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Posted by WarQueen on 02 November 2014 - 13:22 in Graphics


#4 ... 5 fsp

#22 ... 5 fsp

#24 ... 12 fsp



#7 ... 2 fsp

#16 ... 12 fsp


Posted by WarQueen on 28 October 2014 - 23:16 in Graphics


3 fsp on #4

5 fsp on #10

2 fsp on #14

2 fsp on #22



2 fsp on #3

#869634 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by WarQueen on 21 May 2014 - 01:40 in General Discussion

Winners Pot-Pooling Money:
Check with Grim/Hoof, but I think that's not permissible.  We used to run contests regularly and as I recall they considered this gambling, so we had to make some adjustments and I don't want to say exactly for fear my memory is off..  I may be not remembering the details correctly, but before you step in a hole, check it out and clarify how you can conduct it.


I may have missed something but I think a Winner's Pot might be permissible. There were no issues when we raised over 1000 fsp (I forget exact amount, 1200-1400 fsp) for the Grand Graphics Tournament last year. That included entry fees from participating artists, donations from the FS community, and funds raised from the GGT auction (all donated art, over 100 pieces. And bids ran high on many).

I see no reason why a pot couldn't be started for the GvG Tournments.
An entry fee of say 10 fsp per participating guild? (more guilds join in, the bigger the pot).
Maybe have a pvp rampage where the loot goes towards the pot? (Obviously a lot of fun for the pvpers, not so much fun for unlucky levelers!)


^ Just an idea. Don't shoot me for sharing! :D


If a winners pot for the next tournament gets started, I will gladly put in a donation of 100 fsp. ;)

#862642 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 14 April 2014 - 04:27 in Graphics

bhop says: tried to log in to the forums but any time searched a topic or anything else i immediately got logged out, did this for about 20 minutes until i got pi**ed off.. so if its okay im going to order it through here, http://th09.devianta...ian-d32wrna.jpg text = bhop and put in my guilds name \'WaL\' please and thanks :) 



Still working my butt off in RL. Only a 1/2 day on Monday though so will see if I can play catch up on the orders than. Thank you all for being patient with your orders. :)

#860589 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 06 April 2014 - 04:58 in Graphics

working 12-16 hour days, will work on several of these orders on my next day off. Thanks to all who are patiently waiting for their avatars. :)

#860033 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 04 April 2014 - 02:49 in Graphics

Still amazing, cq! How much do I pay for this? <3


I charge 3-5 fsp but it's up to the customer what they would like to pay in that range. :)

#859954 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 03 April 2014 - 22:11 in Graphics

For Roan







#859879 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 03 April 2014 - 18:20 in Graphics

For Liren:


I used the brush font that you supplied. It doesn't show the brush stroke to well on a 200 x 200 canvas. lol


Before: http://fc06.devianta...bia-d3jejx3.png


After: Liren_zps90472a41.png

#859855 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 03 April 2014 - 17:38 in Graphics

I Need an avi i would like the Joker off of batman with the joker card in his hand with my name and the letters RA on it for Rise Against 


Lettering - Script 

Font Color- Blend it with the background

other than that do as you please just make it look good :)


Do you have a stock/render to be used?
Like I've mentioned repeatedly in previous posts, I don't have time to do theme requests (in other words, I dont have time to spend hunting down resources).

#859792 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 03 April 2014 - 14:51 in Graphics

have received the orders and will get them done as quickly as I can. :)


#859328 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 02 April 2014 - 03:42 in Graphics

I'd like to order one cool avi with this render with just my name on it, please. Can you use a sans serif font for me, or a brush font, or whatever you think is good. Lol. No, a brush font would definitely be cool!


...and ice cream for take out. Thank you! x)


I'm not sure what you mean by a 'brush font'. Love the render and will see what I can do with it! :)




Hey there, placing an order!!


Number 1

Stock: http://cdn.wall-pix....es/00026415.jpg

Text: Roan



Number 2

Stock: http://jordyskateboa...izard-165951838

Text: Roan


Number 3

Stock: http://springborg.bl...ecromancer.html (6th image on 8)

Text: Roan


#3 this image? http://2.bp.blogspot..._Springborg.jpg


Not sure what I can do with the first one. Will tinker and see what comes out.

#858161 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 27 March 2014 - 17:34 in Graphics

hey cq, ive been out for a bit and hoping to build my avatar collection back up.

Can i please get an avi with this render: 


And for text just Peter

Subtext: DoM or demons of motorheads if you can make it fit :)


Here you go, Pete. :)
Hope you like it.

I'm not a fan of working with anime and the color version was scary looking (and not in an awesome way) so I went with B&W with a bit of color.



#858111 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by WarQueen on 27 March 2014 - 15:39 in General Discussion

Thank you, BG for the event. 

I'm still a bit curious as to why Zorgorm vs. Shroud was skipped?
In the past that Zorgorm came out before Zombie Yeoman (Last couple Yeoman events were released between May and July while Zorgorm vs. Shroud events were released between February and March).


Please don't think I'm complaining. I love all the global events. :D

#858099 Zombie Yeoman Global Event

Posted by WarQueen on 27 March 2014 - 15:24 in General Discussion

so we're skipping the zorgorm vs. shroud global event?

didn't BG say there wouldn't be an event for awhile? *goes wandering off to find the post*

#853630 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by WarQueen on 06 March 2014 - 18:44 in General Discussion

+1 in agreement with Rye's proposal.

#853609 New Xp formula for Composing needed

Posted by WarQueen on 06 March 2014 - 17:31 in General Discussion

As a personal note to WarQueen while you were busy flaming me you might have missed my apology to DomCorvis in my second post.


Yes, I did miss it. From the time stamp, it was posted while I was busy typing up my 1st commentary. I'm a slooooooow typer when I'm trying to word something to not sound like an evil troll in full on flame mode. :)

My apologies for not seeing your apology.

#853597 New Xp formula for Composing needed

Posted by WarQueen on 06 March 2014 - 16:55 in General Discussion

Instead of flaming/bashing someone, get off your high horses and TEACH the correct way of playing.
Encourage people to enjoy FS, don't discourage them into leaving by being rude.

#853596 New Xp formula for Composing needed

Posted by WarQueen on 06 March 2014 - 16:54 in General Discussion

C'mon rock. Makes complete sense. If he is spending 3-5 fsp/day, that would mean he is making at least 6 instants per day but more likely 7 or more unless he is getting gold @115k/fsp. So that means he makes around 3-5 potions a day outside of instants. Obviously very dedicated to the craft.


Not everyone can access a computer/smartphone to make a potion every hour.

#853595 New Xp formula for Composing needed

Posted by WarQueen on 06 March 2014 - 16:50 in General Discussion

With regard to DomCorvis's plea to make composing easier...it might carry more weight if you had more than a Crystal Loyalty medal for over 5 1/2 years of playing...I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're 1 day away from Ruby, that's still logging in around once every 3 days. Composing was designed to be an involved process that requires consistent effort not something that was designed to  be attained easily.  As far as your figures 10-12 potions a day at 3 to 5 FSP cost and only level 5 Composing...I have absolutely no idea how you come up with those figures or what you are doing.  I spend about 5 FSP a day making about 35 potions and I'm a level 19.


Whether or not someone has a medal should not have any bearing on being able to voice their opinion.
'oooh, he doesn't have a medal. He's insignificant and his opinion should be ignored'. <--- How your comment comes across.


You only spend 5 fsp a day making about 35 potions and you're level 19?
Instead of bashing someone's opinion, you could share your formulas showing how it is possible to make level 19-30 potions within MONTHS instead of YEARS.

Help encourage people to play the game instead of further discouraging them by sneering at their level/activity.

#853039 G o t W VOTING THREAD :)

Posted by WarQueen on 04 March 2014 - 05:17 in Graphics

My vote goes to 'A' because I like the colors and because it fits the theme the best.

(B was better done but the whole gun thing fits SigmaStorm2 better than it does FallenSword)


(C is kinda plain. Almost like the knight is lost in limbo land. lol)

#852440 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 01 March 2014 - 14:12 in Graphics


#851608 50 FSP Avatar contest

Posted by WarQueen on 25 February 2014 - 12:45 in Graphics

ivangold and bobbybear, you might find this helpful in regards to submitting entries to graphics contests.



#851607 Graphic of the Week (2-18-14 till 2-28-14)

Posted by WarQueen on 25 February 2014 - 12:40 in Graphics

as much as I'd like to enter, I'm juggling way to many things right now. :(

#850790 The Painted Blade -- Graphics by CQ

Posted by WarQueen on 21 February 2014 - 02:34 in Graphics

A render/stock is a picture that you like that you want significant changes done to.  You can find renders on PlanetRenders ( http://planetrenders.net/ ) or on RendersGraphiques ( http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/ ). Stocks can be found on places like Google Images ( https://www.google.c...ved=0CAQQqi4oAg ) or just about anywhere.

For examples, check out some of the render/stock links that others have posted in comparison to the finished avatar versions.

#850235 Animated Png

Posted by WarQueen on 18 February 2014 - 23:25 in Graphics

send in a ticket and ask them.

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