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#905766 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 29 November 2014 - 10:59 in General Discussion

I am certainly not a pvp'er but I think an easy solution to this would be to make a new medal and let everybody keep the old one that they have worked (hard or little) for. The value of things is always going to be in the heads of people and there is really nothing you can do to change that. Personally, I put little stock in it because I don't like pvp but I appreciate that it has a lot of value to people who do put time and effort into it. And of course that should be respected.


Virtually yours,


#905570 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 28 November 2014 - 12:59 in General Discussion

Now that we are taking things off-topic I would like to propose that you give the pages better names. In my history pull down menu it says: Fallen Sword v. 2.6 -  Massively.... As a player I am not at all interested in the version, I think that is only for debugging, and the Massively... carries no information either.


Instead I would like Fallen Sword - Auction House or Fallen Sword - Mailbox etc.



Virtually yours,


#905243 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 15:28 in General Discussion

Yes there is, some people want to instant finish and collect and some people want to instant finish and discard...


If you make it collect then all of us can use it, and those who want to discard them can do so afterwards.



Virtually yours,


#905292 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 16:13 in General Discussion

Bank Improvements:

- Deposits available now reset at midnight each day, instead of 24 hours after last reset. A countdown can now be seen on the bank page.

I don't think we need a countdown if it is always the same.


Virtually yours,


#905286 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 16:09 in General Discussion

Profile Improvements:

- Added 'Break Down' and 'Break Down All' to the right click menu on the profile page.

This is great news. Could we please also have "drink", "drink all", "extract", and "extract all" added to that right click menu?


Virtually yours,


#905220 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 14:49 in General Discussion

You can instant finish & collect / discard in 2 clicks though. One extra click for me was better than covering the screen in buttons for every possible series of actions you could possibly wish to perform.


As for the 'New Template' option it's now at the bottom instead of the top. :)

There is no reason NOT to collect a potion if you are using instant finish. When on earth would you instant finish a potion and not collect it? If you don't want to collect it now then you also wait with the instant finish and pay less. I don't want you to add another button here, just change the functionality.


Virtually yours,


#905351 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 17:51 in General Discussion

Would it be possible to add "discard" and " discard and remake", and "collect and remake" buttons to the log page? This way you don't have to go to the composing page at all. And if you make it work without a page load I will give all you guys a bearded kiss for xmas!


Virtually yours,


#905204 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 14:25 in General Discussion

Instant finish (all) still does not collect the potion(s). :-(


It is annoying that "new template" is now in the  top in the pull down menu. This is used rather seldom whereas I keep the one I use all the time on top by naming i "111".


And then there is still a bug in the log: I usually keep a tab open with the log and when I come back it the message that lets me collect the potions does not appear the first time I refresh the page. It was like this before and still is.


I like the discard button. But I would like a button that collects and destroys (all) the potions in one click.


Virtually yours,


#905309 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 16:38 in General Discussion

Not sure why the standard resets makes things more difficult for you as I think it makes things much easier.  No more chasing composing reset times only to have them continually changing.  Just instant finish the first ones after the standard reset and carry on.  Same thing applies to gold deposits.  Who actually times their hunt by deposit times?  Everybody I know times them by stam fill and enough RL time to sit through the hunt.  If you know you are going to hunt then don't burn your deposits at the beginning of that day, save them for your hunting time.  Simple and problem solved. 

It is not always as simple as that, the size of this problem is also correlated to the amount of stam you have. There are of course other ways to get around it but I for one time my bank deposit to occur right after my hunt.


Virtually yours,


#905209 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 14:35 in General Discussion

Btw. in the composing level guide it would be nice to see where the potions are capped.


Also, I am not a big fan of the new way to calculate how many percent left until next level. This way you start with a high percentage and increase very slowly. With the other way there was more emphasis on your progress right now.


Virtually yours,


#905306 Update v2.60

Posted by Zennaro on 27 November 2014 - 16:33 in General Discussion

That two are already there. A Drink all would not work however.

My bad. I don't have any resources right not. The drink or use item as you call it has a confirmation box. That is really annoying when you are potting up for a hunt. This is not a good substitution for the drink link of the helper, which also worked without a page reload.


When I have to put on guild gear for my hunt I go to the report page of the guild management because there I have a fast wear link with every item. I fear that this will disappear when you make some changes soon.


Virtually yours,


#888523 Update v2.50

Posted by Zennaro on 05 September 2014 - 21:34 in General Discussion

Great that you are working on the helper stuff. And I like the new layout. I miss the highligthing, and I also miss the tool tips that had the explanations of each buff.


Virtually yours,


#883131 Open letter to the Cows

Posted by Zennaro on 31 July 2014 - 21:59 in General Discussion

I think sending out emails to old players is wrong, and it is also illegal in some countries (eg. the country where I live). I gave my email in order to register but I never gave the permission to spam my inbox. I would not want a mail from the Cows whenever I decide to retire.


Virtually yours,


#892706 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by Zennaro on 04 October 2014 - 10:19 in General Discussion

A buff that makes the effect of vision lasts longer. The higher level it is cast, the longer the effect works. Eg. at the lowest level it lasts for 5 minutes and then increases 10 for each 25 levels.


This would mean that you can see where you have walked on the map. This could be useful for hunting when you are in a dark realm and it could also be useful for titan hunting in a dark realm.



Virtually yours,


#897126 New Content. 2276 - 2300.

Posted by Zennaro on 31 October 2014 - 21:32 in General Discussion

Thanks. But could you please put in more champions? It gets a bit boring without them.


Virtually yours,


#888383 New Content. 2201 - 2225.

Posted by Zennaro on 04 September 2014 - 18:50 in General Discussion

Great! But are there really 8 champions? Usually, there are only 4 in 25 levels.


Virtually yours,


#873176 New Content. 2101 - 2125.

Posted by Zennaro on 13 June 2014 - 16:07 in General Discussion

Neither will I and to be honest I wouldn't want to. I have been af eoc once and it made me depressed not to have a goal to achieve.



Virtually yours,


#873159 New Content. 2101 - 2125.

Posted by Zennaro on 13 June 2014 - 15:43 in General Discussion

Great idea! Thanks.

#863184 New Content. 1976 - 2000!

Posted by Zennaro on 16 April 2014 - 09:08 in General Discussion

Congratulations to all for 2000 levels. Are you planning something special for level 2500?


Guide updated.


Master Realm : Dominion of Treshia added though not activated for portal use

How come you are always late with this?


Virtually yours,


#878890 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by Zennaro on 14 July 2014 - 07:11 in General Discussion

I would like to see:


1 . All the features of the Manage Backpack, ie. lookup in AH and most importantly, move between folders with choose all. I miss this every day when I have to move potions around my backpacks.


2. All the features in the log, ie. send to, colouring etc.


3. All the features of the Quick Buff menu, including the mouse over that shows what a buff does.


4. Buff first 16 on relics


5. The feature that calculates if I or my group can hit a creature.


6. Quick drink is sorely missed!


7. Quick wear and recall in guild report. And why is the report not in the menu?



Virtually yours,


#828778 Guild XP while sub-leveling

Posted by Zennaro on 10 December 2013 - 15:18 in General Discussion

We've been talking about why players de-level in a couple of threads now and I've been looking towards a solution that would work better for this. The main reason for de-levelling seems to be to contribute more guild xp towards your guild as the reduced xp at the end of content also adjusts the amount of xp that is contributed.


Rather than nerf stats and/or xp as previously suggested, I think we can keep this aspect of the game (i.e.. contributing to your guild) without impacting other aspects of the game (bounty board, medals etc.) by simply removing the sub-levelling reduction from guild xp. What I mean is you would get a guild xp contribution based on the xp you would have gained from the creature before any reduction is applied for sub-levelling.


What do you think?

Why is it a problem that the levelling dance impacts other parts of the game? Don't other parts impact levelling? Aren't pvp-players using the same idea to roll up and down in order to avoid getting hit back?

#828626 Guild XP while sub-leveling

Posted by Zennaro on 10 December 2013 - 07:57 in General Discussion

I honestly cannot see the problem. And I find it offensive that people will call something an exploit just because it is used by other players than themselves. Humans are creative, and so are players. And the players here will always use the game to its limits. In my guild my mates are doing the level dance because they have no new content. That is not just because the Cows are too lazy to dish out levels, but also because the epic potions give everybody the possibility of making a lot of levels on their regular stam. I think the correct solution to this is to get rid of the epic potions from the global quests. And many new levels to keep people on their toes.


The current solution seems unclear to me - does it give regular xp to the guild and less to the player? I doubt that will help much because it only makes it a little more expensive to relevel, and quite frankly if you are shellng out money to do this dance then I doubt it is going to make a difference. Perhaps it will deter a few who will decide it is too expensive but I doubt it will stop the dance party.


Virtually yours,


#900778 Game Update v2.51

Posted by Zennaro on 14 November 2014 - 12:07 in General Discussion

I still think that you need to fix the level up page. If someone cannot handle a page where you put in numbers then they need to learn or they are just too stupid to play this game anyway. My finger is already aching at the thougth of the number of clicks it has to do after the xmas double event.


If you have time on your hand you should also look at the composing pages that are horribly made. There is no way you can call that a first version. At best it is an alpha try.


Virtually yours,


#900483 Game Update v2.51

Posted by Zennaro on 13 November 2014 - 18:18 in General Discussion

In general I am glad about this upgrade but there are a couple of misses: now we are back to having to press the button for each attribute point again. This is terrible for those of us with high max stam. I have just checked, and I have allocated close to 4500 points. This of all the number of clicks that would require!


The number of se-kills on my page breaks my profile page and it doesn't look nice.


Also, I don't need to be reminded all the time that there is a menu if I right click and that I can select multiple items with control-clicks. This messes up my profile page. I really hate those control-clicks anyway and would much rather have the option to move things with  the manage backpack that the helper made possible before. The ability to select all of a kind and move them in one move is sorely missed.


Virtually yours,


#900487 Game Update v2.51

Posted by Zennaro on 13 November 2014 - 18:25 in General Discussion




If you have more than 10 Level Up points to allocate, it appears again. This is to be simpler for newer players.


I agree that things should be easy for new players but this is really annoying. I had two level up points and no box appeared. I had to press twice. This is ok when we are talking about levels gained while waiting to build up stam but it is horrible when you have been on an epic hunt. If this is a problem for new players then I suggest you make something to make them understand. This is the worst possible interface imaginable. We had this before and we asked you to fix it then. Now you are changing it back?


Virtually yours,


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