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There have been 14 items by Mzzery (Search limited from 26-July 23)

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#1007135 Free animated avatars

Posted by Mzzery on 12 March 2022 - 14:54 in Graphics

Anyone feel I should add some new ones? If so, what would you like to see? I am not gonna put a ton of time into this, but I am pretty fast so... make a wish? 

#1004972 Is FS Down?

Posted by Mzzery on 30 August 2021 - 22:19 in General Discussion

Guild chat is completely white and refuses to load at all for me.

I am on PC, in chrome.

#1003799 How to change your name in the app

Posted by Mzzery on 05 May 2021 - 21:04 in Game Help

Thanxx Penny! ♥

#1003797 How to change your name in the app

Posted by Mzzery on 05 May 2021 - 20:29 in Game Help

Lots of people ask in global chat how to change their names in the app, and I have had my account since 2008 AND I don't use the app, so I am just not sure how to answer this in an exact way.


What would be the correct step by step way to do this for the new players?

#1003765 Fallen Sword's Most Influential - Past and Present

Posted by Mzzery on 03 May 2021 - 09:36 in General Discussion

I will withhold my vote since I honestly feel it is too difficult to pick anyone

#1003695 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by Mzzery on 20 April 2021 - 03:19 in General Discussion

The temple is broken now, only 2 of the 4 gods would bless anyone today.

#1003501 Game Update v3.1.0

Posted by Mzzery on 03 April 2021 - 12:57 in General Discussion

I love that there's new composing levels. I had been level 60 since feb/march 2015, and now I am flying upwards again. It's the first time ever I got to test the double composing xp... that was introduced a while after I hit 60.


The new code not getting along with the old code is a common thing in many games when upgraded partially. I hope it will get solved asap, and that the events will be extended. Especially the global that  ends on the 6th, since a lot of players haven't been able to get any kills without lagging out.


As for the rest of this thread... I'll stay out off those discussions. I hope the cows will be fair and open minded, and also avoid overpowering the game, to the benefit of some and detriment of others. I've noted a few changes that I haven't seen anyone else even mention yet. Will be fun to see how the community will react when they notice those.  :lol:  :ph34r:  :P

#1003459 Free animated avatars

Posted by Mzzery on 02 April 2021 - 23:20 in Graphics

I was going for a bit of a different feel in these next ones. :)




#1003343 Free animated avatars

Posted by Mzzery on 30 March 2021 - 13:02 in Graphics


#1003329 Composing Update (v3.0.0)

Posted by Mzzery on 29 March 2021 - 14:19 in General Discussion

Soooo what level is everyone so far :)

at LEAST level 1!  :lol:

#1003325 Message limits

Posted by Mzzery on 29 March 2021 - 13:56 in General Discussion

I find this limit extremely annoying as well. For me, any game is a LOT about communication, and there's just no way to really explain things, or discuss any topic, or have any sort of decent interaction when there's such a short limit



(This is where I would have to hit send, the message was 236 at that point. I wouldn't even have managed to fit a dot to the end of that). 


The change drives people out off the game for the communication-reasons, since chat programs don't tend to have such harsh limits... and for those of us that log in daily mostly to communicate with friends, it then becomes a bit pointless to log in. It's easier to just hang out in the chat program we chose then. 


This limit makes no sense, and on top of that, there's no way to see you got messages unless you open that menu, it takes 15 seconds to just open the messages (yes, 15 SECONDS), and when you send a reply, there's no sent TO (name). just the name... so it is impossible to see which was yours and which was theirs.


Oh and the little read-icons. I don't read all messages at once all the time, when I open the menu, but it tells people that I have read theirs and they then think I am real rude because they THINK I seen it, even if I just went in to find a specific message and had to be fast with that 15 second lag and all the type-send-type-send-type-send lag to the person whose message I was actually looking for, since I for the most part can't fit replies into just one message without sounding real harsh and rude, and for  sure, unable to discuss any guild related issues or whatever, with my guild mates. I like being able to handle guild business the way my guild expects of me. This makes that much harder to do ingame. 

Just get rid of these limits cows... please. It's a real game-killer for me.

#1003215 Composing Update (v3.0.0)

Posted by Mzzery on 23 March 2021 - 20:38 in General Discussion

I honestly think we went from the 21st century back to the 19th... like, why move messages away from the logs? it's really not helpful in any way, and just another annoying step to try to do what we need to in FS. For me, it feels like sending snailmail, and most don't even know how to find the messages yet. Why this change? What's the logic behind ripping parts of the logs away from the rest of them?


If I sound grumpy, it's just because I am... I don't like changes that seem to be backwards and not steps towards new nicer stuff, like this one change... I really dislike it! I'll start ranting soon.. lol

#1003214 Free animated avatars

Posted by Mzzery on 23 March 2021 - 20:29 in Graphics


#1003146 Free animated avatars

Posted by Mzzery on 22 March 2021 - 05:20 in Graphics

i was wondering if u could turn this into an avatar for me? My name and guild name on it and the background i would like it to b the FS page (tan) background...as long as u meet those 3 requests of mine i'll let anything else be to your own discretion. :)


im not in a hurry or anything so take all the time u need to make it. :)


if u need to find that pic online... if u type goblin slayer renders (in google) it should b the 2nd image in the images tab :)

I don't make avatars on request.. sorry :) Plenty of others do though, so I'd post a fresh thread and ask for avatar makers :)

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