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There have been 73 items by Noeni (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#774627 Noeni Noobit's Graphic's

Posted by Noeni on 21 January 2013 - 05:38 in Graphics

Here you go Xraggen

Posted Image

#775800 Noeni Noobit's Graphic's

Posted by Noeni on 28 January 2013 - 18:48 in Graphics

Here you go Sam if you need any changes let me know.

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#775887 ~~~ WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! AVI Contest ~~~~

Posted by Noeni on 29 January 2013 - 18:14 in Graphics

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#776326 ~~~ WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! AVI Contest ~~~~

Posted by Noeni on 01 February 2013 - 20:23 in Graphics

Hi Kali Change made. :)

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#776561 ~~~ WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! AVI Contest ~~~~

Posted by Noeni on 02 February 2013 - 18:53 in Graphics

:oops: Oops I realize I did a typo on this one as well corrected it.

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#777122 ~~~ WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! AVI Contest ~~~~

Posted by Noeni on 05 February 2013 - 14:18 in Graphics

It's a regular stock image I usually work with renders thought i'd try a stock for a change.might not have come out as I intended for it to. I personally don't do text slap.

#777180 ~~~ WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! AVI Contest ~~~~

Posted by Noeni on 05 February 2013 - 22:09 in Graphics

Posted Image

Sorry, a really overused image. And I don't mean to be rude....but no text slaps please. Some of the tones were changed, but in the end, this is the original image.

Maybe an over use image but i personally don't do text slap. nor work with stock image thought i'd try stock for a change.obviously I'll stick with renders. while practice working with stock.

#779469 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Semifinals Voting **CLOSED**

Posted by Noeni on 22 February 2013 - 17:18 in Graphics

B. my first choice the colors and lighting and general reminds me of the final scene in Romeo must die,I like the text it's just perfect to me, the dragon effects brings a nice touch. it's "kaboom!! awesome". I can picture that on a DvD cover.

C. my 2nd choice would have tie with B if it wasn't for the bright lighting too much light by the elbow out, I like it though it's pretty cool.

#779741 Noeni Noobit's Graphic's

Posted by Noeni on 25 February 2013 - 06:47 in Graphics

Here you go 3beef let me know if you need any changes

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#780217 Noeni Noobit's Graphic's

Posted by Noeni on 02 March 2013 - 02:50 in Graphics

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#781796 Noeni Noobit's Graphic's

Posted by Noeni on 19 March 2013 - 13:28 in Graphics

Hey mama here you go
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#784548 Avi contest

Posted by Noeni on 14 April 2013 - 08:06 in Graphics

Posted Image

#784711 Avi contest

Posted by Noeni on 15 April 2013 - 18:32 in Graphics

Ok so What do I think of the Eldevin game?.It´s cool take some getting use to am still getting the hang of it.it´s quite fun, I did the first quest .complete it. It´s awesome You gotta try it .

#784723 Hows everyone coping with the new forum look?

Posted by Noeni on 15 April 2013 - 18:39 in Graphics

Although I prefer the old forum.This is cool and take some getting use to but I like it,am gonna have to visit here more often to get use to it. the basic lay out is similar to the old forum. :wacko: :( :D ^_^

#784727 Hows everyone coping with the new forum look?

Posted by Noeni on 15 April 2013 - 18:44 in Graphics

Apparently there's an off-topic section that's shared by all the games, but I'm blind and can't find it :(

Oh you´ll soon get use to it.I bet that within a week you´ll be liking it ;)

#784729 Hows everyone coping with the new forum look?

Posted by Noeni on 15 April 2013 - 18:49 in Graphics

I stumble and fumble and finaly foud the log in page but yeah I can´t find any of my post or my user with my sig.Can we upload our sig to our user am so lost it´s not funny :(

#784870 Eldevin Class Introduction

Posted by Noeni on 15 April 2013 - 23:52 in Game Help

Very useful and detailed I do understand my charater now I choose mage ,But I might want t change it seen as I just understod the different characters is that possible or once chosen one cannot change?

#784871 Eldevin Class Introduction

Posted by Noeni on 15 April 2013 - 23:57 in Game Help

Oh I have a question ,Is Eldevin gonna be for browser like fallen sword. or is it gonna be for iphone and mobile? only.

#784872 Eldevin Basics Guide

Posted by Noeni on 16 April 2013 - 00:15 in Game Help

Oh this is awesome thanks I now have a full understnding of the game ,was burning brain fuse trying to figure out how to revitalize.

#785614 Eldevin Basics Guide

Posted by Noeni on 19 April 2013 - 00:05 in Game Help

Very good awesome now I understand it better

#788658 How do I change my avatar or other details?

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 01:03 in Knowledge Base

Hi Zukira and all  am kinda dauh with the forum am not sure if am at the right link lol .How can I upload my sig point me in the direction please  -_-

#788660 Forum Signatures Guidelines

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 01:13 in Knowledge Base


#788661 Forum Signatures Guidelines

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 01:18 in Knowledge Base

Thank you. :)

Mekare your sig is pretty annoying and hard on the eyes. 

#788663 Forum Signatures Guidelines

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 01:21 in Knowledge Base

Just a bit of information, the following restrictions are in use.

Your forum signature may contain 1 image.
No more than one set of [img] tags can be used in your forum signature.

That image must be no larger than 700 x 250 pixels.
This is the maximum size the image can be if you wish to use it in a signature.

Your signature can be a maximum of 8 lines long.
This is how many times you can press enter when typing out your signature, an image would normally count as 1 line regardless of size.

Your signature can contain up to 5 URLs.
This is how many times you can use the [url] tags to include links to other sites.

File size of an image is not restricted.
If you're using images hosted externally we do not restrict the file size these images can be.

Other Restrictions
We reserve the right to remove signatures that we think are annoying. Fast moving / flashing signatures will be removed, if you're using an animated image then please make it subtle. Also if your signature contains more text than you normally include in your posts, shorten it.

Cool this post is very helpful Zorg thanks.

#788682 Eldevin Class Introduction

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 04:44 in Game Help

This is awesome I will deffinately add this game to my list of fav. I love it  to pieces :)

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