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#972902 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Necra on 03 December 2016 - 09:54 in General Discussion

i dont titan hunt and i dont SE hunt didnt know there was an opt out button for those like the ladder......   just because you dont like an aspect of a game no reason to partake.  there is pvp protection for those against your will situations....  like the opt out for the pvp ladder.

  that was kinda ridiculous.....

#972888 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Necra on 03 December 2016 - 03:54 in General Discussion

I had a lot of fun with this aspect of the game last year, and it was scraped, but was suppose to come back as a global. However The cows were not sure how to do this so it has been delayed.


I want to lay out a simple yet detailed way to get this aspect into the game.



1st and very importantly there has to be a new preference to Opt In/Out of these types of Globals (while I would like to see the whole community participate I realize some have no desire to and do not want to be forced to)

  possibly a reduced flash sale type thing during this event for a pvp protection

#972886 pvp and gvg hits conflicting

Posted by Necra on 03 December 2016 - 03:45 in General Discussion

i have not tested that its listed separately  i would assume XP/gold hits are separate from GVG hits 

#972863 Christmas Spirit HCS should help give back

Posted by Necra on 02 December 2016 - 16:59 in General Discussion

i can see the base motivation behind this idea  bringing more ppl in to the game and keeping them in game longer. i can see how it would cause more to be at EOC.   i do agree with the concept of having some part of the game triggering players to be online longer and bring the active player # back up. 

#972766 PvP thread(s) refugee camp

Posted by Necra on 30 November 2016 - 23:21 in General Discussion


#972739 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 30 November 2016 - 20:16 in General Discussion

little by little - one at a time im sure we can get there peacefully and successfully  and ofc it will take time. 

#972729 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 30 November 2016 - 19:49 in General Discussion

fs active player history over the past 10 years  :  9-7000 active players ( 1st pvp change)  = 3-4000 active players (2nd pvp change) = 9-700 active players ( last pvp change) 3-400 active players   mind u pvp was changed to please the levelers with a failed twist to mock the pvp'rs ( imo) now there is pvp protection and a few are crying about using it it cost to much !!   how u expect HCS to stay afloat when they give and give to the levelers and they wont give back   thats the hardest smack to the face if i have ever seen !!!     - sry for the derailling  

#972725 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 30 November 2016 - 19:36 in General Discussion

i Hunt  i do all my quests ( love them )  and I pvp.  i love all the aspects of the game  i invent - im working on my composing and i donate to the game to help pay the bills at HCS.   im excited for this new app for my phone and tablets rye plays on his tablet so this app will benefit him greatly. i love seeing new players joining FS i try and help them.   i GVG  i try to be syphilitic to walks of life in FS   i LOVE LOVE TO GVG it helps my guild and my guild mates get the RP and sell the items and share the spoils with my mates.    i want to encourage players staying in game !   its hard when EVERY THING is done with stam... u burn through stam sooo fast when ur doing all aspects of FS .   opeing up the pvp ranges will help bring players back in FS  will help keep new players  will help HCS get $$ with increase of players    think of how long it takes to level vs how long it takes for stam to gain....  ppl are going to get bored fast !!!  past 2 weeks i have spent most of my time in game chatting then playing why - beause of stam restrictions.      because of the changes of PVP over the 10 years....  im really scared for FS in its future changes of pvp.... could end up being the death of FS    pvp is dam near close to dead. because of that so is FS 3-400 active players......   its not about what killed it  LEST MAKE IT RIGHT ! AND DO IT RIGHT !  

#972679 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 30 November 2016 - 03:35 in General Discussion

Not bad Necra... can you suss it out a bit more?

it was just a random idea i pulled from the air for an example  that would completely change pvp if implemented. every time pvp is changed FS looses a chunk of its players any idea would need to be thoroughly interrogated

#972675 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 30 November 2016 - 02:18 in General Discussion

-1 on expanding level ranges; the way it is.


But, I have another suggestion:

One checkbox to not get into PvP for non-PvP players. To the others, no level restriction. Everybody happy, I think.



like toggle open pvp and no pvp, then players who attack (no pvp) can gain infamy and bounty board, infamy to high what punishment would be implemented jail? 24 hrs no stam gains? but can get gold and xp hourlies go guild ticks are not hurt?      pvp'er gaining infamy would be the "punishment" some are looking for

 - catching a high infamy player get extra gold rewards =D

#972644 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 29 November 2016 - 18:08 in General Discussion

No. The reason for it's removal is still valid.

not promoting straight pvp?

#972642 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 29 November 2016 - 18:02 in General Discussion


Smasher was removed from normal PvP for a reason. PvPers can get that from their PvP Ladder.


As stated, the level range suggestion will be discussed with Hoofmaster.


We've added PvP attacks to Dailies and some players do them. Others do not.


~ Grim


i understand - as a compromise can there be a medal for regular pvp?  to fix the hurt?  gold taken from pvp  - xp taken from pvp

#972638 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 29 November 2016 - 17:54 in General Discussion

i have notice ppl dont want to use it either and expect to not be hit  and cry and get annoyed - thats riddiclious.  so many things to do in game to make gold and fsp there should be no problem with players using pvp protection - and have pvp flourish   discussions about PVP and implementing original pvp aspects and undoing changes shouldn't be an issue..... when some thing is implemented it should stay. changing it and changing it and changing it. improving is one thing but changing an aspect once implemented is asking for trouble and now look where we are....      how many ppl actually use pvp protection now? vs how many cry about being hit?   improve the pvp range and reintroduce pvp protection.   GIVE BACK TO HCS   you demand to be protected from pvp u got it  u want more punishment on the bb  u got it, now u want more.......   and refuse to comply with giving leeway to pvp.......   not right.    i know HCS hates hearing this but moving the smasher was the biggest hurt to pvp'rs   that was the once recognition for straight pvp and it was taken away after MT was dramatically reduced then reduced again.    Chazz's proposal (with lvl range edits) would be a huge improvement    FS is a MMO it seems many forget what that entails

#972633 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 29 November 2016 - 17:30 in General Discussion

pvp protection and gold protect was also put in place with that.

#972609 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 29 November 2016 - 14:51 in General Discussion

when i first started playing FS i wanted to lvl up so bad, so i could PVP with the big boys ( it looked so fun and challenging )  now i see no point in power leveling or putting the rush on leveling.  like i dont envy EOC other than monopolizing top ranks i see no other motivation to be at EOC other than sitting and waiting for more content or monthly events ( u dont need to be at eoc for them )  leveling and PVP should BOTH be  thriving part of the game.  so if improving pvp or expanding it sparks a new live in FS and bring in more players HCS should do it. does chazz proposal do that?  it could. or it couldnt. only one way to find out . with pride and negativity put on the back burner we as a community can figure this out...   if u dont like the idea dont snark an make ur self look like a jackass be helpful and positive with your thoughts and suggestions.  dont get me wrong pvp is better than it was. but we can get FS to be a desirable game for MANY new players.     


fs is the only gamei know that have a level restrictions in pvp......most games high level players can attack low level players out of new player protection....  

#972605 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by Necra on 29 November 2016 - 14:19 in General Discussion

in every single MMO - RPG game i have play'd in the past 5 years PVP is a strong thriving part of the game - games that expected to drowned became top mmo because of pvp and player interaction. unless its toon town or rayman to bring in more players i agree with promotion packs again and PVP needs to be improved and brought back as a fundamental part of FS

#972108 Tiered Inferno Hammers!

Posted by Necra on 18 November 2016 - 22:55 in General Discussion

LOVE LOVE LOVE this addition and the adjustment is perfect = the market should go up ! and lower level players can start making FSP's    my suggestion would be with each upgrade - the lvl changes and the attack and damage increase according to that new lvl and artwork changes with each upgrade ( evolved )    GREAT JOB!!

#971952 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 17 November 2016 - 01:57 in General Discussion

As I don't support PvP, it is natural to try to make it harder to happen. You do the same for you opposing point of view, right?


 at least ur honest in ur maliciousness  so many things wrong with this type of attitude. i dont even want to comment as it would be an ugly response to ugly intentions but its only to blame the lack of knowledge and experience (assuming its  due to the lack of assistance ) in the subject at hand. 

#971947 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 17 November 2016 - 01:16 in General Discussion

+24 Hours PvP Protection. 200,000  gold_button.gif n/a -     +7 Days PvP Protection 1,000,000  gold_button.gif n/a -     +28 Days PvP Protection 3,000,000  gold_button.gif n/a -    

under upgrades in the gold section




your guild dont look after you?  ur paying for buffs.....  guild dont make hunting potions?

#971945 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 17 November 2016 - 00:55 in General Discussion

you can buy it with gold or fsp

#971940 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 17 November 2016 - 00:39 in General Discussion

But this is different, right? I am assuming the risk and also only when I try to hit the creature. It is something planned. PvP is not planned at all. I am playing and suddenly...got hit by someone I am not even fighting against. When I hit some creature I know what can happen, so I use SSI to avoid death. I mean, creatures don't do PvP.

Exactly " RISK" you should convert your gold send it to a friend bank it. dont stack large numbers in your pockets with gold you make your self a target for a gold hit.   if you take the "risk " away where is the competitiveness and the challenge in the game ?  you enjoy going to the store and buying a game u can beat in a day because its to easy (padded)? i know i dont.  why do it to this game.  HCS has gone as far as adding "protect gold" and specifically "pvp protection"  those "protections" dont work with creatures only pvp to save you from the 100 stams... come on now... can there be any reason-ability? pvp has been so distorted for almost a decade now. even the smasher medal is confound to the pvp ladder, so being on the pvp ladder you can earn dominance and smasher.... bit ridiculous.... double incentive for 100 stamming ( isolated )




is this your first MMO? with other live players game play is always unperdictable

#971937 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 16 November 2016 - 23:59 in General Discussion

When someone hits me, I don't care about the money as I always can make more. My problem is XP lost.


you also loose XP an gold when you die from creatures..... should that be padded also?

#971920 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 16 November 2016 - 20:33 in General Discussion

pvp = player(s) v player(s)    is that simpler for u

#971905 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 16 November 2016 - 18:39 in General Discussion

what do ppl expect to happen when they make enemies, verbally violate/assault/bully  (yes i said verbally bully) you make enimies in game against a pvp'r they gunna hit you. i have even know levelers to start pvp because they were verbally bullied and insulted..   and now u want a retaliation button?   i vote NO    remove all pvt messaging and all can see the verbal assault pvp'rs have gotten in pms.       making enimies and fighing with them no you dont get a retaliate button   straight up pvp retaliate button   who's gunna regulate the abusers for taking advantage of this retaliate feature?    my spelling is bad IDC to mad at ppl trying to take advantage of situations for their own benefit because of their actions rather than the greater good

#971901 ... a fighting chance?

Posted by Necra on 16 November 2016 - 18:29 in General Discussion

I repeat "I was hit even though i carried no gold and had protection.  I probably  spent  about 100 fsp on bounties and this player only  lost 12 levels."


If I was to hit  back I am guaranteed to lose 5 levels for one 10 stam hit.


A hit for a hit.   If you hit me I should have the right  to hit you back with no consequences as you are  the initator.


Whats not fair about  that !

 you dont have friends or guild mates to hit on a bounty for you?  so because you lack these atributes in game because of choices you made others should have to sacrifice?   this is not about you its about don's post get back on topic please

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