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#756866 *Rate the Signature above you*

Posted by Zordor on 02 October 2012 - 01:23 in Graphics

6/10... sorry hbk

I really just don't get why there's the reflection on the left, and I feel it detracts from the overall sig

#762338 Titan Hunting Changes

Posted by Zordor on 07 November 2012 - 23:41 in General Discussion

Just seems players who are good at titan hunting have just been punished for being to good :| I dont get it.


This isn't a solution to making titan hunting 'even'. Players will still be faster than others, it just means guilds like FFS, TTF, TAT won't be able to take the initiative, and use their TEAMWORK, to get out there and secure titans.

If the cows are starting to punish people for being good at an aspect of the game, due to proximity to servers, or whatever the case may be... I don't see what's stopping them from limiting other people that are good at the game.

If you win 10x bounties in a row, you can't pvp for a week.
If you win 10x arenas, you can't enter for a week.

All to give other people a chance to experience other aspects of the game.

The ONLY way to make the titan hunting field 'even' is to place more servers around the world. And then it will come down to the connection speed each player can afford.

PS - there's people in New Zealand that are faster than some of the people I hear complaining.

#756591 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 29 September 2012 - 01:53 in Graphics

Aww no fun lol you don't wanna be branded?

My tattoo could be thought of as a brand... but a slap? No, not really :P

#756270 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 25 September 2012 - 15:20 in Graphics

Fixed it if you want the FFS anywhere on it let me know.

Posted Image

I like it just the way it is now :)

#756878 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 02 October 2012 - 04:43 in Graphics

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Much better :D

#756575 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 28 September 2012 - 23:44 in Graphics

Thoughts on work now?

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I like it, but maybe not quite so red? That looks more like a brand than a slap lol

#757110 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 03 October 2012 - 18:37 in Graphics

I'm not very good but i tried this one for you, couldn't get it to post on photbucket, so hopefully this works.

https://www.facebook... ... =1

Watermark removed if you like it, can't change anything else, forgot to save it as a xfg before i put the watermark on. Sorry. Yes I'm a noob.

I think I'd like it better with different text, and in a different place :)

I can try and remake it, any idea what font and where the placement should be?

I was thinking something in the top left, to try and draw the whole picture together... otherwise I have no idea on the font haha

#758976 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 16 October 2012 - 05:47 in Graphics

I kinda ranked the avi's based on how much I liked them. Some got 10 FSP per avi, otheres 5 FSp per avi, and that was entirely based on my preference :)

#758476 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 11 October 2012 - 22:57 in Graphics

One for Halloween.

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I like this one! I only have one request for it though - is there any way to get a different lady? Her face looks slightly demonic, which juxtaposes the slightly sexy pose.. lol

#758475 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 11 October 2012 - 22:55 in Graphics

Here is one. It's a little meh ,but I'll try to do something better once I get more time.

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You might think it's a little 'meh' but I like it!

#756239 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 25 September 2012 - 07:02 in Graphics

Zordor As you do mention Halloween I thought :)
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I like it! Might be better without the FFS though? I find my eye drawn towards that, rather than the rest of the avi :)

#756940 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 02 October 2012 - 20:25 in Graphics

Here is a Halloween entry :P

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Could I get some text saying 'Happy Halloween!' somewhere on it? Otherwise I love it!

#756140 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 24 September 2012 - 01:26 in Graphics

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Hmm, this one is all right - I can't say I love it though.

#755006 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 13 September 2012 - 22:30 in Graphics

No comment until you tell me what the wording underneath my name says, because I can't read that :P

It doesn't really say anything, just a little jiggle of text to make it look better. I can change it to For Fracks sake if you want?

Whew. I was trying to decipher it, and it was driving me nuts! I think I might prefer if it said FFS :)

#755057 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 14 September 2012 - 05:10 in Graphics

I dont usually do contests (this will be my 2nd exception and I hope you dont break my record... lmao) and I haven't done any graphics in a while, so I hope I could come out with something you'll like.

So here I am with something :

- sexy...
- hopefully strong (lol)...
- tattooed...
- definately magical...
- that looks real...
- not animated...


- bold colours...
- green eyes...
- no cancer or crabs...
- and a tribal dragon tattoo!

Posted Image

link - http://i.imgur.com/Z6HNO.jpg

p.s.: I admit it will be hard to beat Strykes's entry! :)

Pretty! I like the way you did the color thingy on my name :)

Stryke's entry will be very tough to beat... he set the bar high!

#754936 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 13 September 2012 - 08:06 in Graphics

Possibly, but this contest is for non-animated avi's only :P

#754932 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 13 September 2012 - 07:03 in Graphics

hope u like it :mrgreen:
Posted Image

I do actually like that one a lot more than the others! Nice job!

I'm not a fan of the animated avis in general -I've gotten headaches looking at some of them before, and too many are badly done.

#754906 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 13 September 2012 - 02:12 in Graphics

Posted Image

This avi has been massively overused - I can name two people off the top of my head that use it. New stuff only please :D

#755058 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 14 September 2012 - 05:12 in Graphics

Posted Image

I like it, but I wouldn't say it really captures my attention. And honestly, I can't come up with anything I'd change about what you did.

I really like how the wording matches the render!

#755226 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 15 September 2012 - 09:10 in Graphics

I know I've done a similar style for you before, figured I'd try it with another picture:

Posted Image

I actually like this a lot, but I might like it more without the swirly line around her?

Also, what does the text say? lol

#756067 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 23 September 2012 - 01:01 in Graphics

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Posted Image

There's nothing going on in this pic... it's just a picture. It doesn't make me want to look twice, or study it. Not a fan!

#755458 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 17 September 2012 - 09:37 in Graphics

Posted Image

I'm not sure what I think about this one... the ball looks a bit too much like Mickey Mouse to me lol

#755457 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 17 September 2012 - 09:36 in Graphics

Hope you like it :)

Posted Image

Could I get a solid border? Black is fine - otherwise I love it!

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I do really like this one as well, I'm just not 100% sold on the text... the Z looks a bit weird lol

#755228 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 15 September 2012 - 09:23 in Graphics

Posted Image

I loved those squigly lines :(

The text is part of my shopping list from the supermarket but, since it sounds better, we'll pretend it's some tosh about peace and tranquility and stuff.

I LOVE it without though! I think the swirly lines detracted from the awesomeness of the avi!

I'll pretend it talks about how awesome I am! haha

Thanks Ath, you are awesome :)

#754905 Avatar contest! CLOSED

Posted by Zordor on 13 September 2012 - 02:11 in Graphics

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Again, you're trying some sort of effect for the background... but I think it looks pretty awful. Stick with bold and simple stuff please... lol

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