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#957790 Question on XP and Gold when de-leveled

Posted by NatalieEGH on 26 January 2016 - 07:20 in General Discussion

When de-leveled, is the gold and xp that you receive based on your virtual level or on your total level? 


Basically will I take an xp loss and gold loss when I am able to hunt next because I am hunting below level or will I get full xp and gold ?


If you really want to know why I have not done anything about the attacks read on.  It is just background and has no bearing on the question.




I have been been attacked 11 times in the last 24 hours by a player, I am assuming for prestige.  I am carrying no gold, I have 11 bank deposits and when he started attacking, I had 9k gold on me which was emptied with, I suspect, a successful activation of master thief on the second attack (first attack they received 1779 gold).  I really think I must have done something like sacrifice his first first born to Loki during a prior life. 


I do not want to hear lots of suggestions on what to do.  I have talked with Chewtoy and he gave me suggestions.


Why am I not wearing an offline set?  I have recently returned to the game.  I used to guild tag everything and when returned ALL my equipment had been recalled and sold for gold for maintenance of the guild.  I am not upset about that.  But it does mean I am rebuilding somewhat from scratch.  From hunting and donations from a friend, I have only finally gotten a full hunting (leveling) set and it is with the exception of 2 items, all crystalline.  I choose not to wear crystalline when offline, especially if someone is attacking me every couple of hours.


It was suggested I purchase, PvP Protection, and I consider that a good idea except, I do not have the gold to purchase the FSP to purchase a weeks worth of protection.  (At current FSP marketplace prices, I can afford 8 FSP).  As I said I am re-equipping.


Why has my guild not given me an offline set since they recalled and sold all my equipment?  They do not have it.  Even after a 3 year absence, I am still 400 levels above any other active guild member.  I think most went into composing business or something, because no one has made more than a couple of hundred levels while I was gone.


Why not bounty, no gold?


Why not hit back, well I used to do that, with 100 stam hit backs, (Except Pigsplint who would routinely hit me as a "Hi" and I would hit him as I "Nice to see you too, how is the family?", too bad they do not allow 1 stam hits).  I discovered most of the people I hit back would bounty ME???  And I routinely lost levels because of the bounties. 


My purpose in the game is not to be king of the mountain, it is to help my guild and a social outlet.  (I am retired and live with my cats.)  So I am will only be upset if the de-leveling will mean I make less gold so I can finish re-equipping and then start helping my guild with structures again.

#957794 Question on XP and Gold when de-leveled

Posted by NatalieEGH on 26 January 2016 - 11:12 in General Discussion

Thank you zizzwyly.  I am now down 2 levels from attacks for Prestige points.  I am guessing I will even lose more xp and gold hunting two levels below current total level.


At the current rate before I get full xp, I will soon be back down below what I had when I returned to the game.  No sense playing.


It really is a boring game.  I mostly returned to help the guild and maybe see a few old internet friends.


To any of my friends that are interested, you can find me, at the risk of this message being deleted, at talia_egh@yahoo.com.  People that I do not recognize when I read the post, I will just program a filter to send the messages to trash.

#957842 Question on XP and Gold when de-leveled

Posted by NatalieEGH on 26 January 2016 - 20:24 in General Discussion

I think Zizz was saying that you will get the full Xp and gold from the creature, but that you might end up having to hit creatures at your new (lower) level, and they will give less Xp and gold (actually, for your level it is just less Xp - they stopped increasing gold with level back around the 300s).


If you are still in your maximum realm, then this won't affect you. But if you left that for some reason, you won't be able to get back in until you level up again.


So you aren't sublevelling, and the game isn't depreciating your returns from hunting. But you may well be hunting and gathering at your new level.


PS I agree with Doom. I think this is very sad, and do feel very sorry for you. This isn't for prestige, because you only get that from the same player once ever three days.


I was worried that I would be sub-leveling.  That would mean I was of no use to my guild. 


I thank Jedi for telling me why the person is attacking.  I asked them, politely, I think.  It made no sense and they would not answer.  I think what the person is doing is kind of rotten, but it makes sense.  They are just big jerks.  I have known there were a lot of jerks since probably level 20.


I was only upset about the attacks indirectly.  I was upset that I would be of less and if enough de-leveling, no help to my guild.  That made me upset. 


Since I can get full gold, I can help my guild.  That is really all I want to do.  Like I said, this game is my social outlet.

#957883 Question on XP and Gold when de-leveled

Posted by NatalieEGH on 27 January 2016 - 07:20 in General Discussion

The player attacking me has finally responded to me.


I now know why I am being constantly attacked by the player.  It is a personal attack, I did not recognize the player.  We both did (them) and said (me) things and I was actually temporarily banned for my part (I think a week, not sure, I was unable to access the internet during my ban), I do not know what actions HCS took against the other player.


Now that I know why, and it is not for xp or prestige, I kind of hope the person keeps attacking until they can find peace.  6 or 7 years is a long time to be angry, it is very bad for the soul.  I have sent him an apology but I doubt it will be accepted.  I hope they get peace.

#957129 Proposed new area to be added to Profile

Posted by NatalieEGH on 15 January 2016 - 00:24 in General Discussion

I would like to propose that an area maybe called "Bygone Allies" or "Lost Allies" or something like that be added to the character sheet.


1.  Each player would be given initially 5 slots.  Any ally that has been gone from the game 6 months or more would automatically be moved to the area.  Additional slots could be purchases just as we can purchase additional allies and enemies now.


2.  I do not know about everyone but once I have added a friend as an ally (or enemy), I am very hesitant to remove them, in fact I have have never dropped an ally (or enemy, except to move them to ally). 


3.  To me the game is primarily social.  Hunted Cows you might not like this, but the game its self is incredibly boring.  But the social aspects are probably about as high as any game I have ever seen.  The game at least for me is secondary to the chat.  I think that might be true for a lot of the players.  The primary people we talk to are guild members, allies, and enemies.  When the guild chat is light and all you see are dark purple dots in the allies and enemies it starts getting depressing.  The game gets lonesome and the ties to it start unraveling until one day you just stop returning.  It is not so much intending to leave for good as you forget about the game or just no reason to come back.  This is probably worst for players with lots of stamina as it takes in some players cases over a month to recharge stamina.  I actually stopped purchasing increased max stamina because it was over a week to recharge.


4.  By adding the new area we can continue to honor our friends by letting them know if they ever rejoin that they were not forgotten and indeed thought about, but we can also see when looking for who all we might be wanting to talk to, see an area rich in people that are still active and might even be green dots.


5.  Another idea might be to set up private chat areas, sort of like guild chat but player defined.  You could charge FSP to initially create an area with 3 people limit at a time and charge to increase that size too.





#956486 Hell forge information on bonus granted appears wrong

Posted by NatalieEGH on 06 January 2016 - 01:23 in Game Help

1.  Background as I understand it.

The information for computing the stat bonus gained by hell forging as indicated on the page where you do hell forging and the information on the FS wiki appears to be in error.

Per hell forge page, you receive 5,5,5,10,25 points divided amongst the stats.  You receive an additional number of points =integer(minimum user level to use the item divided by 50, so at level 100, you will receive 7,7,7,12,27 points.

From the FS wiki the number of points received is modified during assignment to the item stats.  The points received for the level are divided amongst the stats applicable for that item.  If the number of points does not divide evenly, the 1st, 3rd, and 4th forging round up for each stat and round down for the 2nd and 5th forging.

2.  I have a Acheron's Deadly Ward.  The item is crafted to Perfect.  The shield has 2 stats, attack and damage.  Both the FS Wiki and UFSG indicate the stats at perfect crafting for are 970 for attack and 1040 for damage.  The shield is level 850 giving an additional 17 points per forging level giving 22, 22, 22, 27, and 42 or 135 points total.  This should result in 11, 11, 11, 14, and 21 points assigned to each stat, so 68 point to each stat.

When I hover over the shield, I the stat listed are attack = 1071 and damage = 1141.  That is a total of 202 points from forging not 135 the information indicates should be .

3.  What am I doing wrong?  Has the formula for points received per forging changed and the hell forge screen and the FS wiki just not been updated?


I am wearing the shield.  Anyone wanting to help can see the item to see what I am seeing.

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