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#794191 Double XP next weekend!

Posted by iambrad on 07 June 2013 - 15:28 in General Discussion

I still stand by my original post.  Your actions and what you say are not the same. If you do not see this then it is not my fault and your game continues to decline.

#794187 Double XP next weekend!

Posted by iambrad on 07 June 2013 - 15:19 in General Discussion

Honestly HCS?

    Lately you have been pushing to keep current players motivated and to encourage new players to join the game and stay. YET with a simple action you have just lost a few more players.  You release the booster packs one day before the XP event notification. The automatic 10k stamina pushed many players over their max limit so they go ahead and push a quick hunt in. The next day a double event release notification?  You just disappointed many players and if you had only done the reverse you would have made so many players ecstatic.  Your actions are not what your words say for encouraging growth but just the opposite. Whoever thought of releasing booster pack before XP notice needs to take a marketing class.

#793135 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.2)

Posted by iambrad on 03 June 2013 - 12:37 in General Discussion

It is not like a low level player is going to make lots of these potions  to start off with.  They barely will have backpack space to hold the one or  two  they do make.   If a low level player does start to make lots of potions then they upgraded their backpack space alot and the Cows have made profit from that most likely.

#793045 Composing - In Detail (Revision 1.1)

Posted by iambrad on 03 June 2013 - 06:21 in General Discussion

I am just going to make a potion that will double my levels earned.  Honestly I think players should only get 5 responses to a guild forum subject.  It would really make players think before writing and having to wade through so much flotsam and jetsam.

#792316 GvG and New Players.

Posted by iambrad on 30 May 2013 - 16:56 in General Discussion

I will try to focus on the immediate topic and not the 'changing gvg system' as this is not the current topic here.  New players and having pages of defeats and repair costs seems to be the original topic.


  As I stated earlier just give level 25-50 or whatever cap you want to make' item durability protection' in which their items take no damage and therefor no repair costs.  This would go into effect until said player reaches a certain level, joins the pvp ladder system or hits another player in pvp/gvg.  Then the protection is dropped permanently.  This solves repair costs of new players.

  Pages of combat defeats over and over?  This seems a little exaggerated. A guild can only hit another guild once then there is a wait period before they can be initiated on again. Yes, a player can see one or two pages if  the attacking guild has multiple members hitting the one target, but most likely, the attacker goes after guilds with lots of targets to get the gvg over with quickly as it is two minutes for each hit on same target. So most likely they might have 5-10 defeat messages in their logs. This is not pages and pages....

    Now if multiple guilds are always hitting the same player and therefore the same guild, then the problem lies within that guild not the FS community.  That guild is either not equipping  or explaining to their members why  proper offline sets can make it troublesome to get victories over or the guild does not buff their members when they are initiated on.  The player should be guiding their frustration toward their guild founder on why they are not being buffed when they are attacked in gvg.

    The guild member does have the option of joining a guild that offers advice/buffs for their members.  The guild founder chose to make the guild and assumes the responsibilities there of. Once new players realize how unaffected they really are by a gvg hit they will calm down and maybe think how much fun it would be to do this on someone else and therefor increase GVG activity overall.   A better job at explaining gvg in the new player tutorial would help the newer players out more.

#792229 GvG and New Players.

Posted by iambrad on 30 May 2013 - 02:39 in General Discussion


...Our focus for this is to introduce new players to these aspects of the game, explaining what is going on instead of them suddenly finding themselves attacked and their armour broken and so on. We want to encourage new players to engage with all the aspects of the game and as such are asking for your opinions on the issue.


~ The Fallen Sword Team



Give low level players item durability protection.  No durability loss from gvg hits until 1.They reach level 50.  2.They join in a gvg or 3.They opt into the pvp ladder.  Now they can't complain about repair costs(or their guild can't)  Now they won't have to  pay for repair costs, and even if there logs are full of gvg combat defeats, they lose no XP...

 dangit, keep messing up the quote.


#791766 Composing - In Detail

Posted by iambrad on 28 May 2013 - 18:05 in General Discussion

Like the FSH settings, the User Interface should include a setting to block common, unique, rare and so forth items from appearing in your backpack during hunts.  This would limit common items to begin with.  But I think most would prefer common items not even be possible as a drop or add abit more gold and no common item drops. 


OR simply make a system that converts common, rare, unique, and so forth items into shards.  Create an in-game Market Stall that buys items.  A common item is worth 'x' amount of shards( most likely 1 shard) and unique a bit more and so forth...  This may also then create more interest in players looking through the shard offers out there to increase their shard amounts.  You dont have to mess with potion markets, buff sellers, creating potions or determining skill levels, nor scavenging caves, LE events.  The shard amount system is already in place, it takes no additional space. Go to market stall, cash in whatever items for set amounts of shards, create an interest in other shard offers being offered(have a link in the market stall to the other shard offers) and players then eventually can cash in their shards for fsp and buy more items,potions, buffs and keep the game going.


OR create in the User Interface the option to change what you find from creatures.  A player could select 1.  Items and some gold  2.  More gold and no items.  3. More  XP and no items/gold.  This would also be a simple solution to limiting surplus items in the game from hunts.

#791716 Composing - In Detail

Posted by iambrad on 28 May 2013 - 14:51 in General Discussion

Has anyone looked at the AH prices on inferno and earth elemental hammers?  They have already doubled and composing is not even available yet... What ever is done, keep it simple. The intentions were to use up unwanted/surplus items not items that are in few numbers or already valuable, keep it in that direction.

#784253 Beginning Zone Changes

Posted by iambrad on 10 April 2013 - 16:12 in General Discussion

I liked running into the lvl 125 elite when I was in the teen levels, it woke me up from mindlessly sweeping rats,natives and the occasional wild cat. Hmmm, here is something new I thought, and mindlessly clicked the attack button, again and again and again, until realizing I was losing levels quite fast and he just was not dying. Maybe there is more to this game and bad beasties roam the lands I pondered. So I actually started looking at mob stats from that point on.

#287028 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by iambrad on 08 April 2013 - 15:29 in Suggestions

When you put yourself to follow someone, it would be nice if you could go through doors with this feature.  I have to keep clicking follow each time we go through a door, just a minor annoyance.

#286002 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by iambrad on 02 April 2013 - 14:03 in Suggestions

Could they implement having some NPC's hanging around certain areas where a group might be needed.  Players could hire the NPC's to help them out with group efforts instead of waiting the long time for players to join a group.

#780731 Zorgrom Vs Shroud Global Event

Posted by iambrad on 06 March 2013 - 16:30 in General Discussion


Out of the East a single necromancer walks...In his wake the zorgrom and shroud awake. The dead begin to rise... the dead begin to walk... the dead begin to eat...

If the Ruby tier is not accomplished, this is Fallenswords fate. Immediately the dead begin to close in on any player character about them. If you kill them within one minute, no XP is gained and they crumble and you gain a useless rotting piece of corpse into your backpack for your troubles.

If you do not kill them quickly then they swarm you and eat your stamina (rate of 4000 stamina per hour). In your loyalty section is a 'zombie ward' potion. Each potion lasts 8 hours. If potion is active you are immune from zombies.
Then necromancers' walking dead will leave in 24 hours after the global event ends in the event the Ruby tier is not met. Will you dare to sleep?

This will help stop stamina hoarding during global events :)

#768700 Game Update 2.075

Posted by iambrad on 17 December 2012 - 19:13 in General Discussion

[/quote]Nice idea and very effective for most of us, although it might be a bit difficult for low level players who don't have many storage spots and haven't managed to acquire many FSPs yet. I guess guilds could help out there - one person buying in bulk and then distributing to their mates.[/quote]

Players would still have to have numerous BP slots to get the initial bulk potion into their bp first before sending to other members. Still will cost fsp instead of gold to get maybe just one potion you needed, now you are stuck with 4 or more of the same kind that are just taking up bp now. This idea needs a tweak still to be effective. and i obviously messed up the quoting..

#768695 Game Update 2.075

Posted by iambrad on 17 December 2012 - 19:02 in General Discussion

But if players are passing around large sums of gold does not that just increase more opportunities for gold hits if they are playing merry go round with gold trying to avoid hits. Even if it does go into a gold bank, it has to be sent back to the player who bid on it.
There will be a time limit on gold bank, so player A logs in and presto several million gold appear now in their bank that they have to get rid of fast, now they see one of their friends-player B has bought a potion for several million gold from them and likely wants their gold back... What to do? Sit with the gold until player B logs in? Just send it back to player B and let them sit now with lots of gold waiting to be hit? Does player A bank it or transfer to fsp, but then again, sometime they have to turn it back into gold and send to player B still. So many opportunities for gold hits, maybe even more if they do offer the gold bank idea.

#765406 titans and gvg

Posted by iambrad on 27 November 2012 - 01:47 in General Discussion

The rating system for gvg needs to be changed. The other parts of the system work well enough. The ratings are pretty stagnant and the further you get up in the ratings the less it works. Meaning, for example the top gvg guild can ONLY get rating from hitting guilds just right underneath them in the rankings. We(kotfw) can only hit about 3 or 4 guilds to gain any rating (and it is a small amount) from a win, all other guilds give zero rating on a win. Any guild, no matter their ranking, that wins over us gets plenty of rating taking from us. This is the only part of gvg that I feel needs to be reworked. If HCS could post a discussion on a different rating system and leave everything else alone about gvg, that would be a welcome sight.

#765350 GvG in the avisor

Posted by iambrad on 26 November 2012 - 19:06 in General Discussion

I would like to see a 'cool down' list for gvg guilds just like for titans that have been initiated on, so guilds know which target guilds they have hit within the 7 day wait period and how long it will be before they could be hit again.

#765106 Guild XP Decay

Posted by iambrad on 24 November 2012 - 23:18 in General Discussion

Oh, I do agree with you on this.

#765102 Guild XP Decay

Posted by iambrad on 24 November 2012 - 23:07 in General Discussion

We have touched upon this topic before. What usually follows: Players inactive after 30 days-guild goes into xp lock as if they left or been booted. Players add, "well, if they go into xp lock then all their guild tagged items they are carrying go into the 'guild mailbox,' " so they can't be mules anymore for their guilds. More players add, "well, then they should be gvg targets still if their guild wants to keep them around and make use of them as mules/afraid of xp loss, or honorary members." If player becomes active again, then they can hold guild tagged items, guild regains xp and so forth until they go inactive again. To which I agree to all of these.

#762490 Titan Hunting Changes

Posted by iambrad on 08 November 2012 - 12:32 in General Discussion

There is nothing wrong with the 7 day cool down. This is the exact same principle applied to gvgs. After initiating a gvg on a guild, there is a 7 day wait before that guild can be hit again. This is to prevent 'farming' of guilds or to stop certain guilds from forming 'deals' and getting free RP. This will be the same, no 'farming' of titans. It is the same circle of thought.

#760149 Upcoming Events

Posted by iambrad on 29 October 2012 - 18:42 in General Discussion

Make sure you make it so you have to qualify first in the global event before you can hunt the new titan, or the titan hunters will just sit on their stamina and wait for everyone to run dry then go after the titan by themselves with max stamina. Or to be able to qualify to hunt the new titan you must first qualify in the global event. Anyone not qualifying should not be able to hunt the titan.

#759996 Game Update v2.064

Posted by iambrad on 28 October 2012 - 18:04 in General Discussion

Enable the Fallen Sword Updater to automatically update your Twitter with what's happening with your character in Fallen Sword!

I know it is off topic, but fs updater/twitter feed has been down for several weeks ( ohh, since the first changes to AH were implemented). Can you give any kind of a time frame when this will be looked in to?

#759720 New Cave Potions!

Posted by iambrad on 25 October 2012 - 16:53 in General Discussion

FS's association with twitter is still down and has been for some time. Is any one looking into this?

#754346 Further Achievement Info.

Posted by iambrad on 08 September 2012 - 17:19 in General Discussion

The Fellowship of Adventure

x number of Guild mates have Qualified for Global Events.

I would rather see this as percentage of x number of guild mates.... keeps the ratio even for small to large guilds. IF guild goes smaller or larger the percentage changes... This can apply to alot of the achievements instead of x number just make it a percentage instead.

#744362 6 piece auction (end date july 10th) - Closed

Posted by iambrad on 10 July 2012 - 02:13 in Market Place

1 fsp on number 3.

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