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#1011016 Content Update. Crates and an SE!

Posted by EpicPiety on 05 August 2024 - 15:05 in General Discussion

I've suggested the same myself. The idea got no traction.

Still a no I'm afraid.

~ Grim

Instead of using epic frags for higher level potions, why not have them extend duration ;).

#1010812 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by EpicPiety on 26 June 2024 - 15:27 in General Discussion

As it stands, I am currently unable to push for any sweeping changes to features, such as Arena, due to our resources being allocated elsewhere. However, when an opening presents itself, I will bring your feedback to the forefront once again and see what we can do for the future!  :)

Are we to understand this means the resources are working on whatever update you are unable to to talk to us about? Or are they working on something entirely different. This is giving real mid-late 2010s vibes

#1010811 Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2024)

Posted by EpicPiety on 26 June 2024 - 15:20 in General Discussion

We are in need of some sort of new resource or mechanic since +8 epics will never be a thing.

#1010528 Untapped Potential: The Analysis and Case for More

Posted by EpicPiety on 13 March 2024 - 12:44 in General Discussion

The main thing I'm taking away here is the Cows main reason for not wanting to add +8 is stamina gain creep. Adding +8 epics through GvG is actually a net loss on stamina gain for what just a few decades in a perfect world (Applied in realistic scenario's probably longer).


  • Epic Provides Item of ~31.5 Years of Positive Valuation to HCG Before Item Pays for Itself

+8 epics added through GvG will basically never be a net gain. The quoted calculation was done through simple math.

Really hoping minds at HCS may be changed on this when looking at the math. We are at a critical point, this will knock out two birds with one stone. Economy Issues will at least be temporarily fixed and there will be a huge surge in activity across the game.

To end off, I'm sure folks at HCS have noticed there is a massive FSP drought in the game and it will most likely only get worse if left alone. This is a extremely severe issue for the game, any game that has premium currency for that matter.

#1010319 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 27 January 2024 - 04:33 in General Discussion

I'm concerned about the treasure hunter/merchant pack even with the increase in price. As others have said, the relative cost of 45 RP (if we use market rates for RP items, then 50-60 fsp by my estimation) is very low compared to the benefits that it provides. If even one member burns a decent amount of stamina (75k) it more than makes up for cost incurred for the guild. Obviously this economy effect would be compounded even more for larger guilds, who can afford to gvg more frequently and run the pack for more members as well. I recall that the original rationale for not allowing buff enhancer to increase the level of treasure hunter/merchant was potentially adverse and unknown impacts to game economy, and I think this new pack should be considered with the same scrutiny.


I propose to either decrease the power or increase the cost of this pack. Right now the highest level obtainable for these buffs, excluding the 500 level exclusive Christmas buff, is 200/200 also from an RP pack. I suggest changing the cost to 50 RP and the buffs to 300/300 (and getting rid of the 35
RP cost 300/300 pack), which would keep the package relatively obtainable and still a substantial upgrade from the existing package. Alternatively, if the buffs are to remain at 400/400, I would recommend increasing the RP cost quite a bit, perhaps to 100 or 150. I am less in favor of increasing the RP because it makes the pack less accessible especially to smaller guilds, but it would reduce the frequency at which the larger guilds could run the pack as well. Obviously for this approach the 300/300 pack would need a price increase as well, perhaps to 45 or 50.

Increased GvG = increased repair costs

It also costs time/stamina to generate RP

Gold has been pouring out of the game. For those tracking the top lists they know gold is disappearing fairly quickly. If scavenging hasn't fallen out of favor it would be even worse. These RP packs will not tilt the scale, there will still be gold sunk. The only reason it hasn't been sunk faster is due to all those multi's that we all see in plain daylight filtering gold in AH to their mains.

#1010316 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 26 January 2024 - 16:49 in General Discussion

There is level 300 Stalker from Composing. Raising the level of Stalker from 400 to 800 is a large increase in XP gain. The price should be increased accordingly since this is likely the only RP pack that will be used regularly by any guild in the game. It should not be the equivalent of 50 FSP to buff an entire guild with a best in slot leveling buff for 12 hours. The same could be said for the Treasure Hunter and Merchant packs, the RP cost there would easily be offset by one member of the guild doing a gold hunt.

Everyone is going to want things to be cheaper if they can get it that way. That doesn't mean doing so will help achieve what the RP updates are meant to do, which is bring value to RP and GvG if I'm not mistaken.

It's not a large XP gain, but sure can adjust the pack price.

#1010311 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 26 January 2024 - 16:37 in General Discussion

The highest Stalker potion I see is 250? 


~ Grim


#1010305 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 26 January 2024 - 14:58 in General Discussion


Hey there.


Following feedback, we've made the following changes:


Name: Battle Pack C Cost: 10 RP
Rage 300
Berserk 300
Fortify 300
Name: Power Leveller C Cost: 20 RP
Adept Learner 300
Librarian 300
Doubler 300
Name: Battle Pack D Cost: 25 RP
Death Wish 400
Death Dealer 400
Wither 400
Name: Power Leveller D Cost: 30 RP
Adept Learner 400
Librarian 400
Doubler 400
Conserve 400
Name: Fortune Pack C Cost: 35 RP
Quest Finder 300
Merchant 300
Four Leaf 300
Find Item 300
Treasure Hunter 300
Name: Defense Pack C Cost: 30 RP
Fortify 400
Aura of Protection 400
Force Shield 400
Fortitude 400
Name: Fortune Pack D Cost: 45 RP
Quest Finder 400
Merchant 400
Four Leaf 400
Find Item 400
Treasure Hunter 400
Name: Defense Pack D Cost: 30 RP
Evade 400
Absorb 400
Flinch 400
Rock Skin 400
Toreth's suggestions.
Name: Enchant Pack Cost: 75 RP
Enchant Amulet 200
Enchant Boots 200
Enchant Helmet 200
Enchant Ring 200
Enchant Rune 200
Enchant Shield 200
Enchant Weapon 200
Enchanted Armor200
Iron Fist 200
Name: Titan Pack Cost: 200 RP
Titan Doubler 200
Light Foot 600
Avert Gaze 200
Teleport 175
Name: Leveling Pack Cost: 100 RP
Stalker 400
Sacrifice 300
Overkill 350
Animal Magnetism 400
Name: Defense Pack Cost: 100 RP
Avenger 300
Stalwart Heart 300
Fortitude 200 (300 interferes with Promo and Arena potions.)
Name: Bounty Pack Cost: 100 RP
Anti Deflect 300 (400 interferes with Promo potions.)
Spell Breaker 250 (Invalidates invented potion?)
Retaliate 300
Undermine 300
Name: Fighter Pack Cost: 75 RP
Fist Fight 200
Critical Strike 250
Side Step 250
Riposte 200
Sharpen 200
~ Grim


Not bad! I highly recommend tuning Stalker from 400 > 800. We can already achieve stalker 345 relatively cheaply with composing. We have had a stalker 1000 potion in the game and I can safely say it wasn't that powerful. With offering stalker 800 people may be willing to use this pack outside of only 2x events.

Regardless nice price adjustments.

#1010241 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 15 January 2024 - 16:38 in General Discussion

Moving Stalker 400 > 800 could offer value. Stalker 400 doesn't offer much to be honest.

Food for thought.

#1010223 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 12 January 2024 - 19:18 in General Discussion

and if it's a stand alone item, can have it be guild bound as opposed to guild locked

bad idea for game/economy. Needs to be tradeable, Incentivizes purchasing FSP too.

#1010220 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 12 January 2024 - 14:52 in General Discussion

As others have said - there also needs to be more to bring value to RP. As much as I dislike having a multitude of different currencies across the same aspect, maybe look at adding something extra to GvG so that way when the introduction of new gear (what's really needed) comes around, people can't just buy immediately with stored RP.

+8 GvG epics, have the new currency be heavily throttled so only very few of them can be generated. Probably something that would be rewarded based on a theoretical GvG Ladder reset system.

#1010212 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 10 January 2024 - 13:11 in General Discussion

Name: Fortune Pack D Cost: 25 RP

Quest Finder 400
Merchant 400
Four Leaf 400
Find Item 400
Treasure Hunter 400

Great pack, this will be used year round.

#1010206 Guild vs Guild Update

Posted by EpicPiety on 09 January 2024 - 16:54 in General Discussion

With nothing of substance in this update, I have to say I am utterly disappointed. It wouldn't have been that difficult to add some sort of ladder reset to GvG. Don't get it twisted by the number of posts on this thread, many people have lost even the motivation to express their dissatisfaction, I'm surprised I'm even here myself. I can say this with certainty being in two of the largest non HCS discord's where there is nothing but negativity.

Expanding Range and notifications were supposed to compliment a bigger feature update not be the entire "update".

As a long time player I can safely say there is nothing more for me to do in the game. The reason people stop logging in is because there is nothing new for them to do. Without UFSG being fixed I cannot be certain, but based off the supply I've experienced in game it was surely a light xmas, even lighter next year without any substance.

Please consider working on an "Update 2" for GvG that includes a new competitive system.

#1010195 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by EpicPiety on 08 January 2024 - 17:47 in General Discussion

RP is worth approximately .8 fsp.

200 RP = give or take 160 FSP or more. Will people want to spend that much on temporary buff backs with 0 chance of recouping cost?


Prices may need to come down to see use.

#1009897 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by EpicPiety on 27 October 2023 - 14:12 in General Discussion

Hey Peeps!


Okay, Frag Stashes are a big yes. Rather, substantial Frag Stashes are requested. That's definately something we can add.


I reckon you've changed my mind on Potions. Ideas for potions are welcome, though remember some buffs are specific to Potions, Composing etc.


Not gonna see FSP, when Mystic Chests give Shards.


Quest Items specifically for Invention is definately something that I hope would be interesting.

Upgrades? Unlikely. But who knows?


~ Grim

Conserve or AL 800 could be on the table. Probably stick it at a low duration like 60m though. 

Overkill 1100 could be fun.

#1009884 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by EpicPiety on 25 October 2023 - 17:05 in General Discussion

I think it would be fine if there were more powerful potions like conserve 800. There would not be enough of them brought into the game to be used often.

#1009882 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by EpicPiety on 25 October 2023 - 16:28 in General Discussion

Having more powerful potions in chests makes the most sense because supply is low and demand is high. The issue with very powerful potions is when the supply is unlimited so it can just be used all the time.

Chi Strike 750 is debatably one of the most OP potions in the game (Comes from chests) and because of it's low supply you have to pick and choose when to use it.

I don't think anyone would have any gripes if another powerful potion (maybe leveling related) was added to chests.

#1009774 Feedback and Suggestions

Posted by EpicPiety on 18 September 2023 - 15:49 in General Discussion

When a player reaches EOC, what can they do? What can HCS do to reduce labor hours, and heighten profitability? Most importantly to me, explore how to bring Fallensword up to date making it appealing to the new Google Play and Apple application users. Making Fallensword a catalyst for consumers to purchase laptops and towers.


Well,  my suggestion is leave everything alone. EOC can be an event for the player. When EOC is achieved the event takes place. Use the content already created. At EOC a passage opens. Thunder strikes. The player returns back to level 1. Not in a normal sense because they are now in the APEX realm. Apex creatures, Titans, SE, LE, quests,. They can return to original realm at will. In time Arena can also be assigned APEX. APEX strengths only work in the APEX realms.


HCS staff coders and thinkers only need to assign APEX as a command. Then change the math of each levels creatures. This opens up many more opportunities to add to the excitement with tweaks to quests and buffs. APEX buffs (only good in the APEX realm). 


This creates an intriguing  goal for those in the original realm and keeps the game going strong.

Adjusting the level formula at EOC so 25 levels =/= 5 days stamina.

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