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#835073 Glacial Essence is not showing special stat when equipped.

Posted by Alpion on 27 December 2013 - 13:59 in Archived Bug Reports

This essence also doesn't show a durability while equipped.  I am currently using one and I never know what it's durability is until it tells me it's either damaged or completely busted.

#830767 PvP Arenas

Posted by Alpion on 14 December 2013 - 21:11 in Suggestions

And that's a huge part of the problem.  If you're undergeared or underleveled, you'll be overwhelmed going against a group of higher players.  Split them up to opposing teams and make the teams more fair all around.  If there's 5 level 40's and 5 level 10's, then it should be one group of 3 40's and 2 10's and another of 2 40's and 3 10's.  Not 5 40's vs. 5 10's.

#830752 PvP Arenas

Posted by Alpion on 14 December 2013 - 20:33 in Suggestions

PvP arenas should be a totally random queue.  I understand people want to group with their friends...but for the purposes of PvP arenas, it should be all random, no groups.  Not unless you can get 2 groups of 5 willing to go in.


It's too common now for a group of higher levels to join queue then go against a random group of very low levels.  This not only makes it extremely unfair for those lower levels, but it also puts a bad taste in their mouth for ever doing it again.  There is no point for any person to join the PvP arena if they can always expect to go against a group of high levels.


There is no reason to allow groups to queue PvP, unless as I said, it is 2 groups of 5 who may want to queue vs. each other.

#830693 Can't Load Yaroda Grove Tree House

Posted by Alpion on 14 December 2013 - 17:38 in Archived Bug Reports

While doing both A Growing Epidemic and Show No Mercy quests, I was unable to load the Yaroda Grove Treehouse when I was coming back up from the basement.  It got to Partitions Complete every time, but just hung up there.  I had to disconnect each time (three times total I believe) and then zone in from Yaroda Grove to get back in and advance the quests.

#829629 WTF BUG

Posted by Alpion on 12 December 2013 - 13:48 in Archived Bug Reports

Just hit your attack button.  It shows green, but you can attack.  I think they said there's a fix coming to change the highlight to red.

#827026 Can't enter trapper's atoll

Posted by Alpion on 08 December 2013 - 13:45 in Archived Bug Reports

The Wildlands Veteran needed time to tell everyone on the island that a big baddy was coming so they needed to get out of there quick before you destroyed them all.


#827025 Foraging vs Alchemy

Posted by Alpion on 08 December 2013 - 13:43 in Bug Reports

If they are going to keep this current system in place for crafting, they need to multiply the resources needed for alchemy by at least 8 to make it comparable to other crafts.  So instead of needing 2 apples and 1 weed, you would need 16 apples and 8 weeds.  Eight is just a rough figure...I've decided it's not worth it to do the exact math at this point.

#826749 Foraging vs Alchemy

Posted by Alpion on 07 December 2013 - 20:48 in Bug Reports



The difference is they screwed up the formulas and made them level based.  They had no thought going into the different crafts, so they didn't take into account for foraging and alchemy that there is no intermediate combine that burns more than 1/2 the components onto the base (foraging) skill before having to do the secondary (alchemy) combine.


They are using screwed up formulas for all of the professions, instead of using the highly calculated ones they had in beta.  Anyone with extensive beta testing into all the crafts would understand what's going on.

#826046 Gathering/Crafting

Posted by Alpion on 06 December 2013 - 07:21 in Archived Bug Reports

I honestly thought the formulas used during beta were right.  Experience gained by type, item, level, etc. all seemed to be rather well thought out and quite good.  If experience needed to be slowed down some, then a slowing factor in that would have seemed sufficient.  I don't understand the reasoning behind the whole change in the formula, because it just doesn't make sense now.  Even when it was "working", it made no sense like it did during beta.


We'll see how the new changes go.

#825753 Gathering/Crafting

Posted by Alpion on 05 December 2013 - 19:05 in Archived Bug Reports

Please fix the experience.  This is unbearable.

#825258 Farming Actions no longer Interrupt-able...

Posted by Alpion on 04 December 2013 - 18:12 in Suggestions

What I'm saying is don't water the first plot at all...not until after you rake and plant in the second plot.  Make sure both plots are fully planted and ready to go before watering either of them.  That way disease CAN'T hit your first plot until your second plot is fully ready.


But honestly I don't remember being able to interrupt farming actions ever.

#825217 Foraging vs Alchemy

Posted by Alpion on 04 December 2013 - 17:04 in Bug Reports

The experience loss is the same for every other profession (gathering and crafting) that I've tried out so far.  It doesn't always drop each level, but it does drop as you level higher.


The reason your alchemy is leveling faster than your foraging, as compared to other crafts, is that you don't have the intermediate combines and so you're crafting way more items with what you have.


I brought this up before release, saying that the new experience formulas seemed to be way funky since it was based solely on your profession level and had very little if anything to do with the level of item you were dealing with.  As in tailoring, you will always craft level 2 boots until you reach max level because it is better experience with less materials, since your experience gain is based on tailoring level and not level of crafted item.


They said back then they were going to change the way things were figured...but that apparently didn't happen, or didn't get looked at closely enough.  Why it changed from the old formula I'm not sure.  If they wanted to slow down leveling, then keeping the formulas the same but decreasing the overall experience per attempt would have seemed to be a better solution, in my opinion.


But, I don't know why they changed everything to the way they did.  It was never really explained before.  It's not just the foraging and alchemy that needs to be looked at, though.

#825208 Farming Actions no longer Interrupt-able...

Posted by Alpion on 04 December 2013 - 16:56 in Suggestions

Best way to do this is prepare one plot first so it's ready to go, but don't water it.  Then prepare your second plot the same way.  Water one, then the other.  This generally offsets the disease that hits, so you take minimal losses (if any) going back and forth pruning.  That's how I've done it for a long time and it's always worked well for me.  Also use compost to make the crops grow much faster and that pretty much takes care of it all.

#825161 Crafted Item Vendor Prices

Posted by Alpion on 04 December 2013 - 14:16 in Suggestions

I posted this in beta as a potential problem...that we'd be crafting the level 2 boots all the way to the end and it would be ridiculous to do so.  They replied that they were making some changes to the experience gains so that it would be changed...but with the release now it's still the same as before.


Be prepared to craft level 2 boots forever...and not make any money from doing it lol.

#824348 Creeps spawning in inaccessible place

Posted by Alpion on 02 December 2013 - 20:09 in Archived Bug Reports

It's EXP vs. loot.  Choose at your own risk.


#824346 Skinning

Posted by Alpion on 02 December 2013 - 20:08 in Suggestions

I've tried skinning other's dead mobs.  It doesn't let me.

#823541 Server Select Doesn't Work

Posted by Alpion on 30 November 2013 - 21:23 in Archived Bug Reports

I've been told I'm on the US-East Zephyr server (which would be geographically close to me).  I can't tell for myself what I'm on, but had friends tell me.  I'm fine as long as I can get into one server lol...it would be nice to be able to hop around to find my friends, but as long as I can still play in at least one spot, I'll be quite forgiving.



#823526 Server Select Doesn't Work

Posted by Alpion on 30 November 2013 - 20:07 in Archived Bug Reports

Been using both Firefox and Chrome (testing performance on each), so I made sure to log out completely on both browsers.  Logged in separately and tried each browser, but still getting the same error when trying to choose a server.  I only can log into whatever the default server is (I don't even know which it is).

#823515 Server Select Doesn't Work

Posted by Alpion on 30 November 2013 - 19:37 in Archived Bug Reports

Using Chrome, WinXP.  At my character screen, I choose the server select button, and every time it says Update Failed: Unable to Read.


Friends tell me they are on other servers, but I am unable to access any of them.

#823495 loosing coin when buying

Posted by Alpion on 30 November 2013 - 18:57 in Archived Bug Reports

I'm using Chrome (and Firefox) on WinXP.

#823474 loosing coin when buying

Posted by Alpion on 30 November 2013 - 18:32 in Archived Bug Reports

I did exactly what you did LT, and it still doesn't update prices.  Not sure what to say lol.

#823433 loosing coin when buying

Posted by Alpion on 30 November 2013 - 17:27 in Archived Bug Reports

Re-confirmed this as well.  Exact actions are:  Open shop.  Choose item I want to buy.  Click in quantity box and type the number I want.  This will not update the price at all.  It continues to show the price for 1 item.  If I click another item after typing in my quantity, then the price will change.  Price will also change if I use the arrows after typing in my quantity.  But just typing in a quantity does not update the cost.

#823410 Achievement - Essence Proficiency

Posted by Alpion on 30 November 2013 - 16:55 in Archived Bug Reports

Essence proficiency is not updating with essence kills.  It is giving me staff proficiency kills even though I'm using my essence.

#822948 Arcane quest states I need to be level 10, when I am level 14

Posted by Alpion on 29 November 2013 - 09:30 in Archived Bug Reports

Did you talk to the previous NPCs before heading to him?  If I remember correctly you may need to speak to Kelpher or Khalen first?  Might need a trigger like that before he acknowledges you.  Just throwing it out since I can't remember for sure and I'm not in yet playing.

#822527 Repair costs - extremely high

Posted by Alpion on 26 November 2013 - 18:59 in Suggestions

As for your whole post...yes, they are addressing the issue of durability loss.  There may have been some issues they are looking into and changing.  Done.


Next part...lowering of drops.  I'm not sure where it was posted that they lowered drop rates, but I felt it was the opposite.  I was getting more drops than before.  You said this was your first reset.  It was my third?  Fourth?  Not sure any more but I thought the drops were higher than before the last update.  Is it all a matter of a Random Number Generator (RNG) being more friendly to one than another?  Who knows.  If they did lower the drop rates, then I surely didn't notice it anywhere.


I made a huge part of this last update to do only crafting, and some minor questing.  I had no trouble keeping up with coin.  I wasn't making money...but I was still able to afford anything I wanted to in crafting.  I love to craft too, as shown by my posts for many months.  And even with this last update, and the increased cost to craft...I still never had a problem keeping up.  Maybe it was because of my "perceived" increase in drops that helped to fund me...or maybe it was some other factor.


Other friends I know had well over 200g by the time this last round ended.  Somehow they were able to keep their equipment repaired...maybe craft too?...but to keep progressing and make money at the same time.  It seems like it worked rather well for many people.  Is it experience with the game?  Is it just luck?  I can't explain it.  But it happens.  I've been in games where my RNG has been so terrible it's made me quit.  Sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles.


And the rest...we've addressed.

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