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#831057 Inciting Cry not applying taunt and Taunt in general

Posted by joeyfox on 15 December 2013 - 15:06 in Archived Bug Reports

Agreed, I've found that shortly after taunting the 3rd boss in boondocks and the 1st and 3rd boss in The Vault as well, I taunt and sometimes the boss carries on going for the previous target, so my taunt has no affect.


Also, with regards to the Inciting Cry skill/talent, as it doesn;t apply 'taunt' atm it doesn;t activate spiked armor either.

#831038 Ergonomics of the game

Posted by joeyfox on 15 December 2013 - 13:28 in Suggestions

So would I, but 99 is a good amount, more than that and it becomes far too easy to bot etc, people could just sit there for hours letting the game craft for them,almost 10 mins is good enough :P

#831028 Ergonomics of the game

Posted by joeyfox on 15 December 2013 - 12:09 in Suggestions

I really don;t think anything needs to be changed with this, click the box, press backspace once, type 99, 2 seconds, done.

#830179 Summoning to high lvl areas

Posted by joeyfox on 13 December 2013 - 12:21 in Archived Bug Reports

I don;t know if it;s a bug or not, but the ability to summon people to high lvl areas and dungeons that they couldn;t otherwise get to on their own seems like a bug to me, please can you sort this out, it gives an unfair advantage to people with higher lvl friends, or friends that have the EP to waste summoning them to places.



#829871 a clock to show the time until the server is going down

Posted by joeyfox on 12 December 2013 - 19:18 in Suggestions

ha ha ha, ^5 and like :).


These clocks would be useful ! :P

#829764 alchemy daily quest 7

Posted by joeyfox on 12 December 2013 - 18:01 in Archived Bug Reports

thats why you farm with friends :D


Im thanksful for finding such good friends as Vu, Pea, fiz, neon :)

I fully agree, Eldevin is a much better place as you can farm with friends so well ^-), you knwo I love you guys hehe.

#829735 alchemy daily quest 7

Posted by joeyfox on 12 December 2013 - 17:33 in Archived Bug Reports

I spent 2 hours solidly farming dungeons with some friends for flakes... It takes time, but we must have done easily 40 runs and got a fair few, the dailys help a lot too, 10 artisan tokens for 1 flake, so it;s fairly easy to get 1 or so a day thru them :).   They're supposed to be rare, they get used all they way up untill lvl40 crafting.  But, I do agree, they shouldn't be used in a daily, unless it compensates with a massive amount of XP in the relevant skill.

#829682 professions and gathering suggestion

Posted by joeyfox on 12 December 2013 - 16:41 in Suggestions

Foraging would be the only skill I agree could possibly do with some alteration.

#829661 Disable profession in chat

Posted by joeyfox on 12 December 2013 - 15:21 in Suggestions

Try being on group chat or world chat, I very rarely use local chat, so it;s never an issue :D

#829650 professions and gathering suggestion

Posted by joeyfox on 12 December 2013 - 14:32 in Suggestions

They reccently changed the crafting XP etc, it's become considerably easier to lvl crafting and gathering, with the possible exclusion of foraging. Nothing more needs to be done to it, otherwise leveling skills will become too easy.

#829389 alchemy daily quest 7

Posted by joeyfox on 11 December 2013 - 21:06 in Archived Bug Reports

wow, that does seem pretty bad, thats lvl35 daily right?  I should have 35 prospecting soonish, so I'll see what the dailys like in comparison, maybe that one was a mistake. Or someone else that has lvl 35 in a skill can say.

#828830 You should lower gear repair cost

Posted by joeyfox on 10 December 2013 - 16:30 in Suggestions

3-4 gold on repairs, are you diying a lot or somthing? I use heavy armor myself and am a tank, so my armor gets worn down more than some players, but that repair prices seem excessive unless your waiting till everything is nearly destroyed and the only reason I can see for doing this, would be repeating dungeons with bad groups or somthing and lots of deaths :S

#827473 Quest - Final Touches

Posted by joeyfox on 09 December 2013 - 12:03 in Archived Bug Reports

Erm, go to Nidaros, go east there's a mine there you can go to at lvl10, the lvl36 is an inner section of the mine.

I did this quest at level without issue, go to Junction inn, then travel east to Nidaros, then carry on goign east to the mine there and then go into the open part of cave and you'll see him. 

#826856 wouldn't Auto Route be nice?

Posted by joeyfox on 08 December 2013 - 02:34 in Suggestions

Sorry but Ive played crappy browser games that have this auto route. They are more like a video than a game. You dont do anything more than clicking what appears on the screen, the game gets as boring as a game can get at the first 10 minutes of gameplay.Not only that but it encourages botting, and laziness in a game.

The notification and Pms in a separated tab would be nice.


#826710 Ergonomics of the game

Posted by joeyfox on 07 December 2013 - 18:52 in Suggestions

Or you can just click on the text box and type 99 ;)

#825397 Shop Down

Posted by joeyfox on 05 December 2013 - 01:05 in Archived Bug Reports

I think I heard someone say that the weather was pretty bad near HCS HQ, so that may be causing some server issues, but not sure :P


#823686 Armorsmithing Daily 2

Posted by joeyfox on 01 December 2013 - 04:49 in Archived Bug Reports

Also, seperate issue. If u have an item, aka copper bars, in a sack, you the game counts it as you don;t have the item, however, if you have the required number outside the sack, for example 5 for the basic belt and you try to make more than one, it will use the ones in the sack, can you fix this, it's slightly annoying having to empty my sacks to use the items :P, thanks.

#823683 Armorsmithing Daily 2

Posted by joeyfox on 01 December 2013 - 04:41 in Archived Bug Reports

"I have been tasked to make one pair of improved Copper Boots and one pair of Improved Copper Pants"

However, when you try to give the items to the trainer, he wants Improved Bronze pants, please fix it :P, thanks :).

Arthnell's Blacksmith if that helps.

#823157 [Partially Implemented] Potion bar lockdown + Suggestion

Posted by joeyfox on 30 November 2013 - 00:34 in Suggestions

You can press ctrl and 1-4 for 1-4 in your belt slots, I use that for quick potion use, easier than clicking and avoids dragging :)

#822905 Problem with Founder character slots

Posted by joeyfox on 28 November 2013 - 23:52 in Archived Bug Reports

Thanks rofl, noticed shortlt after and facepalmed lol, I blame the birthday booze XD :)

#822894 Problem with Founder character slots

Posted by joeyfox on 28 November 2013 - 22:52 in Archived Bug Reports

Hiya HCS So, so happy that Eldevin is finally playable (thank Goodness for early days)  Been celebrating my Birthday today ^^ and just logged in, I have my pet Blupity, the E points, my Supporter status, the 2 bag slot tokens and 2 heroic bags,  10 experience booster potions, 4 respec tokens,  Horn of founders, 10 insta dragons and the 4 birth stones, however, I don;t have any extra character slots, any idea on why, or has this been changed? thanks :)

"4 x Additional Character Slots"

I'm on the Crystal founder badge.

Thanks in advance ^-^

#820304 MAJOR XP BUG

Posted by joeyfox on 16 November 2013 - 17:38 in Archived Bug Reports

Also, just tested and you still get crafting xp, aka with Death's Door on, I still get the Skinning xp as normal (get -4 combat xp still) but, proves it;s just combat xp related.

#820295 MAJOR XP BUG

Posted by joeyfox on 16 November 2013 - 17:07 in Archived Bug Reports

Awesome :).

#820287 MAJOR XP BUG

Posted by joeyfox on 16 November 2013 - 16:34 in Archived Bug Reports

Hiya, I just died and couldn;t afford to pay to remove Death's Door debuff, and I noticed that i was LOSING xp, aka 'gaining' -xp from kills, please sort this out.  Losing 75% of xp from kills is fine, but taking xp away from players is not right, seriously needs to be fixed before launch, thanks. 

I'm lvl9 and killing lvl8 Desert Wulf's in Azraq pass if that helps and 'gain' -91 xp.

#807695 Bosses/Champions Double Spawn

Posted by joeyfox on 21 August 2013 - 17:08 in Archived Bug Reports

Hehe, cheers Anakiro :) x

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