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There have been 73 items by Noeni (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#842440 GoTW - January 2014 (round 1) Voting (closed)

Posted by Noeni on 20 January 2014 - 00:33 in Graphics

I vote for B, the color and the scene goes well together it covers the theme.

#811260 Best / Funniest Potion Name?

Posted by Noeni on 12 September 2013 - 02:40 in General Discussion

Most of mine have been random names like "stuff" or just whatever came to mind at the moment but my funniest one so far was a yellow AL pot I named "Wolf Pee" - I guild tagged it but for some reason no one seemed to want to drink it lol

Maybe no one wants to drink pee :D lol wolfy!

#811232 Best / Funniest Potion Name?

Posted by Noeni on 11 September 2013 - 21:41 in General Discussion

I called mine AL150 Ice Ale, LF150 Streaker Blue. :) my first pots

#809955 GOTW September 2013. Week 2

Posted by Noeni on 04 September 2013 - 12:24 in Graphics

Can we post early?

You can't post it here you need to send it to AttorraRU  :)

#809952 GOTW September 2013. Week 1 Voting!

Posted by Noeni on 04 September 2013 - 12:11 in Graphics

It's time to close this voting no offence meant you are a great host attorraRu.but I don't think there will be more voting. and week 2 is already on going

#809949 GOTW September 2013. Week 2

Posted by Noeni on 04 September 2013 - 12:06 in Graphics

would it be possible for us to know the out come of the 1st voting.I don't want to sound rude but it' kind of drawn out.No offence meant :o  :) Did I post this on the wrong thread?oops

#809518 Development Roadmap

Posted by Noeni on 02 September 2013 - 17:55 in General Discussion

will we be able to compose skill pot we wish to compose or is there a specific list that we compose from? lib 200 would be unnecessary, seen as we have lib 225.

#809425 GOTW September 2013. Week 1 Voting!

Posted by Noeni on 02 September 2013 - 12:08 in Graphics

Great art work everyone and great theme Attorraru you all are great artist you all am sure put a lot into your work, all aspect of Fallen Sword  is present .shows that fallen sword is an awesome game.It's a tough choice but I give my vote to D.Why?  I like the feel of  the hunter  ready to fight his way through.


A.) 1


C.) 4

D.) 4





#809355 Is Global Chat....Global?

Posted by Noeni on 02 September 2013 - 01:33 in General Discussion

So Now you want to change up the global chat? the purpose is to make friends with other outside your own guild. give it time for people to get use to communicate with others outside of their guild circle.You should try to make friends in there.I find it fun there are all kinds of people in there those that like to  bore others to death with game talk and those that have light funny chat.silly chat but  then am not a shy person.I have no prob with it.many choose not to chat there hermits are every where. :)

#809338 Graphics of the Week?

Posted by Noeni on 02 September 2013 - 00:54 in Graphics

ahyi /zeder you are such a drama king p' :P you can check for yourself too the lady is busy.

#808593 Graphics of the Week?

Posted by Noeni on 27 August 2013 - 02:45 in Graphics

Any Limit to the entries per artist

#808504 GOTW September 2013. Week 1

Posted by Noeni on 26 August 2013 - 12:29 in Graphics

Any aspect of FS..I'm in gonna send you the /fsp , been ut of practice but will come up with something.

12:29 26/Aug/2013 You sent AttorraRu 1 FallenSword Point

#807950 Graphics of the Week?

Posted by Noeni on 22 August 2013 - 21:07 in Graphics

My shop disappeared when the changes to the forum was made but my portfolio is still in the artist directory.planning on restoring my shop in the  near future

#807938 Graphics of the Week?

Posted by Noeni on 22 August 2013 - 20:31 in Graphics

I haven't been around much but I still like the forum and think what you all are doing to keep it alive is great.I vote for Attorrau as host.  CQ as critique,both are really dependable and make great hosts.If am only allowed to vote for one person. Then my Vote goes for ATTORRAU AS HOST. I can donate up to 10 fsp don't think I can do it weekly though.And if there is a GFX auction I can contribute avis.

#802996 Dare ProtoPlay 2013

Posted by Noeni on 29 July 2013 - 14:26 in General Discussion

Too bad am way down  in South America .HCS games are awesome .good luck at the festival

#802993 Dare ProtoPlay

Posted by Noeni on 29 July 2013 - 13:44 in Announcements

sound like a fun fair. am way down south of the globe South America I would have love to go. Cows have some of the most awesome games. wish you the best at the festival.

#802925 FSH key components

Posted by Noeni on 29 July 2013 - 06:53 in General Discussion

I don't like the show gold idea ,it's like painting a bulls eye on your back. One more thing would this FSH be compatable with google chrome.? the  previous FSH for chrome broke and I haven't been able to install it.

#802917 [Suggestion] Universal Currency for HCS games

Posted by Noeni on 29 July 2013 - 06:42 in General Discussion

How would this affect people from other countries that uses pesos .It should be taken into consideration that these people don't use euros.US dollar, or british Pound.or is it that none of thee people support the game.this is a game that is played by many from different countries.And in some of these country'. dollars and euro's exchange rate is very costly

#802246 Diamond Medals!

Posted by Noeni on 25 July 2013 - 19:52 in General Discussion

Diamond  medal a good idea one looks like a fried egg and the other  looks like a perfume bottle. it doesn't fit in amongst the other medals. it look out of place and a bit dull lack in lusture.

#797405 Avi Contest - 65FSP in total to be won. (Winners picked.)

Posted by Noeni on 24 June 2013 - 23:40 in Graphics

I have been searching oof! I can't find any that fits what you are looking for. still searching haven't given up.

#796066 ~ Need to add more avatars to my collection! ~

Posted by Noeni on 16 June 2013 - 13:25 in Graphics

Is this still running

#795785 Idea for PvP Arena

Posted by Noeni on 14 June 2013 - 15:19 in General Discussion

I can say that there are lots of LE sets that can be used to put arena set together as well as common,unique and rare items to mix in if you know how to put the sets together and calculate the stats. I have expensive sets but that doesn't guarantee me a win if I don't know how to use them.I have lost many arena using expensive sets, and have won a few ,there are lots of low level LE sets that are excellent for arena purpose.and am sure many are using them and winning.I don't see where anymore change are needed in the arena ,most people just want an easy win the arena is suppose to prove how good /skilled one is in competing.once you gain experience and knowledge it's enjoyable and addictive.

#794004 List of sites giving away Booster Pack promo codes...

Posted by Noeni on 06 June 2013 - 22:36 in General Discussion

Awesome !! see people FS still has the zing! 917 people logged in .people do anything  when it' a free give away. hope they see the good in the game and  come back for real and not just for free give away. :P :P Thanks HCS

#793999 Too many multis

Posted by Noeni on 06 June 2013 - 22:21 in General Discussion

/good idea moo moo startting with the multi complainers :P I notice that everytime that something new comes up in  the game multi complainers comes out to complain.Compose potion " multi this multi that./rich will profit, oh the sky is falling". Check out the good thing 917 people log in today haven't seen that in  long time.To collect their free  promo pk ? or renew interest in the game. oh no What's the next out burst  multi's came for promo pk?.put the multi cry to rest people.. :P have fun enjoy the game don't burst a vain vessel .shiiiish!

#793956 Too many multis

Posted by Noeni on 06 June 2013 - 19:56 in General Discussion

What proof do you have that all those are multis ,? 

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