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#893217 How to install FSH in Chrome (No Greasemonkey)

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 October 2014 - 16:28 in General Discussion

Hello Everyone!


I have been saying here and there that I would post a guide on how to use FSH with Chrome where do you don't have to rely on GreaseMonkey.


Step 1: Create a folder on your hard drive.  I suggest a folder called fsh nested right up on your C Drive.




Step 2: Create a manifest.json file in this directory.  Also download fallenswordhelper.user.js file and put it there.

manifest.json contents:

   "manifest_version": 2,
   "content_scripts": [ {
      "exclude_globs": [ "http://forum.fallensword.com/*", "http://wiki.fallensword.com/*" ],
      "include_globs": [ "http://www.fallensword.com/*", "http://guide.fallensword.com/*", "http://fallensword.com/*", "http://*.fallensword.com/*", "http://local.huntedcow.com/fallensword/*"],
      "js": [ "fallenswordhelper.user.js" ],
      "matches": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ],
      "run_at": "document_end"
   } ],
   "description": "Fallen Sword Helper",
   "name": "myFSH",
   "version": "1.0",
   "permissions": [



Step 3: open Chrome Settings.



Step 4: On the left hand side, click Extensions



Step 5: If developer mode is not clicked, ensure it is checked.  Then click Load Unpacked Extensions:



Step 6: Browse for your folder (for us it was C:/fsh) then click OK



Step 7: Verify that the addin was added successfuly



Step 8: Restart chrome and you should be good to go!

#897048 How to use Quick Extract to open Coffins

Posted by Yuuzhan on 31 October 2014 - 12:45 in General Discussion

Open up your fallenswordhelper.user.js file and go to line 4767


You should see the following

Helper.inventory.items = Helper.inventory.items.filter(function(e) {return e.type==12;});//type=plants

Either delete it, or replace it with the following:

//Helper.inventory.items = Helper.inventory.items.filter(function(e) {return e.type==12;});//type=plants

Notice the leading //, that is commenting out the line which is essentially deleting it (but you get to keep it if you want to put it back the way it was.


Restart your browser.


Visit this url:




And then just sit back and watch the magic happen (after you click on open all coffins)


Sorry this took till the end of the even to post!



#897083 How to use Quick Extract to open Coffins

Posted by Yuuzhan on 31 October 2014 - 16:05 in General Discussion

Wish I could open up the code but I get this error:


Right click -> Open with -> Notepad.

#905203 Update v2.60

Posted by Yuuzhan on 27 November 2014 - 14:24 in General Discussion

Can you give us the new shard equation?  That would be ever so nice :)

#905223 Update v2.60

Posted by Yuuzhan on 27 November 2014 - 14:53 in General Discussion

Can you give us the new shard equation?  That would be ever so nice :)

nevermind, I figured it out :)

#905278 Update v2.60

Posted by Yuuzhan on 27 November 2014 - 15:59 in General Discussion

For those of you interested in spoilers. current 50 and 51 levels can be seen here:




Some very sexy buffs :)

#913892 FSH Update 1488

Posted by Yuuzhan on 07 January 2015 - 04:38 in General Discussion

PointyHair has done some work on FSH to make it compatible with the latest FireFox and the latest GreaseMonkey.
Chrome users can still use the following link to install the product: 
In the spirit of PointyHair's work, I stayed up late and took a look at a few things and fixed them up as well.  Hopefully this is the first of many updates brought to you by PointyHair and myself :)  PointlyHair is starting slow as he gets his fingers into the code base and gets used to the system that we used (which of course in hindsight is not that simple to pickup.  It took me a while!)
I will be working closely with PointyHair to help get him up and running faster.  Eventually we will be reducing the code base as HCS adds features.
==Revision 1488 (yuuzhan)==
  # (major) FS: Updated to use GreaseMonkey 2.
  # (minor) FS: commented out a few broken functions.
  # (notes) FS: Thanks to PointyHair for these changes.
  # (minor) FS: Profile enhancements show again.
  # (notes) FS: Still lots of work to do, but we are still around.
As always, you can get the latest version of FSH here: https://code.google....lenswordhelper/
It is late, so I am going to bed :)

#913957 FSH Update 1488

Posted by Yuuzhan on 07 January 2015 - 14:49 in General Discussion

Sorry about that guys - late night meant after all my testing, I checked in the wrong file.
Version 1490 is up now, with all the proper FireFox fixes, and a quick fix on the Profile (chrome and Firefox render that page different apparently, or at least the one element the entire function was based on :P)

#914069 FSH Update 1488

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 January 2015 - 01:29 in General Discussion

has this FSH version been checked by Zorg (HCS) before putting it here in forum?


It has not, however I have checked everything prior to publishing it.  As I was the FSH developer from the past, I believe that I have earned a certain amount of trust from HCS :)


Yuuzhan, I use the version w/o Tampermonkey for Chrome.  Will that get an update as well?




Currently I believe the two methods that we are going to support is Firefox + Greasemonkey (latest version only) and Chrome + manifest.json files :)


Just replace the contents of your fallenswordhelper.user.js with the new contents found https://code.google....dhelper.user.js(like you did when you first set it up)

#914216 Development Update 8th January 2015

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 January 2015 - 18:10 in General Discussion


  • Changes to the Buff Market to ensure all sellers are equally visible.


~ The FallenSword Team

While you are in there, can you change it so it will display the buff level if you accepted as of that moment (include fury caster, Buff Enhancer, Brute Strength)


This way composers who have access to these new potions, can sell level 185 buffs on the buff market for increased visibility :)

#914225 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 January 2015 - 18:41 in General Discussion

I do not frequent the forums enough to know if this has been suggested before, but I recent cut my thumb with a brand new Chefs knife (Apparently I need lessons :P) and and Idea has come to me.


I know Titan Decay has been suggested to prevent titans hanging around forever, and thought of going in the other direction.


What happens when you get beat up (or cut your thumb)... you heal.


So my proposition is Titan Healing.  After X hours the titan will start to heal Y% every Z minutes.


So, lets say titan spawns at 12, on Jan 8th.  After 48 hours, the titan will start to Heal.  This means it will heal 1% of its base hp every 60 minutes until it dies.  Lets say it started with 10,000 HP.  A guild strikes fast for the secure, getting 5,001 kills within 2 hours.  Go guild!  On January 10th at noon it will heal 1,000 HP.  Now Guild only has 4,001 kills.  Uh oh!  Now someone else can steal the secure!


Second example Guild1 gets 5,001 kills.  But this time Guild2 comes in and gets 4,000 kills and stops.  Jan 10th at 12, the titan heals 1,000 hp giving Guild1 4,501 and guild2 3,501 kills.  Guild2 is ready for this, and manages to beat Guild1 to the finish.  Guild 2 gets 5,001 kills leaving guild1 with 4,999 kills.


Third Example.  Guild1 gets 5,001 kills.  Guild2 gets 4,000 kills to get ready for the steal.  Guild1 is smart, and runs out to get the last 999 kills securing it before the 48h mark is up.



I purposely left the original values as variables, as they can be tweaked.


I am not completly attached to the idea, as it means as a Titan Hunter, I will have to spend more stam / time to Secure a Titan.  However I had an idea, and I felt like it should be shared with the world!


Better out then in, I always say

- Shrek

#914239 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 January 2015 - 19:12 in General Discussion

Nope.  Because when you loose 500 kills, you loose 500 TKP.  The titan does not get more HP.  You get less kills / less TKP

#914262 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 January 2015 - 19:49 in General Discussion

I like this idea.  As long as the Titan is not getting additional TKP and allow guilds to continually farm for more TKP then I don't see any problems with this.

If you don't like the idea of loosing your hard earned TKP then don't let the Titan heal.  Of course, guilds will probably get players to go visit Titans daily and take a few hits to keep it from healing but this would help in the long run to clearing it out as many will opt to go ahead and finish it off...


I'm actually wondering if 24hrs would be better than 48hrs but lower the percentage to maybe 0.2% per hour for every hour after 24 hours.

(0.2% of 10,000 = 20 per hour)


Orignally I had thought that once it started healing, it wouldnt stop.  I thought of what you were saying, and wanted to plug the loophole of "hit once"  Perhaps you have to do 1% of its HP in damage to restart the timer.  If the timer restarts, I fully agree with 24h.  .2 per hour to me does not seem like enough.  Would take forever (10.5 days to heal 50% of health).  Personally I was thinking to make it much faster, so that any guild trying to snipe would have a better chance of sniping (which would in turn, encourage the securing guild to finish the job).


I am fully open to messing around with the percentages though!


My question about this idea is what if there are multiple guilds attacking the titan and some stop for whatever reason, where does the TK come from if there are multiple guilds with TK on that titan? How will the TK be split from each guild's TK?


It can go one of two ways.  The total healed is divided up equally among any guild (in my example, both guilds lost 500 HP).  But it could also be percentage based (Guild1 has 90% of active kills, Guild1 loses 90% of healed HP (900 in my example))

#914278 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 January 2015 - 20:12 in General Discussion


My understanding would be an equal % across all guilds will be healed.



Titan has total of 10,000 TKP

GuildA gets 5001 kills

GuildB gets 2000

GuildC gets 1000


After the agreed time with no kills lapses, the agreed apon % will be removed from each kill count.

Using the #s in my previous post of 0.2% it would be as follows:

GuildA looses 10 TKP (5001 * .002 = 10.002)

GuildB looses 4

GuildC looses 2

This gives 16 TKP Healed of the 8,001 kills (0.2%).  There may also be some discussion on rounding - It might make sense to round up every % to the next TKP amount so that GuildA in the scenario above will loose 11 instead of 10.

not quite.  the percentage is on the TOTAL hp (in my mind)


Titan has total of 10,000 TKP
GuildA gets 5001 kills
GuildB gets 2000
GuildC gets 1000
After the agreed time with no kills lapses, the agreed apon % will be removed from each kill count.
Using the #s in my previous post of 0.2% it would be as follows:
Total HP Healed = .002 & 10,000 = 20
GuildA has 63% of current kills
GuildB has 25%
GuildC has 12%
GuildA looses 13 (12.5)
GuildB looses 5 (4.9)
GuildC looses 2 (2.49999)
Every heal tick will always heal the same number of total HP (in this case 20).  Otherwise you have logarithmic runoff (.02% of 1 is always rounded down to 0, therefore never clearing the titan out)

So now instead of needing 3000 kills to secure an item it would go back to needing to totally kill it?

I don't like the idea.



Other guilds like TKP to get items.  They will clear it out (all the seasonal titans are cleared within 12h of spawning)

#914306 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by Yuuzhan on 08 January 2015 - 21:31 in General Discussion

Horrible idea with the current speed of titans dying some titans take months to die would make it so no one ever hunts those titans. if TH was somehow sped up 2x and costed less stamina maybe.

<hijack my own thread>

Well, this is probably not the place to discuss this idea, but if a Titan Doubler potion was implemented, that only functioned if your guild was 50%+1 finished securing the titan, then it would speed up the time to finish it off.

</hijack my own thread>

#914343 FSH Update 1491

Posted by Yuuzhan on 09 January 2015 - 01:27 in General Discussion

Anonther one from PointyHair, with a few small modifications myself!
Automatic update is disabled, so you will have to manually update your clients.
==Revision 1491 (yuuzhan)==
  # (minor) FS: Fixed bio compressor
  # (minor) FS: Shrunk Edit Bio box
  # (minor) FS: Mouseover on Settings Page, as well as a few other tweaks
  # (minor) FS: Inventory forge icon has been fixed on the Bio page
  # (minor) FS: Removed a few more broken functions

#914419 Development Update 8th January 2015

Posted by Yuuzhan on 09 January 2015 - 13:35 in General Discussion

Note Canada to the north.  That is where your cold monster lives.  You have T-Shirt weather ;)

#914967 FSH Update 1492 - Big update

Posted by Yuuzhan on 12 January 2015 - 23:55 in General Discussion

PonityHair is getting good at jQuery now!  Lots of updates, with thanks to Kenwyl for providing some of them.
Please see more details about what is fixed below.  Again as always, you have to manually update.
==Revision 1492 (PointyHair via yuuzhan)==
  # (minor) FS: Bio Expander / Hider updates
  # (minor) FS: Fixed guild manage page on Chrome
  # (minor) FS: Fixed offline member check (kenwyl)
  # (minor) FS: Fix buff 16 in group page (kenwyl)
  # (minor) FS: Fix nulls in combat evaluator (kenwyl)
  # (minor) FS: Fix Krul portal icon in old map
  # (minor) FS: Fix Search FSG icon in new world map, map page, creature dialog
  # (minor) FS: Fix self and group stats in relic defence
  # (minor) FS: Fix for Scout Tower
  # (minor) FS: Fix for Recall button on Profile Page in Chrome
  # (minor) FS: Additional combat bias setting (Based on RJEMs suggestion)
  # (minor) FS: Fix/enhance PvP stat display
  # (minor) FS: Fix internal search parameters

#914968 FSH Update 1491

Posted by Yuuzhan on 12 January 2015 - 23:55 in General Discussion

End of this topic see : https://forums.hunte...492-big-update/

#916427 FSH Update 1493

Posted by Yuuzhan on 21 January 2015 - 23:34 in General Discussion

Hello Everyone.


Another manual update for users, however lots more fixes including guild UI Parsing, Log Parsing and quick invent.


Many thanks to PointyHair!


Details below:


==Revision 1493 (PointyHair via yuuzhan)==
  # (minor) FS: Update download URL for GreaseMonkey auto-update
  # (minor) FS: Fix view other guilds
  # (minor) FS: Fix Log parser in Chrome
  # (minor) FS: Added ability to quick drop bound items
  # (minor) FS: Fix url of various images
  # (minor) FS: fix regression in gold upgrades
  # (minor) FS: Fix quick invent

#916428 FSH Update 1492 - Big update

Posted by Yuuzhan on 21 January 2015 - 23:34 in General Discussion




#917924 FSH Update 1493

Posted by Yuuzhan on 02 February 2015 - 13:33 in General Discussion

As I am unable to edit the main issue list at the moment could people please post issues here for the time being thanks.


How many people are effected by the problem of losing settings? If you clear your cookies and/or browser history, for whatever reason, there is a very good chance that FSH settings will go with it. There is a possibility that 3rd party security software may be clearing this data for you without your knowledge. Equally I have seen misconfigured browsers fail to retain this data between sessions. If it is a major problem effecting many users it might be worthwhile tracking down the exact cause. Given that I am unable to reproduce it I suspect it may be isolated incidents.


How many people use the online players list and why?

I might be expriencing this, but havent looked closely.  I know every time I visit the Chat page, the "seen messages" highlighting always resets.  Ill try to look closer tonight.


Are we going to be able to queue composing potions in the next update? I have seen your bio and see there is a way that this

can be done.

Are you talking about my composing order tool?  If so the only way that this queues is by giving a static text string to the user to paste on a forum.  I then go into the forum and process the "Queue" (also known as posts) of orders 5 at a time :P


Also that tool is completly open source (html format, no server side scripting) so anyone can open up the code and confirm this :)

#918315 FSH Update 1493

Posted by Yuuzhan on 05 February 2015 - 17:34 in General Discussion

Would it not be simpler to just click the preferences that you have already added of hiding creatures on the same realm as an active Titan?


That would make sense.  It is a known issue that if you put a creep on the Do Not Kill list, you are unable to attack a champ on the same square.  I would infer that this would apply to Titans as well.


Ill see if I can take a look at it over the weekend if Pointyhair is not around.

#920600 FSH Update 1494 - Do Not Kill Fix

Posted by Yuuzhan on 19 February 2015 - 15:48 in General Discussion

Just a reminder to everyone, that Auto Update works for Greasemonkey and Tapermonkey.  Chrome users can go back to using Tapermonkey.
After pulling out most of his hair, PointHair has found the issue with the Do Not Kill list.  Feel free to test it out and confirm :)
==Revision 1494 (PointyHair via yuuzhan)==
  # (minor) FS: Fixed Do-Not-Kill list preventing you from killing Titan / Champions on same square
  # (minor) FS: Changed Inventory Filters to default to level 9999 from 2000
  # (minor) FS: Fixed a bug with displaying titan kill percentage
  # (minor) FS: Commented out some unused / broken code.

#920774 please extend pvp attack range

Posted by Yuuzhan on 20 February 2015 - 14:29 in General Discussion

I have voted no as well.  There are way too many people in my range as it is.


The following is my opinion - I have not slogged through the 14 pages of PvP flame to see what has been said already, but I am entitled to state my opinion without having to research if someone else stated it first.  I just want my opinion on the record.  I will not be coming back to see if there are any replies, although I am sure some guild members will let me know if something juicy comes up.  




I am well over level 2,000 and have about 40 people within my current PVP range.


As someone who used to invent on a regular basis (I am sure many of you remember my cheap Berserk / Acceleration / Lib potions).  I was counting for a while, and sold to over 2,000 different people if I recall correctly.  Then I got into the EOC crowd and was PvPed like crazy.  Whenever you have more then 1m gold on hand you got 100 stammed.  no one cares about loosing 5 levels when they attack for gold :P


So I had to quit making potions, as my slim "High volume, low margin" method was getting PvPed away.  I would set 100 potions up for the night and go to sleep, in the morning I would have been 100 stammed hourly until all my gold was gone.  Then you get on the PvPers watch list and you cant do anything with gold anymore.  After all I invested into Component slots and BP slots - I was forced out of what I enjoyed about the game because some PvPers wanted a bit of extra gold.  It is part of the game, I did not complain much.  It sucked, but what can you do?


Then HCS introduce PvP protection.  Those who want to avoid PvP can do so!  Excellent.  I will pay my tax to HCS and get my PvP Protection.  Then I can play the game that I want!


Oh wait, like all EoCers (and champions of greasy wheel gets oil via the forum) they only wanted to attack for Gold.  So PvP Protection was just XP Protection.  And like everyone in my PvP range, no one cared about XP anyways.  That tunred out to be a useless upgrade.  Good to buy if you are getting harassed hourly by a bully pvp guild, but otherwise little use.


So again, forced out of doing the part of the game that I enjoyed so PvPers could steal gold at will.


Now you want to extend the range that they can mug attack people?  I think not.


Now, how many of these champions would say Yes to extend the range you can PvP someone to 100, but you can only steal gold +/-10?


So, I am asking the PvPers to be honest with themselves: Do you really want to PvP, or are you really after the gold?



The ladder already gives you 100 level range that you can attack someone, is that not enough for you?  Or has one guild bullied scared everyone out of that band?  I think that in itself tells you something: people dont want +/- 100 levels, or else they would all join the Ladder





Off Topic, but I am curious how many PvP hits are done off the BB against a target who is both online, aware of a pending attack.  Because (in my mind) PvP is putting your strength against someone elses Strength.  Not knifing someone in the back while they sleep.  That is an assassination.



I really need to get back to work, but one final thought - With the PvP Arena and PvP Ladder being added for PvPers, why do you want to have a 3rd thing added for yourself?  Why not add something for the levelers!  Like the ability to opt out of PvP completely?



Do I expect to be 100 stammed for my opinion, yes.  Has fellow guild members been 100 stammed for their opinions, yes.  But, that is the current climate of bullies PvPers.

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