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There have been 8 items by hbklives (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#986268 1990 It vs. 2017 It

Posted by hbklives on 18 October 2017 - 05:14 in General Discussion

I actually really enjoyed the new one. But, the old one was also a classic.

#980333 Medal log notifications

Posted by hbklives on 30 April 2017 - 03:35 in General Discussion

It's slightly annoying because I like keeping track of when I get my medals.

#980288 Wave 2 of Chompers!

Posted by hbklives on 28 April 2017 - 21:19 in General Discussion

Woo. More crystal gear.

#980266 Max Stamina Gain Increase?

Posted by hbklives on 28 April 2017 - 03:02 in General Discussion

this is the locked and pinned thread that lists "things that will never happen" created some 5 years ago


it includes 2 things that have since happened:


*you will never get more than "10 max stam for 2 fsp" on the upgrade page (this was before the flash sales)


*castable buffs will never go above 150  (this was before buff enhancer)


Speaking of that post, I need to update it soon enough. Still waiting on Grim to allow me to or let themselves do it.

#977095 Double Composing XP XIX!

Posted by hbklives on 24 February 2017 - 12:24 in General Discussion

I still have to catch up. Thank you!!

#977019 I'm back

Posted by hbklives on 22 February 2017 - 01:30 in General Discussion

Welcome back.

#977018 Fallensword's Future Paralleled with Eldevins?

Posted by hbklives on 22 February 2017 - 01:28 in General Discussion

I have a few problems with the current state of Fallensword honestly.


I lost my account for almost three years. Three years had almost passed since I last logged in. Yet, in that time, all that's changed as far as I can tell is the EOC cap, some minor PVP changes, daily quests, buffs and new Epics. Which actually isn't too terrible in retrospect, but kinda concerning. I mean, I logged back in and immediately noticed that the achievements tab hadn't been changed or updated. No new tier's of medals had been added to the game. The same legendaries, sales and Globals have been recycled over and over again. Also, the "new" buffs added in the Auction House haven't even been added into the game.


I'm glad to see new Epic gear in the game, but there is so much more potential with it. We have the "tiered" system for the Inferno Hammer which I feel is a step in the right direction. I love the concept of composing and all it's grown to be, but we could probably have even more in that regard which wouldn't be that hard to look into.


I'd love to see a sorting system for guild stores to be able to search for rarity. Being able to quickly locate rares, uniques and legendary equipment would be very nice and I assume easy to implement.


It'd be great if they brought more people to work on FS. I've came back to this game time and time again because I love the community and I love the people around it. But, the less work they put into it, the less I feel compelled to stick around everyday. I mean, if nothing will really change, it'll just get stagnant. I'd love to see new content, new skills explored, new "epic" quests and more. It'd make me more excited to log on everyday. The quests are nice and all, but it really only takes maybe 20 minutes to an hour to do them.

#976628 What do you do online, besides play FS?

Posted by hbklives on 12 February 2017 - 23:57 in General Discussion

I mainly play other games, look for new music, do my college work while on auto-refresh and just chat with friends.


Been playing some OSU!, Fire Emblem Heroes w/ Bluestacks and other things while sitting around.


I'm trying to get back into drawing, but I don't have enough money for a tablet currently.

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