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There have been 62 items by Lucid (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#909766 There's a reason Eldevin isn't very popular......

Posted by Lucid on 16 December 2014 - 11:28 in Suggestions


#909765 Professions highscores and max capes

Posted by Lucid on 16 December 2014 - 11:25 in Suggestions

I want a vanity cape slot for no other reason than i like capes LOL

#905930 Tornado of 2014

Posted by Lucid on 30 November 2014 - 19:46 in Bug Reports

wtf did u do to make it load wrong tile IDs lol

#902058 My very few suggestions ideal concepts for specifical the community and devs :D

Posted by Lucid on 19 November 2014 - 02:29 in Suggestions

sea combat on ships could make for an interesting pvp element

#902056 Remove or nerf death's door debuff

Posted by Lucid on 19 November 2014 - 02:15 in Suggestions

i think adding a small tutorial to kill you then force u to remove your deaths door to advance quest should give newbies the info they need regardding it, i myself support deaths door as it is a gold sink however small it may be.

lol i should of read comments before posting this seems was already suggested

#900079 [Vanity] Allow non-vanity items to be equipped as vanity

Posted by Lucid on 12 November 2014 - 14:24 in Suggestions

id also like to see a way to socket items that have no socket, so some items arnt complete trash for a fee ofcourse (another gold sink)

apologies for going off topic xD

#900078 [Vanity] Allow non-vanity items to be equipped as vanity

Posted by Lucid on 12 November 2014 - 14:22 in Suggestions

only draw backs some of vanity sets that they make money from would now be obtainable without EP
id prefer a system that involves a gold sink so u can have a base item and for a fee change its appearance to that of another u have, consuming the item u want to use for the vanity 

#895899 Magic Fishing Poles (Gold Sink)

Posted by Lucid on 23 October 2014 - 07:01 in Suggestions

I think lure crafting would work just as well if not better but my only issue with this post is that we dont have any anti-botting measures yet and this would be an easy way to farm gems by  using botting wether the odds are very miniscule it dont matter if u arnt there playing

#889889 Public PVP, Level Restrictive Fighting in TA, Add Random Mobs to TA

Posted by Lucid on 16 September 2014 - 17:08 in Suggestions

I've Longed for Right click -> Duel for quite sometime now :P would bring some life to the eldevin world to seeing players randomly battle each other :)

#889744 Misplaced Crystal in Sirunax Void

Posted by Lucid on 15 September 2014 - 13:43 in Bug Reports

Yeah pretty small issue lol but thought i'd point it out anyways.

#874735 chat mods

Posted by Lucid on 22 June 2014 - 08:34 in Suggestions

While all that was way to much for me to read this is what i have to say we are obviously quite passionate about this subject and which to see it resolved judging from reply sizes alone xD

If dont have the time or resources to moderate the chat yourself then u find another means to do so the most obvious solution that comes to mind for me would be to find a couple of truster players from each time zone to manage the chat. im sure there s plenty of trusted respectful people out there i know there is many are on my friend list.

#872504 Giant concerns and suggestions

Posted by Lucid on 10 June 2014 - 03:59 in Suggestions

I, and at least a couple of other prophets I've talked to, believe that haste is overrated.  The fabled set still adds a lot of stats over using rare BT staff/essence, and pure dps prophet, pure crit prophet, even hybrid mage/prophet (for better damage skills) and hybrid templar/prophets (for better defense) are all viable even in endgame ASV content (never tried ARG).  


Rather, the problem is that the haste rolls are overpowered.  A max roll BT haste/haste staff + max roll BT haste essence can bring the total haste of a prophet to 76%, enough to have dogma and crimson chain completely up all the time.  I don't think it's actually fun to just press 1111111111111 the entire fight in dungeons though, so I play around with different builds.  I also believe that a class is NOT MEANT to be played using ONLY 2 abilities alone, so I think that haste rolls on rare gear should be *reduced*.


If the haste rolls did not give a ridiculous amount of 6% haste/roll, then sapphires, agates, and other caster gems are all viable for different variations of prophet builds.  


Waits for all the bashing from the other prophets :P

Nerf my haste again and watch me quit lol.

#872344 Goals to achieve in game

Posted by Lucid on 09 June 2014 - 04:29 in Suggestions

comment on set bonus makes me lol but in reality have 2,3,4 piece sets that improve their set bonus based on amount of pieces u have would make more sense

#872244 Client

Posted by Lucid on 08 June 2014 - 04:20 in Bug Reports

Alt+Enter lol

#872195 [In Development] Increase Friends List Size (please respond, even if no HCS)

Posted by Lucid on 07 June 2014 - 16:19 in Suggestions

yeah im constantly having to choose between which friends i can have added

#865799 __

Posted by Lucid on 29 April 2014 - 00:49 in Suggestions

I beg to differ i have been soloing this guy since lvl 40 and duo'ing it since 35 :P

#862404 Playable Races

Posted by Lucid on 12 April 2014 - 23:10 in Suggestions

would be nice if the playable races gave small bonus' too. Nothing much just a tiny bonus here or there...

 Yeah i agree a racial bonus :)

#862334 Playable Races

Posted by Lucid on 12 April 2014 - 15:52 in Suggestions

I'd like to see some more playable races in game i think this could be fun but would require a bit of work for armor n things like that but could add some nice variety :)

maybe could get some suggestions from races they would like to see playable?


Personally id like Sss'rath :)

Move to suggestions please.

#861653 Shadowcaster and Intensify Spirit (Prophet Talent)

Posted by Lucid on 10 April 2014 - 11:01 in Bug Reports

yeah i was actually about ready to respec to beat him, but i dont mind waiting for an update if they hotfix it soon, but i have to say even tho i cant beat  him with my build hes good fun to try :D

#856959 Loam Amulet Question.

Posted by Lucid on 22 March 2014 - 23:18 in Bug Reports

Yeah from memory it helped me kill the trees aswell

#856190 Give WB a new ability

Posted by Lucid on 18 March 2014 - 14:51 in Suggestions

How about a boss that actually requires a strategy for once please HCS....

#855893 WB Staff loot

Posted by Lucid on 17 March 2014 - 00:28 in Archived Bug Reports

nope they just like implementing useless weapons :)

#854463 Bit Coin Payment

Posted by Lucid on 10 March 2014 - 18:36 in General Discussion

will u be accepting monopoly money as payment too? 

#854091 RAGE Log-off during pvp

Posted by Lucid on 08 March 2014 - 08:29 in Suggestions

Im going to admit i have quit many times like this but in my defence i dont see why my K:D should be affected because my team isnt balanced with the other team or my team is a bunch of newbs


for this reason id really like to see a system implented that would distribute players more evenly however as ernzor said this is one of many issues

#854090 Aura of Tranquility does not work with Dogma or Rejuvinate

Posted by Lucid on 08 March 2014 - 08:22 in Bug Reports

what would be a real asset to the prophet is making Force of Nature affect Snowfall

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