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#898897 A letter from your new Game Producer.

Posted by boeffie on 08 November 2014 - 00:54 in General Discussion

Nice to see you back :)


While moving forward, I would love to see the game more the way it used to be, to be honest, certainly on the PvP side of things, which have all but disappeared.


(The gigantic lags of course not included, though the epic ones were definitely good for general community feelings :D )

#828249 De-leveling Change Poll

Posted by boeffie on 09 December 2013 - 23:48 in General Discussion

If we did apply a modifier to stats if the creature was higher than your AL, what do you think would work best? I still want players to be able to de-level and re-level on creatures as many obviously enjoy this aspect of the game (otherwise there wouldn't be any discussion around this). My initial thoughts would be:


Creature Levels Above AL / Percentage Reduction to Stats

25 / 25%

50 / 50%

100 / 95%


So basically start at a 25% reduction when the creature is 25 levels above your AL, then increase by 1% reduction up to a maximum of 95%.


This means you could still drop 25 levels and regain xp as you currently can, but it would help prevent dropping hundreds of levels and make it possibly to re-level on a high level creature (or at least make it much more challenging) :)

I have no idea where you are seeing people 'enjoying' this part of the game.

If they enjoyed it so much, there would be no outcry over taking away the possibility to sit in one map with AM500 hitting a lvl1750 champ or elite with doubler xzillion, everyone would go happily about their business releveling through the different realms.


If people want to delevel themselves to get more GXP, that is fine, let them go off and relevel through the maps.


If after losing levels you happen to be 5 levels under the realm level, you're locked  and back to Krul you go.


I am getting sick of being hit every other day by people who cheerfully inform me that because THEY want to delevel I should go and post them up, to help them along in their re-leveling, yet before they were anywhere near EoC their XP was sacred enough to get massively irritated at being hit, Pvp was bad yadeeda yadeeda, and it got nerfed so much half the people left the game over it (or over resultant forum topics that were variously moderated)


I am astonished to see how much people cry out over keeping players in the game, when at my start of this game 5 years ago PvP was all around, playerbase was 4k+ online at any given time, personal and guild wars abounded in the game as well as in the forums, and no one was leaving over it.

It was a given that anyone leveling was sending their gold away, as much because of PvPers hitting as for dying against critters, no one would dream of deleveling, because levels were not gotten easily.


Lose levels, lose realms, and really, lose Guild XP, and that would stop a lot of this nonsense.


my 2

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