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#989754 Zorgrom vs Shroud VI

Posted by watagashi on 30 January 2018 - 00:41 in General Discussion

Hmm I wonder. Are you all saving stam for Zombie Yeomen or Gargantuan Mosquitos? :P

I still got darksun chest,, and perhaps could this events reward be looked into and put on par with the other one? 
I should add I hate globals anyway and then give a bit of feedback,,,

First to my own reasons why I hate globals. I have nowhere near enough max stam to ever hope to place in top 100, this is totally my fault as I could have bought enough max stam it just wasnt the choice I made. the creatures are usually tiny but do plenty of damage to gear. To me the effort vs rewards are not really on par but then I have options like pvp chests to get pots from,, I totally see how someone who had no other options would love globals. I dont feel like im really part of anything other than a mass hunt (more on this below) And finally,, with full knowledge of how much effort it takes to create one of these,,, the sequels are redundant (again below)

What I DO like,,, chests like darksun with al500 which is one I have a hard time obtaining otherwise. FRAGS,,,, ohh I do love frags when I need them! I do like some of the storylines,,, again more on that below. i like a community goal and I really like ones that coincide with LE gear (again more below) 

If I was in charge of making them better,,, The first thing would be to get the storyline and players much more into the event. For example the current one why not choose a side? Each side having its own set of rewards in 2 tiers because there would be a winning and losing side. Id make the storylines weave into game (remember the emmisary and the cathedral burning?) and the results of the event affecting the game at least temporarily.
Some suggestions,
The LE gear is based on both sides,, did I mention I hated the low level global guys? Why not make the LE ones count as one kill too? And each side should have a full set in multiple levels. The winning sides gear sets get some "enhancement"
Something worth working for should be awarded to the top 100 on both sides as well as overall top100(and yes this just gave some people a reason to double their efforts because why not let them? Kills on each side would be counted and is they qualify a player could earn both winning and losing rewards!) 
for an example if the greenskin side wins something themed on that race could happen in game for that season,, for Burzzthak ill give a suggested example, more random dark areas on map for that season.

Pretty much fixed all the reasons I hate globals other than redundancy and I am well aware it would be easier to add to existing ones like the new gear on this one (appreciate btw,, perhaps some new stuff in all the levels?) andhow other globals could be given a boost with any combination f the above suggestions to make them more fun than hunting without exp :)

EDIT,, one final thing,,, "the one" a creature that spawns one at a time in any random map the globals can spawn on. Of course he would drop some sick stuff but that would be the point,, looking for him while hunting globals. 

#986833 What happened to the thorns?

Posted by watagashi on 31 October 2017 - 01:38 in General Discussion

I thought it was a legit question but looking around I guess it beats what new earth got :P

#986741 What happened to the thorns?

Posted by watagashi on 28 October 2017 - 20:34 in General Discussion

EDIT,, Zakesh not thorns


Was kinda looking forward to an event here,, not anything new but the old one for halloween that was already done years ago

#985954 Update v2.94

Posted by watagashi on 13 October 2017 - 01:08 in General Discussion

Edit - Still works if you do it from your preferences.


#985882 Upcoming Update!

Posted by watagashi on 11 October 2017 - 19:13 in General Discussion

A&E being a tv channel here, i had to research




wpf9e9d3ca_05_06.jpg hope he's ok - post pics if any

And he stole my joke,, we are all fans of Ozzy and Jack's world detour , Dog the bounty hunter and Bates Motel but its available on demand after work hours :P

JK hope He feels better soon.

#985434 Tyranny and PvP Mastery Medals

Posted by watagashi on 29 September 2017 - 22:21 in General Discussion

Just wanted to point out the bunnies are on both sides. I've gotten many angry PM's for posting PVP attacks for simple DQ hits.


As I've said in the past, I don't know how you would crown your self a PVP master hitting bunnies. If you are a true master, you hit the willing... those that fight back. The original system released initially was a free for all on bunnies. They were starting to get it right towards the end but the damage had been done and the outcry was too big that everything was reversed. Too bad.




Getting it right twards the end but damage already done,,,, sounds like the first pvp ladder :P


#985404 Tyranny and PvP Mastery Medals

Posted by watagashi on 29 September 2017 - 11:29 in General Discussion

Gren the cows need to admit they bleeped up and reinstate a refined version of it. Most of the people didn't entirely despise it they just disliked the way it was introduced for certain aspects. Although we won't see that happening ever because it seems the app is forever away.

Hey I still have faith the epic quests will get done one day XD

I dunno if they "beeped up" or not,, still getting the jist of this whole thing but judging on the issues the ladder had it was all about the old debate. Those who want a pvp game and those who want a easy click and kill the bunny game. The ladder has had umteen revisions trying to fix this before I took my break,, including for some reason people who dont pvp being against rewards for those who did. 

From what I hear so far the one big part that didnt get great feedback was taking ladder and bb and changing them, I doubt that worked great. Keeping in place the functions as they are but changing them to fit into a temporary event would actually be a bit of fun.

More info please! How exactly did this work? What were the rewards and what was done to encourage people to give pvp a try who maybe hadnt done it yet? Did they end up being chew toys or like the guy with no stam upgrade who still burns every tick just to qualify for the lowest tier of a kill pinatas event did they get something for it too?

#985342 Tyranny and PvP Mastery Medals

Posted by watagashi on 27 September 2017 - 21:22 in General Discussion

Seems like this is the place for the "been gone a long time and came back to find this" thread. Any chance this will come back? Seeing that I cant find any progress bar on my page it doesnt bode well. 

Since I was one of those guys who thought we should never have had a seperate ladder can I ask how badly the idea bombed? And how? (my guess is the cries of bunnies became overpowering) Finally after all the trouble, changes(to pvp ladder) and,, well people taking breaks,, how in the hell has a pvp daily quest became a tolerated and normal part of peoples days? 

I am genuinely interested in all of this so please keep it as constructive as possible while remaining frank about it. Id like to see if perhaps I have a solution that can get this back running again since its driving me nuts to have a medal I cant earn that others have.

#985402 Tyranny and PvP Mastery Medals

Posted by watagashi on 29 September 2017 - 11:13 in General Discussion

OK so to recap,,,

It was like the first pvp ladder,,, hit everyone and figure it out later,, and everyone complained but especially the bunnies who dont want to be attacked at all. 

And again,, the bunnies who want to do the attacking on npcs that dont think or respond in a nice and safe enviroment didnt like pvp even in an event. And nobody thought about a opt in or out for this,, pretty much axed any kind of game wide pvp once again?

And now theres a medal out there only one player has and chances are,, judging by the time since this was "going to come back" will be the only one to ever get it?

And pvp ladder,, and basically pvp in general is still in detention where all us degenerates can hit one another instead. Rewards arent really updated to content and you can pretty much opt in and do nothing for a place in most bands.

BUT theres now a daily quest for pvp (how did this not get forum pages of whining about hits??) that seems to be accepted as part of the game. At least bios went from "attack=bounty and many many levels taken,, I promise dont even hit me for 10 stam because ill make you pay,, rue the day and even your grandchildren will talk about how you should never have messed with me" to "attacks for 10stam for daily quest are ok as long as its not 100"

Either way please continue to tell me about this event and maybe we can come up with a way to get something like it back in the game. Nobody has really went into what we got for participating and maybe theres the answer. Something that makes it worth taking a couple days and maybe losing a couple levels while not allowing bullying of bunnies but still encouraging everyone to at least do a couple attacks and try it out would be great.

Oh yea,, this vote everyone talked about. Was it a vote taken by both pvp and pvped or did it include the people who hid behind paid protection who always vote no to any pvp? (and where are they now?)

#986254 Titan Global Event

Posted by watagashi on 17 October 2017 - 19:20 in General Discussion

That shouldn't stop people posting ideas.

~ Grim

I believe the flood of awesomeness that happens after the app will change the way we view time. Thereafter dates will be known as ATA 

#986262 Titan Global Event

Posted by watagashi on 17 October 2017 - 23:31 in General Discussion

Hard to be optimistic anymore... Although i really hope some sort of idea like this is implemented. Hopefully my grandchildren can enjoy it.

See there you are being optimistic!! You think you will have children!

#987103 Time zones

Posted by watagashi on 07 November 2017 - 23:46 in General Discussion


Looked,,found no time zone named this. 


I go on stardate time so its Stardate 95454.11  right now



#986053 Time for more Buffs?

Posted by watagashi on 14 October 2017 - 02:31 in General Discussion

Buffs are only capped at level 3000, whilst the highest level player is well over 3400, I know people who have every buff available in the game, but still have available skill points, I know the HCS are focused on making the app right now, but the game needs a few more buffs.


Maybe introducing some with composing? Like for example a chance of no frags being used when making composing potions the same way Extractor and Inventor buffs work?


Or maybe introducing a pvp buff, like a buff that lets you attack players +/- 1 level above or below you for every 50 levels put into the buff? To increase range by up to +/- 13 levels? (Which I feel will benefit especially the EoCers who need to attack players for their Daily Quests but have a problem with available targets).


Another buff can also be introduced which works like Keen Edge/Smashing Hammer/Shield Wall/Armour Boost but works on HP?


How about taking advantage of all the Hybrid sets that have been introduced to the game this year? Like a buff working like Barricade or Nightmare Visage but instead converting Armour to Defence and vice versa?


Or else more buffs that increase enhancements, such as a buff increasing Master Crafter Enhancement?


I'd love to hear more suggestions for buffs, and I hope that they can be introduced soon to spice up competition! :)

Composing buffs,, open for new ones but saving items meant to be a sink just doesnt seem to be something they are gonna add.


PVP,, needs range looked into especially at this time in game.

A buff that works like KE but for HP,,, Severe condition is pretty close. A buff that had a KE effect on HP would be a bit overpowered especially if combined with other buffs. (gve stout hearted and great vigor a try)


If done right and you are attacked invert does switch def and armor,,, and I just let out a nasty secret. Well maybe not a secret but a little known way to make that work on the unsuspecting. 

Master crafter enhancement,,, most enhancements that would get a buff upgrade have. The ones that it wont work on havent. Master crafter is one of the latter,, highly doubt we will see an enhancement to that. Beter to go with 4l, perfection or other ways to improve the odds on better gear. If they did add it they should call it icon of vigilance :P



#986184 Time for more Buffs?

Posted by watagashi on 16 October 2017 - 21:51 in General Discussion

Like the newer low level players needed more buffs cast on them...

What buffs in the list?

Trendy,  brute strength, deft hands, immobilise titan, and warcry

Note some of these may be a high level composing pot I cant find on wiki

EDIT encouraging talk is a composing buff,, just never saw anyone make it

#991457 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 17 April 2018 - 13:11 in General Discussion

I would think with the "I" at the end that its like dragons or other events and will have a II III etc. Wondering how long is a good time to wait between GE tho?
no set near my level tho, I did buy the 900 recipe to hang onto just in case, the 350 set breaks bahamu and squall with a much less useful set so that's not getting made,,, at the risk of sounding rude isn't the 25 set pretty much a aughisky wit a diffrerent pic?

QUESTION!! Will the supplies from this wave also be used in II? Not sure if theres really a reason for me to do this one unless it would

#991463 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 17 April 2018 - 13:27 in General Discussion

+1 for supplies used in future event waves as well Ill hope the 700 set doesn't break up better ones and has stats needed in that area (defense/dam plz!)

#991426 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 16 April 2018 - 15:42 in General Discussion

<---- the guy who was basically called an idiot when he bought ALL the pvp recipies and the next day the level caps were put on (and told I can level and use them eventually as means of explination) AND the guy who spent 1000s of stam on personal TKP to find out unless you secure it wont count id really like to know what the recipies are before I'm fooled with fine print again. With limited time for this event could that be soon please?

#991469 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 17 April 2018 - 14:41 in General Discussion

Long enough for people to refill id hope

#991472 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 17 April 2018 - 15:37 in General Discussion

I would put it out there that having them a bit more close like every 7 days would give some folks a chance to make top 100 and also when its all done and appears again folks could choose which one to excel at.
Otherwise waiting for 10k stamers to fill would take quite a while

#991521 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 19 April 2018 - 15:21 in General Discussion

Thanks :)


EDIT,,still damaged

#991535 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 19 April 2018 - 17:01 in General Discussion

meh repair is a small annoyance less time than a ticket but thanks at least they wont damage more

#991518 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 19 April 2018 - 14:42 in General Discussion

Why/how would a quest item stored in a backpack get 51k in damage?? I have 11 pieces they all are like this

#990439 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by watagashi on 27 February 2018 - 22:28 in General Discussion

[R] (18:38) BigGrim [2097]: Crikey! Didn't realise the time.
[R] (18:38) BigGrim [2097]: Been working on the Thieves in the Night event stuff.

Cant wait,,,especially for new gear!

#989665 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by watagashi on 24 January 2018 - 23:39 in General Discussion

That's exactly what I'm thinking, yeah. Anything that can make older set a bit more valuable is worthwhile, plus, before new recipes are released with older gear, I can purge the AH of that gear to ensure those players selling it don't lose these items at a decreased cost before they come back on. Basically stopping those who are lucky enough to be on at release from clearing the AH out and jacking the prices up. Helps prevent bad feeling.

If this step is needed you picked the wrong gear, stuff that has no real value and would benefit from this wont need purged. For example the recent titan recipe,, perhaps there was one guy selling a part for 1fsp who had bad feelings,, the guy who got a maru armor months ago and never found a use for it was delighted to find the price had went way up :)

#991048 The Springtime Forest Returns!

Posted by watagashi on 30 March 2018 - 23:38 in General Discussion

The Choco Glob was secured nearly 12 hours ago, should the ring be appearing in the guild TKP page now?


Also, bit disappointed with yet ANOTHER ring in the 700-900ish level range... that's 4 now  :mellow: Definitely could have been better options.

The Choco Glob was secured nearly 12 hours ago, should the ring be appearing in the guild TKP page now?


Also, bit disappointed with yet ANOTHER ring in the 700-900ish level range... that's 4 now  :mellow: Definitely could have been better options.

Wow it finally happened,,, place got so empty we echo XD

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