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#835503 PvP Balance and Attribute Balance (assessed problems and remedies)

Posted by hussey on 29 December 2013 - 10:14 in Suggestions

I would rather like that everyone that joins PvP has a NEW fully customize-able talent tree and attribute page with the skill points of that of the max level cap, and has all of the skills unlocked to put on their skill bar which solves pay 2 win aspects of pvp and with this new setup you can make different builds for PvP and trying out what works best.I would also like the ability to have free re-specs for these PvP builds in order for teams to adjust their builds in different ways without affecting PvE.

Totally agree . 

#835455 PvP Balance and Attribute Balance (assessed problems and remedies)

Posted by hussey on 29 December 2013 - 03:02 in Suggestions

Melee classes are so underpowered in pvp . these are my suggestions -



#866946 Anyone got ideas for more benefits of being a supporter?

Posted by hussey on 05 May 2014 - 13:52 in Suggestions

Ability to go invisible (non pvp ) for say 2 mins with a 20 mins CD , maybe a supporter only emote and they can make pranks and enjoy some privacy :P

#852889 Limit World Boss Groups to 10, to increase the challenge.

Posted by hussey on 03 March 2014 - 11:54 in Suggestions

We are interested in challenges and excitement every time , it gets boring if it has the same mechanic . Would be so good to see adds coming randomly , more random effects like it silences everyone for 5 secs , something like that . 


A sense of surprise while doing every WB will be good !


Fire in the zorskar area was nice , could u make it come randomly rather than from the start ? And some effects like getting trapped as a group for 5 seconds randomly (many mechanics now only affect the tank )

#852895 Limit World Boss Groups to 10, to increase the challenge.

Posted by hussey on 03 March 2014 - 11:59 in Suggestions

lol no i didnt mean randomly spawning bosses , just mean some new surprise every time rather than to just heal /taunt / dps .

#846511 Changes to Favor F2P Players

Posted by hussey on 05 February 2014 - 13:49 in Suggestions

A big no :)

#870910 Why I'm Upset About Templar Changes

Posted by hussey on 31 May 2014 - 03:46 in Suggestions

As far as i remember it was bieeest who was asking for a nerf for hybrids ( tank heals) :P . Give them some time and they will do some changes . Its not like end of the world ..

#863602 Potions overwrite each other now ??

Posted by hussey on 18 April 2014 - 01:15 in Bug Reports

Yes , please make then how they were earlier  .  :)

#868199 Ascended loot

Posted by hussey on 12 May 2014 - 09:43 in Suggestions

The thing i wanted to say is defined gems are good, i was shocked to find a essence as a item loot in place of the gem with no gem slot / random socket and that was too heart braking :P


Ascended dungeons are dungeons with difficulty and i want it to have good rewards :) The random sockets on normal rg/bt correspond to tier 8 + gems which if u collect gems takes a lot of effort/time/ep . So i thought the best random rolls should be coming from ascended dungeons .


Edit :- There should be a incentive to do more than one run per day , rather than to do dailies

#868216 Ascended loot

Posted by hussey on 12 May 2014 - 12:23 in Suggestions

Lol My concern is different , as i said there is not 4 defined gems , one of them may be just a rare item that drops currently in rg/bt with NO GEM slot / NO roll / Crappy rolls . 


I didnt say that it is for the repairs :P What i feel is that u should be punished for any mistake  u do and there are repairs for that . It WAS 1 defined gem per run but am reapeating it again :P u get EITHER a gem or a " Not worthy item " .


Once a tank / healer runs Ascended dungeons They dont have an incentive to run it again . 


Also yes ASV can be run with guys with tr set , but bosses enrage too fast . We did a run yesterday with no one being fully geared except the healer , bosses enraged at 70 % health . We still managed to run through with some great healing ,tanking and teamwork .


Ascended dungeons should be able to be done by people with good strategy ,teamwork and gameplay rather than it being a gear check as it is now . 


And Ascended dungeons are not only done for the fabled weopens ( as for healers there is no need for essence / staff unless there is a haste gem ) 

#868220 Ascended loot

Posted by hussey on 12 May 2014 - 12:42 in Suggestions

And you're mistaken.  We aren't there for fabled,.. we are there to have fun.  This is a game after all.  Rewarding = fun.  It doesn't even have to be rewarding to have fun.  But there are more and more people geared for this, yet there aren't more and more runs for this.  Which means it's not "fun" for players atm.  

Exactly what i wanted to say :)

#868200 Ascended loot

Posted by hussey on 12 May 2014 - 09:44 in Suggestions

Also atm it still serves as a gear check , u need full lvl 45 gear to properly do in ascended dungeons even if u are good in strategy . 

#868139 Ascended loot

Posted by hussey on 12 May 2014 - 04:42 in Suggestions

Earlier Ascended dungeons had a drop of defined gems . Now they drop either a defined gem or a item drop ( same item as in rg/bt ) .


The defined gems are good .But the items are crappy with no gem slot / Crappy random sockets .




Make it this way -


Each boss drops one defined gem + an item loot .


The item loot should have the maximum or close to maximum possible random socket .


For eg :- maximum block rating in bt shield is i think 256 . Make it drop mainly / only in ascended dungeons . U can reduce the chance for it to drop in regular dungeons .


Same with attack power . ATM max attack power is 538 , make it drop mainly in ascended dungeons and reduce the chance its obtainable in normal rg/bt .


This would be an incentive to do Ascended dungeons more than once given the fact that relics are obtainable only by the daily quests .

If its a 2 hand weopen make it have 2 random sockets or 1 random + 1 gem slot compared to a chance in 2 sockets on normal dungeons .
There can be all combinations of attack power(increase chance of double atk power)/crit / haste ( increase chance of double haste ) /weopen dmg (this is being common on mage staffs but its useless atm ) /accuracy ( the so called  unfavourable stat but its useful in ascended dungeons and in wbs ) .
At the end i wanna say that the item drops should be worth the effort .
Edit :- One more suggestion - Make heroics obtainable in dungeons like heroic xbow or heroic knife obtainable only in ascended dungeons . And devs why not a heroic essence / one hand / 2 hand at lvl 45 obtainable in dungeons :P 

#852875 G o t W VOTING THREAD :)

Posted by hussey on 03 March 2014 - 11:00 in Graphics

I vote for C , that is what i think when i am playing FS as a knight in ancient times . Good cape effect and shield is majestic !

#864237 New Templar talents

Posted by hussey on 21 April 2014 - 10:08 in Suggestions

i have seen nobody using avalanche which with its talents does 240 % dps with just a 12 sec cd .

#851330 Overpowered AoE (and Aldadine gems)

Posted by hussey on 23 February 2014 - 16:02 in Suggestions

Much more easier way to earn gold ATM is to do world bosses . Though it depends on luck , a proper team kills defiler in under 15 mins and healers are integral part of WBes . A glim gem sells for 100 + g .Not mentioning quest rewards . 


So there are better ways to earn money ATM than AOE grinding :)

#874044 Incentive to kill people in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:41 in Suggestions

ATM , There is no incentive just to kill people or go for killing spree . 


Only incentive is u can get their resources or the tokens if they had it .


There should be valor reward for each kill which should be increased when on a spree till immortal .


Plus extra reward for killing players who are in a spree .



#842709 Gold Sink

Posted by hussey on 21 January 2014 - 04:32 in Suggestions

Instead of combining certain rolls, why not an NPC that you pay to "re-roll" your weapon?

Very good idea . 

#851316 Overpowered AoE (and Aldadine gems)

Posted by hussey on 23 February 2014 - 14:48 in Suggestions

For mages AOE leveling takes lot of time till lvl 35 where u have to use twice or thrice to use blizzard ,and it needs to done perfectly or u would lose hp and possibly die due to low armor but the truth is warriors (mainly) have metorite with 3 sec stun and then just maelstorm with HoH gem .


CD on warrior AOE is still lesser than storm or dragon's breath .


Dragon's breath is a good one for mages after 35 but its cd makes it not so effective as warrior's .


But aoe levelling is sure kinda boring , u need to push to go one more killing the same guy :P


Reducing the xp for AOE kills i feel is not a good idea as non supporters without xp booster get lil xp by questing , so they depend on AOE lvling . Just reduce the life steal per critter would help . 


Still warriors could AOE kill by adding spired at the end of it .It would be good if healers have atleast one aoe :D ( Radiance used to do some AOE dmg )

#874040 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:35 in Bug Reports

Or atleast make it this way ? - Those in " Combat " lose resources if they use log out option ? 

#874038 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:33 in Bug Reports

Basically, don't try to log off to escape a player in Trapper's Atoll, we don't want you to get off scot free for that. Ideally however if you logged off in the safe zone, you should escape the penalty.

ATM with no anonymous option , All the gatherers have the pvpers on friend's list , so once they see them online they Run out / use teleport . 


So basically it fails why it was made .


And the 30 seconds time is enuff to stop players who TRY to log off Once they see the red dot in minimap :P 

#874031 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:21 in Bug Reports

This was answered by devs a lil days ago too , to prevent gatherers by just logging off when they see a pvper online . 


They anyway run to nearest exit .


But this affects random dc too . So better to take it out . And i am lazy to go out ,log out and log back in and go to Ta in other server :P


I know about this but still i log back while in TA :P

#874033 Don't Log While in TA

Posted by hussey on 19 June 2014 - 13:22 in Bug Reports

Guthix is right .

#880166 Fabled Sets

Posted by hussey on 21 July 2014 - 07:46 in Suggestions

Hmm i think what should be done is drastically reduce the rolls on the hybrid weopens and change to rolls in the rares which already have been obtained with ridicolous rolls . Fabled are decent, maybe a slight buff , but not very high changes to its stats . 

#873574 away to make both pvpers and peve'rs happy maybe

Posted by hussey on 16 June 2014 - 03:57 in Suggestions

I dont take others resources, its of no use to me . I only go for the valor / pking . i usually take the drop and return the mats . 


But there should be risk in 'TA'

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