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There have been 92 items by Splash (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#816907 Global Chat - Knowledge, suggest improvements and ask questions.

Posted by Splash on 19 October 2013 - 05:57 in General Discussion

'If this happens i would recommend you find out which moderator banned you, and why.'


Improvement: Give us a log message of which mod gave out the ban so we can seek revenge ask them why.

#815111 New PvP ladder sets on behalf of Hoof

Posted by Splash on 05 October 2013 - 23:10 in General Discussion

Here's an idea: Get rid of the PvP ladder.


*Waits for the bunch of 'Hardcore PvPrs' with lots of tokens to comment*

#814252 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Splash on 02 October 2013 - 01:07 in General Discussion

~~~~'Attack all' button to instantly attack everyone in range.

#812634 New Super Elites arrive!

Posted by Splash on 22 September 2013 - 00:57 in General Discussion

you are missing one :P

I'm not perfect ... pretty damn close though.

#812624 New Super Elites arrive!

Posted by Splash on 21 September 2013 - 23:14 in General Discussion

lvl375 SE maps:






#804198 Legendary Event!

Posted by Splash on 03 August 2013 - 05:47 in General Discussion

9k stam = 73 jorogumo drops ... meh

#801995 Development Roadmap

Posted by Splash on 24 July 2013 - 10:28 in General Discussion

I'd like the revisit of the Guild Fortress idea.   Sounded like alot of fun to me.  


(Mini) GvG turn based strategy game using the world map. Doesn't even have to give rewards, just something 'fun' to use our stamina/time on.

#800756 Global Event!

Posted by Splash on 16 July 2013 - 09:53 in General Discussion

You can - simply click the TOP 100 on the world map ;)

*Couldn't see them. :P

#800717 Global Event!

Posted by Splash on 16 July 2013 - 02:37 in General Discussion

Wouldn't it be a lot more interesting if we couldn't see the current top 100 contributors? 

#800458 Combat Logs

Posted by Splash on 13 July 2013 - 23:47 in General Discussion

FSH Settings > World screen/Hunting preferences > Keep Combat Logs + Show Combat Logs < Tick them both

#800360 Scavenging Caves & Super Elites!

Posted by Splash on 12 July 2013 - 22:20 in General Discussion

Aren't you going to cycle out 2 other SE's Grim? I thought that was what would happen, 2 SE's come back - 2 disappear.

#799849 FS Memes

Posted by Splash on 09 July 2013 - 10:59 in General Discussion

I shall play along ...






#795934 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by Splash on 15 June 2013 - 10:18 in General Discussion

Zaragoth is being dodgy. Not even getting it with 20 hits sometimes (I.e finding it), at 29000-30000 per hit. Gilded is perfect - Not too easy and not too hard.

#795496 Double XP next weekend!

Posted by Splash on 13 June 2013 - 06:38 in General Discussion

Not sure if this has been asked/answered yet, but we are going to need something good in the caves to keep the marketplace from going crazy.

#794670 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by Splash on 08 June 2013 - 23:32 in General Discussion

Im wondering why there are 109 "I voted no on question 1" votes for the second question and when the 20 people who didnt vote no (cuz its at 89) changed their mind in between questions XD


And if we should count it thers because oddly enough based on question 2 its now 108 yes to 109 no 

There wasn't an option for 'no' in the second part, so I am assuming people who voted 'no' just hit w.eva in the second part.


Whining, complaining or just reporting what they deem a loophole being exploited.

It's all just a matter of opinion.

I assume this 'loophole' has been reported quite a few times over the years. It only becomes an exploit when a bunch of people start complaining about it.

#794658 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by Splash on 08 June 2013 - 23:22 in General Discussion

Missing the point as usual, what I'm pointing out is that if he thought it was fine (not a problem) then he would have come out and said that, he usually does.


The very fact that Hoof saw this and created 'this' thread shows he see's the issue... <_<

It's because more people have been whining about it lately, just like every other half arsed idea, it came from people whining. If it was such a big issue, this thread would have been made 2 years ago.

#794307 Double XP next weekend!

Posted by Splash on 07 June 2013 - 22:40 in General Discussion

Any chance we can get that thing you guys said you would think about last time?


Instead of 48hrs of double xp, give players an option to activate a double xp buff that lasts 24hrs within a week of the event starting? (So if they don't activate it within a week it expires anyway)


It will cut lag (not everyone rushing at the same time) and less people will have something to complain about, I.e not being able to participate because of being busy during that specific weekend.


At least think about it please. :)

#792136 GvG and New Players.

Posted by Splash on 29 May 2013 - 21:25 in General Discussion

What ever happened to that GvG idea one of the cows posted a while back? iirc it was about using the world map.


Edit: Was this


Edit*2: Yea ... I think it's about time we start thinking about this idea again.

#791570 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Splash on 28 May 2013 - 01:24 in General Discussion

What do you think would be a more reasonable gold cost?


Gold Cost = amount_of_skills * total_skill_level * duration * 3




Gold Cost = amount_of_skills * highest_skill_level * duration * 3

#791559 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Splash on 28 May 2013 - 01:13 in General Discussion

The amount of gold + items + time it would take to make those potions, why wouldn't we just buy an alternative buff/potion for an equal amount of gold/fsp?


Hoof’s Ultimate Potion [120m]
Librarian 200
Adept Learner 200
Coordinated Attack 250
Animal Magnetism 250
Doubler 350
This would mean in this example it would require:
C = (5 * (1250 / 5)) = 1250
R = (5 * (1125 / 20)) = 281
L = (5 * (625 / 100)) = 31
E = (5 * (375 / 400)) = 4 -> 2 (cap applied)
Gold Cost = 5 * 1250 * 120 * 3 = 2,250,000
Time to Create = (5 * 1250 * 120) / 10 = 75000s = 1250m = ~20 hours


The gold alone (roughly 10-12fsp worth) makes this not worth it. We can buy all of those buffs (at the same lvl) for half that price. +20hrs to make? CBF.


The idea was meant to be an item sink. It's fine if you want to add a gold fee, but that is just ridiculous.

#790026 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by Splash on 20 May 2013 - 09:12 in General Discussion

Hope this is a mistake:


The Event shall be live until 13:00 (Server Time) on Friday the 20th of May.



#785420 The return of Quango Island!

Posted by Splash on 18 April 2013 - 08:31 in General Discussion

Is this going to be extended because of the downtime a few days ago?

#782712 Why are there fewer players and many few on line daily

Posted by Splash on 28 March 2013 - 09:11 in General Discussion

I have played for 3 year and 9 months now, and have seen fewer and fewer players daily. All the "improvements" have run off players who do not want to play only pvp. If there were an opt-out of pvp so that players have a choice of how they play, FS wouldn't be losing them all. Let the pvper play that way and those who don't want to don't have to. I keep seeing HCS repeatedly saying that FS is a pvp game but I have yet to hear them say it is "just" a pvp game. Potion makers can't sell or the thieves steal gold. Wake up, HCS, before FS dies.


Nubs these days.

#779559 Scavenging Caves!

Posted by Splash on 23 February 2013 - 04:40 in General Discussion

lol no they wasnt you could buy the spider set for 15 fsp and that was counting 12 for the shield which was forged and it was 7 fsp for a fury bourne set so no incentive at all to scavenge also couldnt find either of theses two requested in an le listing

That is because nobody did. Enough gold was sunk last week, so these crappy ones were a good choice until our banks get refilled. :wink:

#779109 New Scavenging Creatures!

Posted by Splash on 19 February 2013 - 09:49 in General Discussion

2 bad the event is over already :(

there should be more of these events in the future to seperate the true players from the cry babys :cry:

I mean really most of the people who complain think they are a big deal in FS, but ya know they may or may not be that, dont deviate from the fact that they all cry like little babys as soon as they dont get the drop rate they want. Boo-hoo, big deal earn it like before you were all high n mighty, because tbh im sure everyone is tired of hearing you cry like a little baby about it, when most new players make 1.5/2 dots a run.

quit being babys!!! lol :roll:

boo-hoo! I spent over 100 dots and only got 1x drop, shut tha hell up you made it back + lol

True players? Most have posted constructive feedback in this thread with valid/backed up points. Why? To help better the game for all. If a wealthy player is just able to scrape a few drops with xxx+ fsp's, then what chance do new players have at gaining these new items?

You say 'earn it like before' ... So you are supporting these 'high n mighty' people now? Do you know what was 'before' the caves? Because that is exactly what some of these 'high n mighty crybabys' are asking for. :roll:

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