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There have been 13 items by xrxr1 (Search limited from 31-July 23)

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#964360 Development Update

Posted by xrxr1 on 13 June 2016 - 21:38 in General Discussions

Yeah  , the only thing I expect to get is everyones common throwaway crap as a joke from them  ie stuff that is not useful at all. Was meant in jest shoval  , if I was to leave I would't part with my gear either  cause one day I might be back :D .(I haven't left yet ,just not been well)  You never know what will happen in the end . HCS might be kind and give us a big update .

#964347 Development Update

Posted by xrxr1 on 13 June 2016 - 00:07 in General Discussions

it is sad news but Iwill still be around . If anyone is thinking of leaving the game feel free to send your unwanted / no longer needed goodies to me  :D  .

P.S. If you do feel so inclined I am usuallyon OC server IGN xrwiz

#959985 HC what is happening to all the servs: random log outs, dcs, more then ever

Posted by xrxr1 on 01 March 2016 - 10:50 in Bug Reports

definately think a reboot is in order , last 3 days , very laggy on OC and random dcs. Takes awhile once disconnected to relog into server

#959018 reset broken

Posted by xrxr1 on 13 February 2016 - 13:43 in Bug Reports

yep daily quest have not reset

#958961 Love Bites

Posted by xrxr1 on 12 February 2016 - 09:45 in Bug Reports

just tried to get quest , still cant

#956512 idea: indentify quest item

Posted by xrxr1 on 06 January 2016 - 13:35 in Suggestions

Yep i like this idea , sometimes down the track you look in your back pack and think which quest does this belong to ?

So having an identify feature would help in tying up those loose ends.

#952417 Piece of wall missing / not filled in

Posted by xrxr1 on 01 November 2015 - 13:57 in Bug Reports

As you look at the map of eldevin and are standing outside the city near  the bottom right hand corner the wall right at the bottom is not filled in showing a blue section.

#952416 weaponsmithing daily quest # 2

Posted by xrxr1 on 01 November 2015 - 13:54 in Bug Reports

The description starts as having 0/1 basic pynewood essence and 0/1 improved copper sword.

After making the items I now have the pynwood essence and the copper sword  in my Back pack but the description recognises that you have 1 / 1 improved copper sword and 0/1 basic pynwood essence. So therefore you think you didnt make it and make another one .

#944661 trading elemental flakes for infernal

Posted by xrxr1 on 12 August 2015 - 21:53 in Suggestions

I have about 300 flakes stored in bank and only 3 that can made "weekly rg bt" better to farm it from ICC or daily quest

how long did it take you to accumulate those 300 flakes , still 150 short of the 450 required if the suggestion was implemented.

#944535 trading elemental flakes for infernal

Posted by xrxr1 on 11 August 2015 - 23:01 in Suggestions

it gona break the game. 16 alts 8 flakes on weekly=128 flakes/week and it are posible to made 16 RG BT/week as difrnet dpser tank and healers even as pvp spec dps

Minority of people have 16 alts, majority have 2-3 and not all are at the level to obtain flakes as weekly quests let alone infernal flakes. When lvl 50 content comes out will people still be running ICC to be able to get infernals, probably not so it will be harder for the majority to get runs.The only damage it may cause is to those that have run ICC and farmed enough flakes to sell. Well there will always be people who will buy them. To get infernal set you need 90 infernal flakes = 450 elemental flakes if you trade them in. Do you really think alot of people have 450 flakes sitting in their bank when they also need these to make other gear ie jewelry, lower level gear , armor. I have enough artisan points to be able to craft an infernal set if need be , however the majority of people dont even like doing profession either so this is just a way to help people out a little bit.

#943912 trading elemental flakes for infernal

Posted by xrxr1 on 09 August 2015 - 12:29 in Suggestions

As it stands

to buy 1 elemental flake cost 50 artisan points .

to buy 1 infernal flake costs 250 artisan points.


What I am suggesting is that we can possibly tradein 5 elemental flakes to get 1 infernal flake.


#943507 New Achievement: What a Glorious Day

Posted by xrxr1 on 05 August 2015 - 14:39 in Suggestions

nice one Ern , grats

#938096 Battle Axe of flame lvl 49 1-h Rare Axe? No chop tree.

Posted by xrxr1 on 05 July 2015 - 02:40 in Bug Reports

as far as i'm concerned any axe whether 1 or 2 handed should be able to chop trees with it

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