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There have been 28 items by iTzBiLL (Search limited from 24-June 23)

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#847619 A Re-formed PvP Ladder is due I think ?

Posted by iTzBiLL on 10 February 2014 - 01:48 in General Discussion

. . . .  changing a gamewide function mid lifespan is always gonna be a populace affecting menace, regardless of how much better it would work at some levels.



This has never stopped HCS in the past. Name an aspect of the game and lets review the changes over time.... Would need a thread itself.



Anything to stimulate activity is a good idea in my opinion. Although this may not be the best approach, PvP, the bounty board and the ladder could use more INCENTIVE to participate. There will always be those who choose not to play, and they may choose to buy protection or just suffer a bit of XP loss.


INCENTIVE... this is what is needed. Not just on the topics in this thread, but in all different ways to play the game . . not just a few select.


HCS does a great job, and by listening to helpful topics and player feedback, they have they keys to keep a fantastic game growing strong!

#846887 Arena tokens

Posted by iTzBiLL on 06 February 2014 - 16:46 in General Discussion

seems same rewards at the same levels as yesterday, and the ones from yesterday have aready completed... is it truly random????

#846530 Balanced Attack/Defense

Posted by iTzBiLL on 05 February 2014 - 14:19 in General Discussion

these two buffs are definitely broken and need a fix.... well get in line

#846528 Arena tokens

Posted by iTzBiLL on 05 February 2014 - 14:10 in General Discussion

Bump it on down the road

#846525 Content Roadmap.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 05 February 2014 - 14:07 in General Discussion

I do love these update threads... as long as I love the updates ;P


Global Events:  The last one that happened dropped the best chest I've seen in over a year, please have more like that. I'm going through my inventory of some old GE potions, and some I don't even want to use cause they are too low to jusifity using. I love the uber potions, everyone wants to be God for a day, so fill their pockets with uber epic global potions (like 15-20) and enjoy the show!



Arena: (Thank you for the new gear at all levels :D :D :D )  Lets expand on this . . . We need a way to combine NEWLY introduced sets with arena rewards + some type of arena token system (See Link). Believe it or not, but secretly everyone is an arena peacock just wanting to spread wings and fly... Please just take the input given by the best arena player and lets make some adjustments.



New Potions/Buffs:  whatever you do when you drop 'em, you better drop 'em hard b/c we've all be waiting a loooong time and there is NO surprise on what we are getting, so lube it up before you push it in.





#843959 Gear Just Itching To Be Used - [5 -99]

Posted by iTzBiLL on 26 January 2014 - 05:18 in Market Place

I've got some old treasures beginning to gather in the deep corners of my tavern. Beating AH on most gear prices. If you have any further questions or would like to drop a bid on any of the items, please do as I'll be keeping a close eye on this. Next sale will be Lv 100-400.


Gear in order by level. All gear is fully forged unless noted (IF) as this stands for incomplete forge. [AC] stands for rare crafted, hard to find items. Thanks!



Amulet of Elya

Mystical Hood

RIng of Fortitude

Gazant Set

Blue Spine Set

Darmovs Armor

Emissaries Set

Gnarled Punch Set

Venom Shield (AC)

Exalted Emissaries Set

Reborn Dragon Ring (AC)

Giggles Tunic

Aughisky Boots

Empowered Plague Helm (AC)

Empowered Plague Gloves (AC)

Unglag Set

Abrafos Set

Pumpkin Set

Forest Guardian Amulet (AC)

Reborn Guardian Amulet (AC)

VooDoo Set

Amulet of Tarkin

Undead Spine Set

Deathspinner Set

Odhar Set

Golden Cockatrice Set

Bone Chief Amulet

Shield of Zelhill

Venomed Laced Set

Markaan Set

Amulet of Heart

Khale Set

Amakari Weapon and Amulet

Deep Sentenial Set (IF)

Thorirs Set (IF)

Leaf Dragon Gloves

Reborn Leaf Shield

Darklore Set

Ring of Blood Moon

Gloves of the deep

Helmars Set

Rune of Clak

Armor Guantlets Rune of Decay

Shadow Elf Band

Ring of Cluster Fire

#843151 Arena tokens

Posted by iTzBiLL on 22 January 2014 - 21:42 in General Discussion

Winning something for not winning? Hell yea! I'm in!!


Shindrak has been promoting this for a long time, I've always agreed.


<<< Make it So, HCS!

#841964 Scavenging Creatures!

Posted by iTzBiLL on 17 January 2014 - 20:28 in General Discussion

Can anyone share what side the 1600 Legendary is located? Thanks for the help!

#833162 Christmas Offer

Posted by iTzBiLL on 20 December 2013 - 14:48 in General Discussion

I wanna know where da gold at!   Lets get to leveling, move forth with the distribution! Cheers

#833159 Game Update v1.37

Posted by iTzBiLL on 20 December 2013 - 14:46 in General Discussion

Very Nice! Hope this clears up some of the details!! Thanks, busy day, get to work!

#833051 Lets Increase Guild Level Competition

Posted by iTzBiLL on 20 December 2013 - 08:47 in General Discussion

I don't think much would change, since it would be relative due to the added incentive.

#833048 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 20 December 2013 - 08:40 in General Discussion

I don't mind levels and composition.

Would be cool you try to make them work with currently existing sets.



What would make it more fun is having sets use different areas of game.


Have the legendary drop the Recipes.

Have the legendary drop an item needed (not quest item so QF doesn't work).


Then use some other areas.

SE hunting --- Use existing gear, it's not worth a penny.

PVP --- Use new or existing ressources bought with tokens.

Arena --- Use items from arena.




I love this, even if HCS brought it in as a new part of the game. Endurance quests. Items can only be obtained once, but not bound. The only reason I say a separate part of the game is b/c similar ideas as yours have been suggested and it wasn't well received for a normal Legendary event. However, I like the idea!




Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll be trawling through this soon! Keep the suggestions coming though!

~ Grim



Its great to see the level of community input on this event!  One thing, please, don't just throw a off-stat kit in the middle of a stat heavy range and expect it to be worth its salt. The new sets have to blend in; if you want it to have any use in PvP or Hunting, it has to blend in with 3 other sets for buff bonuses. Its your game, keep making it awesome!





Keep those suggestions coming, talk the sets/kits out here, so there's no surprise! :D

#825867 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 05 December 2013 - 21:59 in General Discussion

I recognize the arguments on both sides of the "invent vs. drop" debate. Is this a false binary?


What if some of these sets were "Grand" or "Upgraded" versions of dropped sets that required inventing? Or somehow incorporated Composing (requiring LE frags?) into their creation?



I THINK I LIKE THIS. ... except ...  use this as a way to incorporate "arena crafted" items (eg. @ Perfect craft, item has 3 stats, @ Good craft, item has 2 higher stats.)  We'll call it "Darkend" from now on! :D



When the original LE dropped set is combined with the "Darkend" recipe, it trims the stats from 3 -> 2 so to narrow your intentions for that item set.


Yes? No? Maybe?



I know, this would probably open up 20 other problems. LOL.

#825638 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 05 December 2013 - 17:13 in General Discussion


I'm all for making the new legendary sets difficult to make WITHIN the EVENT that spawns them. Having the new sets suddenly require arena pieces and/or PvP token items... come on, that strikes me as rather obvious profit seeking among those who suggest such things. Only the subset of players who do all three activities (the actual event, PvP ladder, arena) can suddenly make the new items? I think this is unfair on all those who do not do all three activties. My opinion only.

In truth I have little problem with the new items being straight dropped as they were in the old days, but I have got used to inventing LE items during recent events, and that is okay - but it may be harder on the lower level players who may have less carrying capacity for the drops they will need and a harder time getting high FI or high RF to get the drops they need, and then high Inv buffs to max their inventing chances - any inventable Legendaries favour those with the resources to maximise their gain of drops, ability to hold drops and components, have the ability to get into max invent gear (funny how there are so many requests for master inventor as an enhancement on the new gear!) and use big Inventor and inventor 2 pots to maximise creation of new items. All these factors favour players like, well, me. None of these factors favour a casual player just getting by who might fancy trying to get a new set or two.

So there needs to be a balance. I think the balance gained in recent zorgrom and hallowe'en inventable legendaries is fair - the drops are plentiful enough that anyone who wants to make a set can, and those who want to harvest a bunch of sets and seek some FSP profit by doing so can also. Adding in arena or PvP token items does not make a lot of sense there, to me, it merely makes the items more exclusive and therefore more expensive. Cui bono?



I feel you on this, but the only reason why I like the idea of adding Token/Arena items would be to slow the rate at which the item is multiplied across the servers...








If this is not a problem in everyone's opinion, or "we don't even bother with item rarity, let them be multiplied four fold over every server" .......  then my bad.


If item's being too expensive is the problem, make it yourself by winning the items in the arena (its not that hard), winning some PvP Tokens (even easier), save your LE resources and invent away. I mean it's not an option for you to pay the 200 FSP price tag on that new Lv 225 set, so you've got the time to invent it before the market plunges.






I've never really had a preference, but I do think everyone who plays the game should have an oppurtunity to get anything a playing player can get..... it just make take a lil' GRINDINNNG (best Pharrell voice). It should be LEGENDARY no doubt, no matter what they decide!

#825596 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 05 December 2013 - 14:38 in General Discussion

Bring Back Negative Stats that can be erased via crafting



I was always a sucker for arena crafted items.... yes DO THIS!!


It has been said many times that the best way to bring interest to bring uniqueness to new gear. ie combining epics for better epics or having legendary/epic items that when equipped grant a buff that would be useful such as deflect / lightfoot 200. Although I dont expect to see anything exciting from some "basic" legendary items.


Legendary gear comes from different origins. The ones that comes from legendary drops from the map are grossly overpowered for the ease in which they are acquired. Please keep this in mind when creating this gear. Items that take 50 fsp worth of scavenging or requires multiple arena components should be vastly more powerful and useful than the previously mentioned method.


Well Said



Ignoring these attempts to balance arena, the most important thing to consider is you dont want to be in a scenario where we have tons of sets that are the same stats near the same level that "fit together".  This is what people will ask for, but this will just lead to everybody using the same thing in pvp and arena. Create variety!

(If HCS reads this thread I would ask you skim over the thread I pasted before , I think it has some good ideas)


Lets be creative HCS, rather than bend over for the highest bidder.... Y'all still have creativity over the pond there right?




I love the arena and more gear to collect means more challenge in the arena. Please make the new gear valuable and difficult to get/obtain/keep. I want to have to work my arse off to get it or invent it. There should also be a page long list of arena resources (those on rotation and off rotation : MORE ARENA RESOURCES with longer rotation times that spawn less frequently.) required to invent/craft it. Have it all tie in with PvP tokens and stuff too! :D

#825361 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 04 December 2013 - 23:26 in General Discussion

845 + 915: I really like the idea of a Weapon/Ring combo.  I'd go with Attack60/Defense40 or Defense 70/Damage 30.


15: The Exalted set had a pretty tight grip on this range, with few options to make up the short ground. Should this set play into the EE set or against it? Max defense at that level is above 500, so if you want some form of Attack or Armor, its gonna have to be BEAST. This is a tricky one as there isn't much to play with (in terms of competitive sets) at very low levels.



As for Enhancements... ahh, go to town, put 'em all on there!




#825212 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 04 December 2013 - 16:59 in General Discussion



Nice! New Legendaries are coming! More sets! Yaaa! 


I like how you are open to the input from the community. But, remember this is going to be a very important decision when deciding on "STATS" , "ITEM TYPE"




1ST OFF, You can't just make a new level 15 set that has higher stats than all the other level 15 sets... there must always remain a balance and there must ALWAYS be a cut off number, at which the stats can get no higher... And this should be the same at any level. I've never seen stats higher than they are now and I think we have approached that cut off point.


SECONDLY, 2-piece sets are the best! we all know that. However, we have some good item sets in the game RIGHT NOW, that cannot be fully utilizied due to the fact that they don't fit with any of the other surrounding 2-piece sets.... ===> The set list needs to be examined as a whole, find those sets that aren't living up to the full potential, and lets see if we can work with those.



I have no suggestions right now, but please think and double think when making this decision. The sets need to be cleverly placed so they don't become redundant within days of coming out. This game has had ALOT of misses on gear lately, so don't waste your time if there's not gonna be any reason to wear it!.


Finally I'd like to see some +gold gain (not like +1 gold gain, but like +1000 GG or something similar)


#821464 Server Issues

Posted by iTzBiLL on 20 November 2013 - 22:47 in General Discussion

Thanks for the update.

#818936 Backpack Improvements

Posted by iTzBiLL on 07 November 2013 - 13:46 in General Discussion

Unfortunately this does nothing for mobile platforms :( perhaps an option you can turn on to add check boxes in the corner of the images or possibly a select items dialog (click select items link/button and a window similar to guild store pops up where you can select items by single-clicking them without equipping or drinking them)



I've found this game and mobile platforms just don't mesh... i used to log all the time from my phone, but with so many interface changes... i just stick to the iMac

#818934 Backpack Improvements

Posted by iTzBiLL on 07 November 2013 - 13:26 in General Discussion

First off, FABULOUS update HCS... one of the better interface updates you've EVER released... thanks for actually spending time in FS rather than the other games.


I've seen a few Mac users having issues... is the "option/alt" button that lies between the "control" and "command" button... this is the one you hold + click to multi select... took a sec for me to figure this one out.


Also, I was kinda used to the way my BP was order... by level, rather than item or name. This order makes the most sense. It appears now when I "filter by level" it is in decending order... which might be fixed by a tick box or not, haven't really tried yet.


Seems like with this new update, all my xtra folders are now kinda a waste... I mean I can sort everything out now, no need to have different folders for different item types.... so you can refunds meh....???? HaHa, I'll take Epic Potions, lawls.




Nice update, please work out the kinks and continue taking player input over donator input. :D  Great Job!

#801839 Guild Store Popup Additions / Tagging changes

Posted by iTzBiLL on 23 July 2013 - 13:59 in General Discussion

Why is there not a sort by items type; ie Epic, Legendary, etc etc... I think this would make make epic recall for guilds who allow recall of epics for tick gain much easier, instead of sorting thru 15 pages recalling epics, when others are looking for them as well..

#801824 Development Roadmap

Posted by iTzBiLL on 23 July 2013 - 11:57 in General Discussion

Just wondering, should be a quick fix, but in the AH... sort by stat option... can you add "stamina", "stamina gain", "XP gain" and "gold gain" to this list?  Thanks HCS!  



#801321 Change for FS.

Posted by iTzBiLL on 20 July 2013 - 06:54 in General Discussion

I love this game and I really don't want to see it fizzle out. I understand that HCS is allocating many of its resources to Eldevin. This is understandable ... this game must be ready for release ASAP to help HCS revenue. This is another reason why I enjoy FS so much is I have donated... alot... in the past. I really haven't lately b/c the AH market is in shambles, the rich get richer, hording those pretty little dots they are so proud of .... Do we really need an FSP sink in this game, LOL?? 


My view is this:  While many of the changes suggested seem interesting, one must keep in mind that HCS isn't MS or Google with thousands of staff members arriving at work each morning.  This is a grass roots company that has done very well in the past, and are hard at work coming up with ideas that will keep their success moving forward. 


Would I like to see updates in different aspects of the game every week:  Heck yes, I feel like I've paid for it... but I also understand it isn't possible.  The few HCS staff that work FS fulltime do just that... Work at it full time...


It's work for them... not a game... We log on after work, or school, or whatever your situation is... They log off and leave work, maybe go play basketball or cricket or whatever you chaps do. This isn't their "relax" time, but probably more of their "pain in the arse" time b/c we are constantly bickering-in game and out, begging for more content, updates, fixes, items, monsters.


Let's let them do their job... if the community happens upon a groudbreaking idea, that might make HCS job more effective without sacrificing efficiency, then HCS will take notice.  But the lists of wants we have listed for them would stretch to the moon. 


Play the game, embrace what you have, not what you have not, and enjoy the community. We are all people and even the most deuch-er-ific trolls out here might have a soft spot... if only you take the time to find it. 



Good luck HCS, Thanks for what you've done, what your doing, and best of luck to your future.

#799831 Update v2.084

Posted by iTzBiLL on 09 July 2013 - 01:08 in General Discussion

Ahh... so you guys are still alive!  Thanks for the updated cows... Ready for more Global Events!

#784835 Is anyone still working on FSH?

Posted by iTzBiLL on 15 April 2013 - 22:11 in General Discussion

+1 to FSH. Makes the game manageable .. Never understood why HC doesn't incorporate some of the ideas so that one doesn't have to run a script to get what much of the consensus agrees is almost critical to the game... simply have a check box that enables the FSH if you want it... maybe throw some bones at someone to keep it up to date and listen to feedback. 

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