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#993298 suggested improvement to guild log

Posted by watagashi on 02 August 2018 - 23:07 in General Discussion

With a guild as active as AL I find that each day there is average 100 guild log messages usually much more and there are times things can be buried. I want to ask if we could please have a few filter options that can be turned on or off at out preference or even like guild store where items can be filtered by type

Some suggested filters are
group battles

thanks for the consideration

#992746 Next Game Update...

Posted by watagashi on 10 July 2018 - 03:02 in General Discussion

I sincerely hope that the buff market will be addressed.  There are still no FSP offerings coming up in search, only featured packages on the left appear.   I have modified my FSP packages to gold so they can still sell, but others are probably unaware of this anomaly.

broken again,,, or everyone took down their packages at once

#992726 Buff market

Posted by watagashi on 08 July 2018 - 03:41 in General Discussion

+1 would be nice to know what we are buying

#992703 Double XP Event now LIVE!

Posted by watagashi on 06 July 2018 - 17:47 in General Discussion

Just pointing this out,, most players dont,, or cant read news flashes particularly the end times for things. Perhaps its time to announce the event ended since its still on top of front page :)

#992702 Separatists' holiday

Posted by watagashi on 06 July 2018 - 17:45 in General Discussion

OMG Really

And i thought the wickerman event, with the burning of the Cathedral. Was an inside joke. Remembering back in the day when they're servers caught fire and the game was down for a week LOL

Yep,, that is why the mini quest involved a pile of gunpowder under the cathedral XD

#992691 Separatists' holiday

Posted by watagashi on 06 July 2018 - 01:00 in General Discussion

Pretty sure Guy Fawkes Day is widely celebrated here,,, ya know on Nov 5th with wickerman,, related quests items, and all that. Which makes sense since its a holiday in the UK. Was just trying to make a small suggestion id seen in years past but never implemented. Of course we can do Bastille day, Austrailia day (or Anzac day,, btw why is there a Western Austrailia day but no Eastern,,,, and you talk about segregation :P )

,,,,, Showa day, defense of the fatherland day, Eid Al Adha, Tiradentes day, cinco de mayo, talk like a pirate day or anything really. The post was just coinciding with a US holiday but im all for presents or events of any type.

And the title of the post was intentional, I think it would be amusing to see an event where the ungrateful serfs of the realm try and rebel and we are called in to stop them and keep the commonwealth together :P

#992672 Double XP Event now LIVE!

Posted by watagashi on 04 July 2018 - 10:46 in General Discussion

Well, the Double XP event is over. Hope you managed to get your goals! :)


~ Grim

[EDIT] started at 1400 not 1600,,was going to tease you for ending 5min early and ask with the delay if I could get another hour,,, next week when im full again but alas you gave us more than advertised,,,thanks it was fun :)

#992671 Separatists' holiday

Posted by watagashi on 04 July 2018 - 10:41 in General Discussion

Not sure about the last couple years but I know every year someone posted asking for something event wise for the US holiday. Perhaps next year? Some event where some ungrateful NPCs try and rebel against the rule of the benevolant monarch,,, Wait yall are in Scotland,,, ok so some event where they may take our lives but never take our freedom!!
Or just a firecracker pot,,, little things are nice too.

#992547 Rise of the Wraiths XV

Posted by watagashi on 25 June 2018 - 20:51 in General Discussion

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have it, but I just think we could have gone farther if it was planned later or about two weeks earlier.

yes planning,,, please. 

Edit after looking back on news feed I feel I should point this out,,

May 25th yeoman event
June 6th 2x composting

Wraiths 20 June
Scavenging 22 June
2X exp June 30

Seeing above replies it seems this is a set pattern and happens every year so my suggestion,, if we are all still here next year,,, is to set the wraiths on June 7 giving pleanty of time for everyone to fully participate but also time to fill again for the exp event :)

#991845 Daily Quest Rewards

Posted by watagashi on 10 May 2018 - 23:13 in General Discussion

you get a screen that says "you have collected the reward" and the quest doesnt show up anymore. A log would be pretty redundant.

#991696 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by watagashi on 30 April 2018 - 20:52 in General Discussion


No Grim gets mad when you ust bump it :P

So I suggest a lil game of "continue the story" ill start,,,

"You should tell Carris it's time to leave"

So I tell Her to leave and we do,, She says HEY I need to put these venoms on my axe but I really should check this out first!! Being a Lich who was pretty sketchy gave them to us lets go and find my friends!! If theres anyone who knows if I should put this on my weapons or if its some nuts curse it would be Brother Illiad, the Veteran Hunter and Brother Khan, the Connector!!! They are lesser known brothers who dabble in alchemy and are kind of seen as a little odd. They live in the back of the Cathedrial of Ways!

(next? see its really easy i just read the quest in wiki with the steps we cant do yet and continued)

#991695 Fallen Sword App Beta (v0.3.0)

Posted by watagashi on 30 April 2018 - 20:38 in General Discussion

Will look to get a new preference for the chat added this week smile.png

Thank you

Or should I say,,,

[colorblue THANK YOU!! [/color]
{colorblue THANK YOU!!! [/color]
[colorblue] THANK YIU!! [/color}
[color=blue] Thank you!! [/color]

Will the filter also work on the players who are learning to code live in chat and taking up the whole page?

#991641 is it thee or me?

Posted by watagashi on 25 April 2018 - 18:54 in General Discussion

Working GREAT here now they added FS to the ok list :)

I guess we shall have to wait and see,,, should only be a couple more years.
In the meantime ill ride off on my mechanical dragon and kill more zombies,,, I have to wonder how on earth they will ever be able to make FS that intense

#991627 is it thee or me?

Posted by watagashi on 24 April 2018 - 20:24 in General Discussion

Again I am not talking about my opinion (I am all for a restart with the stand alone server keeping these accounts here) I am talking about the 7 people here who would try this game if it was a year old or less. They have their own reasons but all are not interested in starting a game this old. Simply relaying this feedback here as the subject continues to evolve from how my work is treating this site to how my work tolerates us playing around all day :P

EDIT my neighbor saw me post,, HE wants  a new game starting from scratch where everyone is and enjoy the challenge of keeping up with or becoming a top player, because players here are 3500 and higher its way to far gone for His tastes. And yes I explained monthly top to Him.


#991624 is it thee or me?

Posted by watagashi on 24 April 2018 - 15:50 in General Discussion

IT sort of derailed but as its a subject of playing at work and the guys I work with it sort of fits.

Its not that its daunting they have seen all the game already just watching me play. They don't want to start a game that's been around so long and has EOC in 3k range. I have explained that in fact because so many went ahead that gear and buffs are more available.  This isn't really a factor in their choice of starting a new game,, the time its been out is. Most folk (myself included for other games and realistically if I hadn't found this within the first year I would not have tried it) want to be able to catch the pack and keep up and many wont try a game where the player base is so far ahead

#991616 is it thee or me?

Posted by watagashi on 23 April 2018 - 23:35 in General Discussion

LOL the boss wants to check out the app,, He asked how old it was I said I was going on my 10th year (this happened months ago) and He snort/laughed. He is one of the folk I know and speak of that are interested in knowing if the app will be a stand alone and restart.

But everything working fine here at home so was me, I will just talk to the tech guy ,who also would have joined if this was new and would "give it a try" if the app is a "even start".

We all already play,,,,,, fartfight? (is that vague enough not to mention that very popular app??) already so its not a big deal to check and approve this site smile.png Pretty sure its the pop up of the buff window that freaked the security out.

#991611 is it thee or me?

Posted by watagashi on 23 April 2018 - 17:38 in General Discussion

yea looks like its a issue on my end,,have to wait to get off work to play

#991608 is it thee or me?

Posted by watagashi on 23 April 2018 - 15:52 in General Discussion

Having major issues today,,IT here at work has put in a couple new upgrades.  I have the following info

Running on IE,,their choice not mine

Buff menu is the most obvious, it just wont load up


page loading in general takes 1-2 refreshes to load otherwise its a black sea with my lil guy standing in the middle, sometimes quests or stairways show sometimes not

Biggest issue is buff I cant buff anyone either using the link next to thei rname on guild mate list nor direct through profile.


#991576 New game currency.

Posted by watagashi on 20 April 2018 - 20:53 in General Discussion

Ok to just stay on this topic and specific to this ill give reasons why this wont work,,,

1 bitcoin price (as of this time today) $8517.28/1  so unless you want to buy something like 40k in FSP its not realistic,,,etherium is something like $300 a unit too.

2 This opens a door for mining as well as other issues that would make the site less secure.

3 biggest one crypto currency irregardless of what its intended use was has become the #1 currency for hackers,, do you really want your account hijacked and held for ransom???

#991575 Game Update v2.947

Posted by watagashi on 20 April 2018 - 20:39 in General Discussion

Gods of FS please for my own sanity and mental health,,,, don't do anything else before you make it so we can shut down the colors for our view.


#991574 Instant Portal

Posted by watagashi on 20 April 2018 - 20:36 in General Discussion

Yes a news flash,,,so everyone can ask on global and I can say "on the news flash" and they will go "where"

Of course it beats saying 'you can use the link under preferences" and have a 1500+ player go "WUT???"

#991535 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 19 April 2018 - 17:01 in General Discussion

meh repair is a small annoyance less time than a ticket but thanks at least they wont damage more

#991521 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 19 April 2018 - 15:21 in General Discussion

Thanks :)


EDIT,,still damaged

#991518 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by watagashi on 19 April 2018 - 14:42 in General Discussion

Why/how would a quest item stored in a backpack get 51k in damage?? I have 11 pieces they all are like this

#991507 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by watagashi on 18 April 2018 - 23:18 in General Discussion

Great idea, love it! biggrin.png

(for when it gets read)
There was a bit of talk about the reason the EQs were not finished was the writer is no longer a cow, A suggestion that goes with this thread!!!! Why not take stuff like this posts ideas and let the community write it for you? Perhaps even take a tip of the hat to the SE and other naming rights and give as a reward for something exceptional or even have a contest for it!!!

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