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#810342 Composing!

Posted by Zurion on 06 September 2013 - 10:48 in General Discussion

Would be nice if we can save presets of potions :P

#285696 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 31 March 2013 - 07:52 in Suggestions

I think it would be better if the tooltips for spells would say the exact amount of damage/heals that they do, rather than just showing the percentage of spell/melee/ranged DPS.  Your base dps will change constantly cause of the gear/buffs, so you can't always calculate how much your spell should deal.

#284524 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 27 March 2013 - 12:31 in Suggestions

please please please can we have a hotkey that closes all open windows. Nothing more exhilarating than fluffing around with your inventory and having an elite spawn and start chasing you. Really tests the hand eye skills!


The Escape key doesn't seem to do anything. And I keep pressing it everytime I want to close a window :)

#285313 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 29 March 2013 - 20:04 in Suggestions

I don't see any reason to equip a set that's not as good as the current gear. Well.. there is the vanity. So, if there will be vanity items, it would be interesting if when we get a full set from an instance, we will also get vanity that replicates the look of that set. So we'll be able to discard the set, but also be able to use the vanity if we want to. Of course, this will mean that the vanity should either use less space, or to use a special area of your bag/bank.


One different suggestion: When we finish an important quest book, we get gold,xp and, ocasionally, an item. Wouldn't it be more interesting to have as reward a talent point or 1-6 stat points? To the most important ones, like the Plague one for example

#285699 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 31 March 2013 - 08:25 in Suggestions

The respawn time of mobs really has to be reduced. It's annoying killing one guard, then, by the time you finish killing the second one, the first one will respawn and attack you. I'm talking about the guards at Odhar Camp

#286068 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 02 April 2013 - 20:12 in Suggestions

Huh :) Everyday I learn something new :) Tnx :)

But the issue remains, because if I give such coordinates to another player, it will be very difficult for him to find the exact locaion without an active location display... it would be better to have it displayed on the minimap.

Exactly my thoughts after I posted that answer :)  I think it would be better if on the bottom of the screen,  next to the area name, we could also have the coordinates. And when we open the map, somewhere on the bottom-left corner of it (just underneat the Point-of-interest list (don't know how to call it), would be the coordinates of the location where the mouse is hovering on the map.

#286385 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 04 April 2013 - 10:58 in Suggestions

PrintScreen and save? :P

I'm more interested in the "restoring" part :P

#286370 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 04 April 2013 - 08:53 in Suggestions

A way to "save" talents+stat points distribution and skills on the action bar. One of the greatest features of the game is that you can be anything you want with the same character. But when you do a reset of your talents, it's a bit annoying to remember what talents you were using as a tank and which talents as a mage. Having a way to restore a saved build after a reset, along with the action bar (cause you use different spells) would be very very nice.

#285298 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 29 March 2013 - 18:32 in Suggestions

How about.. to be able to see the HP of the mobs we're fighting in the form of a bar, but it would float above the mob. Having the name of it visible whitout having to target it would also be nice. But when you fight multiple mobs, seeing the hp of everyone of them will be pretty usefull :)

#286055 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 02 April 2013 - 19:33 in Suggestions

1. numeric coordinates for your character location; that way we'd be able for ex to accurately pinpoint resources, NPCs, etc. Saying "there's a bronze deposit at 308N - 90E" will help a lot more than just "go to X region and looks around Y building, down Z road".

Type /where and you will find something like this:

Zurion -> Arcane Sanctum - Council Interim, Arcane Sanctum - Council Interim, [406, 148]

The first number is on the X axe (West-East, right-left), and the second number is on the Y axe (Nord-South, up-down).

#285515 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 30 March 2013 - 14:18 in Suggestions

On the minimap, the markers for npc's that have quests for you is yellow. This is good, but it's annoying when those quests are actually the repetable ones for professions. I like doing quests, so naturally, I want to complete any quests I can find. But when I see 4-5 yellow dots on the minimap, and I run to them only to find they're repetables.. well, it doesn't make me happy :) Would be nice if the repetable quests could be marked with a different color.

#284608 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 27 March 2013 - 18:01 in Suggestions

Would be nice to have a pop-up asking us if we really want to Discard  a plot while farming. Sometimes we might miss-click, and losing a plot that's almost ready for harves won't make anyone happy :)

#285236 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 29 March 2013 - 15:03 in Suggestions

I don't think it's hard to check if there is enough space in the main inventory for the items on the belt and for the belt itself. If there is, move the potions/food in the inventory and then move the belt in the inventory. If not, use the chat windo to say so

#284615 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 27 March 2013 - 18:32 in Suggestions

One more, and I promise I'll stop posting suggestions for a while :) A visible cooldown on the homestone would be helpful :)

#285145 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 29 March 2013 - 03:14 in Suggestions

DO NOT stop postiong suggestions!!  Otherwise, what is the point of being a BetaTester anyway??  lol. 

I think I posted 3 suggestions in a very short amount of time, one after the other :) That's why I said I'll stop for a bit, to let other post some too :)

#284564 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 27 March 2013 - 15:11 in Suggestions

Would be nice to be able to see both the action bars at the same time, rather than having to press z everytime we want to see one or the other. Z could be used to make one of those two the primary action bar, that will work with numbers, and for the other one you'd have to click the spells.

#285206 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 29 March 2013 - 13:03 in Suggestions

Could belts be equipped without first having to remove potions from the quickslot?

I wanted to say this, but I always forgot :)) Maybe make the potions return to the backpack automatically

#284958 Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

Posted by Zurion on 28 March 2013 - 17:56 in Suggestions

Is it only me who think the gathering/crafting xp (skill xp) should be different from differetn lvl items?

Lvl 1 gives about 4-5 xp in gathering and about 9-10 in crafting. This is nice.

But so does anythign thats between lvl 1-10, it only raises at lvl 11.

Should there be small raises for each new item (of higher lvl)  you can gather or craft? So that lvl 5 is somewhere in between 5 and 11 xp.


Now at some points we will lvl skills up faster than intended. But this coudl be fixed by raisign the XP needed at higher level? Maybe raise with 300xp/per level after 11.


Also, you really shouldnt lose coin on gathering then buying the last component for crafting. Im losing about 2silver per every 50 lvl 1 potions I make.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time leveling my tailoring. And I noticed that you do get more xp from crafting stuff that requires higher lvl of the skill. I don't remember the numbers, but I clearly remember that I want to see if there is any difference. And there was. Not sure about the gathering though.

#802978 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 29 July 2013 - 10:37 in Archived Bug Reports

Ha ha. Never thought this thread would still be used for so long :P 5 months wohoo :P

Great job at finding and correcting them :)

#286144 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 03 April 2013 - 08:28 in Archived Bug Reports

Not as obvious as it may seem. That is in fact the name of the quest. :D


I'm up to date on the rest of the thread. ;)

o.O Weird quest name then. Sorry for the confusion :(

#284960 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 28 March 2013 - 18:00 in Archived Bug Reports

Maybe you can leave the text the same white colour, and at the end of the decription add something like:

"The next level of this skill will grant you x% Melee Attack Power". 

#285221 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 29 March 2013 - 13:46 in Archived Bug Reports

Found new typo, the key used in the valut to free prisoners. It says "prisioners" instead of "prisoners"


#285994 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 02 April 2013 - 12:47 in Archived Bug Reports

New typo. Arcane Council  Path > Curing the Plagued > [18] A Growing Epidemic, Stage 4/5 of 11. The NPC is Kathy, located in Nidaros, near the farm. It should be "why are you brandishing".


#286036 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 02 April 2013 - 18:28 in Archived Bug Reports

Quest title: [19] Curiosity killed the. I think the typo is obvious here :) Who did curiosity kill? :)

Arcane Council Path > Service to the Council > [19] Curiosity killed the



#286092 Thread for Typos

Posted by Zurion on 02 April 2013 - 23:32 in Archived Bug Reports

Double typo: Arcane Council Path > The Fellowship of Varuna > Time Enough at last > Stage 5/14. Too lazy to underline: "Novice Hilete who who talks walks"


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