void Ring from "Sister Gillians Miscellany" in the Cathedral of Ways (Storage).

Cosmic Spider (Level 25)



Counts as 1 kill.

Dark Cosmic Spider (Level 25)



Counts as 5 kills.

Iklilian of the First Brood (Titan) (Level 2200)



Counts as 5 kills.
The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Cosmic Spiders infesting the Realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly powerful potion rewards (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
Additionally, if you end the event in the Top 100 Contributors, you will receive 1 extra Nebulous Ruby Chest on top of what the Community unlocks!
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community.
The Global Event shall be live until 15:00 on the 6th of February 2024.
Iklilian of the First Brood (Titan) shall be live until 15:00 on the 13th of February 2024.
Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#1010681 Backpack Folders

Posted by BigGrim on 20 May 2024 - 09:37 in General Discussion

You are quite welcome. :)


~ Grim

#1010664 Backpack Folders

Posted by BigGrim on 08 May 2024 - 07:31 in General Discussion

Hi there guys.


Speaking to the coders, the right click menu is not designed to work with the checkboxes and will not be updated to do so.  Sorry. You'll need to use the dropdown menu with the checkboxes to move multiple items at once.


~ Grim

#1010643 Backpack Folders

Posted by BigGrim on 25 April 2024 - 08:14 in General Discussion

Hey Grim, I just tested it and it's not working. I selected 3 potions, right clicked to send to a folder, and only one of the 3 went.

Huh. Right enough. I forgot about the right-click option, I confess. I used the drop down menu of chests under the backpack. I will update the guys on this, thanks!


~ Grim

#1010605 Backpack Folders

Posted by BigGrim on 10 April 2024 - 09:36 in General Discussion

The Folder issue is resolved. I've tested it myself. The Invert request has also been actioned.


~ Grim 

#1010615 Backpack Folders

Posted by BigGrim on 15 April 2024 - 09:57 in General Discussion

I was inquiring about when you highlight more than 1 item in your backpack and try to send to a specific folder, only one of the highlighted items get sent, not all.

That's what I was talking about. Dunno why I said chest but it works correctly, having tested it on Chrome and Firefox.


~ Grim

#1010141 Flight of Dragons, Wave 1!

Posted by BigGrim on 26 December 2023 - 15:56 in General Discussion

Hi all,

The Dragons of the Realms are stirring! The following beasts have been seen in the Realms.

Ovlah Toxskin (Dragon LE)

Ovlah Toxskin was once frail and weak by Dragon standards and was the target of mean taunts from his kind. However after an accident in the toxic pits Aydr he was transformed forever. He grew massively and hard scales sprouted over his body. His skin now glows an iridescent green as his blood has become toxic and he breaths out fumes that melt his victims to a soup. No dragon has ever mocked of him since.

Recommended Level : 15+

Folgoreden the Smok (Dragon LE)

Folgoreden is a serpentine lightning Smok Dragon of terrifying power and reputation. It is said that where this beast flies a huge electrical storm will follow, one that has the power to devastate communities.
Such storms offer Folgoreden cover in which to hunt his prey with his wicked fangs and his electrical lightning spit.

Recommended Level : 340+

Zatting Bumbledragon (Dragon LE)

Zatting Bumbledragon is perhaps the last of his kind or maybe he was the only of his kind.Some say Zatting was the result of a mad sorcerers experiment gone wrong and others say he's the last remnants of a an ancient and now lost species of Dragon. Whatever the truth Zatting is a fast terror of the skies, hunting any prey he comes across with both flame, claw and stinging tail.

Recommended Level : 665+

Findworm (Dragon LE)

Findworm is the scourge of the dark caves and tunnels of the world. He is a serpentine Dragon with only two mighty clawed arms that he uses to dig his way through rock and soil as well as claw his prey.It is said that Findworm has not seen the the sun in an age and his eyes and sense of smell are over developed for finding his prey. None can hide from him in the dark...

Recommended Level : 915+

Jagua the Golden (Dragon LE)

Jagua the Golden by his name is a Gold Dragon, and a particularly greedy one even for his kind. Jagua dwells in an ancient and forgotten Dwarf treasure hall, perhaps one of the largest ones in the world, here he guards "his" golden treasure with fierce jealousy. He devours his gold also and if needed he will protect himself by exhaling a fume of molten gold dust, burning any would be treasure hunters to death.

Recommended Level : 1210+

Nolhoggr the Black (Dragon LE)

Nolhoggr the Black is one of the most evil creatures to have come from the Shadow Lords fortress. Nolhoggr is so imbued with dark magic he has mutated into a nightmare creature, a beast who's claws drip with poison ichor and tentacles that dart about looking to drag the unwary into it hideous maw. His breath is pure black magic, and anything killed by it is obliterated in both body and soul.

Recommended Level : 1650+

Twinklespark (Dragon LE)

Twinklespark is a tiny dragon that flits around the jungles of the world. Everyone assumes he's a cute little snuggly-wuggly gorgeous! He's really not. He'll get in close, snuggle you, tap you with his little tongue, every adorable moment of contact loading the victim with poison that will wither their bodies to dust!

Recommended Level : 2100+

Krokodeilos the Savage (Dragon LE)

Krokodeilos is a savage, black hearted monster. There's no other description for her. This vast beast lives in wetlands, devouring any living creature she comes across. She takes great relish in eating sentient beings, especially if they are capable of screaming and feeling fear! She's quite lithe in body but is also heavily armoured, moving horrifyingly fast for so large a creature. Strangely, she still has her wings, though these have atrophied since she prefers staying in the waters of her home.

Recommended Level : 2550+

Longgui The Turtle Dragon (Dragon LE)

Longgui The Turtle Dragon is a warrior, first and foremost. Driven by righteous courage, this Dragon is powerful, vastly armoured and always looking for other mighty warriors to test his abilities against!

Recommended Level : 2875+

Spinasentis (Dragon LE)

The huge, thorny spined Spinasentis is armored behemoth. A bad tempered, heavily armored monster, he is a fearsome foe for all whom cross his path! Many are his victims! Some of the unfortunate casualties are still impaled on the smaller spines.

Recommended Level : 3325+

Harragog Darkfire (Dragon LE)

Harragog Darkfire is an evil, soulless monster, wreathed in the black fire from which he earned his name. He rouses at this time of year specifically to fly through the air, raining fire and destruction down on the insects below!

Recommended Level : 3775+

Oppenkin the Corrupt (Dragon LE)

Oppenkin the Corrupt was originally a dragon of luck and serendipity. The kindhearted and wise creature has since been twisted and transformed by the shroud energies of the Shadow Lord. Oppenkin is now a harbinger of ill fortune and despair!

Recommended Level : 4225+

Bufodae the Toad Dragon (Dragon LE)

Bufodae the Toad Dragon is a vast, corpulent monster. It lives in swamps where the water can help support its monstrous bunk. For all the appearance of a sloth, it is extremely fast, propelling itself along through great leaps, powered by vastly powerful hind legs. Even if you can outrun the beast, it can launch its sticky tongue to envelop and reel in its prey, to be swallowed in a single, huge gulp!

Recommended Level : 4675+

Wallowing Wyrm (Dragon LE)

In the gloomy depths of an isolated loch, this wyrm waits for the next visitor to its misty domain. Legends tell of bountiful treasures at the bottom of such lochs, but none have lived with any in hand. Quietly and patiently, the Wallowing Wyrm will drag its victims to the fathomless deep with nary a sound.

Recommended Level : 5125+

These creatures shall be harrying the innocent until 16:00 hours on the 29th of December, 2023.


~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010156 Flight of Dragons, Wave 1!

Posted by BigGrim on 29 December 2023 - 16:14 in General Discussion

Always been this way. Nothing has been changed, sorry.


~ Grim

#1010294 LE Event! New SE!

Posted by BigGrim on 25 January 2024 - 16:38 in General Discussion

Hi all,
The following creatures have been spotted stalking the Realms! The heroes have to step up and defend the innocents!
Frost Dragon (Legendary)
The Scrolls of Lore describe the elegant yet deadly Frost Dragons as non-aligned guardians of ancient treasures. These magnificently ancient beasts make the coldest and most inhospitable places their lairs, sleeping deep in icy caves with their treasure. To seek out a Frost Dragon is suicide, the ice hard scales upon its body are all but impervious to attack and its frozen breath can freeze a man solid in seconds.
Recommended Level : 15+
Leaf Dragon (Legendary)
The Scrolls of Lore describe these elegant creatures as non-aligned guardians of ancient treasures. These magnificent rare ancient beasts have been seen guarding sacred treasures within the South Lands.
Recommended Level : 70+
King Au Xenah (Legendary)
King Au Xenah is a cruel and evil king with a lust for gold. He treated his people with contempt letting them starve outside his castle while he got richer. The peasants eventually sought help from a local wizard who cursed Au Xenah transforming him and trapping him in his castle for 100 years. Now the curse has worn off and King Au Xenah has gone mad and is out on the rampage...
Recommended Level : 150+
Rangdar the Demon Queen (Legendary)
Rangdar was once a powerful queen in the lands of Falagi. She secretly worshipped forbidden gods of death and destruction, gaining great power from them. Her court discovered her secret and tried to kill her. Mortally wounded, she managed to escape into hidden caves where she was granted Demonhood for her faith in the dark gods whom she served. In her new Demon form Rangdar has become a great and powerful evil that wishes to enslave all mankind.
Recommended Level : 325+
Kobold Looter (Legendary)
The Kobold Looter orchestrated the now infamous Great Vault Heist. It made off with a vast amount of wealth and was never caught. Now, a vast bounty has been placed on his verminous head! Track him down and enact justice!<br><br>Designed by : Undjuvion
Recommended Level : 725+
The Demonic Gladiator (Legendary)
For years a lone warrior has waged war in the Colosseum, doing battle with all who would accept his challenge. This poor soul dreamt of glory and immeasurable power. However he has recently become a laughing stock amongst his competitors, having been beaten relentlessly again and again. Driven mad with hopeless desires unfulfilled, he turned to the path of darkness and now serves the Shadow Lord, hunting down all who humiliated him and destroying them in welters of blood and gore!
Designed by : Josh1404
Recommended Level : 990+
The Mad Mathemagician (Legendary)
The Mad Mathemagician was a renowned scholar, relentless in his pursuit of knowledge. He summoned a demon so he could learn about the Shroud, but was driven mad in his attempts to communicate with it in the universal language of mathematics. He now spends his days calculating ways to defeat the forces of Light and multiplying the forces of the Shadowlord!
Designed by : kalish
Recommended Level : 1279+
Grumpy Groosifoo (Legendary)
Grumpy Groosifoo is a half human, half demon creature from the Shroud, engineered by the Shadowlord himself. He was supposed to be an unstoppable warrior but the human nobility in the creature was hampering Groosifoo's killer instinct. In a rage, the Shadowlord brought the demon to the fore in Groosifoo's mind and unleashed him into the Realms, where the Grumpy Groosifoo has been tearing up trees and devouring anything he crosses. Few Warriors who have survived combat suspect the noble human side of the creature's character is struggling to reassert itself again...
Designed by : Groosalugg!
Recommended Level : 1975+
Palmago the Stalker (Legendary)
Palmago the Stalker is an assassin par excellence! This creature looks essentially like a man shaped grey tiger. A beast in human form. It quite surprises people to find that he is also intelligent, calculating and sells his prodigious skills to the highest bidder. He's comparable to a ninja assassin, though his fur provides a natural camouflage and his claws are excellent climbing tools. They also make formidable weapons, more so when coupled with a powerful maw full of dagger-like teeth!
Recommended Level : 2175+
Melaidia (Legendary)
A sphinx of cruel disposition. Melaidia, also known as the Perplexer, will lure her victims with sweet promises if they answer her riddles correctly. Unfortunately for them, Melaidia does not tell riddles, only words of nonsense, where no answer will satiate her lest they feed her their tongues.
Recommended Level : 2730+
The Sky Hunter (Legendary)
The Sky Hunter is a hunter of superlative skill! Wielding all manner of weapons from the back of his flying lion, Nubica, he tracks and captures or kills his quarry, depending on the threat of the prey. His favoured weapon is his Sky Hunter Sword, a fine blade of exquisite craft.
Designed by : leos3000
Recommended Level : 3000+
Prince Tyler (Legendary)
Tyler is the son of Emperor Sidd and Empress Tinny, born after the Emperor left to join the Shadow Lord. Tyler was brought up solely by his mother who instilled her values of peaceful and anti-aggressive behaviour. However, he saw his Mother's slide to darkness thanks to the corruption of the Emperor. He set out to stop this and confronted his Father, who deceived him into accepting his signet. Upon touching the signet, the Prince joined his Father in Darkness.
Designed by : siddy246
Recommended Level : 3600+
Kulkan Vigilscale (Legendary)
From deep within the depths of Erildath, Kulkan Vigilscale slumbered. A Lord and Protector of draconic kind, a recent slaughter of his kin has awoken him in a fearsome rage. He has erupted from his lair, vengeance incarnate! All who have slain his kind shall suffer!
Designed by : killerz15
Recommended Level : 4025+
Additionally, a new Super Elite, designed by zizzwyly has been released into the Realms!
Unstable Matter (Super Elite)
The Gods alone know what the Unstable Matter used to be. It seems to shift between forms and even matter states. One moment the entity is writhing flesh which suddenly flows into water, shifting to colourful and weirdly cohesive gas before flesh again. The creature does have a humanoid shape, which is the only clue to its original form.
Designed by: zizzwyly
Recommended Level : 880+
The Legendary Creatures shall be available until 16:00 on Monday the 29th of January 2024.
~ The Fallen Sword team.

#1010499 Thieves in the Night VI

Posted by BigGrim on 05 March 2024 - 09:19 in General Discussion

Hey grim the image of the chest shows you get 5 items from it at bronze level but you only get two now according the actual news.. assuming the image is from when this first came out and the contents were changed

Hey there.


Thanks for the heads up. The ID is probably looking at the original item. I'll update it.




Updated. Thanks again. :)


~ Grim

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