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#880740 WHAT NOW !!!!!

Posted by hussey on 23 July 2014 - 10:33 in Archived Bug Reports

it is fixed for me now :)

#880734 WHAT NOW !!!!!

Posted by hussey on 23 July 2014 - 10:06 in Archived Bug Reports

both in client and browser , game is not loading . If at all it loads , the maps arent loading . Am just seeing a loading splash screen which stays black forever.

#880731 WHAT NOW !!!!!

Posted by hussey on 23 July 2014 - 09:51 in Archived Bug Reports

Am getting all of the above symptoms as well. 

#880166 Fabled Sets

Posted by hussey on 21 July 2014 - 07:46 in Suggestions

Hmm i think what should be done is drastically reduce the rolls on the hybrid weopens and change to rolls in the rares which already have been obtained with ridicolous rolls . Fabled are decent, maybe a slight buff , but not very high changes to its stats . 

#878542 since talk of balance/talents....

Posted by hussey on 12 July 2014 - 03:17 in Suggestions

They should increase the regenerations in combat . 

#875138 Add anonymous login/accept friend requests, disable homestone/remote stash/et...

Posted by hussey on 24 June 2014 - 04:42 in Suggestions

Let the 2 x gathering rate be there . I completely agree on friends list / anonymous login . 


On using a homestone , why dont we make it that they lose 50 % of resources even on using a homestone . 


Due to low population , i would like to see TA only in US server or if server strength is greater than 30 . 

#874044 Incentive to kill people in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:41 in Suggestions

ATM , There is no incentive just to kill people or go for killing spree . 


Only incentive is u can get their resources or the tokens if they had it .


There should be valor reward for each kill which should be increased when on a spree till immortal .


Plus extra reward for killing players who are in a spree .



#874040 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:35 in Bug Reports

Or atleast make it this way ? - Those in " Combat " lose resources if they use log out option ? 

#874038 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:33 in Bug Reports

Basically, don't try to log off to escape a player in Trapper's Atoll, we don't want you to get off scot free for that. Ideally however if you logged off in the safe zone, you should escape the penalty.

ATM with no anonymous option , All the gatherers have the pvpers on friend's list , so once they see them online they Run out / use teleport . 


So basically it fails why it was made .


And the 30 seconds time is enuff to stop players who TRY to log off Once they see the red dot in minimap :P 

#874036 Low Level Characters Need Bigger PvP Buff

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:27 in Suggestions

I have been saying this Since when i Was lvl 25 :P 


Best way which is balanced is promoting a player to lvl 45 in pvp . Giving them attribute + talent points . 


Or Stll better way is giving all players 2 builds - one for pve and one for pvp . This can be unlocked say for some ep too . 


So players can switch between those 2 . Or While in pvp Automatically they get promoted to pvp build that they built .


This would make many more guys to pvp .


But for balance dont give the players skills because many players have bought skills that can be used only in pvp . + there should be an incentive to lvl up for pvp .

#874033 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:22 in Bug Reports

Guthix is right .

#874031 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:21 in Bug Reports

This was answered by devs a lil days ago too , to prevent gatherers by just logging off when they see a pvper online . 


They anyway run to nearest exit .


But this affects random dc too . So better to take it out . And i am lazy to go out ,log out and log back in and go to Ta in other server :P


I know about this but still i log back while in TA :P

#873837 PvP Death Should Not Remove Buffs

Posted by hussey on 18 June 2014 - 04:08 in Suggestions

Sorry , but am against this , even though i would have to use all my gold on food /pots .

#873594 away to make both pvpers and peve'rs happy maybe

Posted by hussey on 16 June 2014 - 05:57 in Suggestions

There is no valor reward as such for killing people. only if they have some valor when they were killed we get the valor . 

#873574 away to make both pvpers and peve'rs happy maybe

Posted by hussey on 16 June 2014 - 03:57 in Suggestions

I dont take others resources, its of no use to me . I only go for the valor / pking . i usually take the drop and return the mats . 


But there should be risk in 'TA'

#873443 Trapper bug: Potions

Posted by hussey on 15 June 2014 - 07:02 in Bug Reports

30 % healing reduction applies to pots and 30 % penalty to mana replenishments applies to mana pots too


The bug is STAM POTs are not affected by it .

#873283 sorted

Posted by hussey on 14 June 2014 - 08:58 in Archived Bug Reports

It does 15 % of the base dot dmg and i think it is doing what is supposed to do except there is no clarity in the tooltip. 


15 % of the dps would be too powerful . 

#873052 See Anything Wrong With This Picture?

Posted by hussey on 13 June 2014 - 00:57 in Suggestions

Dang i missed it :( and yes lock on potion bar would be cool .

#872943 templar bug, assassin bug, food bug, templar bug again, prophet bug, and mage...

Posted by hussey on 12 June 2014 - 16:20 in Bug Reports

All bugs in single thread :D

#872693 Trapper's Atole, Rez - issue with Plasma lord

Posted by hussey on 11 June 2014 - 09:08 in Archived Bug Reports

It happened in some wb's back . If u die in shade ,then u relog, and if someone tries to res u , u cant accept to be resseructed . 

#872298 Goals to achieve in game

Posted by hussey on 08 June 2014 - 15:57 in Suggestions

My goal - 

1> PvP ( not for the vanity ! ) 


Am hoping that they would add some worthwhile rewards to it .


As for fabled sets , am not going for the fabled set because am mostly on shield + essence . And fabled sets are not made for hybrids ( it should be that way to give advantage for pure builds ) . I do it for fun , challenge and maybe the essence .

#871703 How to use nodes to implement competition in trappers.

Posted by hussey on 04 June 2014 - 11:00 in Suggestions

Yep i agree that pvp or guilds shouldnt be forced on others . But pvp is the main part of the game for many guys like me . 


We dont care of anything other than pvp :P 


Also wats the use of getting better gears . At 45 we grinded for the set then the fabled set ( i dont care about this :P ) , just to do more dmg to the mobs with medium AI ? 


No , better gear for better stats to be better in pvp ( Just my view of this )


TRAPPER's ATOLL should be the main attraction for pvp !


PvP with guilds would be so awesome :D

#871696 How to use nodes to implement competition in trappers.

Posted by hussey on 04 June 2014 - 10:45 in Suggestions

Good ideas xp :D .


I would want to see once guilds are established to have guild vs guild fights in trappers to gain access to the rare resources ( let the lvl 48 resources be obtainable only in trappers atoll OR tag it as trapper's resources and add it to lvl 45-50 heroics crafting materials or use it in questline to upgrade ur lvl 45 fabled weopens into lvl 50 one ).


After winning the championship against other guilds , they have access to TA for lets say 2 weeks . Then again one more GvG championship after 2 weeks . 


There should be risk in TA and a reward for the efficient players :D 

#871000 Game starts downloading @ 45%

Posted by hussey on 31 May 2014 - 16:45 in Bug Reports

Same , shouldnt be downloading it every time , it should be cached .

#870910 Why I'm Upset About Templar Changes

Posted by hussey on 31 May 2014 - 03:46 in Suggestions

As far as i remember it was bieeest who was asking for a nerf for hybrids ( tank heals) :P . Give them some time and they will do some changes . Its not like end of the world ..

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