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#959756 competitive Guild Medals

Posted by gomezkilla on 25 February 2016 - 19:38 in General Discussion

"Player" Medal = no reward is not necessarily true since the implementation of the PRIDE skill !!!


PRIDE = +0.5 seconds per point multiplied by the number of medals you have increase in duration of any potions taken while this skill is active. (Note the multiplier increases based on the quality of the medal. Bronze +1, Silver +1.2, Gold +1.4, Crystal +1.6, Ruby +1.8 and Diamond +2)


since the implementation of the PRIDE skill I started working on getting NEW MEDALS (Treasure Hunter Medal, Fragmenter Medal, ....) + increasing the "tier" of my current Medals so that PRIDE will have a greater "effect" !!!


I got many messages from members & friends to help them get a MEDAL even though they were not interested in playing that game style at all !!!


while I was on the PvP ladder I encountered many players who only joined to get their PvP medal, some of them had a deep "grudge" towards PvP but nevertheless participated in the game aspect they would otherwise "never" have played !!!


I am sure I am not the only one who had this kinda encounter


so yes, I strongly believe that MEDALS will lead to a higher activity / encourage players to participate in "different" game aspects, in some cases even game aspects those players would have otherwise not joined !!!


I really do understand you & your viewpoint on achievements but from my personal experience I think MEDALS will have a greater "impact" / encouragement than the achievements !!!

There is something that I can work with. I would agree with having these medals added if they didn't give the reward structure you stated in your opening post. These medals could then be included somehow with the Pride skill and to add on we could have a Pride guild structure that also boosted that skill or the stats from guild medals or whatever. Just as long as there is no other reward added.

#959752 competitive Guild Medals

Posted by gomezkilla on 25 February 2016 - 18:20 in General Discussion

Achievement = reward.

Medal = no reward.


If you want rewards for playing aspects of the game, make these suggestions into achievements where there is a large objective for the guild to work together towards. If you want to give medals to guilds, by all means do suggest it, but leave rewards out of it because if we give rewards to medals there, I can guarantee you that someone is going to demand that rewards be allocated to the medals that we achieve personally.


Regarding this ridiculous equation: K.I.S.S! Have one target and one reward per achievement per guild.


I do not think it is complicated at all wink.png

#959744 competitive Guild Medals

Posted by gomezkilla on 25 February 2016 - 16:09 in General Discussion

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) is an acronym that fits in perfectly here. Sure, this idea has merit, but we could easily fit this into the achievements sector with a good target to reach for each of them with a one-time reward for achieving it.


Formulas that have factors change every time a member leaves? NO. This would be much simpler to have a goal reached, an achievement achieved, and a nice little reward for each member. A + B = C, don't make it some complicated calculus formula!



Guild Achievements should be expanded to probably 10 or 15 things we can work as a group to achieve. I do like some of the suggestions in the OP but they should be achievements not medals.

As stated here, we should have 10-15 achievements to work toward as a guild rather than 4 achievements here, 6 medals there, and whatever else comes along the road that could also easily be added to the achievements category.

#956014 Seasonal Epic Change

Posted by gomezkilla on 27 December 2015 - 20:38 in General Discussion

The idea has merit, but like the idea of having rotating periods of Titans to help bring up the price of them was rejected, I believe this one will follow the same path.

#956013 Mass Messaging For Allies List ??

Posted by gomezkilla on 27 December 2015 - 20:36 in General Discussion

Add in an option to mass message everyone in the game while we're at it, I really want everyone to read what I have to say and I don't think everyone reads all of the FSBox messages.

#955663 Ways to maximize your XP gain during the event

Posted by gomezkilla on 20 December 2015 - 23:27 in General Discussion

I would suggest Reck hunting, which is probably your version of "Suicide hunting". Using Distil 150 + Reckoning 200 = Reckoning 230 with minimal buffs to 1-hit and high level AL, Conserve, and Lib trying to get Reckoning to double those three as many times as possible.

#952990 Guild Upgrade Flash Sales

Posted by gomezkilla on 10 November 2015 - 04:57 in General Discussion

It's a good thing then that the flash sales that have been offered have only been FSP upgrades so the structure issue should not be a problem.


And again, I will say that guild's benefits are exclusive to only members of that guild so there should be no gap between any guild A to guild B unless you decide to look at the meaningless ladders to draw your comparisons. The upgrades that could be bought with the guild flash sales will not affect other guilds, it is primarily to upgrade the surroundings of your own guild and that's it.

#952980 Guild Upgrade Flash Sales

Posted by gomezkilla on 10 November 2015 - 03:32 in General Discussion

I like the idea too IF it the Guild Upgrade Flash Sales would only be availabe for "smaller" guilds, for EXAMPLE under 50 members !!!


my reasoning to NOT include the big guilds in the Guild Upgrade Flash Sales is the following:


top / bigger guilds already have many structures / upgrades / guild store slots / "better" relics / advantages compared to smaller guilds => the "gap" between them does NOT need to increase even more !!!


as many of you have probably noticed many smaller guilds are dissolving which is a BAD thing !!!

members from smaller guilds try joining top / bigger guilds and leaving their small guilds behind or smaller guilds merging with other guilds => resulting in fewer # of guilds :(


last month 2 small guilds merged with another guild and just this weekend a friend was "forced" to dissolve his small guild and joined one of the top10 / bigger guilds (some went with their founder but 2 players decided to retire) :(


top / bigger guilds can "easier" (more members, many advantages, ...) upgrade their structures than smaller guilds & I would rather see more smaller guilds in the game than just a handful of top / bigger guilds !!!


if this keeps going then I fear most of the smaller guilds will be gone in "time" & only top / big guilds will remain which will negatively affect GvG (less guilds to GvG), "lesser" # of FS players, titan hunting, arena, and many other aspects of the game


it always pains me to see a small guild dissolving :(


why help the "RICH" (top / bigger guilds) get richer and the "POOR" (smaller guilds) get poorer ?!?!?


I know what I said is DISADVANTAGEOUS towards my own guild which is a TOP / BIG guild but nonetheless it is true, we need to help smaller guilds and NOT top / big guilds !!!


@HOOF @HCS: I really hope you will consider this, you have a lot more game data & know the "dire" situation with the smaller guilds

I completely disagree with that entire statement. These flash sales give every guild the chance to upgrade their guild upgrades at a discounted price just like the normal flash sales give every player the chance to upgrade their own character upgrades at a discounted price.


Besides, what gap could there be that would be widened by these coming guild flash sales? Guilds are exclusive only to those members in them.

#951049 Do you think 'RP Farming' i ruining the game if it helps improve the...

Posted by gomezkilla on 13 October 2015 - 14:55 in General Discussion

This isn't really a topic that can be argued. People can play the game how they choose and if they decide to GvG for profit, they can. If they decide to GvG and put everything back into the guild, they can. GvG Epics is a way to circulate FSP in the game and a lot of times its a way to get people to drop some cash in the game to be able to buy them because they do not want to put in the effort to get the Epics themselves. So with that said, I think GvGing is great for the game to circulate some FSP/cash.

#950216 New GvG Epic Recipes Released!

Posted by gomezkilla on 01 October 2015 - 14:02 in General Discussion

This is a common definition describing challenge. Thus, with the awesomeness of the new GvG rewards, xp loss and bountys should be included.

That could make things a little more interesting, I like it!

#949739 FSH - Call for beta testers

Posted by gomezkilla on 26 September 2015 - 03:31 in General Discussion

I'll volunteer to help out here. Main focus: Nothing specific, I like playing all aspects.

#949716 New GvG Epic Recipes Released!

Posted by gomezkilla on 25 September 2015 - 23:02 in General Discussion

Sure, but people would have to pay almost double if there's a chance to fail.

Greater the risk, greater the reward.

#949714 Titan Idea

Posted by gomezkilla on 25 September 2015 - 22:50 in General Discussion

There is still the "problem" with Titan Doubler speeding up the drops of this new component. We'd have a bunch of those flying around and added to Epics and I do not foresee prices for the old Epics going up much with this added component onto them.


The only way I see Epics getting back some of their older values is to reduce the supply of them in the game.

#949708 New GvG Epic Recipes Released!

Posted by gomezkilla on 25 September 2015 - 22:28 in General Discussion

I'd like to see the inventing rates of these new Epics to be decreased by quite a bit (maybe even previous Epic inventing items as well). I see "extremely high chance" of success for those Epics to not really feel Epic, feels more legendary to me. There needs to at least be some discernible risk or challenge here.

#930152 FSP and Gold Upgrade Links in Upgrade Menu

Posted by gomezkilla on 29 April 2015 - 00:34 in General Discussion

Lots as the attention will be on those problems and not this little unnecessary change.

#930133 FSP and Gold Upgrade Links in Upgrade Menu

Posted by gomezkilla on 28 April 2015 - 19:28 in General Discussion

What if we just made the switch between upgrade tabs smoother similar to the tab change with our backpack slots or the live global chat and guild chat?

#929422 Shadow Bunny Showdown & Springtime Forest

Posted by gomezkilla on 21 April 2015 - 15:38 in General Discussion

That was fun, let's do it again!


Posted by gomezkilla on 18 April 2015 - 16:15 in General Discussion

read OP again, you only get +2 chests

They way its worded puts it as getting in the top 100, you get +2. If you get 100,000 you get +1 or if you get 200,000 you get +2. If you get the top 100 and 200,000 kills, 2+2 = 4. 


See my confusion?


Posted by gomezkilla on 18 April 2015 - 16:01 in General Discussion

Securing a spot in the top 100 takes some costs and there is always the chance if they don't stay in. The people that put in those high level scores know those costs.


Besides, getting 100,000 kills in this global is just getting 20,000 kills in a regular global if you are just killing the shadow bunnies. If the trend of top 100 qualifying kills stays its course of getting 20,000 kills as a minimum (Looking at past globals where each kill counted as 1 kill), then the lowest score for this global will be 100,000 kills. So, really you are just asking for 3 or 4 bonus chests for just doing your own thing of qualifying in the top 100.


You should be fine with the 2 bonus chests.

#928752 Killing Creatures with keyboard

Posted by gomezkilla on 15 April 2015 - 23:47 in General Discussion

I actually like having to click to kill the champions and Elites. Provides a nice safety net for me so that I don't accidentally hit the key to kill it when I am not ready to hit it. And it doesn't slow down the hunting process all that much.

#928404 Update v2.70

Posted by gomezkilla on 13 April 2015 - 21:12 in General Discussion

Nice update :) movement so smoothy .. but when i click twice on map i stop moving then i have to click one more time to move again.. can you fix this?

That's how it was designed. Once you start moving, you have to hit the stop command (clicking elsewhere, using a fast keystroke, or I believe hitting 'S') before you start up a new route for your character. That is part of what makes it smoother.

#928387 Update v2.70

Posted by gomezkilla on 13 April 2015 - 20:14 in General Discussion

am i reading it right ? is FUMBLE the same buff as FLINCH ???

Yes, it is.


Fumble should be changed to something like .1% per skill point of the attacker's attack is stolen and added onto the defender's defense. And possibly a name change as well.

#928262 Update v2.70

Posted by gomezkilla on 13 April 2015 - 14:24 in General Discussion

Bug: If you click on the new skills in their trees, you cannot hover over the other skills to see what they are. (This works for previous skills, just not new skills)

#928136 Sneak Preview: Teleport Skill

Posted by gomezkilla on 12 April 2015 - 17:17 in General Discussion

20 second delay and the possibility that the second they teleport the titan could have already moved will not impact Titan Hunting all that greatly. It will change it slightly and people will need to use it wisely for the greatest effect. 


Teleport idea for titans, great idea, gives players chance to even earn the tkp and makes titan hunting a team effort more than a solo effort now. Only down side i would say....is epics will drop fast in price, there are epics like deepwater choker and lestus ring worth less than 80 fsp. So cheap, i would recommend maybe a recipe to invent a better epic but requiring the epics in the recipe? I think it would be cool, adds value and gives a new epic to be happy about. I haven't seen any inventable epics in a long time and this could be fun 

Don't see how this buff all of sudden makes Titan hunting a team effort. And making inventable Epics with other Epics will only work effectively of the way we want it to (of making the prices go up) is to make sure Inventor 2 does not work on it. Omacaz takes all the fun out of inventing and by fun, I mean risk which is what inventing was supposed to have when it was implemented and how it was before Omacaz came out.

#927787 Unsold Auction House Items go Straight to Backpack Option

Posted by gomezkilla on 09 April 2015 - 22:05 in General Discussion

It wasn't. I've lost a few valuable items recently because I forgot to take them out of my mailbox.

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