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#784865 Dual Wielding?

Posted by DragonLord on 15 April 2013 - 23:45 in General Discussion

DOTH blades ...

Damn, I replied to a necro-poster LOL.


How d'ya delete a post here ? *looks*

#784850 Is anyone still working on FSH?

Posted by DragonLord on 15 April 2013 - 22:50 in General Discussion

Ever since tang went inactive, the script has gone further and further into disrepair.


HCS should just integrate it into back end code. Will be less load/lag for players and more of the script, in it's current state, will become unusable when HCS changes things in the future.


Would also mean players don't need to update the script manually themselves if they have the skills, to retain functionality.


Couldn't agree more ...

#784651 Game Update Tomorrow

Posted by DragonLord on 15 April 2013 - 06:44 in General Discussion

Defiantly will have a small effect on new players wouldn't say 5%...maybe 1 or 2% which at this point is a large number...and not really sure what the fuss is about hunted cow studios given us reserve stamina...of course if I had 32,000 stamina like pardoux i guess I wouldn't complain about getting reserve stamina either :] it don't effect anyone by them given us stamina your part of the player base that's like sony given out free ps3's and you want to sit and complain...who the heck are you to say anything.

The cows give reserve stamina out for unscheduled downtime, things out of their control. This is planned outage, and has been advertised in advance. Having a go at me doesn't alter those facts :)

#784648 Game Update Tomorrow

Posted by DragonLord on 15 April 2013 - 06:22 in General Discussion

The greed of some people never ceases to amaze me *shakes my head*

#784597 Game Update Tomorrow

Posted by DragonLord on 14 April 2013 - 22:22 in General Discussion

are we gonna get reserve stam?

Say what ?? - reserve stam is given (at cows discretion) for UNSCHEDULED outages, things beyond their control and not even every time.

So, I'd say with 99.99 (recurring) % chance of accuracy that, given this is SCHEDULED downtime, the answer would be NO..

#784527 What FS/HCS WAS doing before & WELL! (Raise activity!)

Posted by DragonLord on 13 April 2013 - 23:38 in General Discussion

Speaking of sharts I had some time to kill so I clicked the window

The first vid ends with credit for the sharts but has no way to close or move on, refreshing the window gave me the same vid a second time and credited me again for it but still was stuck with a window I could not close.

Then got a new one, credit and it has a button to move on.

Now im on the corona sheep, Ive watched it 4 times getting credited for it each time, I begin to worry this will seem like im cheating and dont want to keep going but once again this vid gets stuck, it wants me to share to my FB and I dont want to. Skip step link sends you to a page saying you got credit but no way to close it so refreshing once again shows the same vid!!

Maybe the problem isnt with sharts or who can do what but how bad they actually work? To me this just wasnt worth the time or frustration for 2 FSP

The Supersonic videos work pretty much flawlessly for me .. i make between 4 and 7 fsp / day from them. For a few minutes time, I'm quite happy to do them ...

#784486 Ability to Trade Allegiance Tokens!

Posted by DragonLord on 13 April 2013 - 04:52 in General Discussion

never gonna happen sorry

VERY seldom I agree with Grendle, but in this case, I do - NEVER gonna happen. WAY too open to abuse..

#784457 The return of Quango Island!

Posted by DragonLord on 12 April 2013 - 21:45 in General Discussion

wiki has it as 30,28 so that will be where I try on main Island

30,28 is bottom right :P

#784455 The return of Quango Island!

Posted by DragonLord on 12 April 2013 - 21:39 in General Discussion

will try bottom left thanks

bottom right !

#784452 The return of Quango Island!

Posted by DragonLord on 12 April 2013 - 21:34 in General Discussion

how do I get to volcanic core for lvl 1130 quest ? maps don't show such a realm

Took me a while to figure that out - bottom right of first map is your start point - follow from there (have left the realm again, so can't be more help than that.. )

#784408 Quest - "Quango Adventures"

Posted by DragonLord on 12 April 2013 - 09:45 in General Discussion

I was actually thinking about this last night.

If I reopen the Realms now, there will not be any new content (as tweaking the opening stages of the game has priority.).

I think most of us can live with that :)

#784382 The death of profits in SE hunting

Posted by DragonLord on 12 April 2013 - 00:45 in General Discussion

I wonder who voted as NO? :D

Don't know about the other 4, but I think I was one of the NO votes. There is nothing wrong with SE Hunting as such ... OK, some items don't have as much value as they did (or anywhere close) but a lot of SE sets were never much use in the first place.

For me, SE Hunting (when I do it) is actually BETTER as it is now - because I don't pay for locations and, when I trawl the realms, I find them on pretty much most locations they are meant to be (I hunt for the medals, not the value of the drops)

Should some new ones be added ? - maybe - but I'm sure the cows have got plenty on their plate as it is, without worrying about this.

And the fun is where?

Finding them ? - Killing them ? - everything doesn't have to be about profit in this game ..

#784370 The death of profits in SE hunting

Posted by DragonLord on 11 April 2013 - 22:03 in General Discussion

I wonder who voted as NO? :D

Don't know about the other 4, but I think I was one of the NO votes. There is nothing wrong with SE Hunting as such ... OK, some items don't have as much value as they did (or anywhere close) but a lot of SE sets were never much use in the first place.

For me, SE Hunting (when I do it) is actually BETTER as it is now - because I don't pay for locations and, when I trawl the realms, I find them on pretty much most locations they are meant to be (I hunt for the medals, not the value of the drops)

Should some new ones be added ? - maybe - but I'm sure the cows have got plenty on their plate as it is, without worrying about this.

#784275 Quest - "Quango Adventures"

Posted by DragonLord on 10 April 2013 - 22:04 in General Discussion

BUMP ...

Just re-open them. Doesn't necessarily need new quango content ('cos I know there's a lot of other stuff going on now) but it's been a long time now.

(Must have been, given I'm mid 1500's now, and there's a Level 1130 quango quest I've not done - and I do ALL quests as I go, wherever possible)

Other "random" stuff needs reintroducing too ...

e.g. "The story of the Wicked Ratcatcher" - Level 1150 (see above)

and I'm sure there's others that aren't season specific that are overdue a reappearance.

And, the beauty of this is, you can just "turn 'em on" again - no new work needed ...

#784193 PvP ladder rewards (again)

Posted by DragonLord on 09 April 2013 - 21:06 in General Discussion

If the cows wanna increase PvP in the game, then it makes sense for ladder items to be bound ... so that, if you want 'em, you have to participate on the ladder to get 'em.

BUT, given that the ladder is an opt-in, hits should not be bountyable.

So, either keep the system the same - unbound but bountyable or change it to bound and non-bountyable.

I think I know which option would get more players partaking in PvP :)

#784189 Beginning Zone Changes

Posted by DragonLord on 09 April 2013 - 20:26 in General Discussion

I'm all in favour of the opening of the game being simplified, but wouldn't it be better to do it "stand-alone", all in 1 hit, test it thoroughly and then implement, rather than do it piecemeal where there are too many variables ?


Posted by DragonLord on 08 April 2013 - 23:02 in General Discussion


So was if we implemented a new creature that has kinda the same effect as titans like showing up every now and then but there very rare like monthly or bimonthly. The items they would drop would be a "SET" item. With out other items in the set equipped the items would be useless with out the other ones. This would add a concept of trying to collect different pieces of different sets that only show up rarely. Imagine if after this is around for a while people would be looking for specific items to complete the set.


Different items can be combined with other items to be able to have completely different effects.

Item 'x' with item 'y' can have +2 stam game
item 'x' with item 'z' can have +2 exp gain
item 'x' can more likey to drop the item 'y' and 'z'
If you get item 'y' and 'z' you could have something like +1 stam gain AND +1 exp gain.

Cows have REPEATEDLY said that there won't be epic sets. This "new" suggestion is rebranded epics / titans, but with the desire for sets.

Thumbs DOWN from me.

#784100 What FS/HCS WAS doing before & WELL! (Raise activity!)

Posted by DragonLord on 08 April 2013 - 21:11 in General Discussion

Still i am trying to convince people that the banner/video/ANY reward be distributed amonst county's evenly acorss the globe..
Why would any country have more right to the rewards??
You want new players?
They don't only live in 1 country.. this is not a "country accepted" game or anyhing, there is only THIS audiance for an online RPG like Fallensword and that's it.

As I said in the now deleted thread, the cows don't chose who advertises with them - the advertisers do that. I'm sure the cows would love to have offers available from all countries, but that is something completely out of their control..

Thus, the only way to make the rewards "fair for all" is to remove them all ... that would hurt both the cows and the players.

Surely, you don't want that ?

#784096 Skill tree gap for 1600+ buffs.

Posted by DragonLord on 08 April 2013 - 20:49 in General Discussion

I was just thinking about the next skill addction, what gap it will be?

I won't know what is the next gap, so i'll propose a poll, let give your suggestion to HCS.

1 -Stay with 200 levels gap.
-And go on.

2 - Start with 300 levels gap.
-And go on.

3 - Start with 300 levels gap AFTER lvl 2000.
-And go on.

I think that is the first step to start to think about the new buffs, how we see from lvl1600 buffs, it's better start soon with the new buffs ideas since HCS take some time to implement that on the game.

PS: I know i'm not even close of those lvls, but i'm thinking about the game, not about me.

They should stay at 200 level increments - I hope they've got 1800 skills all developed and almost ready to go, given we've players at almost L1700. I REALLY hope we don't have another L1600 scenario where they were introduced with over 100 players at that level already ..

#784093 Selecting all items for trade

Posted by DragonLord on 08 April 2013 - 20:30 in General Discussion

As the original suggestion stands, I'll have to vote NO too, for the very same reasons listed above.

Modify it to all items that are the same as the first tagged, and sure - I see no problem then.

#783971 Save FSH plea

Posted by DragonLord on 06 April 2013 - 23:42 in General Discussion

I'm with Bry on this one - and, it seems (thankfully) Hoof - implement all the core functions of the FSH into the game and then ban ALL scripts :)

#783890 Starter pack bought on wednesday and not received yet

Posted by DragonLord on 06 April 2013 - 01:13 in General Discussion

I have bought the starter pack with real money (bill paper payed on the bank), and I have not received it yet. I would like to know when I'm going to receive it.

And I would like to buy FSP's on this promotion but first I would like to know if it is usually takes time to credit the accounts. Please answer me asap because tomorrow I will go out and maybe go to the bank too to buy some FSP's.

Submit a ticket (http://support.huntedcow.com) - it will get dealt with much more quickly.

Normally, paying with "established" means gets credited almost instantaneously - whenever I've donated, I've received my fsp's almost to the second that the transaction completes.

#783887 The death of profits in SE hunting

Posted by DragonLord on 06 April 2013 - 01:06 in General Discussion

That's my point - for the most as far as I can see there's no drop worth getting other than the potion of which is as useful to me as anyone else really.

Other than this there is only the medal, kudos etc where previously I would've funded a power level session from a few days SE hunting.

If there's no profit then what benefit is there to hunting?

Why does every facet of the game have to be profit generating ? - but, some of the higher level SE's are still pretty lucrative - some of the lower ones too - check the UFSG (http://guide.fallensword.com) for the current SE's - and then check the AH for their current values...

You'll see what I mean.

#783884 The death of profits in SE hunting

Posted by DragonLord on 06 April 2013 - 00:41 in General Discussion

I have taken some time out of the game and returned to find that you can buy a destroyer blade for 3 FSP???!!! WTF!!!???

This used to be the wet dream of SE hunting, entire guilds waiting on the battle log result to see the drop. The global anticipation on IM or skype as the hunter presses attack creature against the age old adversary Malphas.

Now locations barely sell for 1FSP and all the gear I amassed prior to semi retirement is all but worthless. My entire SE drop stash reduced to nothing akin to the global housing market.

With only a medal to go for is this the end of SE hunting or will the cows revive it?

Ever thought that maybe the reason the blade is so cheap now is that sets have superceded it ?

SE hunting is FAR from dead - it's just not the profit-making machine (for the most part) that it once was.

As for Malphas, there's still a good profit to be made from it - just get the POTION drop instead of the sword/helm/shield ...

#783862 GvG and the start of the game thread

Posted by DragonLord on 05 April 2013 - 21:25 in General Discussion

As far as 'PvPers farming the noobs', if said 'noobs' would get 'decent' gear, and get even simple buffs, GvG would be alot more interesting. People complain about people farming them, but fail to realize they are bringing it upon themselves. Make yourself an easy target, and you will get attacked/farmed. Fact of life.

GvG at higher levels, sure, I'd agree with you, but as you've said yourself (think it was you anyways) that the exponential increment in stats at very low level means that a couple of levels difference means that the lower of the 2 can't win unless they get a 2% fluke.

You said lower the +/- level limit, but keep GvG at level 25 ? - How narrow a limit do you propose ?

That was me. lowering the attackable range at lower levels is the only option that makes sense to me. Raising the level limit would only cause problems at 50+. I would recommend either +/- 5 or +/- 10 from 25-100/150. There will still be SOME trouble ranges, but not as much as it is now.

Lowering the range is definately an improvement (to stop established L25's with all the good gear pummelling someone new as soon as they join a guild) but I (and a lot of others) still think that raising the entry point on GvG to, say, L50 - along with a staggered start for players (i.e. the completely reworked first 50 levels to explain all facets of the game) will be a much better solution.

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