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#999587 Dragon LEs Wave 1!

Posted by Josh1404 on 01 January 2020 - 15:50 in General Discussion

Cheers for the event. Actually liked the gear selections this time. No complaints from me. :)


New gear and new eggs to store. Sure would be nice to have some extra space to store it all. Would be even more great if there were some kind of sale we could have. Perhaps a kind bovine will consider such a sale. XD

#1000023 Double XP Event Incoming!

Posted by Josh1404 on 24 March 2020 - 13:31 in General Discussion

Thanks BG. Didn't see that coming for sure.


Though I wonder how many are going to start crying over lack of notice. Or that they hunted a few days ago. Personally I like the fact that you have surprised us with something. Why should anyone have ample warning.


Should be fun. :)

#1000101 Is the game having issues?

Posted by Josh1404 on 02 April 2020 - 13:12 in General Discussion

I cannot post messages in chat, and when I go to world view all I get is a black screen.



This is what I am seeing. Definitely something not quite right here. :P

#1000103 Is the game having issues?

Posted by Josh1404 on 02 April 2020 - 13:16 in General Discussion

Unfortunately with BG having been absent for days this could be rather a wait.  -_-

#1000648 Double xp event off i think.

Posted by Josh1404 on 17 June 2020 - 22:24 in General Discussion

IMO, there should be NO notice of an event like that .. just spring it on folk and watch the ensuing panic :)

I agree 100%. Then we can watch the over entitled cry a river. XD


Also agree with the sentiment Egami posted. Little bit of speculation never hurts. People enjoy these events and that is a great thing for the game. Personally whenever is good for me.

#1000730 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Josh1404 on 26 June 2020 - 17:04 in General Discussion

No need to extend anything. Already plentiful as is.


And yeah some master realms would be nice. But TP makes the journey tolerable at least.

#1000777 New Content. 4451 to 4550!

Posted by Josh1404 on 03 July 2020 - 23:16 in General Discussion

i am getting multiple reports of a missing champion

I have only seen 7 champ realms spoken of both in guild and via PM. Would seem one is not spawning?


4457, 4468, 4493, 4507, 4519, 4534 and 4546. Those are the 7 I have. The last one being somewhere between 4475 - 4499.

#1000849 relic capture

Posted by Josh1404 on 07 July 2020 - 16:42 in General Discussion

This thread is an absolute mess. Can we keep overly personal boring drama off the forum by chance?


But seeing as the topic has been broached...


As everyone knows already including the poster of this thread people can take relics anytime they desire. People can also take any opposing action anytime they desire. Both relic combat and normal PvP are a part of the game to be participated in when anyone so desires. This scenario needs no admin intervention but admittedly just for the sake of putting out this dumpster fire it would be nice to have a definitive answer by an admin just before this thread is rightly locked.


No threats have been made of any kind. Merely an intimation that the relics will be fought for as many guilds surely would do. And as for the original poster being offended or upset by imaginary threats that does make me chuckle. I wonder how many times a purposefully obnoxious message sent by them could have been reported by others if they simply cared enough to. The hypocrisy here is somewhat amusing. :)

#1001208 inactive backpacs

Posted by Josh1404 on 14 August 2020 - 16:13 in General Discussion

There is no specific rule against it no, but it is a display of someone going out of their way to ruin things for others and MAY result in action being taken. It is a trolling act and as I have said previously in this thread, other players and their backpacks (especially those in other Guilds) are NONE of anyone's business and they should leave them alone. They are not causing you trouble so don't cause trouble for them or their Guild. It's pretty simple.


~ Grim

Agreed. This whole thread is absolute nonsense. Just close it and have done.


Posted by Josh1404 on 07 October 2020 - 23:10 in General Discussion

Those that blatantly exploited this bug deserve whatever they got. There has been much chatter that "high levels and big spenders" should be given some leeway "because the player base is so small".... I hope that the cows see this as blatant bigotry against lower level folks and those that cannot/will not spend, and judge all on their own merits.


I sincerely hope those that were just testing (I know of at least 2 that were doing just that and also passed along the info) will be reinstated soon.

100%. Anyone that abused this bug deserves a permanent ban or at the very least the upgrades they received as a result be undone.


Some admin statements on this matter is 100% needed. Please reassure us the perpetrators of this intentional exploit will never be back unlike previously. 


Posted by Josh1404 on 08 October 2020 - 14:34 in General Discussion

The cheaters shouldn't return at all but if they do, the only way they should return is at level 1 with no upgrades.  Make them completely start over from scratch.  By now, everybody knows what happened and everybody is watching to see how the cows handle it.

Agreed. The very least should be their upgrades they got as a result removed. But I would love to see these bans stick and them never return. We don't need people who think like this. Good riddance.


Yes eyes are very much on the cows and how they respond. Thus far I have to say I am pleased to see them doing the right thing. :)

#1001969 Oidhche Shamhna IX

Posted by Josh1404 on 29 October 2020 - 15:43 in General Discussion

Says 4 chests for ruby on the homepage and 3 when you hover over the section on the world map.


Might wish to make them read the same. :)


Posted by Josh1404 on 09 November 2020 - 18:51 in General Discussion

I seriously doubt they're gonna discuss matters of another player's account with us, no matter what the circumstances.  

True enough. But why waver having taken a decisive stance that the player base was happy with. Appropriate action was taken against those that purposefully manipulated a game bug to their own benefit. Now they are fine to continue as they were? With their ill gotten gains in tact?


So disappointing to see. Integrity gone. Such a shame.

#1002182 Game Update v2.194.0

Posted by Josh1404 on 13 November 2020 - 23:08 in General Discussion

I think this "update" is broken. I don't understand the logic behind it at all. 

Indeed. I to fail to see how this is a forward step at all. Why was this needed in the first place? Altogether very strange addition.


Please hoof take a moment to review whether this was truly well thought through. Thank you.

#1002515 Double XP event begins now!

Posted by Josh1404 on 18 December 2020 - 21:36 in General Discussion

@ Admin.


Are you sure the last champion is out in realms and functioning correctly. I checked pretty thoroughly and did not find them.


I mean there is a chance I just got unlucky but worth a check regardless? :)

#1002555 Santork Claws is comin' to Town!

Posted by Josh1404 on 22 December 2020 - 14:19 in General Discussion

The pox touched reindeer set has defence / damage stats on the items yet attack / damage stats on the set bonus.


Might want to fix that. Kind of hope it was meant to be attack / damage. :)

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