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#792614 What Comes To Mind First When I Say...

Posted by Noeni on 01 June 2013 - 12:58 in General Discussion


#791621 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Noeni on 28 May 2013 - 06:07 in General Discussion

Epic's are so expensive with the cost of  an epic items that's gonna be out of reach of those that can't afford epic's .that will make epic items skyrocked. couldn't unique items be used instead. and have a unique potion that' equivalent to epic .

#791027 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Noeni on 24 May 2013 - 13:40 in General Discussion

This Global Event is too easy, please increase the kills needed  :D

For the sake of the weekenders yeah. a teeny weezy bit.P' hurray!  one of my weekender mate just made it atleast to Ruby tier. way to go FYDO you didn't make the top 100.but you got to Ruby :)

#791023 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Noeni on 24 May 2013 - 13:31 in General Discussion

Also the weekend players that only have the weekend to to play need a fair shake too. Lot of my mates are working people and have Fridays free some have started a few hours ago o. I think spawning should be continued a normal o the weekenders could get a chance.

#791021 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Noeni on 24 May 2013 - 13:20 in General Discussion


Your Contribution: 9629 kills.


Blew through my Stam. Gonna see what I can do with the little that regenerates.


thats great that a mooooo moo helped out. I got knocked off the top 100  24501 . am I sad I didn't make yeah but thinking on the low levl players that gave their all for the ruby it' gratifying to know I help to put a smile on their face . :)  wish I had more stam though. this i the bet game and community I have ever been in +1 thanks moos it was fun. Thanks to the whole community you rock!!

Global Quest: Kill Zombie Yeomen
Your Contribution: 24501 kills
Progress: 17,324,027 / 17,500,000
Time Remaining: 1 hour, 37 minutes

#791020 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Noeni on 24 May 2013 - 13:14 in General Discussion

We are on our way to Ruby the Cow could consider if time is running out and it' not made to extend it a few ours more like 2  make.That would how tot he community that the moos are areally listening and have the game interest pass monetairy contribution

#791015 Global Event - Never Been a Better Moment in FallenSword History

Posted by Noeni on 24 May 2013 - 13:04 in General Discussion

awesome community if only  it could be extended a few hours more so the goal could be met. if it's not met we are so close.

Global Quest: Kill Zombie Yeomen
Your Contribution: 24501 kills
Progress: 17,324,027 / 17,500,000
Time Remaining: 1 hour, 37 minutes

#790676 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Noeni on 23 May 2013 - 04:30 in General Discussion

UNbound ? - heck to the no .. that would just result in a flood of multies, doing the minimum, getting the rewards, selling 'em and passing the proceeds to their host account.

Well if that's the case it would exposed the multies and then  get them band. wouldn't it?  :D a multy detecter could be set up for the event.

#790675 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Noeni on 23 May 2013 - 04:27 in General Discussion

waiting for the Eldevin so please hurry this up  please don't extend this event the global i.e.

#790669 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Noeni on 23 May 2013 - 04:15 in General Discussion

 ,17mill is a lot for only 700+ players that log into the game.especially  seen as most  did the minimum.


I also think  to generate more interest into the global event if the tier's and potion with in it  were unbound so players could sell them would probably renew interest into participating and make it worth while using their stamina including the low levels as well , that would spark up the event, maybe that could be thought on for the next if not for this one.

#790222 After 5 1/2 years its time for a kinder gentler FS

Posted by Noeni on 21 May 2013 - 22:01 in General Discussion

It's sad to see one of the best MMORP game as FS falling into decline.the turn out for this event is so small with a 17mil tab for the community to achieve with max amount of 624  to 700+ players, seem dim, I don't mean to be pessimistic but it's the reality. something needs to be done to bring back life to the game and not just a patch or band aid like the global event is.Some part of your idea sounds good   to retaliate to a gold hit put you in the ladder  thats just  crazy .I have nothing against pvp I think it  is exciting and fun. It takes both to make the game work.

#789570 Support handled by players?!?

Posted by Noeni on 15 May 2013 - 19:53 in General Discussion

From the support page, under submit ticket;



Sooo here is what I wanna know b4 I rant into a serious hissy fit;

1: Who exactly are these players you somehow deem worthy of acting as support? What did they do to earn that trust, and who decided they were worthy, and on what grounds?

2: Is there a screening process on tickets "value" - as in; Who decides if the tickets are to get HCS staff attention?

3 Does the task come with a very clear manual on what they are to answer?

4. What exactly can these players see on my account? My personal info? What I have supported over the years? My current amount of FSP? My gear? My logs (which are personal too I might add) What?


5. Is there a way to not get a player to answer my tickets?



Small rant:

A ticket answered by a player, will hold no value to me.

In my book, I might as well ask any player I like or trust instead of sending a ticket, which may get answered by a player, whom I have issue/have issues with me.
I find it hard to see exactly why this has been set in place, and it makes me wonder what exactly is going on.
This exact move has put a quick death to other online games over the years, and I'd hate to see the same happen here.

You present some good point Kitiarili all sought of bulbs went off in my head when I read the announcement.

#789565 Support handled by players?!?

Posted by Noeni on 15 May 2013 - 19:43 in General Discussion

I have some questions is this only apply to the Lagecy game  or all HCS game?, I do have issues with trust and confidencilaity. How much of our personal info will these helpers have access to.Why is it necesairy to have out side helpers?Will HCS be responsible for these helpers and their service to the community.? and I don't mean financial. Frogive my bad spelling  i'm Latin. lol A little clearity would be good on the  services they will be responsible for

#789287 Avi Contest - 65FSP in total to be won. (Winners picked.)

Posted by Noeni on 13 May 2013 - 03:24 in Graphics


#789064 New Player Feedback

Posted by Noeni on 10 May 2013 - 23:05 in Suggestions

First starting, I got stuck opening doors, because they were not accessible at the default camera angle.


I also got 'stuck', not noticing/realizing E could target things, and was targeting with the mouse.


Regarding movement, it is not clear that you can move by clicking on the minimap to select destinations.


It is not in any way clear, that the belt locations have keyboard shortcuts. I realize now they are Ctrl + #, but they would be better as single keys (e.g. F1, at least on Windows).


I've not played similar 3D MMO's before. I've played a fair amount of console 3D RPGs.

I had  the same problem as Grimmnok , and picking up the bow at the archers quest I didn't progress in that quest It would be great if by clicking on a bow and arrow on the ground would make it appear in ur hand would be nice and after hooting the bulls eye or target it desappear. right click pick up left click it desappears. .Othelos quest was a problem as I read in the above it's fixed..1+ :) what was not clear also was in the captain quest I ran like forever to find the captain and to find the places and shop were very difficult.the little map at the right was kinda of helpfull it showed  me where I was but to get out was not clear a path leading out and into the next destination by mousing over a path would make it easier  to find your way around. I share the same opinion as Grimmnok.clearer instructions will make it a lot easier to follow.  and indication as one move around on the map would be helpfull .Tooltip was great.and helpfull.

#788958 my old avi's

Posted by Noeni on 09 May 2013 - 19:04 in Market Place

My shop desappeare :( but the plus to it my portfolio hasn't.and am still having a problem uploading sigs :(

#788955 Forum Signatures Guidelines

Posted by Noeni on 09 May 2013 - 18:50 in Knowledge Base

Large signature images are the reason I changed my settings to disable seeing them.


If you would like to do this, here is where the preference is located on this forum:

  My Settings > 'Ignore' Preferences > Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages

Thank you Cyrus. will do that it was kinda hypnotic lol

#788953 Races

Posted by Noeni on 09 May 2013 - 18:34 in Suggestions

HI everyone, how goes it? How about a mutant race  when you get hit  by a mage's magic you mutate into a creature.and have to eat a healing leaf/ a healing monument.. which can  be found all over the realm which will make you return to your normal character :D

#788950 Viewing Your Character & Others

Posted by Noeni on 09 May 2013 - 18:21 in Suggestions

Also when you get to the hospital  and lie on the bed.you get a pretty good view, but sure would look cool if they are one  or 2 inches bigger

#788832 Contest here!! Did you say Avi Contest? YES!! 40 FSP!!

Posted by Noeni on 08 May 2013 - 16:05 in Graphics

It's great that you are extending time. i'm still trying to figure out how to upload with these new features 

#788830 Newest addition to the HCS Family

Posted by Noeni on 08 May 2013 - 15:52 in General Discussion

Gratz on your new bundle of joy straight from heaven wish you and your family the best of health :)

/sorry for the repeating post still getting use to the new forum

#788829 Newest addition to the HCS Family

Posted by Noeni on 08 May 2013 - 15:47 in General Discussion

Hi there Everyone.


You may notice that Hoofmaster is not quite as active at the moment as usual. There is good reason for this as he and his wife are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a new bouncing baby girl! The little so & so really wanted to meet them and decided to greet the world five weeks earlier than estimated! However, Mother and Daughter are both doing well and Hoofmaster pops in after visiting them to get quick status updates with us. He always has a big smile on his face, which just gets bigger whenever you ask how it feels to be a Dad.  :)


So congratulations to Hoofmaster and his Wife on their new Daughter!


~ The Fallen Sword Team

Aww that's so sweet a baby wow she will have you going meeeow :D !everytime you look at her lol  big Gratz on your new baby

#788683 Eldevin Class Introduction

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 04:46 in Game Help

It is for browser like fallen sword :)

Thanks that ' great :)

#788682 Eldevin Class Introduction

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 04:44 in Game Help

This is awesome I will deffinately add this game to my list of fav. I love it  to pieces :)

#788663 Forum Signatures Guidelines

Posted by Noeni on 07 May 2013 - 01:21 in Knowledge Base

Just a bit of information, the following restrictions are in use.

Your forum signature may contain 1 image.
No more than one set of [img] tags can be used in your forum signature.

That image must be no larger than 700 x 250 pixels.
This is the maximum size the image can be if you wish to use it in a signature.

Your signature can be a maximum of 8 lines long.
This is how many times you can press enter when typing out your signature, an image would normally count as 1 line regardless of size.

Your signature can contain up to 5 URLs.
This is how many times you can use the [url] tags to include links to other sites.

File size of an image is not restricted.
If you're using images hosted externally we do not restrict the file size these images can be.

Other Restrictions
We reserve the right to remove signatures that we think are annoying. Fast moving / flashing signatures will be removed, if you're using an animated image then please make it subtle. Also if your signature contains more text than you normally include in your posts, shorten it.

Cool this post is very helpful Zorg thanks.

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