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#910143 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 17 December 2014 - 20:26 in General Discussion

Can we stay on topic please? Thanks :)

#910134 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 17 December 2014 - 19:37 in General Discussion

Just spent 6 hours and 8 minutes with no breaks to get 3250 kills on eater of time ....


That map Eater of Time spawns in is horrible, and that is put very nicely, lol. Several hours to solo that titan is expected. If you want to do it any faster, guild members to help out is the key. Congratz on soloing it though, thats not an easy task.


PS: Its name is very suiteable :D

#910168 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 17 December 2014 - 23:04 in General Discussion

7-9 hunters?!! Then they are obviously not experienced & fast titan hunters. I can team up with 1 person as good as me and be able to beat any titan hunter in the game. So...2 titan hunters to beat 1, don't see a problem with that no.




Btw: Are there any way to hide a persons posts? All these colors and huge letters going on repeat are only annoying when i try to read through this topic. Send me a message, thanks.

#910180 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 17 December 2014 - 23:43 in General Discussion

I dont agree with you. I have been in different guilds, and been up against them all, even those i been in guilds with. It has always only been needed to be 2 hunters teamed to beat 1 for me. Even against those you call a magic hunter, lol. I have been up against your guild, by myself alone, your guild was 7-9 hunters, and they could not beat me, and from what i experienced, they lost because of inexperience.

#910284 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 December 2014 - 04:19 in General Discussion

I think this thread has ran its course. Can someone from administration please lock it so we can put an end to the trolling? Thanks.

#910193 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 December 2014 - 00:29 in General Discussion




Great. More petty arguments. I think we all get it that some people here claim that there are "magic" hunters, I don't think we need the 8+ pages about the same posts over and over again to let us know about them.

#902541 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 20 November 2014 - 10:31 in General Discussion

please read stuff before you make an uneducated post ...


That was uncalled for, maybe you should read his post properly? Keep it clean please.



time to move then buddy



#910188 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 18 December 2014 - 00:17 in General Discussion

I did, I was in FFS at that time, and had help from NO others. And I will repeat myself and say they lost because of inexperience and not because of speed restrictions. And not implying, got many that can say its a fact.

#902117 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by Nagoyaka on 19 November 2014 - 10:16 in General Discussion

Titanhunting don't have to take 3+ hours to secure. Bring a larger group from the guild to hunt it, and the hunt will be shorter.

#876091 Arena Update #3

Posted by Nagoyaka on 27 June 2014 - 16:29 in General Discussion

chances are that higher prices will only happen to a few pots and maybe fire stone...they rest will probably become even fewer tokens...therefore allowing players to buy what they want even cheaper, for invents and such...give it time...


What I am trying to say is they must not cost too much, not even close to that temporaily price of 2000 tokens. A maximum of 100 I think will keep it in reach for everyone to want to try arena.

#876080 Arena Update #3

Posted by Nagoyaka on 27 June 2014 - 15:43 in General Discussion

Can't we just have prices on rewards like it was? 20 and 40 tokens. It don't really matter if it will make items worth less. Those prices made it achiveable for everyone and they could get arena items they wanted with the tokens for personal use, not for selling. Having access to all those arena rewards for personal use at those prices was more than rewards enough to want to do arena. We dont want them to cost that much wich will lead to prices going high again. Please put it back to 40 so everyone that decides to try arena can enjoy those rewards.

#876108 Arena Update #3

Posted by Nagoyaka on 27 June 2014 - 17:51 in General Discussion

I think 2000 tokens for potions like BM 300 and LF 600 and LIB 300 are more reasonable... these potions are very sought after and used to be somewhat rare as they didnt spawn all the time in the arena... yes it may take a while to stock up 2000 tokens but it will make the prices of things a little more level.... 


2000 is easy for you arena champs, but we rather want everyone to have a chance at it. I have never seen so much activity and new players trying in the arena before. And I hope it can stay that way.

#876163 Arena Update #3

Posted by Nagoyaka on 27 June 2014 - 21:40 in General Discussion

yep i know that the 2000 is temporary for now but i suggested in another update thread that those pots BM LF LIB should be about 2000 tokens each... and im still sticking with my opinion on that one.. but i know the whole thing is still a work in progress... and thanks for sticking up for those of us who have been playing the arena for a long time and have put lots of time, effort, and fsp into it for a long time now... its not like we just woke up one morning and got our crystal medal overnight lol 


the price on the arena prizes don't affect wins towards the medal in any way.


I have also put a lot of effort, time and fsp into arena, and i rather want it to be active than make a lot profit.

#876173 Arena Update #3

Posted by Nagoyaka on 27 June 2014 - 22:27 in General Discussion

How about 20 points for the 'Good' pots and make them bound so you have to participate in the arena to get them ?



#880110 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by Nagoyaka on 20 July 2014 - 23:27 in General Discussion

1. Green color on recently online guild members in guild info list on left bar side.


2. Saved buff setups


3. Double-click on item and it directs you to AH, autosearching for that item


probably many more but these was top of my head right now

#928497 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 08:42 in General Discussion

Maybe increase spawnrates a tiny bit? Some titans can take a week before they spawn. That might be too much now considering the recent changes thats been made.

#928517 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 10:38 in General Discussion

Is that really a problem? Your guild might be the only ones to think this. If you go to UFSG, you can see there is not big difference from highest level titan compared to the highest level champion when it comes to amount of XP given. Nothing gamebreaking at all.

#928860 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 16 April 2015 - 13:09 in General Discussion

It's staying put at 2,000 but we are considering a level 50 or 100 in the Loyalty section.


Im not sure if its any use in that. It would be impossible to compete with a lower doubler against a higher.

#928495 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 08:34 in General Discussion

There is a bug possible because of the new updates as this is when it started to occurr. Sometimes when I go to random players profile, a level 1 player with no name that joined 01/Jan/1970 appears that have recruited 5766 active players to the game. When I click on anything on the profile I get redirected to the main page.


Now I'm often getting re-directed to main page when clicking on player profiles. I think something is messed up with the codes in the new update.

#928561 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 14:57 in General Discussion

Can you change the XP/GXP thing?
I really don't like people holding so much GXP by killing titans (that happened A LOT with Eater of Time before the tweak, and few times with Kraganath).

I can accept people having multiple GXP with Doubler, but with TitanD and Doubler the numbers could go insanely high, over only one player.


Do the math and you will realize how insanely high amount of stamina it would take. And if someone wants to hunt it for GXP, they do spend the stamina for it. Why is this okey on a champion, but not a titan? The difference with their XP is no gamebreaking at all. With the first version Eater of Time I can understand, but Kraganath dont give much XP at all. You taking this out of proportion.


Most choose to hunt champion with AM500 instead, so they don't have to move around on map, the difference in GXP between those two is not big at all. Choose to chase a titan for a lil extra, or choose to stand on champion with AM500 and get a little less but get it very easy. I can maybe understand you want it easy, so better to have the other option disabled from others to use.


Edit: hm, if I understand BG right, titan doubler don't affect gold/xp at all, so you dont have to ask anymore

#928273 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 13 April 2015 - 14:52 in General Discussion

Can you make it so titan doubler still counts as 1 kill towards medal?

#928265 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 13 April 2015 - 14:34 in General Discussion

Overall a awesome update. Hopefully this will get majority of the community interested in titan hunting :-)

Also I've heard that doubler do not count towards extra medal count, meaning a kill with titan doubler activated still counts as 1 kill towards medal progress. Please keep it like that, it was ment to make titanhunting easier, not to get medals easier. Thanks


Edit: reading through the posts i now read that it has been changed. Can we have it so that each kill with doubler still counts as one titan kill towards medal? If not that would make a joke out of that medal.

#928281 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 13 April 2015 - 15:12 in General Discussion

No, you use 4 stam for 4 kills.


Still, that dont apply to some of the other medals. I fail to understand why it should be treat differently.

#928490 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 07:35 in General Discussion



soon all the titans will end up like the current "Collossus of Gurgriss (titan)", is that really what we want? mellow.png


What do you mean? Even Collossus of Gurgriss dropped fast. Whats your problem with this? Not everyone was hunting for the big profits. Its still in the early stage, just watch arena, that one slowed down. If we wait for this to stabilize, im sure it will slow down with titans aswell. Its a new era for the titan-aspect, embrace it.


Edit: What we should focus on is to fix those ANNOYING errors that occur while moving on the active titan map.

#928494 Update v2.70

Posted by Nagoyaka on 14 April 2015 - 07:55 in General Discussion

Could be awesome global chests :)

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