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#934083 Fleur De Lis Chest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 30 May 2015 - 20:11 in General Discussion

Would be fantastic if players would stop crying about the gifts hcs gives us and would stop trying to upgrade and demand things...never before this game do i see such selfishness...don't like the chest, don't buy it


Why so uptight? Chill down will you? I don't buy it, was only a suggestion, im fine either way.


Btw, who's crying ;)

#934076 Fleur De Lis Chest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 30 May 2015 - 19:05 in General Discussion

Up the AM400 to AM500, change LF1500 to Conserve500-750, now thats an Epic Potion of Composing i'd be interested in.


Edit: And keep the FI1500 of course

#931512 New Medals Achieved

Posted by Nagoyaka on 07 May 2015 - 22:31 in General Discussion

How about showing all new medals, with no limit on how many should display, as it was when it first was implemented, but put it on its own page instead of on the main page?

#929455 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 21 April 2015 - 20:04 in General Discussion

In fact it does. Top 100 is not for everyone to make, those with bigger stamina banks gets a better chance towards it, thats one of the advantages of having a big stamina bank. We don't need any easy win buttons to make it easier for those with lower stamina banks to have a shot at top 100. I didnt just reply to recent posts, if you read through all subjects regarding recent GE, you would understand.


If they worked hard enough, they should already have received 3 chests, be happy with that!

#929445 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 21 April 2015 - 18:38 in General Discussion

Be happy everyone that qualified got 3 chests, and everyone that made it into top 100, be happy for the 2 extra chests. Anything else is just a bonus. If you didnt get more than 3 chests, well, thats still 3 chests, get over it!


Everyone that bothered to participate and do the minimum kills already got 3 chests, 3 uber chests! And congratulations to everyone that made it into top 100. To those who didn't, better luck next time.


You had low stamina bank? Well, better start working on it then. Those with big stamina banks did work hard for it, so should anyone else that wish to have a big stamina bank.

#929140 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 April 2015 - 13:25 in General Discussion

We should ignore them and be happy we made ruby at all :)

#929138 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 April 2015 - 13:13 in General Discussion

I don't know about you, but I'm doing top100 with only x5 creatures.

#929135 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 April 2015 - 12:52 in General Discussion

I don't mind though :)

#929134 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 April 2015 - 12:46 in General Discussion

So much for theory that 17.5 million kills is an unrealistic or unachievable goal for a global event.  Funny how the cries change from "too hard, make it easier" to "so easy let's get more" depending on the particular event.  This a great reward so participation is through the roof.  Thanks cows.


You do realize that current GE creatures gives x5 kills instead of x1? We have now the same goal as when we only get x1 kills a kill.

#929132 help unsure what to do ? cant play.

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 April 2015 - 12:03 in Game Help

err, something is wrong, this two players Shaneration and hellhound900 dont even have a FS character...

#928860 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 16 April 2015 - 13:09 in General Discussion

It's staying put at 2,000 but we are considering a level 50 or 100 in the Loyalty section.


Im not sure if its any use in that. It would be impossible to compete with a lower doubler against a higher.

#928855 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 16 April 2015 - 13:00 in General Discussion

Good to hear that! :)

Any chance of considering placing Titan Doubler a bit lower in the skill three? There are a lot of players below lvl 2000 that hunt titans.


I have the Titan Doubler skill, yet everytime I have used it so far, I have bought it cheap from the buff market :)

#928727 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 15 April 2015 - 18:40 in General Discussion

I see mostly Eater of Time and The Elder Terror. Those are quest titans and ment to spawn at a faster rate. The others are only coincidence. I wish they increased regular titans spawn rate a bit though. That way everyone has a chance at it. Also it would remove the boring part of waiting days, maybe over a week, for a sertant titan to spawn.

#928719 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 15 April 2015 - 16:05 in General Discussion

According to BG, all titans have equal spawnrate, with exception of quest and seasonal titans.

#928671 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 15 April 2015 - 12:25 in General Discussion

You should maybe consider to increase titan spawns a little bit. Titans drop like flies now, but most takes days before respawn, except quest titans. With only 1-3 spawns a week, the same 3-4 guilds will kill it everytime, leaving nothing for the smaller guilds. They are chanceless on the bigger titans right now, even if they only trying to get some TKP.

#928648 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 15 April 2015 - 10:12 in General Discussion



Why wasn't a cool down placed?


That was a quest kill.

#928561 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 14:57 in General Discussion

Can you change the XP/GXP thing?
I really don't like people holding so much GXP by killing titans (that happened A LOT with Eater of Time before the tweak, and few times with Kraganath).

I can accept people having multiple GXP with Doubler, but with TitanD and Doubler the numbers could go insanely high, over only one player.


Do the math and you will realize how insanely high amount of stamina it would take. And if someone wants to hunt it for GXP, they do spend the stamina for it. Why is this okey on a champion, but not a titan? The difference with their XP is no gamebreaking at all. With the first version Eater of Time I can understand, but Kraganath dont give much XP at all. You taking this out of proportion.


Most choose to hunt champion with AM500 instead, so they don't have to move around on map, the difference in GXP between those two is not big at all. Choose to chase a titan for a lil extra, or choose to stand on champion with AM500 and get a little less but get it very easy. I can maybe understand you want it easy, so better to have the other option disabled from others to use.


Edit: hm, if I understand BG right, titan doubler don't affect gold/xp at all, so you dont have to ask anymore

#928517 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 10:38 in General Discussion

Is that really a problem? Your guild might be the only ones to think this. If you go to UFSG, you can see there is not big difference from highest level titan compared to the highest level champion when it comes to amount of XP given. Nothing gamebreaking at all.

#928497 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 08:42 in General Discussion

Maybe increase spawnrates a tiny bit? Some titans can take a week before they spawn. That might be too much now considering the recent changes thats been made.

#928495 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 08:34 in General Discussion

There is a bug possible because of the new updates as this is when it started to occurr. Sometimes when I go to random players profile, a level 1 player with no name that joined 01/Jan/1970 appears that have recruited 5766 active players to the game. When I click on anything on the profile I get redirected to the main page.


Now I'm often getting re-directed to main page when clicking on player profiles. I think something is messed up with the codes in the new update.

#928494 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 07:55 in General Discussion

Could be awesome global chests :)

#928490 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 07:35 in General Discussion



soon all the titans will end up like the current "Collossus of Gurgriss (titan)", is that really what we want? mellow.png


What do you mean? Even Collossus of Gurgriss dropped fast. Whats your problem with this? Not everyone was hunting for the big profits. Its still in the early stage, just watch arena, that one slowed down. If we wait for this to stabilize, im sure it will slow down with titans aswell. Its a new era for the titan-aspect, embrace it.


Edit: What we should focus on is to fix those ANNOYING errors that occur while moving on the active titan map.

#928441 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 00:28 in General Discussion

There is a bug possible because of the new updates as this is when it started to occurr. Sometimes when I go to random players profile, a level 1 player with no name that joined 01/Jan/1970 appears that have recruited 5766 active players to the game. When I click on anything on the profile I get redirected to the main page.

#928362 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 13 April 2015 - 18:55 in General Discussion

Isn't that how regular doubler works against regular monsters? :/


That should be fixed, we do spend the stamina for it.



They still use the stamina for those kills.

#928347 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 13 April 2015 - 18:22 in General Discussion

I think titan doubler is not necessarily bad for the game. Yes there will be a lot more spawns, and yes, the epics will be devalued, but it will open the aspect for a lot more players.

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