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#995080 Guild Tagging

Posted by lapdragon on 02 January 2019 - 15:23 in General Discussion

Decided to weigh in.  Not sure what the issue is with guild tagged gear.  for me and my guild, we have gear for the majority of the guild....tagging it so many who do not contribute, can play this game and not have to worry about gear to wear.  If someone is banned, their BP is still available until gear is taken, then it can not be sent back.  Not everyone gets banned for multis, so for a guild to lose gear because someone was banned (too hard to code for different reasons for being banned) is not good idea.  and inactives are great way and CHEAPER way for guilds to save on DOTS since guild stores cost so much, so to remove inactives and their gear is wrong.  I personally buy all my own gear, and then tag stuff when i outgrow it.  Making gear crystaline will drive a lot of players out of the game...and many guilds will not be able to keep up with the cost of not only rebuying or even retagging.  we have gotten to the point where we dont tag donated potions because of the drain on the guild bank.....  there are some guilds that not only pride themselves on having gear for players but supply perfect or excellent only gear........but that is just my 2cents.

#993359 New Global Frag Event

Posted by lapdragon on 06 August 2018 - 19:45 in General Discussion

wow this is well thought out!!!  i am in on saying GREAT IDEAS being thrown out!!

#990354 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 23 February 2018 - 18:27 in General Discussion

LOL thanks BLOODY!  errrr it was for the idea of this thread right? or was it for the copy/pasting names in my note pad? 

#990344 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 22 February 2018 - 19:02 in General Discussion

THANK YOU LAHONA!!  that is a good idea!

#990303 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 20 February 2018 - 23:07 in General Discussion

A fix to the issue i see, which is a big one to be honest... is maybe having a window that shows their gear near their name in the guild mass buff page ??? Or stats... that would serve a good purpose in determining the type of buffs you are using !

............im talking about saving time on buffing, preferably on an incoming GVG......the only way i can do it now is put them in numerical order. then quickly type each name as fast as i can hoping i spell names correctly.  im not even talking about a guild mass buff page either... if i want to buff all my level 900s AND my level 800s...do you know how long its going to take me to type in all their names??  i want to be able to just hit  800-999 and all my guildies come up on the buff screen, i "X" out my inactives and chose my buffs. click and am done...not type each name one by one.  if you are the kind of person who goes to each player one by one...looking at their gear, then buffing one at a time..going on to the next one...when time is of the importance....this idea is not for you.

#990302 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 20 February 2018 - 22:51 in General Discussion

For blanket buffing of ranges, could this be simplified by being able to rearrange the guild page by level rather than rank?  With maybe a quick buff tick box from the guild page, either via FSH, or incorporated into the game by our fearless leader?  There are a lot of variables that would need to be addressed in any case.....

yes PENNY...its how we have been HAVING to do it so that we are able to buff those in ranges....how sad that i have to arrange a guild this way because its the only way to ensure that i can buff players in certain ranges.  again..im looking at saving TIME with the guild buffing process.  i know that a fast way for me to buff many players is to go to our "GROUP" page, and look at the biggest group.  i have an optioin "buff first 15" "buff last 15" and pray the majority joined that group.  there HAS to be an easier way..

#990266 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 20 February 2018 - 12:30 in General Discussion

I've said this before in Rye's thread.... we need a defensive RP pack for this type of scenari......... that lie therein.....

thanks PENNY, but again, i am not talking of that either, tho the guild RP packs can definitely be tweeked.  again please see my comment above ^^^^^^^^^^  again a better WAY to buff, not the buffs themselves. 

#990265 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 20 February 2018 - 12:25 in General Discussion

Edit: you wouldnt be buffing NMV to your member,... getting at.

errr, thank you for telling me about buffs, but it has nothing to do with what im talking about...im not talking about a buff PACKAGE.  im talking about BUFFING BY LEVEL RANGES as a group in guilds only.  currently i have to type each players name when i am doing a mass buffing, FOR EXAMPLE, a gvg.  if i was able to pull up groups to buff by typing in RANGES, instead of individual names, it would save time because 4 players hitting us, with 8 targets each in just my 900 range can EASILY blow thru 100 hits in 10 mins, while i am still typing in names to buff, never mind going thru the list to pick the buffs.


please keep this on topic of my idea, NOT the buffs to use.  that can be in a different thread.  again, im not talking about buffs, buff packages or what buffs for what sets, im talking about buffing by LEVEL RANGES in guilds by typing in the ranges i want to buff.  it could be a new structure to purchase for the guild or guild privilege, Or just a character upgrade.

#990254 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 20 February 2018 - 02:04 in General Discussion

ok your missing the point...the point is....can there be a structure or a privilege that allows you to pull up levels on the guild buff screen to buff levels?  for what EVER reason.  In MY guild, for examlpe, it would be beneficial to have some thing that lets me go and buff RANGES in my guild...and the EXAMPLE that i am using is for GVG...we are getting hit, i look and see that the incoming hits are from a level 953 player.  i therefore can type in 853 to 1053 and all guidies in that range come up and then i am quickly able to buff them.  it can be used for hunting if your guild does hunting days.  im not going to debate the buffs you can use...i used a few as an example.  ANY guild who does any kind of GVG knows to look for who is hitting etc.  i have 8 players in that range alone.  the time that is saved by punching in level ranges as opposed to names is a HUGE saver of time.  ESPECIALLY in a GVG.  if your guild has all guidies in epics and you see a hitter at XXXX level hitting, pull up the range and buff your guidies with Invigorate....or what ever.  or dont use it at all.  but my guild would gladly use this .......i dont know how to code but i know i can do this if i look for players in the game...why not have it fine tuned for better control of my guild and the buffing we do??

#990249 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 19 February 2018 - 23:36 in General Discussion

Im not really sure how well that would work out........purpose.

 yes if you have the time...but let me explain bit deeper.  say your guild is having a hunting event...you log on, and you want to quickly buff your level 200s in your guild...you can pull up buff menu, click "from" add 199 then "to" 299 and buff with what ever you want...there is always a huge red X next to each player so hit the X if they are inactive.  for GVG, this is even better.  easily KE, DC, SH, etc can be quickly give in ranges of players being hit.  instead of, typing in each players name in that range....especially if you are in a HUGE guild with multiple players in each range.  TIME SAVE!!!!

#990242 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by lapdragon on 19 February 2018 - 19:53 in General Discussion

hi everyone...not sure if there was ever a thread about this..but im looking to see if its possible for the HCS or even in FSHELPER...to come up with a way that guild members OR just founders can buff their guild, with out going player by player.  Im thinking i could enter "level 1490 to 1590" and all players in that range in my guild get pulled up for me to buff.  Yes, those of us in large guilds can easily take four minutes bringing up players names, especially with all the strange spellings...and then clicking on the buffs....losing the precious timing it takes to make the hitters lose a hit during a GVG.  this might get shut down..but this is not just for GVGs...it can be great in relic wars!  Or if your guild gets on the BB...OR if you are having a guild wide hunting challenge.  or  just cuz you like to buff. 


please give it a thought..because i know if i go to ACTIONS..i can pull up all players in the game by putting in what ever range i want...and for the guild, i can just use the "X" if player is in active and i dont want to waste stam.


this can be one of the guild upgrades.......or even a structure.



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