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#893550 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by dowuones on 10 October 2014 - 11:25 in General Discussion

Lets start from this: are we sure that xp loss is the main concern of those who dont PvP?
Im sure its not. Sure its an important aspect, but please trust me when i say that for someone who doesnt PvP, its much better to be hit once on a while losing xp, than being regularly hit losing nothing. The worst thing that can happen to someone who doesnt PvP is to log in everyday and see his log with received attacks. Its an aspect of the game they dont play, so the first reaction is "leave me alone and let me have fun with my game". So a random hit once in a while causes less damage than constant farming hits. Please trust me, cause i know this is what happens. (and im excluding from the equation gold hits: if you get hit for gold its your own fault, but im pretty sure everyone agrees with that). So the first thing is: being hit regularly for random reason, prestige, farming etc. is much worse that a single sporadic hit, even if you lose nothing. Please dont forget this, cause it very very important and it created BIG problems in the past.

The second aspect is: why they dont PvP and how can they be involved in PvP.
And excluding a small percentage of players who might get involved with rewards or medals, the answer is: they dont PvP period. And you cant have them involved, there is no way, they just wont do it.
Its a part of the game? Yes. Its a part of the game they will actively play? No way.
An every attempt in involving them will relentlessly fail. And their chance to have fun in the game will go down.

So for someone PvP is the most important part of the game, for someone else is the best way to enjoy the game less. It has always been this way.

When PvPers hit each other and randomly hit non PvPers once in a while, everything works. Every time there is an attempt to change this, it doesnt work anymore. It already happened too many time in the past for not being true.

Lets consider then, that players who dont PvP are not one or two. There are many of them. If you take a look at PvP medals in profile, or the number of players who played the ladder, or the amount of prestige in players profile, you will notice that there is a high number of players who dont PvP (and as said, for many of them, there is nothing you can do to change the situation).

That said, i have a big concern about this proposed update: i read about adding quests, global events, or other kind of events.
Quests: the main thing i do in this game is completing quests: if there is a quest in my quest book, i have to complete it, if there is an adventurer medal, i must have it. Almost an obsession. Now if you add PvP in quests what will happen? Will i make them? The answer is simple: not a single chance. And if i cant complete my quest book, if i cant get the medal as soon as its possible, i have no more reason to complete quests. My main goal in the game is ruined.
Same goes for global events, where the goal should be to work together to achieve a result, not to work one against the other. I dont miss a single event, i want them all and be the first to get the medals. If you add PvP will i take part in global events? The ans wer is still the same. Its not going to happen, and another aspect of the game would be ruined.

So are there ways to improve PvP? Probably yes, even if, if you look back, probably PvP in old days was working fine, probably better than now, after dozens of changes and updates. In fact the main problem in old days was only that PvP rating was gained by just a few high level players (mainly cleaning friendly bounties), cause there were just a couple of PvPers in high levels. If you apply the old system to the current situation, where there are probably more PvPers at EOC than in the rest of the game, that problem would have solved itself.

Please also consider, that there is a large part of the community that never read forum. Here we are planning a HUGE change in the game, and only a very small part of the community is involved in the decision process. An announcement in  home page would be nice. But i can tell you which the main reaction will be, cause i have seen it happening already too many times in the past (i started to play almost 7 years ago, so i saw it many times). Every year we start over with a new PvP system. Trust me when i say that the main reaction will be: "Oh my god, again?"

The conclusion (cause i already wrote too much) is: PvP can be improved, but it should be improved by having more PvPers competitively hitting PvPers. Any attempt of trying to involve more that part of players who dont PvP, is destined to fail, or to ruin someone game experience.

And so will be any attempt of linking to PvP other aspects of the game. Quest, Events, Buffs, are a part of the game that is working fine. Make the adjustment you think can improve the PvP apect, but please DO NOT, fix PvP by touching what is working in the game. The result would be much worse that expected.

#889135 Update v2.50

Posted by dowuones on 11 September 2014 - 02:28 in General Discussion

I don't remember ever seeing targets remaining stamina either tbh ..

From FSH changelog:


Revision 474

    (Major) Quickbuff shows percentage of stamina of the player about to be buffed. ( issue 271 )

Revision 1208

    (minor) FS: Fixed last activity not showing up on quick buff.
    (minor) FS: Added red coloring to quick buff if the target has less than 10% stamina left (so as not to buff if they don't have the stamina to hunt).

#889110 Update v2.50

Posted by dowuones on 10 September 2014 - 23:37 in General Discussion

Uhhhh. Is it me just being a noob or are some of these features suggested not in fshelper? I could've sworn I never saw my targets stamina nor was there a self buff for extend. I hope we can get rid of helper by getting the core elements into the game. Then we can hopefully reduce some of the more magical activity that takes place with enhanced helpers.

They were all there :) (before this update they all still worked with Firefox 30.0, except Extend and Reinforce buttons, that were lost a few month ago)

#889097 Update v2.50

Posted by dowuones on 10 September 2014 - 22:01 in General Discussion

Thanks for the fix Zorg, with highlighted buffs its now usable again.


The problem is much bigger than that though, I'm afraid.


If the goal was to implement FSH features, we are very far from it.


I appreciate every single step, and I'm sure the work on Quick buffs required a lot of work, but still many of quick buffs features that were in FSH are not implemented.


Buffs like Enchant Weapon [35] or Death Dealer [50] should never be highlighted, we only have them because of other skills requirement. If I buff someone with DW50 I actually damage the person I'm buffing cause everyone else will thing that skill is already active and will not overbuff it (that's why in FSH the level of skills already active was beside skills)


It was very useful to have a dedicated button to buff yourself with Extend, Reinforced, Buff Master and Guild Buffer, so that you didn't have to open the popup, buff yourself, close and repeat on the player you want to buff.


Stamina of the player you are buffing should be displayed in the window, you don't want to use 600 stamina buffing someone who has almost finished to hunt.


You should also be able to see player stats: its important to know if you have to buff Flinch and Shield Wall or Terrorize and Armor Boost, and you can also easily check if the player you are buffing can safely use Shield Strike or Armored Strike (and many other situations)


It seems a very long work, and this just to implement Quick Buffs... In the meantime with a single Firefox update we lost players name displayed in rank management, fast take from mailbox, scout tower in titan kill log, combat evaluator, and probably many other features.


At this speed, with all the work required, FSH will never be implemented, or probably only in a very small percentage.


Are you sure Zorg (cause im assuming you are the one working on it), that it wouldn't be much much easier for you to work directly on FSH and fix it, saving a lot of time (and probably making players much happier cause they will have all their feature back)?

#888521 FSH

Posted by dowuones on 05 September 2014 - 21:26 in General Discussion

we're talking about a car without that and you have your buddy install it for you


your comparison is kinda wrong

The car producer put this link in my profile page in the resource tab:


but then, im too peaceful and calm for arguing, i just fail to see why you dont want people to enjoy the game as they used to and i dont see reason why every thread in forum should become an "opinion fight".


Im just trying to suggest a way to let players enjoy the game i love, without downgrading it.


The last update (that i appreciate, cause i can see the effort for doing it) is the perfect example why implementing FSH features in game is not working. Its a nice attempt, well designed, very nice to see, but the main functionality (that was having active buffs highlighted) is gone, we lost it.


It also probably took Zorg a very long time and a big work to do it, while when it was implemented in FSH it took just a couple of days after the request.


Here we are forgetting one important thing: its true that FSH was made by players, so HCS has all the right to decide to allow it or not, but all the features where requested by players to the FSH team, to enjoy the game more.


And the more you enjoy a game, the more time you spend on it, that is the most important thing.

#888511 FSH

Posted by dowuones on 05 September 2014 - 20:11 in General Discussion

it's not like you are forced to go play with fallensword helper either it's optional 

No one here is saying something like that.


But if i drive a car with air conditioning, parking-assist, cruise control, navigation system and they all start to not work anymore, i can still reach my destination.


Let me say i was enjoyed driving much more when they worked.

#888490 Update v2.50

Posted by dowuones on 05 September 2014 - 18:31 in General Discussion

Thanks for trying Zorg, but please:


- Having a list of active buff written its not that big help when you have to buff someone.


Instead of having something like:


Brewing Master [175], Extend [175], Keen Edge [230], Spectral Knight [288], Shield Strike [175], Animal Magnetism [345], Berserk [403], Fury [403], Enchanted Armor [230], Librarian [345], Constitution [288], Dark Curse [259], Flinch [230], Unbreakable [219], Death Dealer [175], Iron Fist [175], Distraction [175], Armored Strike [175], Force Shield [175], Enchant Shield [175], Shield Wall [175], Armor Boost [175], Merchant [175], Inventor [175], Extractor [175], Mesmerize [175], Reckoning [175], Epic Craft [175], Enchant Ring [173], Enchant Amulet [173], Enchant Rune [173], Arterial Strike [345], Enchant Boots [173], Conserve [288], Overkill [175], Holy Flame [175], Smashing Hammer [175], Coordinated Attack [175], Fortitude [50], Coordinated Defense [175], Quest Finder [175], Reflection [50], Resource Finder [175], Epic Forge [175], Stalker [175], Reinforce [175], Distil [150], Adept Learner [575], Wither [518], Enchant Helmet [87], Necrosis [259], Ignite [288], Summon Shield Imp [460], Find Item [1150], Light Foot [1438], Doubler [1380], Enchant Weapon [1725], Treasure Hunter [175], Deflect [175], Nightmare Visage [150]


that is almost unreadable, active skill should be highlighted, so you can just check the skills that are not active.

For how it is now, you have to check every single buff one by one. Really not easy if you can cast 40 buffs and have 30 skill active. Please! :(

#888406 FSH

Posted by dowuones on 05 September 2014 - 00:52 in General Discussion

It's not showing the buffs I have on in the buff screen...

Does anyone know anything?

Same problem here :(

I updated Firefox to 32.0 (but it might be a coincidence) and buffs already active are not highlighted anymore (that is a huge loss of time every time you try to buff someone).

Also in Rank Management page i lost "Get Rank Weightings", and next to Rank Names there are no more Players name in blue.


Again we are losing FSH features. Again every time it happens, its a big problem. Losing something that we had and we used, its not just a loss for us, its a loss for the game.


At this point it seems obvious that there are big problems in trying to implement FSH in the game (i assume mainly time problems, cause its probably too long to code), cause it never happens.


So, since writing FSH (or coding or whatever - i have no idea which is the correct term) probably requires much less time (in old days Tangtop used to do that alone, and updates were almost instant when there was a problem), the only possible solution seems that FSH will be updated and fixed by HCS.


While having HCS implementing FSH features is the best solution, HCS running FSH is, at this point, the only possible solution.


Note please: im not complaining, i understand there might be problems, just please consider that losing features we used for years, its like losing all of sudden, Arena, or Titans, or Auction House, or anything else. Its simply a game downgrade.


I do hope you would consider this, and if the problem of having FSH by HCS is that someone can cheat using script, just find a way to ban them once and for all. The fact they might cheat should not be the reason of not giving everyone else the chance to fully enjoy the game.

#888395 Permissions problem

Posted by dowuones on 04 September 2014 - 22:31 in General Discussion

I have a few guild members that cant recall tagged items anymore (permissions are fine, and no one changed them lately and they all have different ranks), anyone else had the same issue or know how to fix it? Thanks

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