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There have been 29 items by vamunre (Search limited from 05-July 23)

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#968077 Daily Quest Rewards

Posted by vamunre on 03 September 2016 - 15:37 in General Discussion

Some of those would be awesome, and you would have to choose whats important to you.

#965725 Daily Events

Posted by vamunre on 10 July 2016 - 00:31 in General Discussion

You obviously know nothing about composing .  Because richy rich got very poor getting to lvl 60 as quickly as she did.


If you can show that sort of dediction to this game and put in the work then you too will reap the rewards of lvl 60 composed pots.


You now also have the advantage of double xp composing events that many of us early lvl 60 composers did not have.



I as well got very poor very fast trying to get to level 60.


At 1 point in time I was even setting my alarm at night to go off every hour just to compose. My wife 49ergurlz was getting mad about it.


I wish double xp events had existed when I was leveling.

#965545 Daily Events

Posted by vamunre on 07 July 2016 - 15:31 in General Discussion

If free FSPs are going to be put in the game I would like to see them as bound and can only be used on character upgrades. So that it has a minimal  affect on the auction house,  gold, and buff market.

#965226 Double XP Event begins!

Posted by vamunre on 04 July 2016 - 21:59 in General Discussion

Thanks or the relatively lag free event, and thanks for the extra levels. Now I will have something to use my stamina on once it gets full again.

#964011 Failed to connect: Master Database []

Posted by vamunre on 05 June 2016 - 10:43 in General Discussion

It is still happening to me


It is also a good thing there is not a global or anything going on!

#964010 Login Problem

Posted by vamunre on 05 June 2016 - 10:42 in General Discussion

I am as well

#963899 Rise of the Wraiths IX

Posted by vamunre on 03 June 2016 - 00:50 in General Discussion

We usually give a week or two's heads up.


Even 2 weeks is often not enough time for quite a few of us to regenerate our stamina used on these globals.


If I use my 60k stamina (kind of low compared to some), I currently have the best stamina gain items in game and that would still take almost 17 days to be full again. 

#963724 Double XP June 2016 speculation thread

Posted by vamunre on 28 May 2016 - 19:42 in General Discussion

I truly hope the xp event even happens! The worst part about the possible event is waiting and not knowing. Stamina takes far to long to build if you have upgraded. I am no wear close to having as much max stamina as some. Even with  having the best stamina gain items in the game, It takes me 17 days to refill. So for some they wait and do not use their stamina once its gets close to full around the months of June and December and when they could if a date/ event was confirmed. 


This effects everyone in game from gold thefts to titan hunting. That is the part that I wish HCS would consider why revealing a date is important if it is even going to happen.

#962835 New Content. 2926 - 2950.

Posted by vamunre on 30 April 2016 - 15:47 in General Discussion

Red I got a drop very first kill, you were just unlucky

#961563 Double Composing XP VI!

Posted by vamunre on 31 March 2016 - 20:41 in General Discussion

I am also a level 60 composer. I am also jealous these events didn't exist when I was leveling, that was the price we paid for leveling so fast! nobody forced us.

#960103 Gargantuan Mosquitos V

Posted by vamunre on 03 March 2016 - 01:20 in General Discussion

If you could just go ahead and instant refill my stamina "that would be great" in my best Bill Lumbergh from the movie Office Space.


#959315 Top Stamina Holders List

Posted by vamunre on 16 February 2016 - 22:57 in General Discussion

I also agree that it should not be posted even when I had only 50k I have been sent messages to please hunt. Some times I like to wait till the last minute  I still have  not done the global but I will and I will get in the top 100

#959313 Pinata Frenzy VI

Posted by vamunre on 16 February 2016 - 22:52 in General Discussion

I guess I should be the 6th, sure gold to make said item is basically nothing but there is also a reason many of us post buying LE frags at 20 for 1 fsp and that is often not good enough to get many to farm for us.

#959238 Pinata Frenzy VI

Posted by vamunre on 15 February 2016 - 22:14 in General Discussion

Its not as popular because a lot of us composers hand out composing potions to our guild members including myself and dont forget the traveling composers as well.  Many have basically gave up on composing leveling do to the cost and amount of time it takes. Why level when all they have to do is ask for a potion.

#957643 Epic Prices

Posted by vamunre on 24 January 2016 - 01:38 in General Discussion

. I dont think i pass a profile without seeing atleast 2-4 epics being worn and not guild tagged. This whole attitude about epics that the cows and players grew overtime that everyone should be able to have epics is just absurd.

Well I am not wearing any guild epics. 

I disagree, largest problem with FS is stamina gain. epics just bump you up a little. In my opinion it should have been bumped up a long time ago. Times have changed and there are far to many free games to play that don't have limiting factors like FS has. In my opinion COWS need to evolve. 




First, the epic chests should always be available to buy from the COWS.

Second, the 20% bonus plus chest should still  happen randomly.

Third, there should be bound and unbound Epics available for purchase from the COWS always

Forth , XP events 1.05xp though 1.25xp bonus should happen more often or be available for purchase from the COWS

#957266 Fallen Sword App Beta

Posted by vamunre on 18 January 2016 - 00:41 in General Discussion

I would love to try it out, only if I can create a test character. 

#957227 New pots Cloak2 & Cloak3

Posted by vamunre on 16 January 2016 - 22:10 in General Discussion

As long as you make an uncloak buff as well.  Not ladder or arena tokens, duration has to be like 10 mins max, make it a gold sink. make it 50k min bid.

#957226 Titan Scout Tower Modification Suggestion

Posted by vamunre on 16 January 2016 - 22:01 in General Discussion

How about NO, you can find out when you get there, nothing forces you to drinks your potions or cast buffs. what ever happened to having a challenge and racing is definitely a challenge !

#957122 Double Composing XP II!

Posted by vamunre on 14 January 2016 - 22:26 in General Discussion

A couple of things, first thanks for the event even though it did nothing for me.

Second cap being raised isnt needed!

Third people have it easier to level only a tiny bit, if you are already level 60 so what if they have it easier you choose to level that fast nobody forced you!

Forth people taking about composing scripts do you have proof it exists? The only way I can see you having proof is you actually have it.

On the side note had I had access to the mythical script I would have considered using it. Logging on almost hourly even at work was so time consuming and annoying, even delaying sleeping often enough just to get a bit more XP was done way to often. SO glad I am done with COMPOSING LEVELING 

#956413 Epic Prices

Posted by vamunre on 04 January 2016 - 23:55 in General Discussion

Fuvayus Vortex Stone, current AH price 20 fsp when I bought mine 2300.

#956215 Seasonal Epic Change

Posted by vamunre on 01 January 2016 - 20:13 in General Discussion

How about this we ban teleport and titan doubler from the buff market, and you can only have the buff if your able to cast it on your self

#955943 Seasonal Epic Change

Posted by vamunre on 26 December 2015 - 05:20 in General Discussion

It will lead to oversupply of epics more quickly than intended AND block out small time hunters by delaying CD on top guilds.



First  off, over supply doesn't exist yet. example Mirkas Abominable Boots at the time of this post 73 in FS I would guess there are at least 400 players at or above level 2000 and more getting close to it.  I know plenty of people still want the boots. So after 2 seasons of Mirkas Abominable Titan we might get up to 120 boots. Second I watched the Mirkas Abominable Titan sit untouched 6610/6610 for a few hours in the afternoon yesterday. It hasent seem to block small time hunters as of yet, its getting cleaned up as I type this. I am pretty sure most of the titan hunting guild are all on cool down by now. The only thing this possibly effects is the profits some can make.

#955573 New Content : 2726 to 2825.

Posted by vamunre on 20 December 2015 - 04:47 in General Discussion

The few champions I seen I got drops, but I always frag them

#955447 Double Composing XP I!

Posted by vamunre on 18 December 2015 - 13:06 in General Discussion

Thanks for the event, although I am level 60 and it does nothing for me I am sure it helped many that are not.

#954993 Double XP Weekend Announced!

Posted by vamunre on 12 December 2015 - 03:10 in General Discussion

You guys gonna put out 100 or 200 levels of content to satisfy demand?


you going to level 800+ levels? then you could be apart of the demand.



100 levels is more than enough considering we still dont have quests form the last xp event.

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