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There have been 5 items by kalish (Search limited from 17-July 23)

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#979203 Composers of Fallensword, what do you call your "throw-away" Composin...

Posted by kalish on 07 April 2017 - 01:51 in General Discussion

On a slightly related subject, will we ever get the capability to rename pots that have already been composed?

#979202 Item Breakdown DQ

Posted by kalish on 07 April 2017 - 01:51 in General Discussion

It seems that the number of items to be broken down for daily quests is out of whack with the requirements for other things such as tiles traveled and items invented. For example, one (common) daily quest made me break down 200 items while another (common) daily quest only made me invent 40 items. In my opinion "items broken down" should be roughly on par with "items invented" to fulfill a daily quest requirement. Inventing Vespine Viper Amulets and breaking them down takes roughly the same amount of stamina.

#977567 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by kalish on 04 March 2017 - 05:57 in General Discussion

Nice idea, though you may as well have left out the 250,000 gold. An extra 1.15 FSP equivalent likely won't move the needle for anyone.

#970176 Composing question?

Posted by kalish on 13 October 2016 - 01:00 in General Discussion

As long as we're on the subject, I would like composing pots in my BP to be ordered alphabetically based on the name I give them, rather than what seems to be the case of ordered by an internal item ID number.


That and an increase to a 40-character limit on composing pot names. Some game items have names that long so it shouldn't break things.

#966333 Zombie Yeomen VII

Posted by kalish on 30 July 2016 - 00:19 in General Discussion

We won't have any trouble reaching Ruby in this event. I will try for at least 700k kills myself.

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